Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker???

The better question is:

Should a person working at least 40 hours a week be unable to clothe, feed and shelter themselves.

If that's the case, than any business that can't pay its employees more should go out of business (and would go out of business if the government wasn't supplementing their employees income, since they wouldn't have any employees!)

What liberals don't realize is that WITHOUT any government handouts, these businesses would be force to raise their wages, since their employees would die of exposure or starvation, and then that business would have no employees!

So you are now advocating for government assistance for poor people? Great! Maybe now we can get rid of this lifetime benefits limit on TANF now that you recognize that these free market capitalist actually need socialism to exist to thrive as a business.

Did you read my post? I said that removing government assistance would solve the problem.
Lots of things wrong with this, one of which is that there is no such thing as an "unskilled worker".

Would you say there's work that isn't worth very much? Is there such a thing as work that isn't worth $15/hr in your view? Should people be allowed to do that work if they want?
Why not pay everyone the same amount? Some lazy half assed bottom feeder gets paid as much as some alpha type go getter that has worked up the food chain gets paid the same, $2. 33 an hour. Or whatever. Doesn't sound fair to me.Never mind the cost of food or housing increases momentarily, no matter. The guy that pounds his head out to make things work, and the pudd that barely can scrub two brain cells together, deserve the same pay arbitrarily because a few folks get together and bitch that life isn't fair? Wow. No way this is fair or makes sense.
CEO's? They don't do shit, they make millions sitting around all day

They real workers who deserve millions are the dumb fucks that need 4 of them to figure out how to change a light bulb
It's a give-take relationship, yet CEO's earn millions even if the company losses money....Employees, not so much..Both need each other to operate and produce product...
employees still get paid if the company loses money don't they?

of course they do.

CEO's? They don't do shit, they make millions sitting around all day

They real workers who deserve millions are the dumb fucks that need 4 of them to figure out how to change a light bulb
It's a give-take relationship, yet CEO's earn millions even if the company losses money....Employees, not so much..Both need each other to operate and produce product...
employees still get paid if the company loses money don't they?

of course they do.

Do you just make stuff up? Maybe, if you did some research you wouldn't be perceived as a fool and a liar?

Enron, of course is the classic example, and here is some dated material form 2010 - no doubt a consequence of the Great Bush Recession of "07 '09.

The 10 Biggest Failed Pension Plans - US News
Losing money and going out of business are 2 entirely different things Idiot.

And pension plans are not for workers they are for people who are no longer working Moron.

LOL, you should never ever call anyone an idiot or a moron.

Q. Is there a difference in you head between a worker and a people?

Why would a successful business go out of business if it was making profits?

Pension plans are earned, no different than a salary.

Of course pensions are different from salaries that's why they are not called salaries. Besides pensions for the most part are a thing of the past and for good reason.

And any business can lose money for a time and still overall be profitable when that happens people still get paid.

In fact even in bankruptcy payroll is given a priority.
It's a give-take relationship, yet CEO's earn millions even if the company losses money....Employees, not so much..Both need each other to operate and produce product...
employees still get paid if the company loses money don't they?

of course they do.

It's a give-take relationship, yet CEO's earn millions even if the company losses money....Employees, not so much..Both need each other to operate and produce product...
employees still get paid if the company loses money don't they?

of course they do.

Do you just make stuff up? Maybe, if you did some research you wouldn't be perceived as a fool and a liar?

Enron, of course is the classic example, and here is some dated material form 2010 - no doubt a consequence of the Great Bush Recession of "07 '09.

The 10 Biggest Failed Pension Plans - US News
Losing money and going out of business are 2 entirely different things Idiot.

And pension plans are not for workers they are for people who are no longer working Moron.

LOL, you should never ever call anyone an idiot or a moron.

Q. Is there a difference in you head between a worker and a people?

Why would a successful business go out of business if it was making profits?

Pension plans are earned, no different than a salary.

Of course pensions are different from salaries that's why they are not called salaries. Besides pensions for the most part are a thing of the past and for good reason.

And any business can lose money for a time and still overall be profitable when that happens people still get paid.

In fact even in bankruptcy payroll is given a priority.

Your ego and you adoption of a crazy ideology prevent you from rational thought. Go pet your guns and pretend you're not a fool. It will make you feel normal.
I don't think patrons of fast food joints want to pay alot for a burger. Raising the minimum wage raises burger prices. If somebody wants to earn more, get a higher paying job . Nobody forces you to flip burgers.

