Why should blacks become republicans?

I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I have encountered republican blacks. I am a registered democrat.
Seems some blacks do consider the standard and traditional
republican policies ADVANTAGEOUS to them as individuals

.Being black, I know a number of black republicans. .The problem is thy are still pledging allegiance to Lincoln. Todays republican party doesn't represent that anymore.

True. What is astounding is that so many of them actually believe that it still does.

And why would Blacks become republicans?
Just look at how one their own "prominent blacks has been treated by them for having the backbone to speak up.

'The Evidence is Incontrovertible.' The RNC’s First Black Chairman Says Trump Is Racist
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I have encountered republican blacks. I am a registered democrat.
Seems some blacks do consider the standard and traditional
republican policies ADVANTAGEOUS to them as individuals

.Being black, I know a number of black republicans. .The problem is thy are still pledging allegiance to Lincoln. Todays republican party doesn't represent that anymore.

True. What is astounding is that so many of them actually believe that it still does.

And why would Blacks become republicans?
Just look at how one their own "prominent blacks has been treated by them for having the backbone to speak up.

'The Evidence is Incontrovertible.' The RNC’s First Black Chairman Says Trump Is Racist

Steele an establishment republican who is dead wrong.

His faction in the GOP lost in the primary for a reason.

Playing the vile games of the Left is part of it.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I have encountered republican blacks. I am a registered democrat.
Seems some blacks do consider the standard and traditional
republican policies ADVANTAGEOUS to them as individuals

.Being black, I know a number of black republicans. .The problem is thy are still pledging allegiance to Lincoln. Todays republican party doesn't represent that anymore.

True. What is astounding is that so many of them actually believe that it still does.

And why would Blacks become republicans?
Just look at how one their own "prominent blacks has been treated by them for having the backbone to speak up.

'The Evidence is Incontrovertible.' The RNC’s First Black Chairman Says Trump Is Racist

Steele an establishment republican who is dead wrong.

His faction in the GOP lost in the primary for a reason.

Playing the vile games of the Left is part of it.

Please save such nonsense for someone who is dense enough to actually believe it..

He had the courage to not defend an indefensible comment by #45.

Was not even recognized at a recent awards ceremony, endured a public comment by another crazy wingnut who actually stated that:

"He was only appointed to lead the GOP , because he was black"

And he still remains in the party? Really?

That is blind loyalty in the face of abject stupidity.

"Party of Lincoln"? What a fucking joke.
It's not 1860 anymore, but some of those nuts sure believe that it is.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I have encountered republican blacks. I am a registered democrat.
Seems some blacks do consider the standard and traditional
republican policies ADVANTAGEOUS to them as individuals

.Being black, I know a number of black republicans. .The problem is thy are still pledging allegiance to Lincoln. Todays republican party doesn't represent that anymore.

True. What is astounding is that so many of them actually believe that it still does.

And why would Blacks become republicans?
Just look at how one their own "prominent blacks has been treated by them for having the backbone to speak up.

'The Evidence is Incontrovertible.' The RNC’s First Black Chairman Says Trump Is Racist

Steele an establishment republican who is dead wrong.

His faction in the GOP lost in the primary for a reason.

Playing the vile games of the Left is part of it.

Please save such nonsense for someone who is dense enough to actually believe it..

He had the courage to not defend an indefensible comment by #45.

Was not even recognized at a recent awards ceremony, endured a public comment by another crazy wingnut who actually stated that:

"He was only appointed to lead the GOP , because he was black"

And he still remains in the party? Really?

That is blind loyalty in the face of abject stupidity.

"Party of Lincoln"? What a fucking joke.
It's not 1860 anymore, but some of those nuts sure believe that it is.

I don't who said that, but I certainly hope it is not true.

Though, liberals, constant say shit like we republicans need to reach out or try to get more diversity, so, if that was true, why would you be offended?

Why would Steele NOT being the republican party? Because some random guy said that he didnt' deserve his job?

I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

The question should be why would anyone - Black, White and all shades in between who has any ambition for themselves as well as their offspring want to even associate themselves with the American Communist Party aka Democrats. As for Blacks ... They have been voting Democratic since the 60s - the Democrats promise to lift them away from poverty - problem is they're still poor !!! They're still Slaves and always will be so long as they support this disgusting EVIL Democratis Party machine.

Even the infamous Malcolm X saw that the Democratic Party used African Americans to suit their own agenda and failed to address the community's living standards or job situations but Blacks still voted Democratic.

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? 'Liberal' Democrats and their useful idiot lapdogs have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.

