Why Shouldn't The VP Have Unilateral Power To Overturn Elections??

when did I say the VP had the ability to declare something unConstiutitonal? I provided a link however to the topic of the conversation, prior to your deflection.

Please feel free to read it.
Perhaps you are the one who has a problem with word comprehension....

Several Trump sycophants (including you most likely) believed that Pence could overturn the election...Gym Jordan however, put it in writing in the form of a text that he wanted Mike Pence to "declare the electoral votes unconstitutional"

The fact you have spent the 5 or 6 comments trying to pussy-foot around the point SHOWS me that you would have ZERO problems if this happened for real...as long as the VP doing it is a Republican
Bullshit. There was tremendous evidence of voter fraud in Democrat controlled swing districts.

The Democrats used the Pandemic as a front to do the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts counted by Democrats. Hell, we even saw the sonofabitches shut down counting when Trump was ahead and open several hours later with enough magical ballots to put Potatohead ahead. We saw hundreds of thousands of ballots in swing districts where only one item was checked on the ballot for Potatohead. We saw Republican observers denied admission to areas where the Democrats were doing the counting.

The evidence for fraud was overwhelming and there should have been an audit.

It wasn't done for two reasons.

First Trump did not have the backing of the Republicans. He was not a big government Republican that the Swamp could support. He was a Nationalist that threatened the status quo that the big government Republicans felt comfortable with. They did not have his back.

Second the Negroes had spent several months destroying this country with their massive insurrection and nobody wanted to start that up again with challenging the election. For instance, that shithead Roberts, when he denied standing to the states to challenge the election, was quoted as saying he didn't want to be the one responsible for more rioting.

Pence and others are traitors to their country for allowing the filthy Democrats to steal the election.

All the Moon Bat denial will not change the facts of the thievery. All it would have taken to remedy the thievery was a real audit and that didn't happen. The Moon Bats didn't want one because they knew the election was stolen just like everybody else.
I am sure if you morons couldn't gaslight -- you would have no light at all.......So since I know you will not show any evidence of widespread voter fraud -- just like not A SINGLE TRUMP ATTORNEY was able to provide any evidence of widespread voter fraud or even make that claim in court -- I am going to show you how presenting evidence of voter fraud works...

Three trumpers in Florida....ARRESTED on suspicion of voter fraud...and that is just this week....I noticed not a single one of you Trumpers is talking about that tho, funny....

I assume the arrests happened because evidence was presented to law enforcement, a warrant was issued..and an arrest was made....

Same thing happened in Michigan....Trump supporters again...

And in this case...a man admitted to voter fraud....and PLEAD GUILTY......that is how presenting evidence of widespread fraud works.....

What you morons are doing is inventing another "lost cause" fantasy to explain away your failure to win an election.....keep coping...
I am sure if you morons couldn't gaslight -- you would have no light at all.......So since I know you will not show any evidence of widespread voter fraud -- just like not A SINGLE TRUMP ATTORNEY was able to provide any evidence of widespread voter fraud or even make that claim in court -- I am going to show you how presenting evidence of voter fraud works...

Three trumpers in Florida....ARRESTED on suspicion of voter fraud...and that is just this week....I noticed not a single one of you Trumpers is talking about that tho, funny....

I assume the arrests happened because evidence was presented to law enforcement, a warrant was issued..and an arrest was made....

Same thing happened in Michigan....Trump supporters again...

And in this case...a man admitted to voter fraud....and PLEAD GUILTY......that is how presenting evidence of widespread fraud works.....

What you morons are doing is inventing another "lost cause" fantasy to explain away your failure to win an election.....keep coping...


You Moon Bats are in denial about the fraud even though there was massive evidence that the Democrats used the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Hey, you Moon Bat filth got away with stealing an election from the American people. You have Mr. Potatohead as your President and he is pushing this country towards being a Socialists shithole.

Just gloat that you were able to pull the steal off and the country is going down the toilet just like you want. Don't embarrass yourself by denying that it happen.
Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan is among the lawmakers who texted with Mark Meadows, chief of staff to former President Donald Trump. Jordan forwarded a text message to Meadows, regarding a legal theory that then-Vice President Mike Pence could prevent the certification of Electoral College votes from the 2020 election,
It doesn't say that fraud is legal in the Constitution. Therefore an elected official who notices fraud should act to remedy the situation. That would give Pence the legal option of preventing the certification.
Pence could have shown real leadership and have insisted on an audit of the 2020 Presidential election. There was certainly a massive amount of evidence that the Democrats were using the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Having a real audit was not overthrowing an election but just making sure the election was legitimate. It was the right thing to do.

But he didn't. He joined the filthy ass Swamp and let the Democrats get away with the thievery rather than show courage to do the right thing.

He will go down in history as a traitor to his country.
Lol, sorry to bust your idiot bubble but board of elections has members of both parties present at all times. Hilarious how you cling to this narrative with absolutely no evidence to support it what so ever. Tucker the fucker Carlson got sued over his election lies and his defense was no reasonable person would believe it. So obviously you are a great example of the unreasonable idiot he was talking about.
Lol, sorry to bust your idiot bubble but board of elections has members of both parties present at all times. Hilarious how you cling to this narrative with absolutely no evidence to support it what so ever. Tucker the fucker Carlson got sued over his election lies and his defense was no reasonable person would believe it. So obviously you are a great example of the unreasonable idiot he was talking about.

