Why reparations won't be paid.

Let's see, this is what, the 5,000th thread by whites expressing their racist hate and whining about reparations? What are you scared of? Blacks taking the money and putting some whites out of business? That perhaps we buy up all the property in the hoods and redevelop them instead of letting them rot while collecting money from the government for depreciation all while taking your white asses into forums like this barking about how blacks are the ones who don't take care of property?

The precedent has been set when whites made the first agreements with the First Nations of this country when they removed them from their original homes. So all this racist whining and barking has no merit. Reparations will be paid and it's probably going to happen in the next generation.

So you can either kill yourselves so you won't have to see it, or deal with the fact that reparations are coming.
Depreciation is 'recaptured' when properties that have gained in value are sold.
Blacks believe that reparations should be paid from the wealth that slavery provided for the nation. Many believe that without slave labor America would not have the wealth we enjoy today. However, the wealth that slavery built is largely gone.

Four primary entities profited from slavery for a time: the South, the North, Britain, and France.

The 'slave' wealth of the South was lost in the Civil War.
The 'slave' wealth of the North was spent on the Civil War.
The textile industries and thus the economies of Britain and France also suffered due to the Civil War, especially Britain as most trade was blockaded by the North.

So, while some enterprises retained profits from slave labor, the nation itself didn't, and in fact went into enormous debt fighting the war (which incidentally freed the slaves).

Also of historic note is that those debts were paid off by a resurging economy that occurred after the war, and Emancipation. The contributions of now freed slaves were just their share in the revival of the nation's economy.

Sorry, no rrrreparrrrations forrrr you!
Your poll is over than this Pew poll that has it at 77% of blacks who are in favor. That's not the interesting part though. The interesting part is that support from the 65+ crowd is at 18% but climbs to 45% by the time we hit the 18 - 29 year old voter range. There's a clear trend of support the further and further we get from the generation raised in the midst of segregation.

Black and White Americans are far apart in their views of reparations for slavery
Your poll is over than this Pew poll that has it at 77% of blacks who are in favor. That's not the interesting part though. The interesting part is that support from the 65+ crowd is at 18% but climbs to 45% by the time we hit the 18 - 29 year old voter range. There's a clear trend of support the further and further we get from the generation raised in the midst of segregation.

Black and White Americans are far apart in their views of reparations for slavery
Older blacks probably don't see the long-term benefit. They also likely appreciate more the gains made through the Equal Rights laws of the 1960's. Younger blacks don't have that sense of recent history.
Older blacks probably don't see the long-term benefit. They also likely appreciate more the gains made through the Equal Rights laws of the 1960's. Younger blacks don't have that sense of recent history.
You're likely talking out of your ass. The number of older black men I know (friends and family) who don't support reparations I can count on one hand. Hell I wouldn't even need the whole hand.
Let's see, this is what, the 5,000th thread by whites expressing their racist hate and whining about reparations? What are you scared of? Blacks taking the money and putting some whites out of business? That perhaps we buy up all the property in the hoods and redevelop them instead of letting them rot while collecting money from the government for depreciation all while taking your white asses into forums like this barking about how blacks are the ones who don't take care of property?

The precedent has been set when whites made the first agreements with the First Nations of this country when they removed them from their original homes. So all this racist whining and barking has no merit. Reparations will be paid and it's probably going to happen in the next generation.

So you can either kill yourselves so you won't have to see it, or deal with the fact that reparations are coming.

Nothing racist about it.
Blacks believe that reparations should be paid from the wealth that slavery provided for the nation. Many believe that without slave labor America would not have the wealth we enjoy today. However, the wealth that slavery built is largely gone.

Four primary entities profited from slavery for a time: the South, the North, Britain, and France.

The 'slave' wealth of the South was lost in the Civil War.
The 'slave' wealth of the North was spent on the Civil War.
The textile industries and thus the economies of Britain and France also suffered due to the Civil War, especially Britain as most trade was blockaded by the North.

So, while some enterprises retained profits from slave labor, the nation itself didn't, and in fact went into enormous debt fighting the war (which incidentally freed the slaves).

Also of historic note is that those debts were paid off by a resurging economy that occurred after the war, and Emancipation. The contributions of now freed slaves were just their share in the revival of the nation's economy.

Sorry, no rrrreparrrrations forrrr you!
Sorry, reparations WILL be paid because it's not about any sort of economic justice. Slavery was economically unviable and was already dying out on its own when the Civil War was fought. Of course, try explaining that to the average braindead American. But the whole point of reparations is to inflame white hatred of blacks--not any kind of economic justice. That's why it will be accomplished.

Remember, Jews are in control of this country and, with Jews, it is ALWAYS about "let's you and him fight." Always. Never forget that. Jews have been successful inflaming black hatred of whites through an endless series of antiwhite movies, antiwhite school curricula, antiwhite news reporting, and so on. But they have been unable to inflame white hatred of blacks. The vast majority of whites in this country, especially in areas where there aren't a lot of blacks, have deep reservoirs of good will toward blacks. Reparations will be a substantial blow against that good will. That's why it will occur--and on a nationwide scale. The fact that it will cause substantial harm to blacks is just icing on the cake.
Sorry, reparations WILL be paid because it's not about any sort of economic justice. Slavery was economically unviable and was already dying out on its own when the Civil War was fought. Of course, try explaining that to the average braindead American. But the whole point of reparations is to inflame white hatred of blacks--not any kind of economic justice. That's why it will be accomplished.

