Why should we have to tip people for just doing their job?

Do you know what the margins are for restaurants, Milk Weed? You can't jack up the price of labor...their biggest expense...without it being reflected in menu prices. That's not something I'm guessing will happen...that's something I KNOW will happen!
Never owned a restaurant so I don't know the margins. Sounds like capitalism isnt all that good if you own one. You have to depend on socialism. How odd.
I have already answered this question in a previous comment, & tipping isn't a law nobody owes anyone anything tipping will be appreciated but isn't a right
Nope, you're under no obligation whatsoever to leave a tip. Just understand that when you don't...that server is STILL obligated to tip out the busser and the bartender! So waiting on YOU actually cost them money!
So what; economically speaking, now is the best time to "upgrade to a new equilibrium" for our economy. Capitalism will do what it always does; market based arbitrage. Full employment of capital resources that includes solving simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States can provide that "capital horsepower".
Thats unfair to make capitalism work. It needs help from socialism.
Thats my whole point.
I don't understand what your point is, Milk Weed! Do you want everyone who's a server to make the same amount of money. The good ones and the bad ones? The system we have now works remarkably well because the good ones get rewarded and the bad ones don't. That leads to better service. Isn't that what we all want?
Just understand that when you don't...that server is STILL obligated to tip out the busser and the bartender!
Obligated? My gf never gave anyone any of her tips. She never even mentioned there was an expectation.
Thats not all I want. I want the employer to pay them a fucking decent wage so they don't have to depend on tips.
Sounds to me like you guys are too cheap to tip...expect the employer to pick up your slack...but then you'll piss and moan when the prices get raised. :)
If you force employers to pay what servers now make in tips...that additional cost WILL be passed along to you in higher menu costs, Milk Weed! At least when you tip you can reward good service and punish bad service. You don't know what bad service is until you visit a locale that doesn't allow tipping.
It wouldn't make a difference they're still requiring a tip that accumulates in a higher bill. Rewarding someone in tips because they did a job they signed up for is ridiculous. customers are already keeping the business running and they want us to pay their staff too talk about CHEAP! this is a stereotype "You don't know what bad service is until you visit a locale that doesn't allow tipping" NOT true America has you brainwashed into believing you won't have great service if a business doesn't require tipping there is plenty of places that don't make their employees beg for tips and their businesses been open for decades
It wouldn't make a difference they're still requiring a tip that accumulates in a higher bill. Rewarding someone in tips because they did a job they signed up for is ridiculous. customers are already keeping the business running and they want us to pay their staff too talk about CHEAP! this is a stereotype "You don't know what bad service is until you visit a locale that doesn't allow tipping" NOT true America has you brainwashed into believing you won't have great service if a business doesn't require tipping there is plenty of places that don't make their employees beg for tips and their businesses been open for decades
Really? Ever been to France? Can't tip there. Service is atrocious. If you want to be treated like a pariah by the people who wait on you (because I've got news for you...they aren't waiting on you because they like you!) then do away with tipping.
You folks actually think you're not going to end up paying just as much as you do now...if you don't have to tip. It's blows my mind. Haven't ANY of you ever worked in a restaurant?
Really? Ever been to France? Can't tip there. Service is atrocious. If you want to be treated like a pariah by the people who wait on you (because I've got news for you...they aren't waiting on you because they like you!) then do away with tipping.
You ever been to Japan? No tipping and they treat you like youre a fucking king or something.
You folks actually think you're not going to end up paying just as much as you do now...if you don't have to tip. It's blows my mind. Haven't ANY of you ever worked in a restaurant?
Hell no. For that very reason. There is no way in hell I'm going to wait on some asshole hoping to get a tip.

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