The Left lives in an unbroken fantasy world where everyone just goes along with whatever policy they want to pass. If they raise taxes, people will pay it, if they demand more for flipping burgers, people will pay the higher prices for fast food. It never occurs to them that people will simply do without.
The real problem is your kind who believes that if everyone has a low paying job at least they have a job. But is that a "job" or an allowance. If you need government health care and food stamps, then is that job really meeting the needs of the country? Why do Republicans always aim so low?

There will ALWAYS be people with very little skills and very little ambition to match...i.e. poor.
There just doesn't have to be so many!
I guarantee I could put to work those minimum wage workers THAT have good work habits, i.e. come to work and on time and those that work diligently, follow basic instructions would after 6 months make a referral income of $1,000 to $2,000 a month for as long as the worked for me! And that's the beginning for them!
Those that are really industrious and ambitious as I am I'd share a method that could make $10,000 a month for the rest of their lives.

But the majority of those with very little skills and very little ambition and not prone to take instructions...need NOT apply.

Sniff, sniff ... what's that I smell. It's digested bull food, that's ^^^ it.

Yes, there are people with very few skills and very little ambition, and callous people who walk by them every day without a glimpse, and without a concern for them or their future.

Of course there are those with few skills and whose lack of ambition is a product of being told they were too dumb, too lazy, too ugly, too fat and not ambitious, and thus unworthy of an investment of time.

And then there are those who confront the callous conservatives for their disregard for others - and I'm proud to be one of those.

Your self righteous pontificating means little ....

You are so quick to assign characteristics that are convenient, though wrong ... however, accuracy doesn't bother you because you are more interested in advancing your cause than you are in advancing the truth.

You, and other liberals, have made a prima facie case about all those minimum wage workers who are starving while working for a living. You don't even bother to characterize the abused ... you just blithely go along spouting myths in order to forward your agenda.

The truth?

There are 3.3 million people who make an hourly wage equal to, or less than, the federal minimum wage. That represents about 2% of hourly wage workers. Of that 3.3 million, 20% are teenagers, 87% are between the ages of 20-25, and 3% are over 25.

RACE: About 5 percent of Black workers, 4 percent of White workers and Hispanic or Latino workers, and 3 percent of Asian workers earned the federal minimum wage or less, so race would not seem to be a factor (now THAT really hurts liberals to hear, doesn't it?).

EDUCATION: Among hourly paid workers age 16 and older, about 10 percent of those without a high school diploma earned the federal minimum wage or less, compared with about 4 percent of those who had a high school diploma (with no college) and about 2 percent of college graduates. (Dang - you think education might be having an impact?)

MARITAL STATUS. Of those paid an hourly wage, never married workers, who tend to be young, were more likely (8 percent) than married workers (2 percent) to earn the federal minimum wage or less. (So much for all those poor families starving to death because daddy works part time at McDonald's).

OCCUPATION: Among major occupational groups, the highest percentage of hourly paid workers earning at or below the federal minimum wage was in service occupations, at about 11 percent. Almost two-thirds of workers earning the minimum wage or less in 2013 were employed in service occupations, mostly in food preparation and serving-related jobs. (This, of course, includes all those service personnel who rely on tips. Their tip income is not considered in this percentage. How many waiters/waitresses do you know that only take home $7 an hour?)


In short, your so-called argument is a straw man ... it sounds good, but it just isn't true.

Oh, by the way - since we know that half of the country doesn't pay taxes, and we also know that minimum wage workers (who are supporting families) are eligible for all those tax-paid welfare programs, who is actually supporting them? Oh yeah - the very people you claim don't care.

Take the time to actually study the issue before you try to position yourself as a judge of others.
Your self righteous pontificating means little ....

You are so quick to assign characteristics that are convenient, though wrong ... however, accuracy doesn't bother you because you are more interested in advancing your cause than you are in advancing the truth.

You, and other liberals, have made a prima facie case about all those minimum wage workers who are starving while working for a living. You don't even bother to characterize the abused ... you just blithely go along spouting myths in order to forward your agenda.

The truth?

There are 3.3 million people who make an hourly wage equal to, or less than, the federal minimum wage. That represents about 2% of hourly wage workers. Of that 3.3 million, 20% are teenagers, 87% are between the ages of 20-25, and 3% are over 25.

RACE: About 5 percent of Black workers, 4 percent of White workers and Hispanic or Latino workers, and 3 percent of Asian workers earned the federal minimum wage or less, so race would not seem to be a factor (now THAT really hurts liberals to hear, doesn't it?).

