Why should Republicans be rewarded after shutting down the federal government?

Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
Voters have the memory capacity of a goldfish. This condition has been carefully instilled and nurtured by the hack media outlets which feed them their manufactured bullshit.
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
This election is about obama period. Not about two years from now.
Still wondering how the GOP shut down the government passing bills to fund it and it getting put into committee by the far left Harry Reid in the senate..
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
This election is about obama period. Not about two years from now.
two years. that is exactly how long i expect the gop gains to last.
i know people want to make it about obama, but i doubt he plays into it as much as opportunistic seats opening up, gerrymandering, and an overall unrest with the washington status quo.
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
If they govern from the middle, they really will lose
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP
OMG! They shut down government?

I was just about to leave for my polling place. Now I have to rethink my vote.

OK done. No change.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP
Sequester was Obama's idea, remember?

Why the Hell hasn't he given us a budget, making things like the sequester unneccesary?

Oh, the boys down at the National Forest Work station enjoyed the paid vacation.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because this election is about obama and how we are sick of him and liberals in general.

So, you don't care that Republicans have shut down the government and threatened to many more times? Is it really all about rightwing hatred for Obama? Many lefties, including me, aren't thrilled with Obama and Reid - but they have never shut the government down or even threatened to shut it down. Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
Never crow before the sunrise.

The owls will eat your ass alive.

President Mitt will agree.
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
If they govern from the middle, they really will lose
no, they'll be able to work with the president. they won't be seen as a party of obstruction, and they'll prove that they really can govern.

what they'll do instead is spend a lot of time fighting among themselves, passing repeals of the aca they know won't become law instead of working on practical reforms, and likely producing more political theater of the darrell issa variety, only on a grander scale, exactly what the far right wants, but all resulting in a swing away from them in two years.

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