Why Republican must shut down government

Democrats know as much about free markets as dolphins know about forest fires.

The flaw in your point is that the exchanges are loaded with tax credits. I won't explain why that isn't a free market because you won't listen and you don't care, but I'm not going to leave your drivel to stand as if it weren't ridiculous.

Which means lower cost health insurance which was the intent. Now explain to the nice people how the exchanges are going to fail

every recent study has shown premiums going up, not down.

He also thinks the tax credits come out of thin air, they don't count as "cost."
In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie


And Americans have grown quite accustom to republicans lying, it comes as no surprise.

Consequently, there’s no point for them to attempt to cover up their lies by shutting down the government and risking economic collapse.

shutting down the govt for a few days or weeks would not end the world. it might be the best of all possible options.

Something has to be done to stop the unconsionable spending of our govt.
The country cannot continue to borrow a trillion a year and only pay the interest on it.

its fricken lunacy. if it continues we will be in a situation where the entire revenue of the govt is needed to pay the interest on the debt------what then libtardians?
wrong, even CBS says they are going up significantly

Study: Insurance costs to soar under Obamacare - CBS News

I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

No, the problem is if the ACA is repealed, defunded, or delayed it would be decades before the issue is again addressed, condemning millions of Americans to continued and needless suffering during those many decades.

That’s not acceptable, as a Nation we’re better than that.

Now, if you want to repeal the ACA and replace it with a single payer system, a majority of Americans will be in full agreement with you, including this one.

But given the political reality, we have to be pragmatic and see the ACA as the first in a long series of steps to eventually bring about comprehensive, affordable healthcare for all Americans. If you and others on the right have a plan to indeed achieve that goal, please feel free to outline it.

But you don’t; so again, that’s the problem.
I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

No, the problem is if the ACA is repealed, defunded, or delayed it would be decades before the issue is again addressed, condemning millions of Americans to continued and needless suffering during those many decades.

This assumes ACA addresses the problem. It doesn't. It just uses the problem as an excuse for expanding government and extending corporatist favors. That the sick bait-and-switch of the Obamacare swindle.
I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

No, the problem is if the ACA is repealed, defunded, or delayed it would be decades before the issue is again addressed, condemning millions of Americans to continued and needless suffering during those many decades.

That’s not acceptable, as a Nation we’re better than that.

Now, if you want to repeal the ACA and replace it with a single payer system, a majority of Americans will be in full agreement with you, including this one.

But given the political reality, we have to be pragmatic and see the ACA as the first in a long series of steps to eventually bring about comprehensive, affordable healthcare for all Americans. If you and others on the right have a plan to indeed achieve that goal, please feel free to outline it.

But you don’t; so again, that’s the problem.

you begin your post with a false premise. Before ACA no one in the USA was being denied health care--NO ONE. True, some did not have insurance, but they were still given treatment, it may have been a little inconvenient, but when you are getting something free--------

Now, there are a couple of good things in the ACA---insurance companies cannot deny coverage for preesisting conditions, no lifetime maximum payments.
But, where is tort reform? where is interstate competition? why is a real estate tax in a healthcare bill? why do we need another huge inefficient govt beaurocracy?
I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

You could always make it better

But Republicans don't want any part of that

Really? ..... :lol::lol::lol:

So lets not read actually read it or be dillligent in passing it or anything like that, lets just pass it to find out what's in it. Then when we find out how fucked up it is, we'll say we will tweak it to cover our asses. If we can't lie enough to cover our asses, we'll just find an ass backward way to blame it on Republicans. Statements like rightwingers are why common sense people shouldn't take liberals seriously.........
I suspect your link is correct:

A standard policy for wellness and catastrophic coverage for an unexpected, unavoidable ailment or accident could have been provided for a fraction of what Obamacare coverage costs, Roy added. "Obama care forces insurers to offer products that carry all sorts of bells and whistles that most people don't want but everyone will now need to pay for."

However, if so, it's an argument to let Obama destroy himself, and take the senate in 14 and the WH in 16.

maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

No, the problem is if the ACA is repealed, defunded, or delayed it would be decades before the issue is again addressed, condemning millions of Americans to continued and needless suffering during those many decades.

That’s not acceptable, as a Nation we’re better than that.

Now, if you want to repeal the ACA and replace it with a single payer system, a majority of Americans will be in full agreement with you, including this one.

Bullshit, single payer is Obama's and the democrats wet dream and if that pig would fly with the american people for one second, it would have been proposed. Instead, we have this banana repubic law called Obamacare, which is a way of getting their foot in the door to single payer. They have to do it this way and lie about it every step of the way because single payer talk would be political suicide for these assholes.........
maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

No, the problem is if the ACA is repealed, defunded, or delayed it would be decades before the issue is again addressed, condemning millions of Americans to continued and needless suffering during those many decades.

That’s not acceptable, as a Nation we’re better than that.

Now, if you want to repeal the ACA and replace it with a single payer system, a majority of Americans will be in full agreement with you, including this one.