Remember, Jews are in control of this country and, with Jews, it is ALWAYS about "let's you and him fight." Always. Never forget that. Jews have been successful inflaming black hatred of whites through an endless series of antiwhite movies, antiwhite school curricula, antiwhite news reporting, and so on. But they have been unable to inflame white hatred of blacks. The vast majority of whites in this country, especially in areas where there aren't a lot of blacks, have deep reservoirs of good will toward blacks. Reparations will be a substantial blow against that good will. That's why it will occur--and on a nationwide scale. The fact that it will cause substantial harm to blacks is just icing on the cake.
Sorry, reparations WILL be paid because it's not about any sort of economic justice. Slavery was economically unviable and was already dying out on its own when the Civil War was fought. Of course, try explaining that to the average braindead American. But the whole point of reparations is to inflame white hatred of blacks--not any kind of economic justice. That's why it will be accomplished.

Remember, Jews are in control of this country and, with Jews, it is ALWAYS about "let's you and him fight." Always. Never forget that. Jews have been successful inflaming black hatred of whites through an endless series of antiwhite movies, antiwhite school curricula, antiwhite news reporting, and so on. But they have been unable to inflame white hatred of blacks. The vast majority of whites in this country, especially in areas where there aren't a lot of blacks, have deep reservoirs of good will toward blacks. Reparations will be a substantial blow against that good will. That's why it will occur--and on a nationwide scale. The fact that it will cause substantial harm to blacks is just icing on the cake.
Sadly, I agree with much of this. However, if enough level-headed blacks take a strong stand against reparations perhaps it will be defeated. Any level of reparations would be a disaster for blacks.
Sadly, I agree with much of this. However, if enough level-headed blacks take a strong stand against reparations perhaps it will be defeated. Any level of reparations would be a disaster for blacks.
Of course you agree with his antisemitic accusations. Who would of seen your commentary and mistaken you for an honesty actor other than a total Bingo? 😄
You're likely talking out of your ass. The number of older black men I know (friends and family) who don't support reparations I can count on one hand. Hell I wouldn't even need the whole hand.
Even CNN had black leaders on that disagree with reparations. Who'da thunk it?
I have found that your opinions on most racial issues are very subjective, regardless of the accuracy of the copious historical records that you paste. Your perspective is influenced by your anger.
All opinions are subjective you Dipshit. That's the nature of opinions. 😄
Perhaps you should ask a few black pastors if the sins of the fathers should be borne by the sons. Regarding reparations that would likely put both of you in a bind.
I'm wouldn't give a shit about their answer because I'm an atheist, and religions cliches don't move me. In this country if a father robs and kills another father and uses that money to buy his son a brand new car those ill gotten gains can be confiscated to service the father's debt to the victims son or next of kin.
All opinions are subjective you Dipshit. That's the nature of opinions. 😄
Polls can be quite accurate at the time they are taken. Like asking the time. It will only be accurate for a few seconds, but it will be accurate.
I'm wouldn't give a shit about their answer because I'm an atheist, and religions cliches don't move me. In this country if a father robs and kills another father and uses that money to buy his son a brand new car those ill gotten gains can be confiscated to service the father's debt to the victims son or next of kin
But the son isn't punished for his father's theft. If the car is taken away the son hasn't suffered any loss.

The black church is very influential in the black community, mainly among the older members.
Polls can be quite accurate at the time they are taken. Like asking the time. It will only be accurate for a few seconds, but it will be accurate.
It doesn't stop the opinions they're polling from being subjective, Dipshit.
But the son isn't punished for his father's theft. If the car is taken away the son hasn't suffered any loss.
From the sons point of view he's out a car but if you can understand that people shouldn't be allowed to keep I'll gotten gains, even if they give it away or spend it on loved ones and why recompense can be paid out to the next of kins then you should be able to find your way to understanding that there isn't anything logically or rationally inconsistent with victims of slavery, segregation, red lining an all manner of racial injustice or their next of kins being compensated for their physical, social and economic victimhood and exploitation by this government.
The black church is very influential in the black community, mainly among the older members.
And? That's a problem, if it even is one, that sorts itself out with time.
It doesn't stop the opinions they're polling from being subjective, Dipshit.

From the sons point of view he's out a car but if you can understand that people shouldn't be allowed to keep I'll gotten gains, even if they give it away or spend it on loved ones and why recompense can be paid out to the next of kins then you should be able to find your way to understanding that there isn't anything logically or rationally inconsistent with victims of slavery, segregation, red lining an all manner of racial injustice or their next of kins being compensated for their physical, social and economic victimhood and exploitation by this government.

And? That's a problem, if it even is one, that sorts itself out with time.
Opinions have a way of becoming votes, and often influence policy. They are the winds that politicians stick their fingers into. ;)
Democrats lie and gas light blacks saying they will give them reparations and blacks are are dumb and brainwashed they believe it. They vote Democrat all the way to the abortion clinic where they feed white liberals their babies.
Opinions have a way of becoming votes, and often influence policy. They are the winds that politicians stick their fingers into. ;)
And opinions on reparations trend towards more support the younger the voter. Time is on my side.

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