Why should blacks become republicans?

It goes both ways. I've never seen any blacks speak up when a black person here posts something blatantly racist. And I've seen a lot. One poster in particular comes to mind but I won't name this person.

Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason.

Having said that, most of the people I know are conservatives and Republicans and are nothing like this. And the reason a lot of conservatives are silent most of the time is because they are simply not vocal by nature and for them, race is not an issue. By that I don't mean that they don't recognize that there is a racial divide in this country, they do. They just feel that addressing, say, inner city poverty and crime, will be better vanquished with long term economic solutions as opposed to more social initiatives and programs.
Almost all the virulent racists on this forum are conservatives. There are a couple on the left, including that black poster you’re talking about.

Why do you guys keep trying to make this a contest? All I said is that I've seen a few racist blacks here.
Evause there are folks who try to equate racism on the left with racism on the right, though it is far more prevalent on the right.

Racism is racism no matter what color you are or how it is manifested or even how prevalent it is in one side or the other.

I didn't start this nonsense about how racist one side is over the other. All I did in my initial post was try to clarify how the typical conservative approaches the issue of race and how to deal with problems. And all I've said since then is that there are black racists. The reactions to my responses have been quite telling.

Drop the claim of racism is racism.

I'll drop the claim that racism is racism as soon as you drop the claim that blacks can't be racist.

Because all “racism” is not racism. Understand that victims of racism will struggle with this abuse for the rest of their lives just as much as victims of other forms of abuse do. Then understand that because you don’t see racism as it was practiced in the past means it’s not being practiced now.

You're trying to quantify the unquantifiable. Racism is racism and all racism is racism. Some may or may not struggle with racism their entire lives and we may not see racism practiced today as it was in the past but that doesn't mean that a white person being called "whitey" or "cracker" is not racist.

Let me try to put this in perspective for you. Jews suffered racism and discrimination in Europe for centuries, much longer than blacks in America. This endemic racism finally culminated in the Holocaust where they were rounded up, sent to labor, concentration and death camps and slaughtered wholesale. Something blacks never experienced here. But even though they suffered more and for a longer period of time, Louis Farrakhan called Hitler "A very great man" and is well known for his antisemitism. Do you deny that Farrakhan is a racist? Or is his racism allowed because blacks suffered here?

Let me explain how I can say not all that is called racism is racism. I can more easily speak from the black experience so do not interpret this to mean I don’t care about others who have endured the same thing. It’s all wrong. Yet I believe that we need to differentiate between racism and prejudice. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. For anyone white to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.

Racism is defined as "Racial prejudice or discrimination."

Prejudice is defined as "An irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics."

The two terms are not mutually exclusive and in fact, are pretty much interchangeable. Racism is just a form of prejudice. The word comes from a Latin word meaning "to prejudge". To prejudge someone based on an inherent trait or characteristic such as skin color is racist. Ergo, when you say your prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people, you are in effect prejudging white people to be, as a race, untrustworthy. This is nothing short of racism.

Racism is more than making comments. It is more than an assumption of people based on skin color. Racism includes the ability to make your prejudice enforceable. Whites need to understand they have a history full of racial slurs turning into laws. Whites have a minimum 241 continuous years of comments that have been derogatory towards blacks. A minimum of 188 of those years these beliefs were overtly turned into law and enforced. Now it's done covertly. Let's not have amnesia as white people and not understand that you have this history. Whites must recognize this because it's one way to fix the damages caused by such racism and to bring the people of this nation closer together.

Speaking for myself, I am very much aware of the history of racism towards blacks in this country. Not once in this entire discussion have I denied it, justified it, downplayed it or compared it to other examples of racism. All I've done is simply point out that blacks can be, and some are, racist.
Last edited:
Yes, I have. I know blatant racism when I see it and I've seen it here from blacks as well as from whites.

This may be an uncomfortable truth for you but there are racist blacks out there, even if there are none here on the forum.

Racism is not the cure for racism. I'm not defending or excusing those clowns who use terms like "coon" or "ape", I'm just saying that throwing back terms like "cracker" is not a solution to racism and doesn't help matters.

Correct. The example was in the context of how conservatives view blacks and black problems such as drug use, gangs and fatherless homes. Remember? The question in the OP was not why whites should be Republican. Any idiot knows there are drug problems in rural and suburban areas such as the current heroin epidemic and high meth use. But that has nothing to do with the relationship between blacks and Republicans which is what this thread is about.

Are you saying that "whitey" and "cracker" are terms of endearment? Would you be any less offended if one of these clowns called you "blackie"? A racist term is a racist term and comes from a racist mentality so it would be pointless to compare them.

As I said before, this is not a contest to see who has more racists, blacks or whites. All I did was try to clarify how conservatives approach the issue of race.

All you have shown is that conservatives worry about imaginary black racists, while ignoring white racists sharing their company and thanking their posts. Which is exactly why blacks avoid the GOP.

