Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)

For someone who supposedly knows and cares, there has been a massive lack of ACTION; which is what I expect. Don’t talk, ACT.
what the devil are you talking about?

What? You want me to get on a plane and fly to you and give you half the meager amount of money I have... and/or ...?

You don't have a clue about the One I believe in
I know it isn’t event vaguely compatible with what I believe.
What? You want me to get on a plane and fly to you and give you half the meager amount of money I have... and/or ...?
Not you, God. If “God” supposedly knows all my issues, and supposedly is a loving, caring entity, why the absolute lack of action to remedy any of them? Even back in the day and age when I was a faithful follower.
Not you, God. If “God” supposedly knows all my issues, and supposedly is a loving, caring entity, why the absolute lack of action to remedy any of them? Even back in the day and age when I was a faithful follower.
Something to mull over...Are you worth loving exactly as you are, or do you feel God needs to fix you before He (or even you) can love you?
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is

So here we have you saying that Protestants hate Catholics because we dismiss you....

And then....

You dismiss us.

Dude. Hello? hahah
I know it isn’t event vaguely compatible with what I believe.
You don't have a clue where I am at with God. Stop with the odious presumption already

If “God” supposedly knows all my issues, and supposedly is a loving, caring entity, why the absolute lack of action to remedy any of them? Even back in the day and age when I was a faithful follower.
maybe it's a test. Why should God just let any old schmuck into Heaven... much less some "heaven on Earth" before you get to the real one?

We are all schmucks (sinners). Yet God should treat us like royalty?
maybe it's a test. Why should God just let any old schmuck into Heaven... much less some "heaven on Earth" before you get to the real one?
I definitely believe this life is a test of our souls. The fact that the “God” I was raised to believe in shows no courtesy or loyalty even to His most faithful servants (my dad, not me) is all the proof I need of that.
We are all schmucks (sinners). Yet God should treat us like royalty?
No. Not at all. However, if we’re talking about a God thst is supposedly loving, caring, and treats humanity as His children, I’d think there would be a little more active assistance than I see most of the time.
I definitely believe this life is a test of our souls. The fact that the “God” I was raised to believe in shows no courtesy or loyalty even to His most faithful servants (my dad, not me) is all the proof I need of that.

No. Not at all. However, if we’re talking about a God thst is supposedly loving, caring, and treats humanity as His children, I’d think there would be a little more active assistance than I see most of the time.
What makes you think your father got a losing deal from God?

If he made it to Heaven, that is like winning the lottery... Jesus says FEW find the narrow way that leads to Heaven.
What makes you think your father got a losing deal from God?
First, let me say that my father would not agree with me. That’s part of what infuriated me the most when he died.

My father was the most good, faithful, decent and moral individual I’ve ever known… including clergy. He lived the first 50 years of his life for everyone other than himself. He sacrificed and served his family, country, community, employer, faith and friends. He made sure we always had what we needed, and a few of the luxuries we wanted.

Then, at the moment he was finally going to be able to step back, take a breath and do some things just for and with himself and my mother, he contracted skin cancer. An ailment likely caused by his service to this country and his frequent outdoor activities. For three plus years we watched this strong, devoted man devolve into a skeletal shell of himself as the disease ravaged his neck, shoulders, back, and finally his brain.

He passed away ON his 54th birthday, in a local Hospice unit with some of the family there.
First, let me say that my father would not agree with me. That’s part of what infuriated me the most when he died.

My father was the most good, faithful, decent and moral individual I’ve ever known… including clergy. He lived the first 50 years of his life for everyone other than himself. He sacrificed and served his family, country, community, employer, faith and friends. He made sure we always had what we needed, and a few of the luxuries we wanted.

Then, at the moment he was finally going to be able to step back, take a breath and do some things just for and with himself and my mother, he contracted skin cancer. An ailment likely caused by his service to this country and his frequent outdoor activities. For three plus years we watched this strong, devoted man devolve into a skeletal shell of himself as the disease ravaged his neck, shoulders, back, and finally his brain.

He passed away ON his 54th birthday, in a local Hospice unit with some of the family there.
That is indeed deeply sad. And yet... you may get angry at this but I have lived awhile on this earth and I have often thought the following (still think it... a permanent belief, I'd say):

that God is harsh in his testings of us, His people. I am not always sure why but sometimes when I have gone through one of those harsh moments... well, it is only in retrospect that I see that... Yeh...Maybe I needed to go through that...

God has patience with us when we sin and continue to sin... so why shouldn't we have patience with Him?

Even so, knowing God, it may be a little (or a lot) more than that?

Well protestants and catholics tend to continue the fights they had hundreds of years ago.

The reason the Protestant reformation started in the 1st place was because the Catholic Church had the tendency of murdering anyone who they felt didn't bow down to the church's.'authority Or who disagreed with catholic dogma.

And the church has a lot to answer for.

They refused to denounce fascism in Europe in exchange for being given national sovereignty.

