Why should blacks become republicans?

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Only one person on your list was ever even elected to public office. And even he was appointed for his first term as a Senator.

That’s because the racist right is too racist to elect blacks; which to @rightwinger’s point, there have been only 8 in more than 100 years.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I didn't read the previous responses, but the fact is blacks are doing better economically under Trump than any president in U.S. history.

Whites aren't having it as good, but most of it is because of stuff they did to themselves.
That’s only because Obama lowered the black unemployment rate from Bush’s Great Recession high of almost 17% to 7.8%; along with a growing economy where the downward trend continued under trump.

Obama does all the heavy lifting and you rightards credit trump. :eusa_doh:

whites like you

You sure I'm white - read the post

I read it and you were there talking about people being jealous of whites. Therefore you are white.

So much for your leftarded assumptions - I used to think I was half white, but according to my ancestry.com dna profile I'm 39% European, Scotland . 2% African, Nigerian . 55% Native American and 4% undetermined - aliens I guess :> As for you - if I had to make an assumption I would say that you're not half white but a half Wit.
Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Tucker Carlson? The king of disingenuous and fake news. LOL!
Tucker Carlson always has the deer in the headlights look on his face...


You know they've lost the argument when they go full retard. Never go full retard.
whites like you

You sure I'm white - read the post

I read it and you were there talking about people being jealous of whites. Therefore you are white.

Human Nature dictates that the under dog, the have nots will always envy the haves. You can go on and on about how Europeans exploited other peoples and other lands but in reality all human civilizations exploited and conquered their neighbors throughout recorded history. The Europeans simply reached an advanced pinnacle before any other group. At one time in History the Africans of the area where current day Mali and Ghana are had the most advanced empires in the world [See Ghana, Mali and Songhay] ...The original Egyptians were Blacks and there is some evidence that Jesus Christ, if he existed at all may have been Black. at another point in History it was the Chinese, if you go far enough back the Rama's of India were the apple of the eye in the sky ... But Europeans are the founders of our current world civilization. .... Don't like it, you can just keep wallowing in your frivilous envy and self pity or you can move to another planet. Here's a novel idea - why don't yopu climb your ego and commit suicide by jumping down to your IQ.
How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?
Alveda King and the Rock?

Are you kidding me?
That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?
Alveda King and the Rock?

Are you kidding me?

Names you might recognize dumbass

Alveda King - the niece of Martin Luther King Jr. - who was her mentor in her formulative years - you have issues with that little fella ?? Dwayne Johnson - an actor - you know like all those libtard hollywood faggots you adore - except this one has a mind of his own
You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina

Why are they calling the voter ID law "Voter Suppression"?

No Habla. Que?

perra Habla Inglés. No ?
Beso mi culo
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina

Why are they calling the voter ID law "Voter Suppression"?

The NAACP held a protest against photo ID laws. But attendees were required to bring along a photo ID in order to join the rally.

I have to repeat that in hopes the hypocrisy will isnk in - The NAACP held a march to protest voter ID laws. In order to attend, all members were required to bring along a photo ID. I think that deserves both a 'lol' and a WTF !


Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?
Alveda King and the Rock?

Are you kidding me?

Names you might recognize dumbass

Alveda King - the niece of Martin Luther King Jr. - who was her mentor in her formulative years - you have issues with that little fella ?? Dwayne Johnson - an actor - you know like all those libtard hollywood faggots you adore - except this one has a mind of his own

Yet it's Righties who have elected a movie star, two New England patricians, and a reality TV star, while the Democrats elected a guy from an Arkansas trailer park and a Kenyan. Righties are star-struck.
Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Tucker Carlson? The king of disingenuous and fake news. LOL!
Tucker Carlson always has the deer in the headlights look on his face...

At least he dumped the stupid bow tie
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I didn't read the previous responses, but the fact is blacks are doing better economically under Trump than any president in U.S. history.

Whites aren't having it as good, but most of it is because of stuff they did to themselves.

Blacks are not doing better under Trump that at any time in US history.

Yes, they are.

Black Activist Explains Why African-Americans Are Doing So Much Better Under Trump Than Obama
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I didn't read the previous responses, but the fact is blacks are doing better economically under Trump than any president in U.S. history.

Whites aren't having it as good, but most of it is because of stuff they did to themselves.
That’s only because Obama lowered the black unemployment rate from Bush’s Great Recession high of almost 17% to 7.8%; along with a growing economy where the downward trend continued under trump.

Obama does all the heavy lifting and you rightards credit trump. :eusa_doh:


Here's typical political propaganda. Blame the past administration when things go sour and then take credit for anything good that happens under the new administration.
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina

Why are they calling the voter ID law "Voter Suppression"?

No Habla. Que?

perra Habla Inglés. No ?
Beso mi culo

No way amigo. Nancy Pelosi will be glad to..
whites like you

You sure I'm white - read the post

I read it and you were there talking about people being jealous of whites. Therefore you are white.

So much for your leftarded assumptions - I used to think I was half white, but according to my ancestry.com dna profile I'm 39% European, Scotland . 2% African, Nigerian . 55% Native American and 4% undetermined - aliens I guess :> As for you - if I had to make an assumption I would say that you're not half white but a half Wit.

I am supposed to give a damn?.

Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Tucker Carlson? The king of disingenuous and fake news. LOL!
Tucker Carlson always has the deer in the headlights look on his face...


You know they've lost the argument when they go full retard. Never go full retard.

Then you guys lose from the start. You start with full retard and get worse.
You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina

Why are they calling the voter ID law "Voter Suppression"?

Because that's what the courts are calling them.

So why are the courts calling it voter suppression?
whites like you

You sure I'm white - read the post

I read it and you were there talking about people being jealous of whites. Therefore you are white.

Human Nature dictates that the under dog, the have nots will always envy the haves. You can go on and on about how Europeans exploited other peoples and other lands but in reality all human civilizations exploited and conquered their neighbors throughout recorded history. The Europeans simply reached an advanced pinnacle before any other group. At one time in History the Africans of the area where current day Mali and Ghana are had the most advanced empires in the world [See Ghana, Mali and Songhay] ...The original Egyptians were Blacks and there is some evidence that Jesus Christ, if he existed at all may have been Black. at another point in History it was the Chinese, if you go far enough back the Rama's of India were the apple of the eye in the sky ... But Europeans are the founders of our current world civilization. .... Don't like it, you can just keep wallowing in your frivilous envy and self pity or you can move to another planet. Here's a novel idea - why don't yopu climb your ego and commit suicide by jumping down to your IQ.

I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they make laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to. We've ben able to fully compete for 53 years. At 53 years of white American existence your asses were still a colony dependent on Britain. So I have to laugh at people like you. Your stupidity is without limits.
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina

Why are they calling the voter ID law "Voter Suppression"?

Because that's what the courts are calling them.

So why are the courts calling it voter suppression?

Read the link.

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