Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

Yea...people like you

You think there aren't dangerous poor sections of cities in ANY country?

Dude save the racism and "dangerous black man" rhetoric
I've never committed anything worse than a traffic infraction, you are a fool baying at the moon.
Dude save the racism and "dangerous black man" rhetoric
You are projecting. I never said anything but "The Dangerous Blackman".

Now if you want to look at the racial demographics of violent crime though I'm yer huckleberry.
Bullshit. Almost every first world country with stricter gun laws has lower rates of gun murders and murders in general. That's powerful evidence whether you like it or not
You keep saying this - and yet you know you cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the guns laws in those countries and their lower rates of gun violence.
You keep saying this - and yet you know you cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the guns laws in those countries and their lower rates of gun violence.
Necessary to you?

Why? You'll ignore anything ...

The facts are the facts whether you like it or not
my guess is the BG check hasnt stop a single restricted person from getting a gun once they decided they wanted one,,
LOL! How would you know? Are you expecting a story somewhere about a person who wanted a gun but was denied a gun purchase due to a failed BC and then told the world about it? I do not doubt that many people have failed a BC, but then to believe that ALL of them managed to get a gun anyway?

FYI ... as many as 160,000 people are denied a gun purchase each year because they failed a check.

No idea how accurate that number is, but I highly doubt every one of them ended up with a gun anyway.
Do you realize the parameters you set are incompatible? How would a shooter who couldn't get a gun legally via an FFL and also wasn't able to get a gun any other way end up shooting somebody?

Do you realize that NICS never once prevented anyone who wanted a gun from getting a gun? That was the whole point of my offer. NICS does not work, can not work, never worked, has never stopped a single person from obtaining a firearm. And the FBI has been caught multiple times keeping the NICS data they're legally required to not keep. NICS is gun registration.

The ATF has changed its rules so that bound books must now be retained forever instead of 20 years (as if that wasn't already far too long, representing de facto gun registration). That means that, in the end, and pretty much on demand, the government will get gun registration for about 90% of guns in America.

In the modern, connected world, it only makes sense for bound-books to become online books and the ATF will have the gun sales records immediately. Then there will be a push to capture digitally all the data in the paper books to complete the records.
LOL! How would you know? Are you expecting a story somewhere about a person who wanted a gun but was denied a gun purchase due to a failed BC and then told the world about it? I do not doubt that many people have failed a BC, but then to believe that ALL of them managed to get a gun anyway?

FYI ... as many as 160,000 people are denied a gun purchase each year because they failed a check.

No idea how accurate that number is, but I highly doubt every one of them ended up with a gun anyway.
Most of which aren't seeking to buy a gun to commit murder.

Damned few of them are ever prosecuted too which points out a serious problem.

Why would more laws help if we're not even going to enforce the laws already on the books?
LOL! How would you know? Are you expecting a story somewhere about a person who wanted a gun but was denied a gun purchase due to a failed BC and then told the world about it? I do not doubt that many people have failed a BC, but then to believe that ALL of them managed to get a gun anyway?

FYI ... as many as 160,000 people are denied a gun purchase each year because they failed a check.

No idea how accurate that number is, but I highly doubt every one of them ended up with a gun anyway.
Not a question of whether or not they ended up with a gun; it's a question of whether they still wanted a gun and then whether or not they ended up with one.
Not a question of whether or not they ended up with a gun; it's a question of whether they still wanted a gun and then whether or not they ended up with one.
Background checks won't stop anyone from getting a gun who is serious about committing a crime with one.

If police or fed's followed up on the failed BCG's however they just might prevent some mass shootings and other crimes.

Less than one in a thousand who fail however are ever even investigated.

Unless you're already on a watch list which triggers a flag you have about the same odds of being struck by lightning as having a cop or fed come knocking on your door.
Well, it's clear that you think the Constitution is nothing more than a suggestion to the Government. But then you believe the Welfare Clause gives the government the power to create any law they choose. That's an idiotic idea totally unsupported by the facts and I've given you the statements from Madison and Hamilton to back it up.

I hafta laugh, have you seen the shit that the democrats have passed in the House since Pelosi took over as Speaker? And don't think for a minute the Senate democrats wouldn't pass it verbatim if they could and Biden would sign it. YES! They can create any freakin' law they want to if they can get enough votes, and I think you know that. It's for the General Welfare, they claim! It's for the People! But their problem is that whatever law they pass will be challenged in court and struck down by the courts if it violates the Constitution. That is the checks and balances thing working, to prevent a runaway Congress from doing whatever the hell they want. How do you not understand that? The Constitution is NOT a suggestion, it is the basis for every law we have or is supposed to be.
I hafta laugh, have you seen the shit that the democrats have passed in the House since Pelosi took over as Speaker? And don't think for a minute the Senate democrats wouldn't pass it verbatim if they could and Biden would sign it. YES! They can create any freakin' law they want to if they can get enough votes, and I think you know that. It's for the General Welfare, they claim! It's for the People! But their problem is that whatever law they pass will be challenged in court and struck down by the courts if it violates the Constitution. That is the checks and balances thing working, to prevent a runaway Congress from doing whatever the hell they want. How do you not understand that? The Constitution is NOT a suggestion, it is the basis for every law we have or is supposed to be.
That would be a long list considering she's been there damned near since the Eisenhower Era. :auiqs.jpg:

I wonder just when it was she became such a hateful dishonest bitch?

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