Why Russia is the enemy.. Remember Iraq?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Saddam didn't have WMD. What they did have was a threat to trade their oil in Euro's, instead of the USD. The WMD excuse was a lie. We all know that now. But it was the excused that allowed an invasion that overthrew Saddam and prop up a pro USD government.
Well, that's exactly what's going on in Russia right now. All the other excuses and propaganda about how Putin is a brutal dictator, how mean he is, is just propaganda. Fact is, no one cares how good or bad the people in Russia have it. We wouldn't even care if Russia was still a communist nation. (Which is not, because Putin is not pro-communism)

Like Saddam, Russia is threatening to drop the USD.

Russia Sold $5 Billion in May as Part of Oil Fund Dollar Dump

  • Finance Ministry plans to cut fund’s dollar holdings to zero
  • Bulk of money converted to yuan; $1 billion changed to euros

Russia to consider ditching dollar-denominated oil contracts if faced with more U.S. sanctions

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak on Thursday said the oil and gas-rich country may soon be tempted to move away from U.S. dollar-denominated crude contracts if President Joe Biden’s administration continues to impose targeted economic sanctions.

“Well, ideally we would prefer not to move away from the dollar as it is an international currency used for settlements,” Novak told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, according to a translation.
Saddam didn't have WMD. What they did have was a threat to trade their oil in Euro's, instead of the USD. The WMD excuse was a lie. We all know that now. But it was the excused that allowed an invasion that overthrew Saddam and prop up a pro USD government.
Well, that's exactly what's going on in Russia right now. All the other excuses and propaganda about how Putin is a brutal dictator, how mean he is, is just propaganda. Fact is, no one cares how good or bad the people in Russia have it. We wouldn't even care if Russia was still a communist nation. (Which is not, because Putin is not pro-communism)

Like Saddam, Russia is threatening to drop the USD.

Russia Sold $5 Billion in May as Part of Oil Fund Dollar Dump

  • Finance Ministry plans to cut fund’s dollar holdings to zero
  • Bulk of money converted to yuan; $1 billion changed to euros

Russia to consider ditching dollar-denominated oil contracts if faced with more U.S. sanctions

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak on Thursday said the oil and gas-rich country may soon be tempted to move away from U.S. dollar-denominated crude contracts if President Joe Biden’s administration continues to impose targeted economic sanctions.

“Well, ideally we would prefer not to move away from the dollar as it is an international currency used for settlements,” Novak told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, according to a translation.
Russia is an enemy of the free world ... so is China ,Iran, and N Korea .
Not sure this clown is even an American, might be another Russobot, that or he is just hopeless. I'm not sure anyone can be this stupid, however.

Not a bot. I just happened to remember Iraq and why our soldiers were sent there. How one of their first priorities were to secure the oil ministries. The promises of Saddam to drop the USD. And how they could never find WMDs. And that whole fiasco.
I also remember the left being completely pissed at GW Bush for lying about why we went to Iraq.
The same exact thing is happening under Biden. Don't let party loyalty blind you from the facts. Big oil and the Federal Reserve doesn't care what party you side with. Or what party the president sides with.

This is corruption at the upper levels of our government, and NATO affiliated governments. And it should be a situation to bring right and left voters together to oppose a war for the wrong reasons on another super power. Are you that much of a party loyalist?

How Petrodollars Affect the U.S. Dollar​

Benefits of the Petrodollar System

Since the most sought-after commodity in the world—oil—is priced in U.S. dollars, the petrodollar helped elevated the greenback as the world's dominant currency. With its high status, the U.S. dollar enjoys what some have asserted to be the privilege of perpetually financing its current account deficit by issuing dollar-denominated assets at very low rates of interest as well as becoming a global economic hegemony.

For instance, countries like China, who hold vast quantities of U.S. debt, have voiced their concerns in the past about the possible dilutive effects to their asset holdings should the dollar depreciate.

How Petrodollars Affect the U.S. Dollar​

Benefits of the Petrodollar System

Since the most sought-after commodity in the world—oil—is priced in U.S. dollars, the petrodollar helped elevated the greenback as the world's dominant currency. With its high status, the U.S. dollar enjoys what some have asserted to be the privilege of perpetually financing its current account deficit by issuing dollar-denominated assets at very low rates of interest as well as becoming a global economic hegemony.

For instance, countries like China, who hold vast quantities of U.S. debt, have voiced their concerns in the past about the possible dilutive effects to their asset holdings should the dollar depreciate.
Getting people to believe it is like pulling teeth. Reading al about over the decades makes it so easy to see. You can almost predict what happens just how it goes off.
Russia has invaded a free sovereign country without provocation .