Sorry Moon Bat but CNN hasn't been telling you about the massive number of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted only by Democrats in the Democrat controlled swing districts.

They didn't tell you about the the Republican observers that were prevented from seeing the fraud. They didn't tell you about what happen when Trump was ahead and the Democrats closed down counting and magically came up later with enough ballots to put Potatohead in the lead. They didn't tell you about the hundreds of thousands of ballots that only had Potatohead marked on them. Nothing else.

The Democrats stole the election from the American people and that is a fact. The Democrats didn't want an audit because it was going to show the fraud.
Perhaps you are the one who has a problem with word comprehension....

Several Trump sycophants (including you most likely) believed that Pence could overturn the election...Gym Jordan however, put it in writing in the form of a text that he wanted Mike Pence to "declare the electoral votes unconstitutional"

The fact you have spent the 5 or 6 comments trying to pussy-foot around the point SHOWS me that you would have ZERO problems if this happened for real...as long as the VP doing it is a Republican
I said he could overturn the election, not that I wanted him to, or that they were....but the Constitution and Federal law gave him the power to not certify electoral votes, and thus voiding them Jordan never said that he could do in unilaterally, as there is a process, but it's perfectly legal.
Sorry Moon Bat but CNN hasn't been telling you about the massive number of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted only by Democrats in the Democrat controlled swing districts.

They didn't tell you about the the Republican observers that were prevented from seeing the fraud. They didn't tell you about what happen when Trump was ahead and the Democrats closed down counting and magically came up later with enough ballots to put Potatohead in the lead. They didn't tell you about the hundreds of thousands of ballots that only had Potatohead marked on them. Nothing else.

The Democrats stole the election from the American people and that is a fact. The Democrats didn't want an audit because it was going to show the fraud.
Lol, ok shortbus. Your own talking head Tucker the fucker Carlson calls ya an unreasonable idiot in court record. Hilarious 😆😆😆😆😆
I said he could overturn the election, not that I wanted him to, or that they were....but the Constitution and Federal law gave him the power to not certify electoral votes, and thus voiding them Jordan never said that he could do in unilaterally, as there is a process, but it's perfectly legal.
No, he could not overturn the election....

And if you think a VP can overturn the election...

Are you going to keep the same energy if Kamala Harris decides to overturn the election....based on nothing but allegations and ZERO EVIDENCE
Once again THEY LIE

The VP does not have any power to "overturn elections."

The VP is empowered by the Constitution to send back to the states the election for further analysis. That's all.

Mike Pentz is a Zionist liar and traitor pretending to be a Christian Republican.

Pentz knew the Biden side cheated and enabled that cheating by choosing to not send the election back to the states.
Sorry Moon Bat but CNN hasn't been telling you about the massive number of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted only by Democrats in the Democrat controlled swing districts.

They didn't tell you about the the Republican observers that were prevented from seeing the fraud. They didn't tell you about what happen when Trump was ahead and the Democrats closed down counting and magically came up later with enough ballots to put Potatohead in the lead. They didn't tell you about the hundreds of thousands of ballots that only had Potatohead marked on them. Nothing else.

The Democrats stole the election from the American people and that is a fact. The Democrats didn't want an audit because it was going to show the fraud.
Now if I made a parody post claiming:

"the media hasn't been telling you about the massive number of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted only by Democrats in the Democrat controlled swing districts."

Your fellow Conservative circle-jerk teammates on this message board would be complaining about how my parody is over the top, blah blah, whine whine....and yet, here you are...doing exactly what I mock you morons for daily....
Once again THEY LIE

The VP does not have any power to "overturn elections."

The VP is empowered by the Constitution to send back to the states the election for further analysis. That's all.

Mike Pentz is a Zionist liar and traitor pretending to be a Christian Republican.

Pentz knew the Biden side cheated and enabled that cheating by choosing to not send the election back to the states.
So cupcakes....

Are you going to keep that same energy if Kamala decides to do what you and your fellow Trumper rioters tried to intimidate Pence into doing??
It doesn't say that fraud is legal in the Constitution. Therefore an elected official who notices fraud should act to remedy the situation. That would give Pence the legal option of preventing the certification.
No. Possibly the courts/DOJ or Congress. The VP has no such power
No, he could not overturn the election....

And if you think a VP can overturn the election...

Are you going to keep the same energy if Kamala Harris decides to overturn the election....based on nothing but allegations and ZERO EVIDENCE
I literally provided you with the link to the law that gives him the authority and states the process. I can't make this any more clear for you
Lol, ok shortbus. Your own talking head Tucker the fucker Carlson calls ya an unreasonable idiot in court record. Hilarious 😆😆😆😆😆

You shithead Moon Bats can gloat over the fact that you pulled off the thievery of our Democracy and installed this clown Joe Potoathead all you want but that doesn't change the fact that the Democrats used the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots to steal the election. The fact are indisputable and that is why the Democrats resisted having an audit so vigorously.
You shithead Moon Bats can gloat over the fact that you pulled off the thievery of our Democracy and installed this clown Joe Potoathead all you want but that doesn't change the fact that the Democrats used the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots to steal the election. The fact are indisputable and that is why the Democrats resisted having an audit so vigorously.
Lol, your own talking head called you an unreasonable idiot in court records. This is a fact you can not escape. Hilarious 😆😆😆😆😆. Keep doubling and tripling down shortbus.

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