Why Republican must shut down government

"They lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare"

Are you suggesting that they would not of repealed it if they had the votes?

All any representative can do is promise they will vote a certain way on any given issue, they can't promise it will pass.

Your whole premise is a lie.

They don't have the votes....They Lied and pretended they did

Any Republican who ran on repealing Obamacare lied. Republicans have played every card in their hand and they still lost. Now they must play this child like charade where they act like they are still relevant

You're making no sense at all. What did they "lie" about? They tried to repeal it, they kept their promise. How is it their fault that most of the Senate wasn't up for re-election that year? Everone knows it will take years to kick out those Dems in the Senate since their terms are much longer....

Liewinger doesn't even pretend to tell the truth. His entire purpose is to lie about who he is, to make up shit about other people, and to pretend that everybody doesn't know what he's doing.

Just ignore him.
In case you missed it. The Republicans are the ONLY ones who have voted to keep government open.

Sucks to be on the wrong side of history, eh?

The House is also the only body that can initiate a spending bill. Believe me if the President or Senate could pass their own bill they would in a heart beat.

Your arguement is silly.
They don't have the votes....They Lied and pretended they did

Any Republican who ran on repealing Obamacare lied. Republicans have played every card in their hand and they still lost. Now they must play this child like charade where they act like they are still relevant

You're making no sense at all. What did they "lie" about? They tried to repeal it, they kept their promise. How is it their fault that most of the Senate wasn't up for re-election that year? Everone knows it will take years to kick out those Dems in the Senate since their terms are much longer....

The LIE is that they said that if elected, they could do something about Obamacare
They can't

So they hold the government hostage in a petty, vindictive attempt to cover their ass

If the president and the senate both sign off on the budget with the defunding intact, then the agencies responsible for Obamacare cannot enforce it.

Just because the Democrats wont go along doesnt mean it is impossible.

It is a clear path towards stopping it, which is the first step towards repealing it, once we have a GOP president in the WHite house.
In case you missed it. The Republicans are the ONLY ones who have voted to keep government open.

Sucks to be on the wrong side of history, eh?

The House is also the only body that can initiate a spending bill. Believe me if the President or Senate could pass their own bill they would in a heart beat.

Your arguement is silly.
Your reply has no value.

The House IS the only body that can. This means that the Dems will have to deal with and negotiate with the House.
You're making no sense at all. What did they "lie" about? They tried to repeal it, they kept their promise. How is it their fault that most of the Senate wasn't up for re-election that year? Everone knows it will take years to kick out those Dems in the Senate since their terms are much longer....

The LIE is that they said that if elected, they could do something about Obamacare
They can't

So they hold the government hostage in a petty, vindictive attempt to cover their ass

If the president and the senate both sign off on the budget with the defunding intact, then the agencies responsible for Obamacare cannot enforce it.

Just because the Democrats wont go along doesnt mean it is impossible.

It is a clear path towards stopping it, which is the first step towards repealing it, once we have a GOP president in the WHite house.

It is a plan with no advantages other than punishing the American people for daring to support someone other than Republicans
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

I appreciate your OP, really in all sincerity. But, I think it's a little unfair to the TPM. First, it's true they (pols and posters here) are disengenous. They claim they aren't shutting down the govt ... there's a funding of everythign but obamacare. But, that's pussying out, and it is below expected discourse and really does their own cause a disservice.

Second, if they'd be honest and admit it, their view is simply you cannot trust a majority to do the right thing. Obamacare, in their view, is merely a symptom of a govt gone mad that cannot fiscally police itself. Remember the bumper stickers: "Message to Washington: stop the spending." Their real ideology is the govt must be shutdown to save the country.
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

Repealing obamacare will save full time jobs. Since it has turn full time jobs into part time jobs.

No it won't
It already has.
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie

I appreciate your OP, really in all sincerity. But, I think it's a little unfair to the TPM. First, it's true they (pols and posters here) are disengenous. They claim they aren't shutting down the govt ... there's a funding of everythign but obamacare. But, that's pussying out, and it is below expected discourse and really does their own cause a disservice.

