Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

The facts are the facts whether you like it or not
-You cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship you claim between the gun laws in those countries and their lower rates of gun-related violence.
-You cannot demonstrate cause and effect.
-You know it.
Do you realize that NICS never once prevented anyone who wanted a gun from getting a gun?

You don't know that! You have no idea at all how many people failed a BC and got one anyway via a private sale. AND you have no idea at all how many people failed a BC and didn't get a gun either. You got any basis or source that says that, or did you just make it up off the top of your head?
LOL! How would you know? Are you expecting a story somewhere about a person who wanted a gun but was denied a gun purchase due to a failed BC and then told the world about it? I do not doubt that many people have failed a BC, but then to believe that ALL of them managed to get a gun anyway?

FYI ... as many as 160,000 people are denied a gun purchase each year because they failed a check.

No idea how accurate that number is, but I highly doubt every one of them ended up with a gun anyway.
of those 160K denials do you have any proof they didnt get one some where else??

if someone wants a gun they can always get one,,
of those 160K denials do you have any proof they didnt get one some where else??

How the fuck could anybody prove that? Oh, wait. You said that was your guess. Well my guess is that at least some people who failed a BC actually did not acquire a gun anyway.

if someone wants a gun they can always get one,,

You don't know that at all. You're entitled to that opinion but you have no data at all to back it up.
I hafta laugh, have you seen the shit that the democrats have passed in the House since Pelosi took over as Speaker? And don't think for a minute the Senate democrats wouldn't pass it verbatim if they could and Biden would sign it. YES! They can create any freakin' law they want to if they can get enough votes, and I think you know that. It's for the General Welfare, they claim! It's for the People! But their problem is that whatever law they pass will be challenged in court and struck down by the courts if it violates the Constitution. That is the checks and balances thing working, to prevent a runaway Congress from doing whatever the hell they want. How do you not understand that? The Constitution is NOT a suggestion, it is the basis for every law we have or is supposed to be.

The difference between you and me is that you accept the things they do in violation of the Constitution. Oh, you may not like some of them, but you accept their right to do them. I do not. You claim that their violations are constitutional; they are not. Like so many others, so-called, self-proclaimed, patriots, supporters of the Constitution, of the 2nd Amendment, you've surrendered your liberty and take it like a broken shell of a man. You've thrown in the towel.
How about just enforcing the laws on the books already?

What exactly will be accomplished by passing new laws if we're not fully enforcing those already on the books?
You won't get any more magazines. The law isn't intended to stop criminals from getting them, they don't care. And the Uvalde shooter could have emptied and changed a 5-round magazine about 250 times so it's not about saving the lives of children; it is about just one thing: keeping defensive weapons out of the hands of patriots.
How the fuck could anybody prove that? Oh, wait. You said that was your guess. Well my guess is that at least some people who failed a BC actually did not acquire a gun anyway.

You don't know that at all. You're entitled to that opinion but you have no data at all to back it up.

We can prove plenty of cases where the prohibited person got a gun. Can you provide a single documented case where they did not ?
How the fuck could anybody prove that? Oh, wait. You said that was your guess. Well my guess is that at least some people who failed a BC actually did not acquire a gun anyway.

You don't know that at all. You're entitled to that opinion but you have no data at all to back it up.
And MY guess is that out of those one hundred and sixty THOUSAND turndowns...lives were saved
The difference between you and me is that you accept the things they do in violation of the Constitution

Nope, I certainly don't accept stuff like that. But we are supposed to be a nation of laws, not men. Meaning, if congress passes a law and the president signs it then it is legal and constitutional whether you or I like it or not. We should obey the law until it is blocked or declared unconstitutional; it is not up to me to decide well I'll obey this one but not that one. And it's not up to you either. That's what the democrats do, and I'll be damned if I'm going to do the same thing.

but you accept their right to do them. I do not.

Then you are not a law-abiding citizen, are you?

You claim that their violations are constitutional;

I believe that any law passed by Congress and signed by the President is in fact constitutional until a court says otherwise.

you've surrendered your liberty

Not hardly. But I'm not the anarchist that you appear to be.

You've thrown in the towel.

Nope. I'm going to vote out the democrats and that ain't throwing in the towel.
Well, you still don't get it. You're fully bought into the idea that the government can have a compelling interest to violate the Constitution and that if they can convince the Court, then it's OK for them to violate the Constitution. When you accept that it's OK for the government to violate the Constitution in any thing then all that's left is to argue over what is the next violation.

You've already surrendered your rights and conceded your liberty. It's over and done for you. For you, the only thing left to do is to try to slow down the implementation because you've agreed that the government can do anything it wants.

On the one hand, I'm sorry for you. On the other hand, you get the government you deserve and you deserve to lose our rights. But on the third hand, your negligence helps strip all the rest of us of of our rights as well. We're screwed and you're the reason why.
You don't understand that unfortunately the ship of Original Intent sailed a long time ago and it ain't coming back. We have cowards in the government and they are never going there. The Swamp is big and wide. To think otherwise is just being naive, if not just plain stupid.

Like I said, when you decide to make things right let me know. I have a good supply of ammo and arms.
Nope, I certainly don't accept stuff like that. But we are supposed to be a nation of laws, not men. Meaning, if congress passes a law and the president signs it then it is legal and constitutional whether you or I like it or not. We should obey the law until it is blocked or declared unconstitutional; it is not up to me to decide well I'll obey this one but not that one. And it's not up to you either. That's what the democrats do, and I'll be damned if I'm going to do the same thing.

Then you are not a law-abiding citizen, are you?

I believe that any law passed by Congress and signed by the President is in fact constitutional until a court says otherwise.

Not hardly. But I'm not the anarchist that you appear to be.

Nope. I'm going to vote out the democrats and that ain't throwing in the towel.

You're a fucking sheep. May your chains rest lightly upon you. May the kool-aid have plenty of sweetener so you don't taste it going down.

Let me give it to you one more time:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;

The laws made in pursuance thereof... How hard is that for you to understand? If a law is made in violation of the Constitution then it's not the law of the land. That means if it violates the Constitution in any way, not just that Congress passed it and the President signed it. You're such a fucking idiot. This nation is so fucking doomed with people like you voting.
You don't understand that unfortunately the ship of Original Intent sailed a long time ago and it ain't coming back. We have cowards in the government and they are never going there. The Swamp is big and wide. To think otherwise is just being naive, if not just plain stupid.

Like I said, when you decide to make things right let me know. I have a good supply of ammo and arms.
So you have surrendered your liberty. I get it. It's your choice to do so. I do not surrender mine.
Not hardly. But I'm not the anarchist that you appear to be.

Nope. I'm going to vote out the democrats and that ain't throwing in the towel.
No, I'm not an anarchist; I'm a constitutionalist. I'm also not a sheep or an idiot. And there's no need for you to vote out the Democrats; you've already surrendered.

When have you ever seen the Republicans undo a bad law from the Democrats? Voting out the Democrats is not a bad idea but it isn't going to help a damn thing since you're their sheep anyway.

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