Why should Republicans be rewarded after shutting down the federal government?

this intractability will be the reason republicans will lose seats in two years.

I think a reasonable and prudent person would first wait to see the outcome of the election cycle today.

Then, when the Republicans take control of the Senate and begin to send legislation to Obumbler, who will immediately exercise his power of veto and thus damage the Socialist parties dreams even more ......................

You wanted hope and change, you are about to get it over the next couple of years .................
what we are about to get is a demonstration of the republicans inability to keep their house in order and complete ineptitude at governance. there is the possibility that they will surprise me, but i doubt that will happen. if it does, i'll be happy, but the right wing base will not be.
what we are about to get is a demonstration of the republicans inability to keep their house in order and complete ineptitude at governance. there is the possibility that they will surprise me, but i doubt that will happen. if it does, i'll be happy, but the right wing base will not be.

I understand you are and Obumbler-nite ................ you have HOPES an DREAMS ........................
ROFLMMFAO ................
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because Midterms aren't representative of the Nation as a whole. Which is why Democrats couldn't end the war in Iraq in 2007.
The government needed to be shut down. It needs to be shut down until the government learns that the United States is not a candy store. Shut it down. Of course the government didn't need to be shut down. The democrats were just jacking off by doing silly things like barricading VIEWS and closing public sidewalks.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

I am all for shutting down the federal government. You think this is a bad thing?
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because Midterms aren't representative of the Nation as a whole. Which is why Democrats couldn't end the war in Iraq in 2007.

So who does it represent?? WTF?? funny 2010 was a midterm,it changed things tremendously,where you people come up with this nonsense is unbelievable.
Progressives don't understand because they cannot conceive of what liberty, and a representative republic, mean. Their whole mindset is about forcing others to do their bidding, regardless of whether others want to do their bidding, or not. They have this belief that they are somehow qualified to determine what others should do, and they think they should have the authority to force them to do it.

They believe that the majority of the people are stupid, and incapable of governing themselves. So naturally, when elections don't go their way, they think they are justified (and they have no qualms about) taking whatever measures are necessary to bring the majority to heel.
And their elitist attitude is matched only by their remarkable ignorance, stupidity and criminality..which makes them a dangerous minority indeed.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because Midterms aren't representative of the Nation as a whole. Which is why Democrats couldn't end the war in Iraq in 2007.

This is the most logical answer I've heard so far.
i love it how it actually takes both parties to shutdown government, but dems only blame pubs....much like how obama blames everyone but himself....
i love it how it actually takes both parties to shutdown government, but dems only blame pubs....much like how obama blames everyone but himself....

Republicans shut down the government over Obamacare - Obama's signature legislation that Republicans knew Obama would NOT give up. Republicans knew this in advance - but shut the government down anyway.
i love it how it actually takes both parties to shutdown government, but dems only blame pubs....much like how obama blames everyone but himself....

Republicans shut down the government over Obamacare - Obama's signature legislation that Republicans knew Obama would NOT give up. Republicans knew this in advance - but shut the government down anyway.

lol....yeah, because the dems are powerless against them....all obama had to do was delay obamacare a little bit, which shouldn't be a problem because he was delaying it for his cronies or other corps....

the dems were stupid and decided to play politics with something that could have easily been delayed. both parties are responsible, only a blind hack would say otherwise.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

It's not all that. Check out this map:


That's almost identical to the states Mitt Romney won from the last election.
So what will Republicans end up with? 52 or at most 53 seats in the Senate? Then what? Look at Joni "I cut off pig balls" Ernst. Go down the line and it gets more and more embarrassing. These are clowns, not serious candidates.
The most searches on Democratic candidates was wealth, positions, voting record and so on. The number one search on Scott Brown was "centerfold".
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.

When Republicans move to the left they lose their collective asses in elections.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

It was not the Republicans that chose to keep WWII veterans at the gate of the WWII Memorial while illegal immigrants and supporters got to have a rally on the National Mall a block away a couple of days later. That was a choice and an order that Republicans could not call even if they wanted to.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

It was not the Republicans that chose to keep WWII veterans at the gate of the WWII Memorial while illegal immigrants and supporters got to have a rally on the National Mall a block away a couple of days later. That was a choice and an order that Republicans could not call even if they wanted to.

Please give us a "credible" link to support your claim that Republicans were blameless.
i love it how it actually takes both parties to shutdown government, but dems only blame pubs....much like how obama blames everyone but himself....

Republicans shut down the government over Obamacare - Obama's signature legislation that Republicans knew Obama would NOT give up. Republicans knew this in advance - but shut the government down anyway.

Oh whatever. the gov't was briefly shutdown n gov't workers got a paid vacation.
i love it how it actually takes both parties to shutdown government, but dems only blame pubs....much like how obama blames everyone but himself....

Republicans shut down the government over Obamacare - Obama's signature legislation that Republicans knew Obama would NOT give up. Republicans knew this in advance - but shut the government down anyway.

Oh whatever. the gov't was briefly shutdown n gov't workers got a paid vacation.

That government shutdown cost taxpayers $24 billion.

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

It's always Dems who shut down the government.
6 under Ford and Carter over abortion funding.
8 under Reagan over funding.
1 under George H. Bush also funding
2 under Clinton over funding.
1 under Obama over not delaying the implementation time for a year over the AHCA.

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