Democratic Parties Racist History
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

The question should be why would anyone - Black, White and all shades in between who has any ambition for themselves as well as their offspring want to even associate themselves with the American Communist Party aka Democrats. As for Blacks ... They have been voting Democratic since the 60s - the Democrats promise to lift them away from poverty - problem is they're still poor !!! They're still Slaves and always will be so long as they support this disgusting EVIL Democratis Party machine.

Even the infamous Malcolm X saw that the Democratic Party used African Americans to suit their own agenda and failed to address the community's living standards or job situations but Blacks still voted Democratic.

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? 'Liberal' Democrats and their useful idiot lapdogs have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.
View attachment 188692

Democratic Parties Racist History

More of the same old dumb ass white racist republican propaganda.
It's time these white racist republicans shut up.

During reconstruction initially it looked like blacks and whites would be able to get beyond slavery as a nation and perhaps unite. But again, not so fast. There was a republican backlash to black progress called the lily-white movement. It’s funny how that part of the republican party history is never mentioned.

“The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.”

“This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

The question should be why would anyone - Black, White and all shades in between who has any ambition for themselves as well as their offspring want to even associate themselves with the American Communist Party aka Democrats. As for Blacks ... They have been voting Democratic since the 60s - the Democrats promise to lift them away from poverty - problem is they're still poor !!! They're still Slaves and always will be so long as they support this disgusting EVIL Democratis Party machine.

Even the infamous Malcolm X saw that the Democratic Party used African Americans to suit their own agenda and failed to address the community's living standards or job situations but Blacks still voted Democratic.

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? 'Liberal' Democrats and their useful idiot lapdogs have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.
View attachment 188692

Democratic Parties Racist History

More of the same old dumb ass white racist republican propaganda.

Says the moron that can't refute a single point.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

The question should be why would anyone - Black, White and all shades in between who has any ambition for themselves as well as their offspring want to even associate themselves with the American Communist Party aka Democrats. As for Blacks ... They have been voting Democratic since the 60s - the Democrats promise to lift them away from poverty - problem is they're still poor !!! They're still Slaves and always will be so long as they support this disgusting EVIL Democratis Party machine.

Even the infamous Malcolm X saw that the Democratic Party used African Americans to suit their own agenda and failed to address the community's living standards or job situations but Blacks still voted Democratic.

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? 'Liberal' Democrats and their useful idiot lapdogs have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.
View attachment 188692

Democratic Parties Racist History

More of the same old dumb ass white racist republican propaganda.

Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
It's time these white racist republicans shut up.

During reconstruction initially it looked like blacks and whites would be able to get beyond slavery as a nation and perhaps unite. But again, not so fast. There was a republican backlash to black progress called the lily-white movement. It’s funny how that part of the republican party history is never mentioned.

“The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.”

“This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote

Really? You think it odd that an internal political fight from well over ONE HUNDRED YEARS ago is rarely discussed?

I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

The question should be why would anyone - Black, White and all shades in between who has any ambition for themselves as well as their offspring want to even associate themselves with the American Communist Party aka Democrats. As for Blacks ... They have been voting Democratic since the 60s - the Democrats promise to lift them away from poverty - problem is they're still poor !!! They're still Slaves and always will be so long as they support this disgusting EVIL Democratis Party machine.

Even the infamous Malcolm X saw that the Democratic Party used African Americans to suit their own agenda and failed to address the community's living standards or job situations but Blacks still voted Democratic.

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? 'Liberal' Democrats and their useful idiot lapdogs have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.
View attachment 188692

Democratic Parties Racist History

More of the same old dumb ass white racist republican propaganda.

Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

The question should be why would anyone - Black, White and all shades in between who has any ambition for themselves as well as their offspring want to even associate themselves with the American Communist Party aka Democrats. As for Blacks ... They have been voting Democratic since the 60s - the Democrats promise to lift them away from poverty - problem is they're still poor !!! They're still Slaves and always will be so long as they support this disgusting EVIL Democratis Party machine.

Even the infamous Malcolm X saw that the Democratic Party used African Americans to suit their own agenda and failed to address the community's living standards or job situations but Blacks still voted Democratic.

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? 'Liberal' Democrats and their useful idiot lapdogs have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.
View attachment 188692

Democratic Parties Racist History

More of the same old dumb ass white racist republican propaganda.

Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.
What a pathetic opinion

Now tell us about the plight of whites
Republicans have given up the black vote forever

They have also given up the Hispanic vote, gay vote, immigrant vote, non-Christian vote

They are also giving up ground on the women’s vote, educated people and young people

Why do you say stuff that you know is a lie?