I had a black guy spit on me once. If I spit on you, would you say that was imaginary?

As I told IM2, if you don't want to be a Republican then don't. It's pointless to tell us you don't want to be one and you're not hurting my feelings by telling me.

Yea, because you are full of shit. Either you willfully ignore the racism from conservatives here, or your computer automatically blocks racist posts from cons, which is it?

Did you see this thread...Black "man" demands FREE COFFEE from Starbucks for reparations or is that one you “conveniently” overlooked?

Do you remember when I told you this in post #28?:

"Anyway, I've seen a lot of the white racist insults and rhetoric here but I don't bother to address that because one who is so openly and unabashedly racist will not be swayed by anything I have to say. For the most part I don't engage with the openly black racists for the same reason."

You started this, not me. All I did in my initial post was try to explain conservative views to you and the OP.

And are you going to answer the question?: If I spit on you would you say my racism is imaginary?

You did say that you don't address the blatant racists because in your opinion (paraphrased) they can't be changed so you don't try.

Wrong. I did not say they can't be changed, I said they won't be swayed by anything I have to say. And I meant the blatant black racists as well as the white ones. I said as much in my post when I said I ignore the black racists for the same reason. Didn't you see that part?
The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Well, the problem for the liberal universities is that broken black families and broken black schools are not preparing blacks students for higher education.

IN order to get the "diversity" they want, ...


In order to LOOK like they are getting the "diversity" they want, they have to use foreign born black students to pump up their "black" numbers.

On the other hand, accepting students into a school they are not prepared to handle, is not doing them any favors.


You find what Correll said Funny ??!! WOW you're a special kinda stupid you are

View attachment 188899

Yes I fond it funny. Thousands pf whites drop out of college every year because they were ill prepared but this fool talks about blacks. When you know the facts, you have to laugh at his kind of idiocy.
start looking at the white community

Yes - you mean the Honkies ?? They apparently are the envy of all other racial groupings as everybody else seems to want what their European ancestors bought for them with blood and sweat ---- I'm sorry that you are jealous of their achievements - perhaps if your ancestors weren't primitive tag alongs you too might have a piece of the rock. As for me I'm only half a Honky but still had a work ethic and sense of accomplishment instilled in me - so work and contribute I must every day of my adult life .... now get back on the couch and turn on the Kardashioans - your next welfare check hasn't arrived yet bitch !

And what am I supposed o be jealous of? A group of people so scared they created laws and policy to keep everyone else but them from getting a chance for 188 years, then brag about how much they achieved after doing so?. LOL! You have no work ethic. I laugh at dumb no intelligence whites like you with no education, skill or ability telling me to work. Ha! I have built organizations, you built a dog house in your back yard. back yard. Everything you have is because of the government. Your life is a welfare check.
start looking at the white community

Yes - you mean the Honkies ?? They apparently are the envy of all other racial groupings as everybody else seems to want what their European ancestors bought for them with blood and sweat ---- I'm sorry that you are jealous of their achievements - perhaps if your ancestors weren't primitive tag alongs you too might have a piece of the rock. As for me I'm only half a Honky but still had a work ethic and sense of accomplishment instilled in me - so work and contribute I must every day of my adult life .... now get back on the couch and turn on the Kardashioans - your next welfare check hasn't arrived yet bitch !

And what am I supposed o be jealous of? A group of people so scared they created laws and policy to keep everyone else but them from getting a chance for 188 years, then brag about how much they achieved after doing so?. LOL! You have no work ethic. I laugh at dumb no intelligence whites like you with no education, skill or ability telling me to work. Ha! I have built organizations, you built a dog house in your back yard. back yard. Everything you have is because of the government. Your life is a welfare check.

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Well, the problem for the liberal universities is that broken black families and broken black schools are not preparing blacks students for higher education.

IN order to get the "diversity" they want, ...


In order to LOOK like they are getting the "diversity" they want, they have to use foreign born black students to pump up their "black" numbers.

On the other hand, accepting students into a school they are not prepared to handle, is not doing them any favors.


You find what Correll said Funny ??!! WOW you're a special kinda stupid you are

View attachment 188899

Yes I fond it funny. Thousands pf whites drop out of college every year because they were ill prepared but this fool talks about blacks. When you know the facts, you have to laugh at his kind of idiocy.

Apparently you don't know the facts - otherwise you would use them to either formulate a cohesive opinon outside your warped little racist mindset or to offer an intelligent debate - you have done neither - - you're a racist, you're a hypocrite and you're a dullard incapable of seeing anything outside your narrow black and white tunnel vision.
How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina
start looking at the white community

Yes - you mean the Honkies ?? They apparently are the envy of all other racial groupings as everybody else seems to want what their European ancestors bought for them with blood and sweat ---- I'm sorry that you are jealous of their achievements - perhaps if your ancestors weren't primitive tag alongs you too might have a piece of the rock. As for me I'm only half a Honky but still had a work ethic and sense of accomplishment instilled in me - so work and contribute I must every day of my adult life .... now get back on the couch and turn on the Kardashioans - your next welfare check hasn't arrived yet bitch !

