Why should blacks become republicans?

What else could it be when you say democrats are doing black Americans favors with anti poverty government programs? Programs which serve more white people, BTW.

If you want to take that approach, you should be arguing that the programs are a political outreach to white people.
Democrats help people who need help......Republicans are indifferent and scapegoat poor people

Minority voters notice

Republicans are slightly less generous with social programs.

They are not indifferent, nor do they scapegoat poor people.

Stop your lying. You are tearing this nation apart.
Just stop it

Yes, Republicans scapegoat poor people
With working Americans struggling to maintain a standard of living, Republicans point to the poor.......THEY have too much, that is why you have too little

Meanwhile, they give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to the wealthy

Support your vile lies, or admit that you are a vile liar who is purposefully working to tear this nation apart, for the sole joy of hurting people.

Your lies are setting good people against each other. You should be ashamed.
Republicans have torn the nation apart
They have sold out to the wealthy and passed legislation diminishing worker rights, minimalizing unions, and holding down wages and benefits

The biggest things holding down wages, and benefits, has been globalization and immigration, both of which have had strong bi-partisan support for decades.

AND have now finally been challenged by the election of a candidate that ran against both of them.

A REPUBLICAN candidate.
So the programs are not targeted at black people? Doesn't that kind of destroy your whole paternalistic and contemptuous, "democrats is good for black people cuz dey like poor people programs"?
No it does not
By saying that, you implied that black people are poor.
Did no such thing

What else could it be when you say democrats are doing black Americans favors with anti poverty government programs? Programs which serve more white people, BTW.

If you want to take that approach, you should be arguing that the programs are a political outreach to white people.
Democrats help people who need help......Republicans are indifferent and scapegoat poor people

Minority voters notice

How is that doing favors for black people, which is the beginning argument?
By saying that, you implied that black people are poor.
Did no such thing

What else could it be when you say democrats are doing black Americans favors with anti poverty government programs? Programs which serve more white people, BTW.

If you want to take that approach, you should be arguing that the programs are a political outreach to white people.
Democrats help people who need help......Republicans are indifferent and scapegoat poor people

Minority voters notice

Republicans are slightly less generous with social programs.

They are not indifferent, nor do they scapegoat poor people.

Stop your lying. You are tearing this nation apart.

Republicans are tearing this nation apart. They do everything RW said.

It's that kind of false belief that is balkanizing the country.
nothing new has happened.

the media used incredibly rare happenings to piss off black people into thinking they are being hunted. Any look at the facts of that would make it clear that it's pure propaganda.

and the focus on the neo-nazis? They aren't doing anything they haven't been doing for decades. Basically nothing. But the media wants to wind up the ignorant, so they give them media time and most people fall for it.

the best thing about propaganda is you only have to avoid using the word propaganda in public.
You're just denying the obvious: Trump pretending he didn't know who David Duke was, his comments after riots, white supremacist/white nationalist groups increasing and supporting him, on and on. Look at what is said RIGHT HERE ON USMB. Do you think this is the only place this shit is said?

You can just pretend all that hasn't happened, or you can say that it's "not enough" (even though that's not for you to determine), and all that does is make it worse.

Do you think a left-winger telling you that something you feel deeply is wrong and irrelevant is going to change your mind? Really?
I just love when people post the 'you forgot' stuff.

the far right has always voted R, so it's nothing new, but you believe, not think, it is.

who give a fuck about david duke?

his comments after the riots, that antifa started, was a call for cooler heads on both sides, but you believe, not think, that that was wrong.

you fell for the propaganda, congrats, you're a sheep
Who gives a fuck about David Duke?

Black Americans.

The fact that you don't know that illustrates my point beautifully.

Talk radio is not good for you.

When David Duke ran for President he got .04% of the popular vote.

He is relevant only as an example of how weak white racism is, and how corrupt the media is, every time they pretend otherwise.

David Duke only represents the overt white racist. He doesn't represent the silent covert racists that are far more in number in the white community.