EDUCATION: Among hourly paid workers age 16 and older, about 10 percent of those without a high school diploma earned the federal minimum wage or less, compared with about 4 percent of those who had a high school diploma (with no college) and about 2 percent of college graduates. (Dang - you think education might be having an impact?)

MARITAL STATUS. Of those paid an hourly wage, never married workers, who tend to be young, were more likely (8 percent) than married workers (2 percent) to earn the federal minimum wage or less. (So much for all those poor families starving to death because daddy works part time at McDonald's).

OCCUPATION: Among major occupational groups, the highest percentage of hourly paid workers earning at or below the federal minimum wage was in service occupations, at about 11 percent. Almost two-thirds of workers earning the minimum wage or less in 2013 were employed in service occupations, mostly in food preparation and serving-related jobs. (This, of course, includes all those service personnel who rely on tips. Their tip income is not considered in this percentage. How many waiters/waitresses do you know that only take home $7 an hour?)


In short, your so-called argument is a straw man ... it sounds good, but it just isn't true.

Oh, by the way - since we know that half of the country doesn't pay taxes, and we also know that minimum wage workers (who are supporting families) are eligible for all those tax-paid welfare programs, who is actually supporting them? Oh yeah - the very people you claim don't care.

Take the time to actually study the issue before you try to position yourself as a judge of others.

From Matt Walsh Blog on the Blaze....
I've excerpted a few paragraphs but there is so much more that the entire blog should be read!

Dear fast food workers,

It’s come to my attention that many of you, supposedly in 230 cities across the country, are walking out of your jobs today and protesting for $15 an hour. You earnestly believe — indeed, you’ve been led to this conclusion by pandering politicians and liberal pundits who possess neither the slightest grasp of the basic rules of economics nor even the faintest hint of integrity — that your entry level gig pushing buttons on a cash register at Taco Bell ought to earn you double the current federal minimum wage.

I’m aware, of course, that not all of you feel this way. Many of you might consider your position as Whopper Assembler to be rather a temporary situation, not a career path, and you plan on moving on and up not by holding a poster board with “Give me more money!” scrawled across it, but by working hard and being reliable. To be clear, I am not addressing the folks in this latter camp. They are doing what needs to be done, and I respect that.

Instead, I want to talk to those of you who actually consider yourselves entitled to close to a $29 thousand a year full time salary for doing a job that requires no skill, no expertise, and no education;
those who think a fry cook ought to earn an entry level income similar to a dental assistant;
those who insist the guy putting the lettuce on my Big Mac ought to make more than the Emergency Medical Technician who saves lives for a living; those who believe you should automatically be able to “live comfortably,” as if “comfort” is a human right.

To those in this category, I have a few things I need to say, for your own sake:

First, let me start with a story. It’s anecdotal, obviously, but then this whole #FightFor15 “movement” is based entirely on anecdotes.

I submit mine: I’m 28 years old now. I started working when I was about 15. I did hourly, customer service-type stuff at grocery stores, snowball stands, and pizza places, never making much more than the bare minimum at any of them.

When I was 20 I moved out of the house and got my first job in radio. Starting out as a rock DJ in Delaware, I made $17,000 a year, or about $8 an hour. I lived off of that, earning a few small raises through the years — having to eat fewer meals, buy fewer things, and, God forbid, even forgo cable and internet access in my apartment — right up to when I got married at 25.

Fast Food Workers You Don t Deserve 15 an Hour to Flip Burgers and That s OK TheBlaze.com

And again, read the fine print. The left wing isn't expecting the burger flipper to make what the skilled laborer makes, just the reverse. It would be a win-win for their corporate sponsors.
And again, read the fine print. The left wing isn't expecting the burger flipper to make what the skilled laborer makes, just the reverse. It would be a win-win for their corporate sponsors.

Truth, they're not. However, they believe that raising tides lift all the boats and that would be true. If your rope is long enough and not too tight, your boat will handle it just fine.

What lefties want is not slowly raising tide, they want tsunami.

Second, talking about raising minimum wage now is phony outrage for political propaganda purposes. Lefties had both houses and presidency and could do it easily if they wanted to. Suddenly this issue is something that have to be addressed. Now!

Yes, it would be win-win for corporate sponsors as much for trade unions. If it happens, unions will claim victory, not because they helped to all bottom earners making more money, but because they ensured their members jobs will stay intact. By raising minimum wage, people with no skills will not be able to compete for jobs of their members.
I would like to know how lefties came up with number $15 an hour?

You would? Go to Google.

That could be, in general, answer to every post you write here. I know you think that Google makes you smart.

