Why shouldn’t we take great pride in being “White Nationalists”?

White people like you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Stop being so damn stubborn and realize that they don't care about your platitudes about judging people based on their character. They're busy reshaping society to exclude and discriminate against you because of the color of your skin.
I'm wide awake, and I oppose racism in all forms. I'm well aware that most progressives are anti-white, even if they are white. It's the only way they can both play the victim and feel all self-righteous and noble at the same time.
White people like you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Stop being so damn stubborn and realize that they don't care about your platitudes about judging people based on their character. They're busy reshaping society to exclude and discriminate against you because of the color of your skin.
I'm wide awake, and I oppose racism in all forms. I'm well aware that most progressives are anti-white, even if they are white. It's the only way they can both play the victim and feel all self-righteous and noble at the same time.

They are brainwashed and so are you, only slightly less so. Only white people feel angst about the natural preference that all human beings have to stick to their own kind. Why is that?
They are brainwashed and so are you, only slightly less so. Only white people feel angst about the natural preference that all human beings have to stick to their own kind. Why is that?
I feel no angst for my preferences, and there's not the slightest reason that I should. Like it or not, self-segregation is the natural tendency for all races. The difference is that as a general rule whites don't wallow in it and play the victim.
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"

Because being a White Nationalist means being white is more important than your nation.

It makes no sense to be proud of your skin color, it is not something you had any control over. You might as well be proud of having two eyes or 10 toes.

Pride should be reserved for things you actually had some input on.

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Equating "white nationalism" with "patriotism, love, and loyalty to the United States" is false and antithetical. White nationalism seeks to create some whites-only political entity, obviously based on skin color alone. It has nothing to do with loyalty to the USA as a whole and actually implies a disloyalty to the USA.

In any event, I don't know where the white nationalists would go to set up their little country. Our geography is pretty much taken.
Contrary to what Dems seem to think, there's nothing wrong with being white. For them to try and shame me for it is stupid and racist.

In my opinion, ANYONE who takes pride in their race is in fact a racist. No one chose their race, so "black pride" is just another way to say "black supremacist".

On the other hand, I CHOOSE to be a nationalist - and I take pride in that choice.

White people like you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Stop being so damn stubborn and realize that they don't care about your platitudes about judging people based on their character. They're busy reshaping society to exclude and discriminate against you because of the color of your skin.

By they I think you mean the left, and you’re helping them by virtue of the hate you’re spreading

What kind of idiot doesn't hate the people who are actively trying to destroy them? This thread is less about those poor, innocent brown people who are flooding the borders and more about the political forces that are enabling them with the intent to displace the majority ethnic population.

Those political forces you speak of have a goal to create chaos and to destabilize our country. They don’t care about race. They’re nefarious, but not in the way you think they are. They use all types of racists, including you, as a means to get their goals met. It’s you that needs to wake up. You help them more than anyone
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"

Because being a White Nationalist means being white is more important than your nation.

It makes no sense to be proud of your skin color, it is not something you had any control over. You might as well be proud of having two eyes or 10 toes.

Pride should be reserved for things you actually had some input on.

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Being white IS our nation moron.

Nation literally means race or ethnicity.
Opinions vary but i have no problem with any though i label myself as an American Nationalist . Could also be labeled as an American Supremacist , or an American Separatist . I take pride in being an American as i see in our history what we have done in just a couple hundred years . America is the best while much of the rest of the world is just THERE '4Eye' .
There seems to be a big difference between nationalists who happen to be white and white nationalists. :dunno:
Not anymore.

Now any white person with a sense of nationalism will look at what has happened to Europe and realize that white people don't have a home and the only way for white people to be safe is to build a new one rather than allowing another South Africa to happen.

You have lost any moral argument against white nationalism. That is the reason the cowards at the EU decided to destroy the internet.

I think the left has overplayed their hand with this latest push to criminalize nationalism for white people. It's going to backfire right in their multicultural faces.

You and the left are two sides of the same coin. Real conservatives want to marginalize identity politics. You live for it
No, real conservatives want to allow everyone to have identity politics to defend their own interests.

I’m white and my interests are different from your interests. I stand for virtues like best person for the job, content of character, blind justice. Identity politics is always a zero sum game, and that is in direct conflict with my world view. And I hate to disappoint you, but that race war that you feel is looming isn’t going to happen. White nationalists and the far left are a reflection of one and other.
I never said there would be a race war.

I said there would be a war for the survival of white people.
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"

Because being a White Nationalist means being white is more important than your nation.

It makes no sense to be proud of your skin color, it is not something you had any control over. You might as well be proud of having two eyes or 10 toes.

Pride should be reserved for things you actually had some input on.

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Being white IS our nation moron.

Nation literally means race or ethnicity.
Since you like white so much I just heard about a great deal for you,,Macy's has a 2 for 1 white sheet sale for you
Values, not skin color are what make America great. However, this has always been a majority White country. That may change, but it doesn't mean the country can not remain great if American values are continued.

Just because the majority happens to be white, doesn’t mean we’re a white nation. We never have been a white nation

Sorry bud...they’ve tried hard to omit much of American history but there are still books out there...you may need to read one. Look back at population statistics / demographics. Read the Naturalization Act Of 1790. Our founders intent for this nation was crystal clear.
It was president Lincoln who first let blacks become citizens. Republican party used to be the "party of Lincoln", welcoming black citizens.

You'd turn down a great deal like that PT?? Maybe get some of your KLAN interested?
I have never seen a klansman in my life.

I have lived all over the U.S. and have never seen a Klansman, any signs of the KKK, nor Nazis. I have never seen a gun in public other than at my Gun Club on the firing range. Yet the Media wants you to believe they are everywhere, and a big problem. Well, stay out of inner city ghettos if you don't want trouble. Duh.

I have seen:

Corrupt Democrat politicians and bureaucrats
Corrupt Unions
Occupy Walt Street
Intolerance, bigotry, and hate from the Left at Universities
Lies in almost all facets of MEDIA
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"

Because being a White Nationalist means being white is more important than your nation.

It makes no sense to be proud of your skin color, it is not something you had any control over. You might as well be proud of having two eyes or 10 toes.

Pride should be reserved for things you actually had some input on.

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Being white IS our nation moron.

Nation literally means race or ethnicity.

The meaning of nation has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Are you stupid or dishonest?

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