Second, if they'd be honest and admit it, their view is simply you cannot trust a majority to do the right thing. Obamacare, in their view, is merely a symptom of a govt gone mad that cannot fiscally police itself. Remember the bumper stickers: "Message to Washington: stop the spending." Their real ideology is the govt must be shutdown to save the country.

Or at least severely rolled back. And they are correct. Almost every single problem we face is a direct result of bloated, inefficient, inept federal government.

The federal government can not fiscally police itself. One would have to be high or completely ignorant to think otherwise.
Republicans lied when they conducted over 40 votes to repeal Obamacare. They lied to their constituents as they conducted farce vote after farce vote to repeal a law that they do not even come close to having the votes

they promised to TRY everything possible to repeal the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country. They did not lie, its not over yet.

the only liars here are you, obama, pelosi, and reid.
They don't have the votes....They Lied and pretended they did

Any Republican who ran on repealing Obamacare lied. Republicans have played every card in their hand and they still lost. Now they must play this child like charade where they act like they are still relevant

You're making no sense at all. What did they "lie" about? They tried to repeal it, they kept their promise. How is it their fault that most of the Senate wasn't up for re-election that year? Everone knows it will take years to kick out those Dems in the Senate since their terms are much longer....

The LIE is that they said that if elected, they could do something about Obamacare
They can't

So they hold the government hostage in a petty, vindictive attempt to cover their ass

the government is being held hostage by an arrogant president who refuses to do what all presidents have done----negotiate with congress to find common ground.

His dictatorial proclamations will not work. If the govt shuts down, it will be 100% on obama.
The American people do not want Obama Tax.

This means nothing to lefties. Even though they constantly use majority rule "democracy" as the basis for their arguments.

Lefties gon' left.

it is the Republicans who do not want the Health Care Reform Act - and rather than gaining a majority to repeal it, like children they are now obsessed with simply getting their way whether justified or not.

The American people do not want Obama Tax.

This means nothing to lefties. Even though they constantly use majority rule "democracy" as the basis for their arguments.

Lefties gon' left.

it is the Republicans who do not want the Health Care Reform Act - and rather than gaining a majority to repeal it, like children they are now obsessed with simply getting their way whether justified or not.


Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.....
ANOTHER phony crisis costs the country ANOTHER 1-1.5 per cent in growth for a year...so they can say Obama's policies are hurting the economy. Great job, Pub a-holes and silly hater dupes...
NOTHING that Pubs have fear mongered about O-Care has happened or will happened, perfect chumps of the greedy rich. Premiums are ALL coming in lower than feared. Pubs have been a disgrace and a catastrophe for decades....not reported on the new bs GOP channel...
ANOTHER phony crisis costs the country ANOTHER 1-1.5 per cent in growth for a year...so they can say Obama's policies are hurting the economy. Great job, Pub a-holes and silly hater dupes...

The non-partisan CBO has released a study saying that obamacare will bankrupt the country. and I have news for you Frankie, its not going to be free for you, barry lied to you about that too.
NOTHING that Pubs have fear mongered about O-Care has happened or will happened, perfect chumps of the greedy rich. Premiums are ALL coming in lower than feared. Pubs have been a disgrace and a catastrophe for decades....not reported on the new bs GOP channel...

wrong, even CBS says they are going up significantly

Study: Insurance costs to soar under Obamacare - CBS News

I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.
NOTHING that Pubs have fear mongered about O-Care has happened or will happened, perfect chumps of the greedy rich. Premiums are ALL coming in lower than feared. Pubs have been a disgrace and a catastrophe for decades....not reported on the new bs GOP channel...

wrong, even CBS says they are going up significantly

Study: Insurance costs to soar under Obamacare - CBS News

I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.
wrong, even CBS says they are going up significantly

Study: Insurance costs to soar under Obamacare - CBS News

I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

You could always make it better

But Republicans don't want any part of that
The House has voted 33 times to repeal ACA.

In a perverted sense, I think that this is actually good. As long as the Republicans keep wasting their time on projects that actually achieve nothing, they aren't really harming anything. Lord knows how much damage they could do if they suddenly decided to do something productive.

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