Bullshit, single payer is Obama's and the democrats wet dream and if that pig would fly with the american people for one second, it would have been proposed. Instead, we have this banana repubic law called Obamacare, which is a way of getting their foot in the door to single payer. They have to do it this way and lie about it every step of the way because single payer talk would be political suicide for these assholes.........

exactly right. what these dumb ass liberals think is that single payer will mean free medical care for THEM------but it won't and they are too braindead to comprehend that reality.
Government Shutdown sounds Barry Barry Good to me!

In a nutshell.....They Lied

The lied to their constituents that they could repeal Obamacare. They knew that once the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare, there was nothing they could do. John Boehner even admitted that it was a done deal

But rather than move on to more important issues (jobs?) they campaigned on repealing Obamacare. They have to make some sort of a token gesture to show they were serious about repealing. So the country has to suffer to cover up for their lie


And Americans have grown quite accustom to republicans lying, it comes as no surprise.

Consequently, there’s no point for them to attempt to cover up their lies by shutting down the government and risking economic collapse.

shutting down the govt for a few days or weeks would not end the world. it might be the best of all possible options.

Something has to be done to stop the unconsionable spending of our govt.
The country cannot continue to borrow a trillion a year and only pay the interest on it.

its fricken lunacy. if it continues we will be in a situation where the entire revenue of the govt is needed to pay the interest on the debt------what then libtardians?

Well, actually the country can continue to invest in itself by investing in government securities. Government securities have a history of being the most risk free securities. That is why people put their money into government securities.
No, the problem is if the ACA is repealed, defunded, or delayed it would be decades before the issue is again addressed, condemning millions of Americans to continued and needless suffering during those many decades.

That’s not acceptable, as a Nation we’re better than that.

Now, if you want to repeal the ACA and replace it with a single payer system, a majority of Americans will be in full agreement with you, including this one.

Bullshit, single payer is Obama's and the democrats wet dream and if that pig would fly with the american people for one second, it would have been proposed. Instead, we have this banana repubic law called Obamacare, which is a way of getting their foot in the door to single payer. They have to do it this way and lie about it every step of the way because single payer talk would be political suicide for these assholes.........

exactly right. what these dumb ass liberals think is that single payer will mean free medical care for THEM------but it won't and they are too braindead to comprehend that reality.

First, there is no single payer, except Medicare. Second, no-one thinks that it is free. You are a tool. Everyone that is able bodied works for a living. That results in aggregate output that is measured by GDP. Some of that output is in healthcare services. Some of that output is in other services and manufacturing that is consumed by people providing health care services. As such, nothing is "for free".

And, no one ever said it was. You are simply making shit up.
Bullshit, single payer is Obama's and the democrats wet dream and if that pig would fly with the american people for one second, it would have been proposed. Instead, we have this banana repubic law called Obamacare, which is a way of getting their foot in the door to single payer. They have to do it this way and lie about it every step of the way because single payer talk would be political suicide for these assholes.........

exactly right. what these dumb ass liberals think is that single payer will mean free medical care for THEM------but it won't and they are too braindead to comprehend that reality.

First, there is no single payer, except Medicare. Second, no-one thinks that it is free. You are a tool. Everyone that is able bodied works for a living. That results in aggregate output that is measured by GDP. Some of that output is in healthcare services. Some of that output is in other services and manufacturing that is consumed by people providing health care services. As such, nothing is "for free".

And, no one ever said it was. You are simply making shit up.

No, I am not making it up. Many low and middle class obama voters truly believe the lies that obama told them. That only the evil rich would pay and that they (his voters) would pay much less or nothing for great medical care--none of it was true, but they bought it and still do.

Obama's stated goal from the beginning was socialized medicine with the government responsible for every aspect of it. He said it in speeches and in his books.

obama is a marxist collectivist--------you on the left need to face that reality.
exactly right. what these dumb ass liberals think is that single payer will mean free medical care for THEM------but it won't and they are too braindead to comprehend that reality.

First, there is no single payer, except Medicare. Second, no-one thinks that it is free. You are a tool. Everyone that is able bodied works for a living. That results in aggregate output that is measured by GDP. Some of that output is in healthcare services. Some of that output is in other services and manufacturing that is consumed by people providing health care services. As such, nothing is "for free".

And, no one ever said it was. You are simply making shit up.

No, I am not making it up. Many low and middle class obama voters truly believe the lies that obama told them. That only the evil rich would pay and that they (his voters) would pay much less or nothing for great medical care--none of it was true, but they bought it and still do.

Obama's stated goal from the beginning was socialized medicine with the government responsible for every aspect of it. He said it in speeches and in his books.

obama is a marxist collectivist--------you on the left need to face that reality.

Yeah, your making shit up with "many believe".....

You have no education or experience in business or economics so you have no clue how the economy functions. You have no experience in social psychology or statistics, so have no clue what an operative definition is.

I can simply read your posts and see that you have no relevant and detailed information to provide, except your "I don't like it" statements along with bullshit, made up reports "free medical care for THEM".

You can't provide a single lick of evidence to support your fantasy. And, unfortunately for you, you've never had a thought that is grounded in reality so you wouldn't know one.
exactly right. what these dumb ass liberals think is that single payer will mean free medical care for THEM------but it won't and they are too braindead to comprehend that reality.