If they're silent, how do you know they are?
You're just denying the obvious: Trump pretending he didn't know who David Duke was, his comments after riots, white supremacist/white nationalist groups increasing and supporting him, on and on. Look at what is said RIGHT HERE ON USMB. Do you think this is the only place this shit is said?

You can just pretend all that hasn't happened, or you can say that it's "not enough" (even though that's not for you to determine), and all that does is make it worse.

Do you think a left-winger telling you that something you feel deeply is wrong and irrelevant is going to change your mind? Really?
I just love when people post the 'you forgot' stuff.

the far right has always voted R, so it's nothing new, but you believe, not think, it is.

who give a fuck about david duke?

his comments after the riots, that antifa started, was a call for cooler heads on both sides, but you believe, not think, that that was wrong.

you fell for the propaganda, congrats, you're a sheep
Who gives a fuck about David Duke?

Black Americans.

The fact that you don't know that illustrates my point beautifully.

Talk radio is not good for you.

When David Duke ran for President he got .04% of the popular vote.

He is relevant only as an example of how weak white racism is, and how corrupt the media is, every time they pretend otherwise.

David Duke only represents the overt white racist. He doesn't represent the silent covert racists that are far more in number in the white community.

If they're silent, how do you know they are?

That's easy, note the ones that are silent when someone here posts something racist towards blacks, be it they are referred to as "turd colored" or "needing bananas", then note the same ones that are outspoken when someone like IM2 speaks about racism. The excuse "I didn't see it, or read it" is a tired/worn out bullshit excuse. Like here....

A Jungle Bunny Is Not the Easter Bunny

By "racism," you mean Realism or Adultism, as opposed to your warm and fuzzy Kumbaya cartoon fantasies. By using vulgar terms, we get even for your insulting pejorative use of "racism."

How many here responded that jungle bunny is a racist term? Now imagine the pages of responses had someone used a derogatory term towards whites.

qui tacet consentire videtur
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

Yeah, if you join the Republican party you can no longer use the 'race-card'.......
You're just denying the obvious: Trump pretending he didn't know who David Duke was, his comments after riots, white supremacist/white nationalist groups increasing and supporting him, on and on. Look at what is said RIGHT HERE ON USMB. Do you think this is the only place this shit is said?

You can just pretend all that hasn't happened, or you can say that it's "not enough" (even though that's not for you to determine), and all that does is make it worse.

Do you think a left-winger telling you that something you feel deeply is wrong and irrelevant is going to change your mind? Really?
I just love when people post the 'you forgot' stuff.

the far right has always voted R, so it's nothing new, but you believe, not think, it is.

who give a fuck about david duke?

his comments after the riots, that antifa started, was a call for cooler heads on both sides, but you believe, not think, that that was wrong.

you fell for the propaganda, congrats, you're a sheep
Who gives a fuck about David Duke?

Black Americans.

The fact that you don't know that illustrates my point beautifully.

Talk radio is not good for you.

When David Duke ran for President he got .04% of the popular vote.

He is relevant only as an example of how weak white racism is, and how corrupt the media is, every time they pretend otherwise.

David Duke only represents the overt white racist. He doesn't represent the silent covert racists that are far more in number in the white community.

If they're silent, how do you know they are?

He just knows.
I just love when people post the 'you forgot' stuff.

the far right has always voted R, so it's nothing new, but you believe, not think, it is.

who give a fuck about david duke?

his comments after the riots, that antifa started, was a call for cooler heads on both sides, but you believe, not think, that that was wrong.

you fell for the propaganda, congrats, you're a sheep
Who gives a fuck about David Duke?

Black Americans.

The fact that you don't know that illustrates my point beautifully.

Talk radio is not good for you.

When David Duke ran for President he got .04% of the popular vote.

He is relevant only as an example of how weak white racism is, and how corrupt the media is, every time they pretend otherwise.

David Duke only represents the overt white racist. He doesn't represent the silent covert racists that are far more in number in the white community.

If they're silent, how do you know they are?

