Why should Republicans be rewarded after shutting down the federal government?

Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because this election is about obama and how we are sick of him and liberals in general.

So, you don't care that Republicans have shut down the government and threatened to many more times? Is it really all about rightwing hatred for Obama? Many lefties, including me, aren't thrilled with Obama and Reid - but they have never shut the government down or even threatened to shut it down. Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.

The far left propaganda still drones on, even though the reality does not fit the far left programmed narrative..
Ah.....it takes two parties to negotiate. Not the Obumblers strong suit. :( Hence the shutdown.

But if it makes you feel better to blame only the GOP go for it. :thup:
Why should Democrats be rewarded for the last 6 years? Even Blacks don't like Obama now.
equally valid point. besides the aca there haven't been a lot of legislative victories produced by the democrats. perhaps we need a sensible party in opposition of the president to control congress in order to make government work. we shall see.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because this election is about obama and how we are sick of him and liberals in general.

So, you don't care that Republicans have shut down the government and threatened to many more times? Is it really all about rightwing hatred for Obama? Many lefties, including me, aren't thrilled with Obama and Reid - but they have never shut the government down or even threatened to shut it down. Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
The GOP never shut down the gov't.
That was Obama. Who is in charge of the Parks Dept?

This is why Dems will lose big. They lie, continue to lie, and when exposed they lie some more. People are sick of the utterly failed policies of Obama aand the Democrats.
We want our country back.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because this election is about obama and how we are sick of him and liberals in general.

So, you don't care that Republicans have shut down the government and threatened to many more times? Is it really all about rightwing hatred for Obama? Many lefties, including me, aren't thrilled with Obama and Reid - but they have never shut the government down or even threatened to shut it down. Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
The House has passed a budget every year since obumbler was elected. Harry Reid has brought none of them to the Senate floor. Harry Reid shut down government. The GOP did not.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP
Sequester was Obama's idea, remember?

Why the Hell hasn't he given us a budget, making things like the sequester unneccesary?

Oh, the boys down at the National Forest Work station enjoyed the paid vacation.

Yes the sequester was Obama's idea - but do you know why?

Whose idea was it? It was Obama’s idea, but Republicans agreed to it and provided key support.

PolitiFact's guide to sequestration
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

A. There was no government shut down. Furloughing 13% of the government is not a shut down.
B. There have been 14 government "shut downs" since the 1970s and all of them with the exception of two were done by Democrats.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP
Sequester was Obama's idea, remember?

Why the Hell hasn't he given us a budget, making things like the sequester unneccesary?

Oh, the boys down at the National Forest Work station enjoyed the paid vacation.

Yes the sequester was Obama's idea - but do you know why?

Whose idea was it? It was Obama’s idea, but Republicans agreed to it and provided key support.

PolitiFact's guide to sequestration
So who failed to pass a budget?
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Probably because many of us realize that a whole lot of the US Government needs to be shut down permanently rather than just a few days.
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.

And in 2 years little will be done and they will be hating the repubs.
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
If they govern from the middle, they really will lose
no, they'll be able to work with the president. they won't be seen as a party of obstruction, and they'll prove that they really can govern.

what they'll do instead is spend a lot of time fighting among themselves, passing repeals of the aca they know won't become law instead of working on practical reforms, and likely producing more political theater of the darrell issa variety, only on a grander scale, exactly what the far right wants, but all resulting in a swing away from them in two years.
No, the President does not govern from the center. He governs from the fringe left. You need to learn that.

The President NEEDS to work with the Congress, since he is the one who has lost.

Passage of the laws that the constituents of the congress want passed is the only issue. You, Me, and the rest of the media do not get a say in the matter. Any elected representative who does not follow their constituents desires should be removed from office.

I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?

We are all acutely aware that you don't get it ...............
Perhaps because the colossal failure of large government at it's best, will set socialism / progressiveness back decades ......................
So in this case the party who has committed the biggest societal party foul gets a time out .........................
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?

Well, if the GOP takes the Senate, apparently most voters either don't care when funding is cut to some government programs, or they simply blame the Dimocrats more.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because this election is about obama and how we are sick of him and liberals in general.

