Why So Many?


Mar 1, 2011
I have taken some notes on what seems to be just a scratch on the surface of countless people in very respectable positions saying 9/11 was an inside job!:eek:

Here is just a small list of people I have taken some notes on.

Harry G. Robinson III
Title: Architect, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects FAIA
License #: Architect 2667, Washington, DC
Degree: B Arch and MCP Hoawrd U. / MCPUD Harvard
Statement: "The collapse was too symmetrical to have been eccentrically generated. The destruction was symmetrically initiated to cause the buildings to implode as they did."

Alan D. Kato
Title: Architect
License #: 001-010128
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Statement: "I am an architect with over thirty years experience. I believe there is overwhelming evidence that the 3 World Trade Buildings collapsed due to forces beyond the burning of jet fuel and typical building contents. We do not design undamaged buildings to free fall as in the World Trade Buildings on 9/11. There needs to be a truthful and apolitical investigation into the mechanism in the collapse of these buildings."

Arpad A. Chabafy
Title: Architect
License #: California Licensed Architect C-9141
Degree: Masters Architecture / Post Earthquake Failure Assessment
Statement: "I have thirty-five years' experience as a sole proprietor practicing Architecture & Engineering, post earthquake inspection and analysis for damage and/or structural failure assessment. Straight vertical collapse is highly unlikely after the well publicized aircraft's side impact."

Andrew Wolff
Title: Architect, American Institute of Architects AIA, LEED
License #: 30395 CA
Degree: Masters Architecture, Yale University
Statement: "Worked on several large-scale high-rise projects both in China, and in the United States. The free-fall collapse of the fire protected steel-frame structure of World Trade Center #7 could not have been caused by the limited structural damage and office fires which were observed prior to collapse and points to a professionally controlled demolition by incendiary devices."

Bassam Altwal
Title: Vice President, Architecture
License #: 1576A2 (overseas)
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I have 20 years experience in architecture. The World Trade Centers must be controlled collapse."

Barry Koren
Title: Architect
License #: 3281-005 WI
Degree: B.Architecture, City College of NY.
Statement: "My intuition and 35 years of professional experience tell me that we need an investigation of 9/11 Except in controlled demolition of a building, I can't think of anything that simply collapses symmetrically like the three World Trade Center buildings."

Bertie McKinney Bonner
Title: Architect, American Institute of Architects AIA
License #: RA009013X
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "As I watched the collapse occur on the morning of 9/11/01 I was shocked because I had been sure that the buildings would not collapse as I watched for the time between the impact and the collapse. The failure mode made no sense to me as I watched it."

Brandon M. Chouinard
Title: Architect
License #: A5550 OK
Degree: B. Arch, U. of Oklahoma
Statement: "It was always fairly obvious to me there was more to the attacks than what the government tells us. Just the fact that the buildings collapsed in a manner that I have only seen in controlled demolition seems to beg for a more in depth investigation."

Bryan Evan Westgate
Title: Architect
License #: arc.0914988
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I have 20 years experience of architecture in high rise buildings. The Architects should pursue a unified voice to the world that we wholey reject the official collapse hypothesis and unanimously embrace the reality of controlled demolition regardless of gov't response."

Bradley J. Marczuk
Title: Architect
License #: AR-1814
Degree: B.Architecture UofO, Masters Architecture UofW
Statement: "I have over 30 years experience in the architectural field and have designed a variety of large scale commercial projects. I watched on TV live the World Trade Towers falling and thought to myself during the collapse, this building doesn't fall this way. I had enough experience even at that time with steel moment frames to realize that they don't pancake from the top down, especially if the assumed failure (the planes heat) point in a 1/3 of the way down. If the heat was sufficient enough to melt the steel at the planes location, the frame would have buckled and the top part of the building would have toppled over. Of course causing damage to the lower part of the structure but not a pancake collapse. Plus both towers collapsing in the exact same symmetrical pattern - no way.! Also, what about building #7 collapsing the same way! These building were brought down by design."

Bruce B. Maxwell
Title: Architect
License #: C27715
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I think Gage's strength is that he strictly relies on physical evidence and he avoids the almost incomprehensible social psychological forces that may be forcing most people not to want really to know."