That's easy, note the ones that are silent when someone here posts something racist towards blacks, be it they are referred to as "turd colored" or "needing bananas", then note the same ones that are outspoken when someone like IM2 speaks about racism. The excuse "I didn't see it, or read it" is a tired/worn out bullshit excuse. Like here....

A Jungle Bunny Is Not the Easter Bunny

By "racism," you mean Realism or Adultism, as opposed to your warm and fuzzy Kumbaya cartoon fantasies. By using vulgar terms, we get even for your insulting pejorative use of "racism."

How many here responded that jungle bunny is a racist term? Now imagine the pages of responses had someone used a derogatory term towards whites.

qui tacet consentire videtur

It goes both ways. I've never seen any blacks speak up when a black person here posts something blatantly racist. And I've seen a lot. One poster in particular comes to mind but I won't name this person.

Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason.

Having said that, most of the people I know are conservatives and Republicans and are nothing like this. And the reason a lot of conservatives are silent most of the time is because they are simply not vocal by nature and for them, race is not an issue. By that I don't mean that they don't recognize that there is a racial divide in this country, they do. They just feel that addressing, say, inner city poverty and crime, will be better vanquished with long term economic solutions as opposed to more social initiatives and programs.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I have encountered republican blacks. I am a registered democrat.
Seems some blacks do consider the standard and traditional
republican policies ADVANTAGEOUS to them as individuals
Who gives a fuck about David Duke?

Black Americans.

The fact that you don't know that illustrates my point beautifully.

Talk radio is not good for you.

When David Duke ran for President he got .04% of the popular vote.

He is relevant only as an example of how weak white racism is, and how corrupt the media is, every time they pretend otherwise.
Not to Black Americans. That's just a fact. What you do with that fact is up to you.

Well, we've utterly disavowed him and worked against him time and time again, both as a party and as individuals from GHWBush to Trump.

Beyond that, I guess we could kill him.

If Trump murdered Duke with his bare hands, would that be enough for blacks, or would we hear that he waited to long to kill him?
Trump could have disavowed Duke in front of the entire country and chose to pretend he didn't know Duke existed.

Why did he do that? Because he doesn't want to lose that vote. Whether it's ten votes or a million, he didn't want to lose it.

That's what American Blacks saw. If you don't see it, then just keep doing what you're doing.

He has disavowed Duke repeatedly. The lefty media focuses on the one time he blew off the question.

EVERYTIME that Trump and Duke is mentioned in the same sentence, it is propaganda that reinforces the idea that there is some connection or similarity.

There is no vote to lose with DUke. When he ran, he got .04% of the national vote.

It is insane that you think that Trump is concerned about some mythical white racist vote.

The white racist vote is real. You vote don't ya?

Racial Resentment and the Rise of Donald Trump

What explains the rise of Donald Trump?

There are many potential answers, but over the course of the campaign two competing theories have emerged. The first holds that Trump’s message appeals to working-class white voters who’ve seen their incomes remain stagnant, manufacturing jobs vanish, and inequality skyrocket in recent decades. The root cause of Trumpism, in this view, is economic insecurity. The other, blunter theory is that Trump’s fans flock to him for the same reason elites view him as an existential threat to American democracy: his open appeals to racist, white nationalist sentiment.

Both of these theories have some truth to them. But polling data suggests that racial attitudes, including racial resentment and explicit racial stereotypes, are the more important factor. What’s more, the evidence presented below shows that racial attitudes uniquely predict support for Trump, compared to the other Republican candidates.

The American National Election Studies 2016 Pilot Study, a presidential primary extension of a long-running election survey, asked 1,200 eligible voters about the election, and their views on race, from January 22 – 28, 2016. The poll had a number of questions designed to measure racial animus. First, it asked respondents how important their race is to their identity. Second, it asked respondents whether they think the words “lazy” and “violent” describe black people, Muslims and Hispanics, “extremely well,” “very well,” “moderately well,” “slightly well,” and “not well at all.”


