Why should blacks become republicans?

Yes, I have. I know blatant racism when I see it and I've seen it here from blacks as well as from whites.

This may be an uncomfortable truth for you but there are racist blacks out there, even if there are none here on the forum.

Racism is not the cure for racism. I'm not defending or excusing those clowns who use terms like "coon" or "ape", I'm just saying that throwing back terms like "cracker" is not a solution to racism and doesn't help matters.

Correct. The example was in the context of how conservatives view blacks and black problems such as drug use, gangs and fatherless homes. Remember? The question in the OP was not why whites should be Republican. Any idiot knows there are drug problems in rural and suburban areas such as the current heroin epidemic and high meth use. But that has nothing to do with the relationship between blacks and Republicans which is what this thread is about.

Are you saying that "whitey" and "cracker" are terms of endearment? Would you be any less offended if one of these clowns called you "blackie"? A racist term is a racist term and comes from a racist mentality so it would be pointless to compare them.

As I said before, this is not a contest to see who has more racists, blacks or whites. All I did was try to clarify how conservatives approach the issue of race.

All you have shown is that conservatives worry about imaginary black racists, while ignoring white racists sharing their company and thanking their posts. Which is exactly why blacks avoid the GOP.

I had a black guy spit on me once. If I spit on you, would you say that was imaginary?

As I told IM2, if you don't want to be a Republican then don't. It's pointless to tell us you don't want to be one and you're not hurting my feelings by telling me.

Yea, because you are full of shit. Either you willfully ignore the racism from conservatives here, or your computer automatically blocks racist posts from cons, which is it?

Did you see this thread...Black "man" demands FREE COFFEE from Starbucks for reparations or is that one you “conveniently” overlooked?

Do you remember when I told you this in post #28?:

"Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason."

You started this, not me. All I did in my initial post was try to explain conservative views to you and the OP.

And are you going to answer the question?: If I spit on you would you say my racism is imaginary?

You did say that you don't address the blatant racists because in your opinion (paraphrased) they can't be changed so you don't try.

Boy, you is stupid as the day is long. Prove me wrong.
So do Democrats.

Ask any prominent black Republican how much democrats let black men think for themselves. Clarence Thomas Congress to mind.

When Colin Powell decided to think for himself what did republicans do?

Oh snap, that was brutal.

It's time to shut people up.

G'luck w'dat witchur dumbass. :)

You posted but you said nothing. When all you have left is trolling you've been shut up.
All you have shown is that conservatives worry about imaginary black racists, while ignoring white racists sharing their company and thanking their posts. Which is exactly why blacks avoid the GOP.

I had a black guy spit on me once. If I spit on you, would you say that was imaginary?

As I told IM2, if you don't want to be a Republican then don't. It's pointless to tell us you don't want to be one and you're not hurting my feelings by telling me.

Yea, because you are full of shit. Either you willfully ignore the racism from conservatives here, or your computer automatically blocks racist posts from cons, which is it?

Did you see this thread...Black "man" demands FREE COFFEE from Starbucks for reparations or is that one you “conveniently” overlooked?

Do you remember when I told you this in post #28?:

"Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason."

You started this, not me. All I did in my initial post was try to explain conservative views to you and the OP.

And are you going to answer the question?: If I spit on you would you say my racism is imaginary?

You did say that you don't address the blatant racists because in your opinion (paraphrased) they can't be changed so you don't try.

Boy, you is stupid as the day is long. Prove me wrong.

Like I said, when all you have left is trolling, you're ass has been whipped.
I had a black guy spit on me once. If I spit on you, would you say that was imaginary?

As I told IM2, if you don't want to be a Republican then don't. It's pointless to tell us you don't want to be one and you're not hurting my feelings by telling me.

Yea, because you are full of shit. Either you willfully ignore the racism from conservatives here, or your computer automatically blocks racist posts from cons, which is it?

Did you see this thread...Black "man" demands FREE COFFEE from Starbucks for reparations or is that one you “conveniently” overlooked?

Do you remember when I told you this in post #28?:

"Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason."

You started this, not me. All I did in my initial post was try to explain conservative views to you and the OP.

And are you going to answer the question?: If I spit on you would you say my racism is imaginary?

You did say that you don't address the blatant racists because in your opinion (paraphrased) they can't be changed so you don't try.

Boy, you is stupid as the day is long. Prove me wrong.

Like I said, when all you have left is trolling, you're ass has been whipped.