First, there is no single payer, except Medicare. Second, no-one thinks that it is free. You are a tool. Everyone that is able bodied works for a living. That results in aggregate output that is measured by GDP. Some of that output is in healthcare services. Some of that output is in other services and manufacturing that is consumed by people providing health care services. As such, nothing is "for free".

And, no one ever said it was. You are simply making shit up.

No, I am not making it up. Many low and middle class obama voters truly believe the lies that obama told them. That only the evil rich would pay and that they (his voters) would pay much less or nothing for great medical care--none of it was true, but they bought it and still do.

Obama's stated goal from the beginning was socialized medicine with the government responsible for every aspect of it. He said it in speeches and in his books.

obama is a marxist collectivist--------you on the left need to face that reality.

Well, no, Obama is actually rather conservative on the scale. He is nothing close to being a "marxist collectivist".


You are just simply incapable of making any judgements about reality.
Bullshit, single payer is Obama's and the democrats wet dream and if that pig would fly with the american people for one second, it would have been proposed. Instead, we have this banana repubic law called Obamacare, which is a way of getting their foot in the door to single payer. They have to do it this way and lie about it every step of the way because single payer talk would be political suicide for these assholes.........

exactly right. what these dumb ass liberals think is that single payer will mean free medical care for THEM------but it won't and they are too braindead to comprehend that reality.

You are a tool. Everyone that is able bodied works for a living.

If you believe that, you're either a dishonest tool or an extremely naive tool........
First, there is no single payer, except Medicare. Second, no-one thinks that it is free. You are a tool. Everyone that is able bodied works for a living. That results in aggregate output that is measured by GDP. Some of that output is in healthcare services. Some of that output is in other services and manufacturing that is consumed by people providing health care services. As such, nothing is "for free".

And, no one ever said it was. You are simply making shit up.

No, I am not making it up. Many low and middle class obama voters truly believe the lies that obama told them. That only the evil rich would pay and that they (his voters) would pay much less or nothing for great medical care--none of it was true, but they bought it and still do.

Obama's stated goal from the beginning was socialized medicine with the government responsible for every aspect of it. He said it in speeches and in his books.

obama is a marxist collectivist--------you on the left need to face that reality.

Well, no, Obama is actually rather conservative on the scale. He is nothing close to being a "marxist collectivist".


You are just simply incapable of making any judgements about reality.

Right, because you know they can't put anything that isn't true on the internet... :thup:
exactly right. what these dumb ass liberals think is that single payer will mean free medical care for THEM------but it won't and they are too braindead to comprehend that reality.

You are a tool. Everyone that is able bodied works for a living.

If you believe that, you're either a dishonest tool or an extremely naive tool........

I know someone that is missing a leg. He doesn't work. The guy is a fucking retard.

I know another person that was in a head on collision that doesn't work.

I know someone else that was in a mental institution that doesn't work. Trust me, he'd make things worse if he did.

I know someone that lives out of his car and works what he can get because he is able.

I speak from actual data, real people that I have talked to.

There are peopl who are on disability that don't work and have medical care. There are people that vote and work and don't have medical insurance.

So, who do you know?

Or are you just making up shit? Cuz nothing you have said presents a reasonable picture of the real world except in your own exaggerated imagination.

Cuz I also know who votes and actually believes things, and what they believe, as well as who gets medical care and what they get. And the facts don't support the ignorant shit being posted.

So how many peoplenis that who you have surveyed?
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No, I am not making it up. Many low and middle class obama voters truly believe the lies that obama told them. That only the evil rich would pay and that they (his voters) would pay much less or nothing for great medical care--none of it was true, but they bought it and still do.

Obama's stated goal from the beginning was socialized medicine with the government responsible for every aspect of it. He said it in speeches and in his books.

obama is a marxist collectivist--------you on the left need to face that reality.

Well, no, Obama is actually rather conservative on the scale. He is nothing close to being a "marxist collectivist".


You are just simply incapable of making any judgements about reality.

Right, because you know they can't put anything that isn't true on the internet... :thup:

They let you post your bullshit, so obviously anything can be posted.

On the other hand, what I posted is an actual detailed measure. That would be more than the ignorant shit you put up.
maybe, and thats what some in the GOP are thinking. The problem is that the longer ACA remains in force, the harder it will be to undo it.

Now why would that be. The longer it is in effect, according to rethugs, the flaws in the program will be so apparent that repeal will be a sure thing.


it will be harder to stop because once a beaurocracy is established it takes on a life of its own. e.g. EPA, DHS, DOE, NPR, medicare, medicaid, social security.

the huge beaurocracy that will be created by obozocare will fill every circus tent in the world with incompetent unfunny clowns.
You're partially correct. After the law has been in effect for a few years, repeal will be impossible, not because of the bureaucracy but because 20 to 30 million people will have insurance due to Obamacare through expanded Medicaid, subsidies, and elimination of preexisting conditions. You simply won't be able to turn the clock back to 2010. Future healthcare legislation will fix some problems in the law but there will be no repeal.

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