From Reagan’s talk of “welfare queens” to Rick Santorum saying “I don’t want to make Black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money” many GOP leaders have used racially charged rhetoric to undermine support for the social safety net. The result has been to empower a demagogue like Trump. A recent New York Times investigation showed that one of the most powerful predictors that a county would vote Trump was share of the citizens living in mobile homes. In the New York Times investigation, the strongest predictor of support for Trump was not jobs, but rather the share of population who were non-Hispanic whites without college degrees. The GOP certainly has not done itself any favors by pushing for highly unpopular policies that have benefitted their donor class while showing little benefit to the wider population. While we accept that all of these factors help explain Trump support, we find that racism is the main driver of support for Trump. The model presented here accounts for all of these attitudes and still finds an incredibly strong relationship between racism and support for Trump. The centrality of racism to the Trump phenomenon should not be obscured.

Racial Resentment and the Rise of Donald Trump

So since white racism is mythical:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Who gives a fuck about David Duke?

Black Americans.

The fact that you don't know that illustrates my point beautifully.

Talk radio is not good for you.

When David Duke ran for President he got .04% of the popular vote.

He is relevant only as an example of how weak white racism is, and how corrupt the media is, every time they pretend otherwise.

David Duke only represents the overt white racist. He doesn't represent the silent covert racists that are far more in number in the white community.

If they're silent, how do you know they are?

That's easy, note the ones that are silent when someone here posts something racist towards blacks, be it they are referred to as "turd colored" or "needing bananas", then note the same ones that are outspoken when someone like IM2 speaks about racism. The excuse "I didn't see it, or read it" is a tired/worn out bullshit excuse. Like here....

A Jungle Bunny Is Not the Easter Bunny

By "racism," you mean Realism or Adultism, as opposed to your warm and fuzzy Kumbaya cartoon fantasies. By using vulgar terms, we get even for your insulting pejorative use of "racism."

How many here responded that jungle bunny is a racist term? Now imagine the pages of responses had someone used a derogatory term towards whites.

qui tacet consentire videtur

It goes both ways. I've never seen any blacks speak up when a black person here posts something blatantly racist. And I've seen a lot. One poster in particular comes to mind but I won't name this person.

Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason.

Having said that, most of the people I know are conservatives and Republicans and are nothing like this. And the reason a lot of conservatives are silent most of the time is because they are simply not vocal by nature and for them, race is not an issue. By that I don't mean that they don't recognize that there is a racial divide in this country, they do. They just feel that addressing, say, inner city poverty and crime, will be better vanquished with long term economic solutions as opposed to more social initiatives and programs.

It does not go both ways. You've see nothing blatantly racist from backs here. Talking about how whites are still racist is not blatant racism..Actually inner city poverty and crime must be addressed by both economic solutions and long term economic development. But the problem with white conservatives is they, like you, talk only about "inner city" problems, when whites have greater crime, and entire counties in poverty.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I have encountered republican blacks. I am a registered democrat.
Seems some blacks do consider the standard and traditional
republican policies ADVANTAGEOUS to them as individuals

.Being black, I know a number of black republicans. .The problem is thy are still pledging allegiance to Lincoln. Todays republican party doesn't represent that anymore.
Did no such thing

What else could it be when you say democrats are doing black Americans favors with anti poverty government programs? Programs which serve more white people, BTW.

If you want to take that approach, you should be arguing that the programs are a political outreach to white people.
Democrats help people who need help......Republicans are indifferent and scapegoat poor people

Minority voters notice

Republicans are slightly less generous with social programs.

They are not indifferent, nor do they scapegoat poor people.

Stop your lying. You are tearing this nation apart.
Just stop it

Yes, Republicans scapegoat poor people
With working Americans struggling to maintain a standard of living, Republicans point to the poor.......THEY have too much, that is why you have too little

Meanwhile, they give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to the wealthy

Support your vile lies, or admit that you are a vile liar who is purposefully working to tear this nation apart, for the sole joy of hurting people.

Your lies are setting good people against each other. You should be ashamed.

He is supporting them. You can't tear something apart that's never been together.
When David Duke ran for President he got .04% of the popular vote.

