Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

I know I'm wasting my time here, but I'll say this anyway. What you're talking about is nothing less than anarchy, where you all by yourself declare a law to be unconstitutional and refuse to obey it. You can call yourself a constitutionalist but guess what, there's no place in the constitution that authorizes you to do that. The Declaration of Independence does, but that isn't a legal document, it is a statement of rebellion. All of which means you are an anarchist because you aren't going to obey any law by any gov't if you don't approve of it or support it.

But there is another way. You vote out the bastards that installed the laws that you don't believe are constitutional and vote in the people that will change it. Such as Donald J. Trump. You vote in the people who will replace the judges and justices who will not strike down unconstitutional laws and replace them with other people who will, as Trump did and now we have a conservative Supreme Court that apparently is about to overturn Roe v Wade, which as an unconstitutional ruling IMHO. You institute change lawfully; you do not break the law or ignore it, because that is what democrats do and if you do that then you are no better than they are.
And what you're talking about is compliance to tyranny. Like I said, if it is people like you upon whom we must depend to defend our republic against tyranny, we're just fucked. And I don't mean armed revolt, I simply mean your failure to understand that a law can be unconstitutional. You're worse for liberty than any leftist.
But there is another way. You vote out the bastards that installed the laws that you don't believe are constitutional and vote in the people that will change it. Such as Donald J. Trump. You vote in the people who will replace the judges and justices who will not strike down unconstitutional laws and replace them with other people who will, as Trump did and now we have a conservative Supreme Court that apparently is about to overturn Roe v Wade, which as an unconstitutional ruling IMHO. You institute change lawfully; you do not break the law or ignore it, because that is what democrats do and if you do that then you are no better than they are.
WTF? How can Roe v Wade be unconstitutional? It was decided legally by the Supreme Court? You're such a fucking idiot. I've given you the law, the Constitution, the words of the Founders, and all you can say is OBEY. You're not a conservative, and you're not a constitutionalist. You're just a sheep. Blind compliance.
I think that's true, BUT resorting to other methods might result in fewer casualties and deaths. Knives, cars, bombs, etc., a terrorist or a maniac can find a way to kill people, no doubt about that. But I'm not sure that justifies allowing such people to buy a gun that they can take into a school or a church or wherever and shoot up the place.

IOW, doing nothing.
Eventually it always comes out. You anti-gun lefties pretend you're middle of the road, pretend you're supporters of the right to keep and bear arms, but the stupidity just runs too deeply in you and you always end up exposing yourselves as the gun controllers that you are.
Well dumbass, go on about cars and trucks as much as you want, they don't make guns safer. Scrapping the 2nd and then gradually bring regulations and laws in will over the decades.

That's definitely the plan, scrap or ignore the 2nd and gradually, incrementally, bring in regulations and laws over the decades... But I don't think you were supposed to say that out loud; I'm sure your masters mentioned that was supposed to be a secret plan.
Well dumbass, go on about cars and trucks as much as you want, they don't make guns safer. Scrapping the 2nd and then gradually bring regulations and laws in will over the decades.
Any gun that isn't safe wouldn't last on the market a year in our litigious society.

You folks need to grow a pair and try to repeal the 2nd if it troubles you so much.
I know I'm wasting my time here, but I'll say this anyway. What you're talking about is nothing less than anarchy, where you all by yourself declare a law to be unconstitutional and refuse to obey it. You can call yourself a constitutionalist but guess what, there's no place in the constitution that authorizes you to do that. The Declaration of Independence does, but that isn't a legal document, it is a statement of rebellion. All of which means you are an anarchist because you aren't going to obey any law by any gov't if you don't approve of it or support it.

But there is another way. You vote out the bastards that installed the laws that you don't believe are constitutional and vote in the people that will change it. Such as Donald J. Trump. You vote in the people who will replace the judges and justices who will not strike down unconstitutional laws and replace them with other people who will, as Trump did and now we have a conservative Supreme Court that apparently is about to overturn Roe v Wade, which as an unconstitutional ruling IMHO. You institute change lawfully; you do not break the law or ignore it, because that is what democrats do and if you do that then you are no better than they are.
No, that would be the appropriate response to tyranny.
You institute change lawfully; you do not break the law or ignore it, because that is what democrats do and if you do that then you are no better than they are.
When those that make and enforce the laws no longer adhere to The Constitution, there is no legal remedy.
It's a matter of time. It'll happen in the years to come (2nd being scrapped)
They can scrap the 2nd Amendment but it doesn't erase the right to keep and bear arms because it didn't create the right to keep and bear arms.

When they scrap the 2nd Amendment they'll have to follow with scrapping the 9th and the 10th Amendments. And even then they won't have eliminated the right to keep and bear arms. It will still exist and it will still be there for all the same reasons that it existed in 1791.
They can scrap the 2nd Amendment but it doesn't erase the right to keep and bear arms because it didn't create the right to keep and bear arms.

When they scrap the 2nd Amendment they'll have to follow with scrapping the 9th and the 10th Amendments. And even then they won't have eliminated the right to keep and bear arms. It will still exist and it will still be there for all the same reasons that it existed in 1791.
If they can undo the 1st and 2nd Amendments the rest won't matter.
Any gun that isn't safe wouldn't last on the market a year in our litigious society.

You folks need to grow a pair and try to repeal the 2nd if it troubles you so much.
Changing/scrapping the 2nd is up to you guys, it's the only way to get the ball moving with gun safety.
Changing/scrapping the 2nd is up to you guys, it's the only way to get the ball moving with gun safety.
If you knew anything about gun safety you'd know that education is always the solution to gun safety. My proposal of pre-k to 12th grade, age-appropriate, gun safety training in the public schools is the very best gun safety idea. The best child-safety idea is to provide appropriate physical security, both in hardware, human guards, and policy/behavior, in the school systems.
If you knew anything about gun safety you'd know that education is always the solution to gun safety. My proposal of pre-k to 12th grade, age-appropriate, gun safety training in the public schools is the very best gun safety idea. The best child-safety idea is to provide appropriate physical security, both in hardware, human guards, and policy/behavior, in the school systems.
Correct, but unfortunately, it seems you can't educate gun nuts.

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