The church has a long history of protecting. Criminals within their ranks such as pedophiles.
hat God is harsh in his testings of us, His people
Definitely. I believe The Deity could not care less about us individually or as a whole. The intent of this life is pain, despair and harsh realities.
I am not always sure why but sometimes when I have gone through one of those harsh moments... well, it is only in retrospect that I see that... Yeh...Maybe I needed to go through that...
I understand at times what the point of an issue was, but my feelings on it are generally related to how well it poorly I dealt with it.
God has patience with us when we sin and continue to sin... so why shouldn't we have patience with Him?
I dont see The Deity as having patience. At least not during each individual lifetime we live.
First, let me say that my father would not agree with me. That’s part of what infuriated me the most when he died.
You wanted your father to be someone else or to grow into someone else.
Then, at the moment he was finally going to be able to step back, take a breath and do some things just for and with himself and my mother, he contracted skin cancer.
You were waiting to see your father think only of himself, when your father was clearly a man who put others first. That is who he was. After retirement, do you truly believe he would turn his back on helping others to focus solely on himself and your mother? Or, all of his life, would he still be extending a hand to others as well?

That is what you, do, right? You wanted your dad's tacit approval of living only for yourself and your own rewards--rewards which you would keep for yourself.
I believe The Deity could not care less about us individually or as a whole. The intent of this life is pain, despair and harsh realities.
Psalm 23 describes living a life of green pastures and running water which God provides. But David also sees the rest of that reality. There are also dark valleys where God did not go away, but remained at his side. David did not close his eyes to this or prefer to discard God with a sneer.

God cares deeply for us, and sometimes this love is so tender we fail to feel it at all.

Anathema, my intent is NOT to be critical of you, only a little sharp to open the veil of how you see your father's life as compared to how he may have seen his life. From your descriptions of your father, I see him in Psalm 23, accepting all this life put on his path, and his joy in being a servant of God in serving you and others. He found his reward in living God's way of life, and knew for a fact God was with him in his dark valley of cancer as well. He saw what David saw, and (like David) that makes him a king. He wouldn't have it any other way, and nor should you. He is a good man, a servant of God. For some, there is no better life, no better existence. You are blessed to have him. Be happy.
Well protestants and catholics tend to continue the fights they had hundreds of years ago.

The reason the Protestant reformation started in the 1st place was because the Catholic Church had the tendency of murdering anyone who they felt didn't bow down to the church's.'authority

not true. Get some real Church history and maybe then I can respond. In the meantime, I will not be listened to so... no point in commenting
Definitely. I believe The Deity could not care less about us individually or as a whole. The intent of this life is pain, despair and harsh realities.

I understand at times what the point of an issue was, but my feelings on it are generally related to how well it poorly I dealt with it.

I dont see The Deity as having patience. At least not during each individual lifetime we live.
I have often felt "the Deity" could not care less about us, as you say.. But that does not mean He doesn't care, it just means that we don't FEEL it. I often get annoyed w/ people who act like FEELINGS are nothing. Like hell, they are nothing! They are often EVERYTHING... or may as well be. We are HUMAN, for crying out loud.

That is why I firmly believe that JESUS (also human, though also God) had to... just HAD to endure ALL that we humans couldpossibly end up enduring on this hideous earth. And I doubt I will ever meet anyone who will dissuade me from that "belief."

Anyway... you say you don't see God has having patience. . been there also. But in the midst of praying to this seemingly uncaring, impatient God... I have learned many, many things...

And maybe that was the point?

You wanted your father to be someone else or to grow into someone else
No. I knew that wasn’t ever going to happen. He was as hard headed as his own father and his eldest son (me). I would have liked for him to be a little more open to the idea that other people have different paths for their life. We fought like dogs for years but I always respected him. Thankfully we had a chance to clear the air between us just days before he passed away.
After retirement, do you truly believe he would turn his back on helping others to focus solely on himself and your mother? Or, all of his life, would he still be extending a hand to others as well?
Not retirement. He was only 50 when this started. All 3 of us kids were through college and moved away. He’s given up some of his responsibilities with the church. He would never have been a sedentary figure but he and my mom were at a point where they could choose what they wanted to do rather than having to try to do it all. They wanted to travel. He had a world full of woodworking projects he wanted to do. Things he hadn’t been able to because he was worrying about what everyone else needed.,
That is what you, do, right? You wanted your dad's tacit approval of living only for yourself and your own rewards--rewards which you would keep for yourself.
I would have liked his acknowledgment that not everyone takes the same path or does things the same way. Maybe then I’d have been able to be a little more accepting of his ways of looking at things too.
From your descriptions of your father, I see him in Psalm 23, accepting all this life put on his path, and his joy in being a servant of God in serving you and others. He found his reward in living God's way of life, and knew for a fact God was with him in his dark valley of cancer as well. He saw what David saw, and (like David) that makes him a king. He wouldn't have it any other way, and nor should you. He is a good man, a servant of God. For some, there is no better life, no better existence. You are blessed to have him. Be happy.
Yes, I was blessed to have him for a father. I just wish he’d had the chance to hold his 8 grandkids. To meet the other two women he would now call daughters-in-law. To see the things my brothers and I have done over the last 21 years and into the future in person. To share his knowledge, experiences and life with others still. He’d be 76 this August if he were still with us in person.

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