He is relevant only as an example of how weak white racism is, and how corrupt the media is, every time they pretend otherwise.
Not to Black Americans. That's just a fact. What you do with that fact is up to you.

Well, we've utterly disavowed him and worked against him time and time again, both as a party and as individuals from GHWBush to Trump.

Beyond that, I guess we could kill him.

If Trump murdered Duke with his bare hands, would that be enough for blacks, or would we hear that he waited to long to kill him?
Trump could have disavowed Duke in front of the entire country and chose to pretend he didn't know Duke existed.

Why did he do that? Because he doesn't want to lose that vote. Whether it's ten votes or a million, he didn't want to lose it.

That's what American Blacks saw. If you don't see it, then just keep doing what you're doing.

He has disavowed Duke repeatedly. The lefty media focuses on the one time he blew off the question.

EVERYTIME that Trump and Duke is mentioned in the same sentence, it is propaganda that reinforces the idea that there is some connection or similarity.

There is no vote to lose with DUke. When he ran, he got .04% of the national vote.

It is insane that you think that Trump is concerned about some mythical white racist vote.

The white racist vote is real. You vote don't ya?

Since that was nothing but an insult, I will respond in kind.

FUck you.

There are many potential answers, but over the course of the campaign two competing theories have emerged. The first holds that Trump’s message appeals to working-class white voters who’ve seen their incomes remain stagnant, manufacturing jobs vanish, and inequality skyrocket in recent decades. The root cause of Trumpism, in this view, is economic insecurity.

That's the one I believe. It certainly tracks with generations of stagnate wages, and effects, since as the recent drop in white life spans.

The American National Election Studies 2016 Pilot Study, a presidential primary extension of a long-running election survey, asked 1,200 eligible voters about the election, and their views on race, from January 22 – 28, 2016. The poll had a number of questions designed to measure racial animus. First, it asked respondents how important their race is to their identity. Second, it asked respondents whether they think the words “lazy” and “violent” describe black people, Muslims and Hispanics, “extremely well,” “very well,” “moderately well,” “slightly well,” and “not well at all.”

There is no point to this portion of the piece. It discusses asking questions, and that's it. No discussion of results or reasonable conclusions.

From Reagan’s talk of “welfare queens” to Rick Santorum saying “I don’t want to make Black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money” many GOP leaders have used racially charged rhetoric to undermine support for the social safety net.

Spin and using that spin to reach unsupported conclusion.

.... A recent New York Times investigation showed that one of the most powerful predictors that a county would vote Trump was share of the citizens living in mobile homes.

Sounds like a manifestation of economic insecurity.

In the New York Times investigation, the strongest predictor of support for Trump was not jobs, but rather the share of population who were non-Hispanic whites without college degrees.

Which makes sense as his policies were based around serving their interests. That is the group that is most harmed by trade deficits and competition with Third world immigration labor.

The GOP certainly has not done itself any favors by pushing for highly unpopular policies that have benefitted their donor class while showing little benefit to the wider population.

The prime issues in the campaign were issues that the GOP and the Dems have both been in agreement on , until the rise of Trump, ie trade and immigration.

[/QUOTE]While we accept that all of these factors help explain Trump support, we find that racism is the main driver of support for Trump. [/QUOTE]

Empty assertion.

The model presented here accounts for all of these attitudes and still finds an incredibly strong relationship between racism and support for Trump. The centrality of racism to the Trump phenomenon should not be obscured.

Unsupported assertion.


Well, that was a big heaping pile of nothing burger.

My point stands.

He has disavowed Duke repeatedly. The lefty media focuses on the one time he blew off the question.

EVERYTIME that Trump and Duke is mentioned in the same sentence, it is propaganda that reinforces the idea that there is some connection or similarity.

There is no vote to lose with DUke. When he ran, he got .04% of the national vote.

It is insane that you think that Trump is concerned about some mythical white racist vote.
What else could it be when you say democrats are doing black Americans favors with anti poverty government programs? Programs which serve more white people, BTW.