So, you don't care that Republicans have shut down the government and threatened to many more times? Is it really all about rightwing hatred for Obama? Many lefties, including me, aren't thrilled with Obama and Reid - but they have never shut the government down or even threatened to shut it down. Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
The House has passed a budget every year since obumbler was elected. Harry Reid has brought none of them to the Senate floor. Harry Reid shut down government. The GOP did not.

Why should Harry Reid even vote on the House version of Obama's budget?

Parliamentary procedure: Why the Senate hasn't passed a budget - The Economist
For any low info morons who 'don't get it,' see the pile of House bills collecting dust on Harry Reid's desk.
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
If they govern from the middle, they really will lose
no, they'll be able to work with the president. they won't be seen as a party of obstruction, and they'll prove that they really can govern.

what they'll do instead is spend a lot of time fighting among themselves, passing repeals of the aca they know won't become law instead of working on practical reforms, and likely producing more political theater of the darrell issa variety, only on a grander scale, exactly what the far right wants, but all resulting in a swing away from them in two years.
No, the President does not govern from the center. He governs from the fringe left. You need to learn that.

The President NEEDS to work with the Congress, since he is the one who has lost.

Passage of the laws that the constituents of the congress want passed is the only issue. You, Me, and the rest of the media do not get a say in the matter. Any elected representative who does not follow their constituents desires should be removed from office.

this intractability will be the reason republicans will lose seats in two years.
For any low info morons who 'don't get it,' see the pile of House bills collecting dust on Harry Reid's desk.

Why should Harry Reid even vote on that NaziCon shit sent over from the House? Most of those House bills go strongly against Democrat principles. Why should Reid vote on shit that he knows Obama won't sign into law?
this intractability will be the reason republicans will lose seats in two years.

I think a reasonable and prudent person would first wait to see the outcome of the election cycle today.

Then, when the Republicans take control of the Senate and begin to send legislation to Obumbler, who will immediately exercise his power of veto and thus damage the Socialist parties dreams even more ......................

You wanted hope and change, you are about to get it over the next couple of years .................
Tissue? the people of the US are voting today today to show how much they hate obama and the democratic party. When the results are released read them and weep bitches.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
If they govern from the middle, they really will lose
no, they'll be able to work with the president. they won't be seen as a party of obstruction, and they'll prove that they really can govern.

what they'll do instead is spend a lot of time fighting among themselves, passing repeals of the aca they know won't become law instead of working on practical reforms, and likely producing more political theater of the darrell issa variety, only on a grander scale, exactly what the far right wants, but all resulting in a swing away from them in two years.
No, the President does not govern from the center. He governs from the fringe left. You need to learn that.

The President NEEDS to work with the Congress, since he is the one who has lost.

Passage of the laws that the constituents of the congress want passed is the only issue. You, Me, and the rest of the media do not get a say in the matter. Any elected representative who does not follow their constituents desires should be removed from office.

this intractability will be the reason republicans will lose seats in two years.
No, the lies that will be fabricated by the MSM will play into a a loss of the 2016 election.....if they suffer a loss at all.
enjoy the pendulum swing while it lasts - and unless the republicans are much smarter than i think they are and can govern from the middle, it won't.
If they govern from the middle, they really will lose
no, they'll be able to work with the president. they won't be seen as a party of obstruction, and they'll prove that they really can govern.

what they'll do instead is spend a lot of time fighting among themselves, passing repeals of the aca they know won't become law instead of working on practical reforms, and likely producing more political theater of the darrell issa variety, only on a grander scale, exactly what the far right wants, but all resulting in a swing away from them in two years.
No, the President does not govern from the center. He governs from the fringe left. You need to learn that.

The President NEEDS to work with the Congress, since he is the one who has lost.

Passage of the laws that the constituents of the congress want passed is the only issue. You, Me, and the rest of the media do not get a say in the matter. Any elected representative who does not follow their constituents desires should be removed from office.

this intractability will be the reason republicans will lose seats in two years.
No, the lies that will be fabricated by the MSM will play into a a loss of the 2016 election.....if they suffer a loss at all.
good to see you're passing the buck early.

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