Why reparations won't be paid.

Is it? It is well established that people get more conservative as they get older.
It's not at all well established. It's a common refrain I hear from people around here but so far that hasn't really happened. If anything Gen Xers got more liberal. Both Obama and Hilary opposed and sex marriage in 2008. They wouldn't get caught dead opposing it now.
You are in denial or stupid or both.
It is not even open to question by intelligent people.
On the contrary intelligent people question things all the time and don't just accept what other people tell them at face value.

It might of been true of older generations, it does not seem to be panning out with Millennials or Gen Z. Gen X seems to be the demarcation line where we get a pretty even split among liberals and conservatives with a slight lean-to the conservative and then after that Conservatives get demolished. Far right religious politics are unappealing to the generations of people who find themselves more and more secular.
It's not at all well established. It's a common refrain I hear from people around here but so far that hasn't really happened. If anything Gen Xers got more liberal. Both Obama and Hilary opposed and sex marriage in 2008. They wouldn't get caught dead opposing it now.
Politicians and normal people: apples and oranges.

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