If you want to take that approach, you should be arguing that the programs are a political outreach to white people.
Democrats help people who need help......Republicans are indifferent and scapegoat poor people

Minority voters notice

Republicans are slightly less generous with social programs.

They are not indifferent, nor do they scapegoat poor people.

Stop your lying. You are tearing this nation apart.
Just stop it

Yes, Republicans scapegoat poor people
With working Americans struggling to maintain a standard of living, Republicans point to the poor.......THEY have too much, that is why you have too little

Meanwhile, they give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to the wealthy

Support your vile lies, or admit that you are a vile liar who is purposefully working to tear this nation apart, for the sole joy of hurting people.

Your lies are setting good people against each other. You should be ashamed.

He is supporting them. You can't tear something apart that's never been together.

He did respond with answers and I addressed them seriously and honestly.

This nation was more united in the past. LIberals like you and RW have torn it apart and are constantly working to tear it about even further.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

How about $$$$

I will never get why liberals vote against their wallets..

From the liberal Chicago Tribune

Illinois exodus: When living here no longer makes financial sense

Illinois exodus: When living here no longer makes financial sense
Editorial Board

If the state of Illinois kept score on millennials it poached from surrounding states, it could have counted Sara Niedzwiecki — temporarily. A Wisconsin native, she moved near Chicago shortly after college, envisioning city life as it’s portrayed in the movies: hip, adventurous, welcoming. Not for her, it turned out.

As part of a series on the accelerating exodus from Illinois, we’re tracking down expatriates (and potential expats) and telling their stories. From millennials to retirees, their narratives follow the same thread: Illinois is losing its promise as a land of opportunity. Government debt and dysfunction contribute to a weak housing market and a stagnant jobs climate. State and local governments face enormous pension and other obligations. Taxes have risen sharply; many Illinois politicians say they must rise more.

There are other things besides money. However, republicans have not been good for our wallets.

Examples please?

I am sure black smokers don't appreciate cigarettes at $10 bucks plus a pack for example in Chicago
Not to Black Americans. That's just a fact. What you do with that fact is up to you.

Well, we've utterly disavowed him and worked against him time and time again, both as a party and as individuals from GHWBush to Trump.

Beyond that, I guess we could kill him.

If Trump murdered Duke with his bare hands, would that be enough for blacks, or would we hear that he waited to long to kill him?
Trump could have disavowed Duke in front of the entire country and chose to pretend he didn't know Duke existed.

Why did he do that? Because he doesn't want to lose that vote. Whether it's ten votes or a million, he didn't want to lose it.

That's what American Blacks saw. If you don't see it, then just keep doing what you're doing.

He has disavowed Duke repeatedly. The lefty media focuses on the one time he blew off the question.

EVERYTIME that Trump and Duke is mentioned in the same sentence, it is propaganda that reinforces the idea that there is some connection or similarity.

There is no vote to lose with DUke. When he ran, he got .04% of the national vote.

It is insane that you think that Trump is concerned about some mythical white racist vote.

The white racist vote is real. You vote don't ya?

Since that was nothing but an insult, I will respond in kind.

FUck you.

There are many potential answers, but over the course of the campaign two competing theories have emerged. The first holds that Trump’s message appeals to working-class white voters who’ve seen their incomes remain stagnant, manufacturing jobs vanish, and inequality skyrocket in recent decades. The root cause of Trumpism, in this view, is economic insecurity.

That's the one I believe. It certainly tracks with generations of stagnate wages, and effects, since as the recent drop in white life spans.

The American National Election Studies 2016 Pilot Study, a presidential primary extension of a long-running election survey, asked 1,200 eligible voters about the election, and their views on race, from January 22 – 28, 2016. The poll had a number of questions designed to measure racial animus. First, it asked respondents how important their race is to their identity. Second, it asked respondents whether they think the words “lazy” and “violent” describe black people, Muslims and Hispanics, “extremely well,” “very well,” “moderately well,” “slightly well,” and “not well at all.”

There is no point to this portion of the piece. It discusses asking questions, and that's it. No discussion of results or reasonable conclusions.