I laugh at you while you wait endlessly for your reparations check. :)

It gives me a warm fuzzy!
.Being black, I know a number of black republicans. .The problem is thy are still pledging allegiance to Lincoln. Todays republican party doesn't represent that anymore.

True. What is astounding is that so many of them actually believe that it still does.

And why would Blacks become republicans?
Just look at how one their own "prominent blacks has been treated by them for having the backbone to speak up.

'The Evidence is Incontrovertible.' The RNC’s First Black Chairman Says Trump Is Racist

Steele an establishment republican who is dead wrong.

His faction in the GOP lost in the primary for a reason.

Playing the vile games of the Left is part of it.

Please save such nonsense for someone who is dense enough to actually believe it..

He had the courage to not defend an indefensible comment by #45.

Was not even recognized at a recent awards ceremony, endured a public comment by another crazy wingnut who actually stated that:

"He was only appointed to lead the GOP , because he was black"

And he still remains in the party? Really?

That is blind loyalty in the face of abject stupidity.

"Party of Lincoln"? What a fucking joke.
It's not 1860 anymore, but some of those nuts sure believe that it is.

I don't who said that, but I certainly hope it is not true.

Though, liberals, constant say shit like we republicans need to reach out or try to get more diversity, so, if that was true, why would you be offended?

Why would Steele NOT being the republican party? Because some random guy said that he didnt' deserve his job?


Much more than "just a random guy"

CPAC Official Says Michael Steele Was Chosen to Lead G.O.P. Because He’s ‘a Black Guy’

SOunds like CPAC isn't standing by his words. And he apologized.

And besides, IF it was true, this is the type of thing that liberals are CONSTANTLY telling republicans we have to do to reach out to minorities.

Something I always have disagreed with.

But it is telling that this guy claims to have done what so many liberals keep telling us we have to do, and then he is attacked by liberals for it.

Steele, like all Establishment republicans, need to stop letting vile, filthy, lying liberals, set the parameters of the debate.

EVERY TIME they mention race in any context with the republican party, it is a propaganda ploy to keep the myth of republicans being evul and racist alive.

EVERY TIME they do that, we just need to attack them for being racial demagogues.


Because otherwise, they win.
The question should be why would anyone - Black, White and all shades in between who has any ambition for themselves as well as their offspring want to even associate themselves with the American Communist Party aka Democrats. As for Blacks ... They have been voting Democratic since the 60s - the Democrats promise to lift them away from poverty - problem is they're still poor !!! They're still Slaves and always will be so long as they support this disgusting EVIL Democratis Party machine.

Even the infamous Malcolm X saw that the Democratic Party used African Americans to suit their own agenda and failed to address the community's living standards or job situations but Blacks still voted Democratic.

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? 'Liberal' Democrats and their useful idiot lapdogs have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.
View attachment 188692

Democratic Parties Racist History

More of the same old dumb ass white racist republican propaganda.

Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Well, the problem for the liberal universities is that broken black families and broken black schools are not preparing blacks students for higher education.

IN order to get the "diversity" they want, ...


In order to LOOK like they are getting the "diversity" they want, they have to use foreign born black students to pump up their "black" numbers.

On the other hand, accepting students into a school they are not prepared to handle, is not doing them any favors.
More of the same old dumb ass white racist republican propaganda.

Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Well, the problem for the liberal universities is that broken black families and broken black schools are not preparing blacks students for higher education.

IN order to get the "diversity" they want, ...


In order to LOOK like they are getting the "diversity" they want, they have to use foreign born black students to pump up their "black" numbers.

On the other hand, accepting students into a school they are not prepared to handle, is not doing them any favors.

True. What is astounding is that so many of them actually believe that it still does.

And why would Blacks become republicans?
Just look at how one their own "prominent blacks has been treated by them for having the backbone to speak up.

'The Evidence is Incontrovertible.' The RNC’s First Black Chairman Says Trump Is Racist

Steele an establishment republican who is dead wrong.

His faction in the GOP lost in the primary for a reason.

Playing the vile games of the Left is part of it.

Please save such nonsense for someone who is dense enough to actually believe it..

He had the courage to not defend an indefensible comment by #45.

Was not even recognized at a recent awards ceremony, endured a public comment by another crazy wingnut who actually stated that:

"He was only appointed to lead the GOP , because he was black"

And he still remains in the party? Really?

That is blind loyalty in the face of abject stupidity.

"Party of Lincoln"? What a fucking joke.
It's not 1860 anymore, but some of those nuts sure believe that it is.