Which part is not true?

All of it.

As you know.

As usual, you got nothing

What was "wedge issues" about?
Blacks will look at candidates and decide who best represents their views and interests

90 percent will not vote Republican
Republicans have given up the black vote forever

They have also given up the Hispanic vote, gay vote, immigrant vote, non-Christian vote

They are also giving up ground on the women’s vote, educated people and young people

Why do you say stuff that you know is a lie?

Which part is not true?

All of it.

As you know.

As usual, you got nothing

What was "wedge issues" about?
You still haven’t explained your ridiculous statement
Blacks will look at candidates and decide who best represents their views and interests

90 percent will not vote Republican

The gap between black political stances, and voting patterns says that is not true.

What were "wedge issues"?
Why do you say stuff that you know is a lie?

Which part is not true?

All of it.

As you know.

As usual, you got nothing

What was "wedge issues" about?
You still haven’t explained your ridiculous statement

I'm asking a leading question to shed light on the issue. You know you can trust me. I am not some asshole playing gotcha games.

What were "wedge issues" about?
If they're silent, how do you know they are?

That's easy, note the ones that are silent when someone here posts something racist towards blacks, be it they are referred to as "turd colored" or "needing bananas", then note the same ones that are outspoken when someone like IM2 speaks about racism. The excuse "I didn't see it, or read it" is a tired/worn out bullshit excuse. Like here....

A Jungle Bunny Is Not the Easter Bunny

By "racism," you mean Realism or Adultism, as opposed to your warm and fuzzy Kumbaya cartoon fantasies. By using vulgar terms, we get even for your insulting pejorative use of "racism."

How many here responded that jungle bunny is a racist term? Now imagine the pages of responses had someone used a derogatory term towards whites.

qui tacet consentire videtur

It goes both ways. I've never seen any blacks speak up when a black person here posts something blatantly racist. And I've seen a lot. One poster in particular comes to mind but I won't name this person.

Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason.

Having said that, most of the people I know are conservatives and Republicans and are nothing like this. And the reason a lot of conservatives are silent most of the time is because they are simply not vocal by nature and for them, race is not an issue. By that I don't mean that they don't recognize that there is a racial divide in this country, they do. They just feel that addressing, say, inner city poverty and crime, will be better vanquished with long term economic solutions as opposed to more social initiatives and programs.

It does not go both ways. You've see nothing blatantly racist from backs here.[/QUOTE}

Oh yes I have. I've seen the words "whitey", "white boy", "cracker" and other derogatory terms here more times than I can count.

Talking about how whites are still racist is not blatant racism.

I never suggested otherwise.

Actually inner city poverty and crime must be addressed by both economic solutions and long term economic development. But the problem with white conservatives is they, like you, talk only about "inner city" problems, when whites have greater crime, and entire counties in poverty.

Take it easy there Lumpy, this is not a contest to see who has more crime. I merely brought up inner city problems as an example. Also, you don't know me well enough to say that I only talk about inner city problems.

You've seen nothing blatantly racist from blacks.

Yes, I have. I know blatant racism when I see it and I've seen it here from blacks as well as from whites.

This may be an uncomfortable truth for you but there are racist blacks out there, even if there are none here on the forum.

What you saw was responses to being called monkeys, chimps, apes, niggas, coons, how all blacks are dumb, how we are violent and almost every other racist comment that can be made. Just the other day I was told to eat a banana, that is not the first time that person made such a comment.

Racism is not the cure for racism. I'm not defending or excusing those clowns who use terms like "coon" or "ape", I'm just saying that throwing back terms like "cracker" is not a solution to racism and doesn't help matters.

You mentioned inner city problems without mentioning rural and suburban problems such as inner city poverty.

Correct. The example was in the context of how conservatives view blacks and black problems such as drug use, gangs and fatherless homes. Remember? The question in the OP was not why whites should be Republican. Any idiot knows there are drug problems in rural and suburban areas such as the current heroin epidemic and high meth use. But that has nothing to do with the relationship between blacks and Republicans which is what this thread is about.

You are trying to compare whitey with coon or nigga?

Are you saying that "whitey" and "cracker" are terms of endearment? Would you be any less offended if one of these clowns called you "blackie"? A racist term is a racist term and comes from a racist mentality so it would be pointless to compare them.

As I said before, this is not a contest to see who has more racists, blacks or whites. All I did was try to clarify how conservatives approach the issue of race.

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