From Reagan’s talk of “welfare queens” to Rick Santorum saying “I don’t want to make Black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money” many GOP leaders have used racially charged rhetoric to undermine support for the social safety net.

Spin and using that spin to reach unsupported conclusion.

.... A recent New York Times investigation showed that one of the most powerful predictors that a county would vote Trump was share of the citizens living in mobile homes.

Sounds like a manifestation of economic insecurity.

In the New York Times investigation, the strongest predictor of support for Trump was not jobs, but rather the share of population who were non-Hispanic whites without college degrees.

Which makes sense as his policies were based around serving their interests. That is the group that is most harmed by trade deficits and competition with Third world immigration labor.

The GOP certainly has not done itself any favors by pushing for highly unpopular policies that have benefitted their donor class while showing little benefit to the wider population.

The prime issues in the campaign were issues that the GOP and the Dems have both been in agreement on , until the rise of Trump, ie trade and immigration.

While we accept that all of these factors help explain Trump support, we find that racism is the main driver of support for Trump. [/QUOTE]

Empty assertion.

The model presented here accounts for all of these attitudes and still finds an incredibly strong relationship between racism and support for Trump. The centrality of racism to the Trump phenomenon should not be obscured.

Unsupported assertion.


Well, that was a big heaping pile of nothing burger.

My point stands.

He has disavowed Duke repeatedly. The lefty media focuses on the one time he blew off the question.

EVERYTIME that Trump and Duke is mentioned in the same sentence, it is propaganda that reinforces the idea that there is some connection or similarity.

There is no vote to lose with DUke. When he ran, he got .04% of the national vote.

It is insane that you think that Trump is concerned about some mythical white racist vote.[/QUOTE]

What's insane is you trying to lie about it. You make no point.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Well, we've utterly disavowed him and worked against him time and time again, both as a party and as individuals from GHWBush to Trump.

Beyond that, I guess we could kill him.

If Trump murdered Duke with his bare hands, would that be enough for blacks, or would we hear that he waited to long to kill him?
Trump could have disavowed Duke in front of the entire country and chose to pretend he didn't know Duke existed.

Why did he do that? Because he doesn't want to lose that vote. Whether it's ten votes or a million, he didn't want to lose it.

That's what American Blacks saw. If you don't see it, then just keep doing what you're doing.

He has disavowed Duke repeatedly. The lefty media focuses on the one time he blew off the question.

EVERYTIME that Trump and Duke is mentioned in the same sentence, it is propaganda that reinforces the idea that there is some connection or similarity.

There is no vote to lose with DUke. When he ran, he got .04% of the national vote.

It is insane that you think that Trump is concerned about some mythical white racist vote.

The white racist vote is real. You vote don't ya?

Since that was nothing but an insult, I will respond in kind.

FUck you.

There are many potential answers, but over the course of the campaign two competing theories have emerged. The first holds that Trump’s message appeals to working-class white voters who’ve seen their incomes remain stagnant, manufacturing jobs vanish, and inequality skyrocket in recent decades. The root cause of Trumpism, in this view, is economic insecurity.

That's the one I believe. It certainly tracks with generations of stagnate wages, and effects, since as the recent drop in white life spans.

The American National Election Studies 2016 Pilot Study, a presidential primary extension of a long-running election survey, asked 1,200 eligible voters about the election, and their views on race, from January 22 – 28, 2016. The poll had a number of questions designed to measure racial animus. First, it asked respondents how important their race is to their identity. Second, it asked respondents whether they think the words “lazy” and “violent” describe black people, Muslims and Hispanics, “extremely well,” “very well,” “moderately well,” “slightly well,” and “not well at all.”

There is no point to this portion of the piece. It discusses asking questions, and that's it. No discussion of results or reasonable conclusions.

From Reagan’s talk of “welfare queens” to Rick Santorum saying “I don’t want to make Black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money” many GOP leaders have used racially charged rhetoric to undermine support for the social safety net.

Spin and using that spin to reach unsupported conclusion.