I don't who said that, but I certainly hope it is not true.

Though, liberals, constant say shit like we republicans need to reach out or try to get more diversity, so, if that was true, why would you be offended?

Why would Steele NOT being the republican party? Because some random guy said that he didnt' deserve his job?


Much more than "just a random guy"

CPAC Official Says Michael Steele Was Chosen to Lead G.O.P. Because He’s ‘a Black Guy’

SOunds like CPAC isn't standing by his words. And he apologized.

And besides, IF it was true, this is the type of thing that liberals are CONSTANTLY telling republicans we have to do to reach out to minorities.

Something I always have disagreed with.

But it is telling that this guy claims to have done what so many liberals keep telling us we have to do, and then he is attacked by liberals for it.

Steele, like all Establishment republicans, need to stop letting vile, filthy, lying liberals, set the parameters of the debate.

EVERY TIME they mention race in any context with the republican party, it is a propaganda ploy to keep the myth of republicans being evul and racist alive.

EVERY TIME they do that, we just need to attack them for being racial demagogues.


Because otherwise, they win.

LOL! This is some stump stupid bullshit.

All you have to do is spend time in a place like this and it shows you exactly what republicans are. Here is an idiot who told me that blacks should be grateful to whites freeing blacks from slavery talking about racial demagoguery.
Steele an establishment republican who is dead wrong.

His faction in the GOP lost in the primary for a reason.

Playing the vile games of the Left is part of it.

Please save such nonsense for someone who is dense enough to actually believe it..

He had the courage to not defend an indefensible comment by #45.

Was not even recognized at a recent awards ceremony, endured a public comment by another crazy wingnut who actually stated that:

"He was only appointed to lead the GOP , because he was black"

And he still remains in the party? Really?

That is blind loyalty in the face of abject stupidity.

"Party of Lincoln"? What a fucking joke.
It's not 1860 anymore, but some of those nuts sure believe that it is.

I don't who said that, but I certainly hope it is not true.

Though, liberals, constant say shit like we republicans need to reach out or try to get more diversity, so, if that was true, why would you be offended?

Why would Steele NOT being the republican party? Because some random guy said that he didnt' deserve his job?


Much more than "just a random guy"

CPAC Official Says Michael Steele Was Chosen to Lead G.O.P. Because He’s ‘a Black Guy’

SOunds like CPAC isn't standing by his words. And he apologized.

And besides, IF it was true, this is the type of thing that liberals are CONSTANTLY telling republicans we have to do to reach out to minorities.

Something I always have disagreed with.

But it is telling that this guy claims to have done what so many liberals keep telling us we have to do, and then he is attacked by liberals for it.

Steele, like all Establishment republicans, need to stop letting vile, filthy, lying liberals, set the parameters of the debate.

EVERY TIME they mention race in any context with the republican party, it is a propaganda ploy to keep the myth of republicans being evul and racist alive.

EVERY TIME they do that, we just need to attack them for being racial demagogues.


Because otherwise, they win.

LOL! This is some stump stupid bullshit.

All you have to do is spend time in a place like this and it shows you exactly what republicans are. Here is an idiot who told me that blacks should be grateful to whites freeing blacks from slavery talking about racial demagoguery.
Comments about blacks on USMB are representative of the true feelings of conservatives. In public conservatives hide their racism with code words. But on an anonymous message board, we see how they really feel
Last edited:
Yea, because you are full of shit. Either you willfully ignore the racism from conservatives here, or your computer automatically blocks racist posts from cons, which is it?

Did you see this thread...Black "man" demands FREE COFFEE from Starbucks for reparations or is that one you “conveniently” overlooked?

Do you remember when I told you this in post #28?:

"Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason."

You started this, not me. All I did in my initial post was try to explain conservative views to you and the OP.

And are you going to answer the question?: If I spit on you would you say my racism is imaginary?

You did say that you don't address the blatant racists because in your opinion (paraphrased) they can't be changed so you don't try.

Boy, you is stupid as the day is long. Prove me wrong.

Like I said, when all you have left is trolling, you're ass has been whipped.

I laugh at you while you wait endlessly for your reparations check. :)

It gives me a warm fuzzy!

LOL! You don't get it. Whites are going to pay. And when you do, you will have wished you paid reparations.

Stay warm and fuzzy while you can.
True. What is astounding is that so many of them actually believe that it still does.

And why would Blacks become republicans?
Just look at how one their own "prominent blacks has been treated by them for having the backbone to speak up.