Without provocation? Are you serious?
With the help of NATO, Ukraine now has weapon systems along the Russian border. Not to mention the fact that Ukraine has snubbed their noses at Russia for the hundreds of billions they owe Russia. How the hell do you think Ukraine has stayed afloat for as long as they have? Financial support of Russia, the US (Clinton, Obama, Trump and Biden) and other countries.
The leadership of Ukraine stuffed most of that money into their personal bank accounts. Which is what happens with most foreign aid money.
Ukraine, in order to renig on their promise to pay Russia back, called on NATO countries (like the US) to circumvent Russia's demands to be paid back or return Ukraine to Russia.
Ukraine's leadership is corrupt to the core. Russia's government is probably just as corrupt. But they've been very good to Ukraine up until the last few years.
And now that Russia has it's back against the wall from all the sanctions (just like Iraq), Russia promises to dump the petro dollar. (also just like Iraq)
Getting people to believe it is like pulling teeth. Reading al about over the decades makes it so easy to see. You can almost predict what happens just how it goes off.

Nailed it again. People forget why we invaded Iraq. They don't understand our Federal Reserve system or the petro dollar. They don't even want to know. It's very complicated if you haven't been paying attention to even just the passed 40 years of history.

Surface level thinkers.
Without provocation? Are you serious?
With the help of NATO, Ukraine now has weapon systems along the Russian border. Not to mention the fact that Ukraine has snubbed their noses at Russia for the hundreds of billions they owe Russia. How the hell do you think Ukraine has stayed afloat for as long as they have? Financial support of Russia, the US (Clinton, Obama, Trump and Biden) and other countries.
The leadership of Ukraine stuffed most of that money into their personal bank accounts. Which is what happens with most foreign aid money.
Ukraine, in order to renig on their promise to pay Russia back, called on NATO countries (like the US) to circumvent Russia's demands to be paid back or return Ukraine to Russia.
Ukraine's leadership is corrupt to the core. Russia's government is probably just as corrupt. But they've been very good to Ukraine up until the last few years.
And now that Russia has it's back against the wall from all the sanctions (just like Iraq), Russia promises to dump the petro dollar. (also just like Iraq)
are you actually saying that Ukraine a sovereign country isnt allowed to have some weapons ? does Ukraine have a large navy or air force do they have nukes ???? the answer is no .
Saddam was suckered into Kuwait when U.S. Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie gave Saddam the famous "green light" to invade Kuwait. Saddam was an evil thug - but he was deceived by the G.H.W. Bush administration as a pretext to invade Iraq in the 1st Gulf War. Then, G.W. Bush used false pretexts to invade Iraq a second time by falsely blaming 9/11 on Saddam.
Not a bot. I just happened to remember Iraq and why our soldiers were sent there. How one of their first priorities were to secure the oil ministries. The promises of Saddam to drop the USD. And how they could never find WMDs. And that whole fiasco.
I also remember the left being completely pissed at GW Bush for lying about why we went to Iraq.
The same exact thing is happening under Biden. Don't let party loyalty blind you from the facts. Big oil and the Federal Reserve doesn't care what party you side with. Or what party the president sides with.

This is corruption at the upper levels of our government, and NATO affiliated governments. And it should be a situation to bring right and left voters together to oppose a war for the wrong reasons on another super power. Are you that much of a party loyalist?
The invasion of Iraq wasn't about big oil. Iraq's oil business was in very bad shape ... Crippled. The invasion finished it off for 6-7 years.. when they opened bidding the oil majors didn't show up. Rule of thumb. The oil business hates a warzone.
are you actually saying that Ukraine a sovereign country isnt allowed to have some weapons ? does Ukraine have a large navy or air force do they have nukes ???? the answer is no .

Was Russia allowed to have weapons in Cuba? Sure they were. But the US had to protect ourselves and so the cold war started because of the threat of having weapons so close to us.
Putin is in the same situation that Gorbachev put the US in.
Was Russia allowed to have weapons in Cuba? Sure they were. But the US had to protect ourselves and so the cold war started because of the threat of having weapons so close to us.
Putin is in the same situation that Gorbachev put the US in.

Russia has invaded a free sovereign country without provocation .
Nope.... Russia is chasing NATO out of where they don't belong. For the past 10 years NATO Nations have been breaking the original compact that dates back 30 years. Crimea was taken when NATO convinced the Ukrainian puppet government to deny Putin his naval Base lease.

Ukraine has been encroached upon most likely because of recent agreements between Ukraine and NATO to establish military bases in Ukraine that include land-based rocketry pointed towards Moscow. Russia is defending itself right now. That doesn't make Putin a good guy but if you can't see this then you're just plain dumb.

It would be no different if China made an agreement with California and then suddenly started putting land-based rocketry all over the state pointed at Washington DC.
Was Russia allowed to have weapons in Cuba? Sure they were. But the US had to protect ourselves and so the cold war started because of the threat of having weapons so close to us.
Putin is in the same situation that Gorbachev put the US in.
Yep and the promises no longer mean anything because NATO doesn't keep any of them. Why do we send money to that gaggle of pickpockets with weapons permits?
The invasion of Iraq wasn't about big oil. Iraq's oil business was in very bad shape ... Crippled. The invasion finished it off for 6-7 years.. when they opened bidding the oil majors didn't show up. Rule of thumb. The oil business hates a warzone.

It's common knowledge now that Saddam was getting away from the USD. And that's why we invaded Iraq.

Iraq: Baghdad Moves To Euro


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