.... A recent New York Times investigation showed that one of the most powerful predictors that a county would vote Trump was share of the citizens living in mobile homes.

Sounds like a manifestation of economic insecurity.

In the New York Times investigation, the strongest predictor of support for Trump was not jobs, but rather the share of population who were non-Hispanic whites without college degrees.

Which makes sense as his policies were based around serving their interests. That is the group that is most harmed by trade deficits and competition with Third world immigration labor.

The GOP certainly has not done itself any favors by pushing for highly unpopular policies that have benefitted their donor class while showing little benefit to the wider population.

The prime issues in the campaign were issues that the GOP and the Dems have both been in agreement on , until the rise of Trump, ie trade and immigration.
While we accept that all of these factors help explain Trump support, we find that racism is the main driver of support for Trump.

Empty assertion.

The model presented here accounts for all of these attitudes and still finds an incredibly strong relationship between racism and support for Trump. The centrality of racism to the Trump phenomenon should not be obscured.

Unsupported assertion.


Well, that was a big heaping pile of nothing burger.

My point stands.

He has disavowed Duke repeatedly. The lefty media focuses on the one time he blew off the question.

EVERYTIME that Trump and Duke is mentioned in the same sentence, it is propaganda that reinforces the idea that there is some connection or similarity.

There is no vote to lose with DUke. When he ran, he got .04% of the national vote.

It is insane that you think that Trump is concerned about some mythical white racist vote.[/QUOTE]

What's insane is you trying to lie about it. You make no point.

I went though your post, planning to address each point individually.

I found, to my surprise, that there was almost nothing in there that was not unsupported assertion and/or opinion.


My point stands, unaddressed, let alone challenge.

He has disavowed Duke repeatedly. The lefty media focuses on the one time he blew off the question.

EVERYTIME that Trump and Duke is mentioned in the same sentence, it is propaganda that reinforces the idea that there is some connection or similarity.

There is no vote to lose with DUke. When he ran, he got .04% of the national vote.

It is insane that you think that Trump is concerned about some mythical white racist vote.
Democrats help people who need help......Republicans are indifferent and scapegoat poor people

Minority voters notice

Republicans are slightly less generous with social programs.

They are not indifferent, nor do they scapegoat poor people.

Stop your lying. You are tearing this nation apart.
Just stop it

Yes, Republicans scapegoat poor people
With working Americans struggling to maintain a standard of living, Republicans point to the poor.......THEY have too much, that is why you have too little

Meanwhile, they give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to the wealthy

Support your vile lies, or admit that you are a vile liar who is purposefully working to tear this nation apart, for the sole joy of hurting people.

Your lies are setting good people against each other. You should be ashamed.

He is supporting them. You can't tear something apart that's never been together.

He did respond with answers and I addressed them seriously and honestly.

This nation was more united in the past. LIberals like you and RW have torn it apart and are constantly working to tear it about even further.

We used to be more united

There was a time when you had liberal republicans and conservative democrats
There was a time when legislation passed from the middle
There was a time when Washington lived on compromise

Those days are gone. A win/win solution is rejected because it lets the other guy win too. Anyone found working across the aisle viciously attacked by the right or left media
Democrats help people who need help......Republicans are indifferent and scapegoat poor people

Minority voters notice

Republicans are slightly less generous with social programs.

They are not indifferent, nor do they scapegoat poor people.

Stop your lying. You are tearing this nation apart.
Just stop it

Yes, Republicans scapegoat poor people
With working Americans struggling to maintain a standard of living, Republicans point to the poor.......THEY have too much, that is why you have too little

Meanwhile, they give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to the wealthy

Support your vile lies, or admit that you are a vile liar who is purposefully working to tear this nation apart, for the sole joy of hurting people.

Your lies are setting good people against each other. You should be ashamed.

He is supporting them. You can't tear something apart that's never been together.

He did respond with answers and I addressed them seriously and honestly.

This nation was more united in the past. LIberals like you and RW have torn it apart and are constantly working to tear it about even further.

We had laws that created Aparthied. We were not more united. .

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

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