And what am I supposed o be jealous of? A group of people so scared they created laws and policy to keep everyone else but them from getting a chance for 188 years, then brag about how much they achieved after doing so?. LOL! You have no work ethic. I laugh at dumb no intelligence whites like you with no education, skill or ability telling me to work. Ha! I have built organizations, you built a dog house in your back yard. back yard. Everything you have is because of the government. Your life is a welfare check.

View attachment 188962

So the facts of history are now stupid. LOL!
Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Well, the problem for the liberal universities is that broken black families and broken black schools are not preparing blacks students for higher education.

IN order to get the "diversity" they want, ...


In order to LOOK like they are getting the "diversity" they want, they have to use foreign born black students to pump up their "black" numbers.

On the other hand, accepting students into a school they are not prepared to handle, is not doing them any favors.


You find what Correll said Funny ??!! WOW you're a special kinda stupid you are

View attachment 188899

Yes I fond it funny. Thousands pf whites drop out of college every year because they were ill prepared but this fool talks about blacks. When you know the facts, you have to laugh at his kind of idiocy.

Apparently you don't know the facts - otherwise you would use them to either formulate a cohesive opinon outside your warped little racist mindset or to offer an intelligent debate - you have done neither - - you're a racist, you're a hypocrite and you're a dullard incapable of seeing anything outside your narrow black and white tunnel vision.

The racist mindset belongs to you, and I do know the facts. You've tried the same old trick. I am a racist because I do not agree with your racist views. You are the one incapable of intelligent debate.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I didn't read the previous responses, but the fact is blacks are doing better economically under Trump than any president in U.S. history.

Whites aren't having it as good, but most of it is because of stuff they did to themselves.
I do know the facts.

So lets see you use some .... facts are a fun thing ... here's some useless but fun facts .... A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.... Are you a pregnant goldfish ?

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair, why is uncertain .... but I'm sure you probably have none.

If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. For when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off. Which brings me to the fact that you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink and you can lead a libtard tio facts and not make it think .... untill you have some relevant facts to present STFU
More of the same old dumb ass white racist republican propaganda.

Says the moron that can't refute a single point.


Prove when racism ended .....

I've repeatedly shown that racism today is primarily about discriminating in favor of blacks, mandated by federal law.

Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Tucker Carlson? The king of disingenuous and fake news. LOL!
Tucker Carlson always has the deer in the headlights look on his face...

That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
That's a false narrative. Why do Republicans act as if black Democrats aren't significant members of the Democratic Party? They don't stand apart. Black and white Democrats work together to elect black and white Democrats. There are 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including one Republican. If you want to pretend that was the case a half-century ago, knock yourself out. And then follow our handy Concussion Protocol.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina

Why are they calling the voter ID law "Voter Suppression"?
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina

Why are they calling the voter ID law "Voter Suppression"?

No Habla. Que?
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

I didn't read the previous responses, but the fact is blacks are doing better economically under Trump than any president in U.S. history.

Whites aren't having it as good, but most of it is because of stuff they did to themselves.

Blacks are not doing better under Trump that at any time in US history.
I do know the facts.

So lets see you use some .... facts are a fun thing ... here's some useless but fun facts .... A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.... Are you a pregnant goldfish ?

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair, why is uncertain .... but I'm sure you probably have none.

If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. For when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off. Which brings me to the fact that you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink and you can lead a libtard tio facts and not make it think .... untill you have some relevant facts to present STFU

And you don't have any relevant facts. Therefore your horse died of thirst.
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards
Republicans have elected only eight black members to congress in the last hundred years

You do understand the meaning of quality over quantity do you not ??
I know...I know

Over a hundred years we just can’t find any qualified blacks. They just lack the basics to meet tough Republican standards

Just a few names you may recognize, there are many many more but I shant tax your miniscule intellect with such a multitude.

Herman Cain
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Alveda King [Niece of MLK jr]
Darrell Scott
Tim Scott
Thomas Sowell
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

"The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I." [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]

And let me cap this off with a video of S. Carolina senator and Black Republican Tim Scott explaining why he is a Republican . Tim Scott Answers: Why Are You a Republican?

Wow, he can name 8 whole black republicans. So while he talks about his father being denied by a democrat:

Voter Suppression in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans are at it again. Barely one month after a federal appeals court struck down the state’s anti-voter law for suppressing African-American voter turnout “with almost surgical precision,” election officials in dozens of counties are taking up new ways to make it as hard as possible for blacks, and others who tend to support Democrats, to vote.

Opinion | Voter Suppression in North Carolina

Why are they calling the voter ID law "Voter Suppression"?

Because that's what the courts are calling them.

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