Why should Republicans be rewarded after shutting down the federal government?

People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.

So what are you going to say when Obama vetoes every piece of legislation the GOP Congress sends him? Oh, that's different?

Ima gonna say; Good job Mr. President. What goes round comes round. It's gonna be so cool.

Like your kind said all the time. When the government is doing nothing that means they aren't hurting the rest of us.

Remember rabbit, you are fully in support of obstruction. Dems turn to "protect" us from our government.
BEcause you're a hypocritical lilttle partisan shit.
Obama was not elected to block Congress. And if he does nothing but that he will be remembered as the worst president since Chester Arthur. If at all.
I find it rather pitiful that our congress has a 10% approval rating, but a 90% reelection rate.
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.

So what are you going to say when Obama vetoes every piece of legislation the GOP Congress sends him? Oh, that's different?

Ima gonna say; Good job Mr. President. What goes round comes round. It's gonna be so cool.

Like your kind said all the time. When the government is doing nothing that means they aren't hurting the rest of us.

Remember rabbit, you are fully in support of obstruction. Dems turn to "protect" us from our government.
oh geezus.....dont look now Zeke but you have a flag sticking out of your ass with a D on it.....
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.
So what are you going to say when Obama vetoes every piece of legislation the GOP Congress sends him? Oh, that's different?

Ima gonna say; Good job Mr. President. What goes round comes round. It's gonna be so cool.

Like your kind said all the time. When the government is doing nothing that means they aren't hurting the rest of us.

Remember rabbit, you are fully in support of obstruction. Dems turn to "protect" us from our government.

Only the left could consider constitutional government to be "obstruction". :eusa_doh:
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP
Actually, despite the Democrat attempt to whitewash it, the people recognized that the shutdown was due to Obama intransigence and failure to even discuss compromise.

You can fool some of the people (liberals) all the time, and you can fool all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

Accept the rejection, learn from it, and move on. Quit whining ...
i love it how it actually takes both parties to shutdown government, but dems only blame pubs....much like how obama blames everyone but himself....

Republicans shut down the government over Obamacare - Obama's signature legislation that Republicans knew Obama would NOT give up. Republicans knew this in advance - but shut the government down anyway.

hey - educate yourself.

10 Reasons Obamacare is and will continue to be a Failure
The incumbent Presidunce is not well pleased with Congressional "inaction" on immigration "reform." So, since Obumbler is also unwilling to be constrained by the CONSTRAINTS of the Constitution, the dolt in chief is threatening to "do it" on his own.

Yeah. THAT'S sure accepting the will of the People who just spoke loud and clear in the midterm Elections.

If Obumbler uses his pen and his phone to say some smack shit about immigration in contravention of the Constitution (which gives the matter to the Legislative Branch, not to Obumbler's pen), then Congress must immediately LEGISLATE to nullify Obumbler's bullshit. And nothing more.
The incumbent Presidunce is not well pleased with Congressional "inaction" on immigration "reform." So, since Obumbler is also unwilling to be constrained by the CONSTRAINTS of the Constitution, the dolt in chief is threatening to "do it" on his own.

Yeah. THAT'S sure accepting the will of the People who just spoke loud and clear in the midterm Elections.

If Obumbler uses his pen and his phone to say some smack shit about immigration in contravention of the Constitution (which gives the matter to the Legislative Branch, not to Obumbler's pen), then Congress must immediately LEGISLATE to nullify Obumbler's bullshit. And nothing more.
If they had an ounce of frigg'n integrity, they would impeach his ass the moment he did that and then remove him from office. And then you make it clear when Joe "drunk as a skunk" Biden is sworn in that he will suffer the same fate if he pisses on the Constitution and/or circumvents Congress.

Finally, if that happens, they should immediately challenge Obama's unconstitutional and very illegal Executive Order (EO's are not for making laws) in a court of law and have it nullified.

Congress also has the power to revoke the Secret Service (both while Obama is actively in office and after his term is completed). If I were Congress, I would remind Obama of that fact and I would make it clear that if he doesn't abide by the letter of the law and respect the separations of power, his security detail will be pulled. Congress needs to restore the balance of power and they should make it clear to Obama that if he so much as steps a single inch beyond his limited powers, they will make his life an absolute living hell up to and including putting him at risk by disbanding the Secret Service. He won't be so quick to act like a dictator if he knows there isn't a small army of men armed with fully automatic weapons to protect him and his family.

Of course, you'll never see the GOP do any of this as they are a bunch of gutless liberals who are only concerned with getting re-elected at all costs. But as more and more Tea Party candidates elected to Congress, we get one step closer to restoring Constitutional government to the U.S.
Actually, it was Obama who shut down the Federal Government. In absence of appropriations, it's OMB which releases the order.

BTW, this did not happen, even in absence of appropriations, prior to the Carter Administration. Carter's AG did not like the practice of continuing, and asked for a legal opinion which has since stood that continuing operations in absence of appropriations is illegal.

Interestingly, since this is a matter of interpretation, not law, and has not gone through the courts, no subsequent Administration has issued an opinion that would contradict this.

So, stop whining. Had Obama really, really wanted not to shut down the government, I'm sure Eric Holder would have complied with an opinion.

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