'The Evidence is Incontrovertible.' The RNC’s First Black Chairman Says Trump Is Racist

Steele an establishment republican who is dead wrong.

His faction in the GOP lost in the primary for a reason.

Playing the vile games of the Left is part of it.

Please save such nonsense for someone who is dense enough to actually believe it..

He had the courage to not defend an indefensible comment by #45.

Was not even recognized at a recent awards ceremony, endured a public comment by another crazy wingnut who actually stated that:

"He was only appointed to lead the GOP , because he was black"

And he still remains in the party? Really?

That is blind loyalty in the face of abject stupidity.

"Party of Lincoln"? What a fucking joke.
It's not 1860 anymore, but some of those nuts sure believe that it is.

I don't who said that, but I certainly hope it is not true.

Though, liberals, constant say shit like we republicans need to reach out or try to get more diversity, so, if that was true, why would you be offended?

Why would Steele NOT being the republican party? Because some random guy said that he didnt' deserve his job?


Much more than "just a random guy"

CPAC Official Says Michael Steele Was Chosen to Lead G.O.P. Because He’s ‘a Black Guy’

SOunds like CPAC isn't standing by his words. And he apologized.

And besides, IF it was true, this is the type of thing that liberals are CONSTANTLY telling republicans we have to do to reach out to minorities.

Something I always have disagreed with.

But it is telling that this guy claims to have done what so many liberals keep telling us we have to do, and then he is attacked by liberals for it.

Steele, like all Establishment republicans, need to stop letting vile, filthy, lying liberals, set the parameters of the debate.

EVERY TIME they mention race in any context with the republican party, it is a propaganda ploy to keep the myth of republicans being evul and racist alive.

EVERY TIME they do that, we just need to attack them for being racial demagogues.


Because otherwise, they win.

Thats some utter bullshit. The only reason that he "regrets" his words is that just like most closet bigots, he has no self control, And when his "freudian slip" betrayed him and he was put on blast by the media, he tried to clean up his statement with an insincere apology. Typical.
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years
The Lengths Europeans Went to Deny Africas History in Civilizations

I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.

You should note, with interest I might add, that I said "the bulk of the [black] community is pretty much right where it was a half-century ago." I was not referring to the current puppeted Congressional black leadership.
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.

You should note, with interest I might add, that I said "the bulk of the [black] community is pretty much right where it was a half-century ago." I was not referring to the current puppeted Congressional black leadership.

Yes, you did, and the bulk of white Americans are pretty much where they were a half-century ago. Economic mobility has shrunk by the day, since the advent of Trickle Down Bullshit. That ignores the enormous strides made by individuals who have taken advantage of opportunities afforded them since the Civil Rights Act. There are 4.9 million African Americans now with a 4-year college degree. That's 19.6% of the AA population over the age of 25. In 1990, the percentage was 11.3. In 1924, it was 1/10 of 1%.

"puppeted Congressional black leadership" is insulting crap, but it's no small thing to black Americans, that black Americans are elected officials in the United States. 49 members of the House are African-American. You think that's not progress?
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.

You should note, with interest I might add, that I said "the bulk of the [black] community is pretty much right where it was a half-century ago." I was not referring to the current puppeted Congressional black leadership.

You should note that according to what Joaquin stated the white community has not progressed much in the last 50 years. Those like you are here pointing fingers consistently at blacks while avoiding the way your own community is crumbling before your faces. Maybe instead of the running racist commentaries about blacks start looking at the white community and get your ass to work.
Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Well, the problem for the liberal universities is that broken black families and broken black schools are not preparing blacks students for higher education.

IN order to get the "diversity" they want, ...


In order to LOOK like they are getting the "diversity" they want, they have to use foreign born black students to pump up their "black" numbers.

On the other hand, accepting students into a school they are not prepared to handle, is not doing them any favors.


You find what Correll said Funny ??!! WOW you're a special kinda stupid you are

start looking at the white community

Yes - you mean the Honkies ?? They apparently are the envy of all other racial groupings as everybody else seems to want what their European ancestors bought for them with blood and sweat ---- I'm sorry that you are jealous of their achievements - perhaps if your ancestors weren't primitive tag alongs you too might have a piece of the rock. As for me I'm only half a Honky but still had a work ethic and sense of accomplishment instilled in me - so work and contribute I must every day of my adult life .... now get back on the couch and turn on the Kardashioans - your next welfare check hasn't arrived yet bitch !
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??

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