But this is message board where people discuss things. If you can't answer the question, you could at least spare me of your idiocies.

One needs to know what questions to ask, and seeks at least two sources to support their case. Otherwise they risk being confused with a right wing jerk whose sole purpose is to troll and lie.
I would like to know how lefties came up with number $15 an hour?

You would? Go to Google.

That could be, in general, answer to every post you write here. I know you think that Google makes you smart.

But this is message board where people discuss things. If you can't answer the question, you could at least spare me of your idiocies.

One needs to know what questions to ask, and seeks at least two sources to support their case. Otherwise they risk being confused with a right wing jerk whose sole purpose is to troll and lie.

The thing is, I am not making the case, I am asking what makes you support yours.

So, $15 an hour. Why $15?

Lowest wage I was ever paid was $13 hr or roughly $22k a year. He sounds like a dick that got up on the right side of the bed one morning, waited long for his coffee, and decided to rant about the cashier at Starbucks.

That aside, I think it depends on the place you are talking about, higher pay does contribute to productivity up to a certain point, whereas low pay increases staff turnover.
The lowest you got paid is $13/hr? Even if you were only 20 that would be highly unlikely. My lowest wage was $4.25 when I worked Little Caesers during high school. That was minimum wage and typical for kids my age. I think you're telling a whopper.
I don't think patrons of fast food joints want to pay alot for a burger. Raising the minimum wage raises burger prices. If somebody wants to earn more, get a higher paying job . Nobody forces you to flip burgers.

The Left lives in an unbroken fantasy world where everyone just goes along with whatever policy they want to pass. If they raise taxes, people will pay it, if they demand more for flipping burgers, people will pay the higher prices for fast food. It never occurs to them that people will simply do without.
The real problem is your kind who believes that if everyone has a low paying job at least they have a job. But is that a "job" or an allowance. If you need government health care and food stamps, then is that job really meeting the needs of the country? Why do Republicans always aim so low?
My kind? You don't know me at all. Low paying jobs should be for people new to the workforce. Kids in high school or college with no experience. I wasn't raised with money. I had to start at the bottom, and I decided to go back to school to learn a new trade. The opportunity is there for anyone who can and will better themselves.
I would like to know how lefties came up with number $15 an hour?

You would? Go to Google.

That could be, in general, answer to every post you write here. I know you think that Google makes you smart.

But this is message board where people discuss things. If you can't answer the question, you could at least spare me of your idiocies.

One needs to know what questions to ask, and seeks at least two sources to support their case. Otherwise they risk being confused with a right wing jerk whose sole purpose is to troll and lie.

The thing is, I am not making the case, I am asking what makes you support yours.

So, $15 an hour. Why $15?


My case? I never stated a specific dollar amount, I simply supported a rise in the minimum wage. But, because you asked, I support a higher minimum raise for those workers who reside in Blue States, and let the workers in Red States continue to allow themselves to be exploited. Dumb as they are, they had an opportunity to Unionize in Kentucky and rejected it. "Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting.

Oh, and before you make another false allegation about me or my motives, I was management for over half of my career, and spent many wasted hours arguing with the business manager of the union, as he and sometimes she tried to defend one of their members caught doing stupid things.
I would like to know how lefties came up with number $15 an hour?

You would? Go to Google.

That could be, in general, answer to every post you write here. I know you think that Google makes you smart.

But this is message board where people discuss things. If you can't answer the question, you could at least spare me of your idiocies.

One needs to know what questions to ask, and seeks at least two sources to support their case. Otherwise they risk being confused with a right wing jerk whose sole purpose is to troll and lie.

The thing is, I am not making the case, I am asking what makes you support yours.

So, $15 an hour. Why $15?


My case? I never stated a specific dollar amount, I simply supported a rise in the minimum wage. But, because you asked, I support a higher minimum raise for those workers who reside in Blue States, and let the workers in Red States continue to allow themselves to be exploited. Dumb as they are, they had an opportunity to Unionize in Kentucky and rejected it. "Right to Work" is a euphemism for union busting.

Oh, and before you make another false allegation about me or my motives, I was management for over half of my career, and spent many wasted hours arguing with the business manager of the union, as he and sometimes she tried to defend one of their members caught doing stupid things.

Obviously a failure for at least half your career as you certainly appear to support the homogenization of employees i.e. "unionization"!
Fifteen bucks an hour to flip burgers??

Man I'm in the wrong business. A business where I mutitask all day to keep things going. I'm the hub where I work yet I'm the lowest payed person in the department.

Think I'll skip on down to McD's and get one of those $15 and hour jobs.

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