Why Refugee Resettlement is Immoral (and it's not what you think)


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Fewer innocent refugees will be helped under the current plan. We could help 12 times as many, but Obama has chosen not to do that.

For every single refugee we relocate, it takes up resources that could have helped eleven more. We have limited resources and many in need of help. By simply spending the money to help them there, we would not only prevent some ISIS members from entering our country, but help more innocents at the same time.
What is the real reason Obama is bringing all these refugees here when he knows that thousands are likely ISIS supporters or ISIS members? It would make more sense to keep them near home instead of bringing them to a strange land. We know ISIS wants their people here, so this is a golden opportunity.

Looking at the whole picture, it doesn't seem that the reason Obama is bringing them here is to help them. Fewer will be helped and ISIS will have the advantage of infiltrating countries. If the goal is to help innocents, the current plan is all wrong.

"But the goal of refugee assistance is not to make us feel good. It is to assist as many people as possible with the resources available. And resettling a relative handful of them here to help us bask in our own righteousness means we are sacrificing the much larger number who could have been helped with the same resources. The difference in cost is enormous. The Center for Immigration Studies, which I head, recently calculated that it costs twelve times as much to resettle a refugee in the United States as it does to care for the same refugee in a neighboring country in the Middle East. The five-year cost to American taxpayers of resettling a single Middle Eastern refugee in the United States is conservatively estimated to be more than $64,000, compared with U.N. figures that indicate it costs about $5,300 to provide for that same refugee for five years in his native region.

In other words, each refugee we bring to the United States means that eleven others are not being helped with that money. Faced with twelve drowning people, only a monster would send them a luxurious one-man boat rather than twelve life jackets. And yet, with the best of intentions, that is exactly what we are doing when we choose one lucky winner to resettle here."

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427153/refugee-resettlement-immoral?S2Obzlp2ZbRmwLtg.01
We need them here in the US ...... :cool:

Why do we need them here? ISIS think they need to be here and everywhere else. Countries like Saudi Arabia should be accepting refugees. Where are all those peaceful Muslims and why aren't they stepping up to help their own?
We need them here in the US ...... :cool:

Why do we need them here? ISIS think they need to be here and everywhere else. Countries like Saudi Arabia should be accepting refugees. Where are all those peaceful Muslims and why aren't they stepping up to help their own?
You do know there is a division in the Muslim religion, just like the rend of Christianity making divisions of Catholics and Protestants??
We need them here in the US ...... :cool:

Why do we need them here? ISIS think they need to be here and everywhere else. Countries like Saudi Arabia should be accepting refugees. Where are all those peaceful Muslims and why aren't they stepping up to help their own?
You do know there is a division in the Muslim religion, just like the rend of Christianity making divisions of Catholics and Protestants??

But the left says they are peaceful, so where is the love? Funny that so many have cited terrorism as the main reason they are refusing them. But I guess we aren't as picky when it comes to our own safety.

As it is, we could help more by not relocating them. IF the real goal is to help them, why is Obama allowing the untrustworthy U.N. to selectively pluck one out of every twelve and send them here? And Christians are rarely being chosen for that help. This whole thing sounds like ISIS couldn't have planned it any better.

Also, why is Obama making sure there will be refugees in each state if he has his way? Why not keep most together so it's easier to watch them to see who the radicals among them are? Instead, they are being spread out all over with no chance of us monitoring them. Some here already have disappeared and officials have no idea what they are up to.

This isn't being handled in a good way. With such a lame vetting process, we are absolute idiots for rushing into this.

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