C Matthew Taylor
Title: Architect
License #: South Carolina Architect's AR .4827 I, ex
Degree: B.A. Architecture, U. of Cincinnati
Statement: "It's clear to me that there needs to be a serious independent study of the events and the collapse of buildings 1, 2 and 7. Now, there is no question in my mind that all three building were taken down by controlled demolitions."

C.J. Richards
Title: R.A., B. Architect
License #: 7505-5 WI
Degree: B.A., Architecture, U-Minnesota
Statement: " I've been in the field of architecture for approximately 25 years now. I did not realize that there was actually a formation of a group or organization that is stating the thoughts that I only have kept in my mind."

Crystal Danielle Nanney
Title: American Institute of Architects AIA
License #: FL AR93662
Degree: B. Arch, University of Detroit Mercy
Statement: "The fall never made sense to me. I know a lot about concrete and steel with respect to building failure, and though I have read the arguments for "natural" collapse and wanted to believe them, my own sense of logic denied me. I read up on the design of Minoru Yamasaki's building (I had once visited his office in Michigan) and I cannot understand how even the heat of jet fuel would have caused the floors to slide the way they did, or so perfectly vertically. Also, I have seen a lot of buildings demolished in Detroit, enough to raise suspicion.":eek::eek::eek::eek:
Just a pittance.. when you consider the world population...
Just a pittance.. when you consider the world population...

Not sure if I agree. It is overwhelming the number of people in respected positions. It is now up to almost 40% of Americans polled that believe it was an inside job. I'm not sure what to think.

Other Nations have even a larger portion of their populations believing the American government contrived 9/11.

In any event this is a huge change in the perception of the World toward the U.S.
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Soo.. Who was flying the planes ya think..?

I'm sure the terrorists did plan the attack but there is question if they were lured by Israeli Mossad who just happened to be watching their every step.

It is also interesting that only a couple months before 9/11 it was announced in the news that Boeing 727's were successfully remote piloted and landed in the event they happened to be hijacked.

Again, just stating some information. Not sure what to think.
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I have taken some notes on what seems to be just a scratch on the surface of countless people in very respectable positions saying 9/11 was an inside job!:eek:

Here is just a small list of people I have taken some notes on.

Harry G. Robinson III
Title: Architect, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects FAIA
License #: Architect 2667, Washington, DC
Degree: B Arch and MCP Hoawrd U. / MCPUD Harvard
Statement: "The collapse was too symmetrical to have been eccentrically generated. The destruction was symmetrically initiated to cause the buildings to implode as they did."

Alan D. Kato
Title: Architect
License #: 001-010128
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Statement: "I am an architect with over thirty years experience. I believe there is overwhelming evidence that the 3 World Trade Buildings collapsed due to forces beyond the burning of jet fuel and typical building contents. We do not design undamaged buildings to free fall as in the World Trade Buildings on 9/11. There needs to be a truthful and apolitical investigation into the mechanism in the collapse of these buildings."

Arpad A. Chabafy
Title: Architect
License #: California Licensed Architect C-9141
Degree: Masters Architecture / Post Earthquake Failure Assessment
Statement: "I have thirty-five years' experience as a sole proprietor practicing Architecture & Engineering, post earthquake inspection and analysis for damage and/or structural failure assessment. Straight vertical collapse is highly unlikely after the well publicized aircraft's side impact."

Andrew Wolff
Title: Architect, American Institute of Architects AIA, LEED
License #: 30395 CA
Degree: Masters Architecture, Yale University
Statement: "Worked on several large-scale high-rise projects both in China, and in the United States. The free-fall collapse of the fire protected steel-frame structure of World Trade Center #7 could not have been caused by the limited structural damage and office fires which were observed prior to collapse and points to a professionally controlled demolition by incendiary devices."

Bassam Altwal
Title: Vice President, Architecture
License #: 1576A2 (overseas)
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I have 20 years experience in architecture. The World Trade Centers must be controlled collapse."

Barry Koren
Title: Architect
License #: 3281-005 WI
Degree: B.Architecture, City College of NY.
Statement: "My intuition and 35 years of professional experience tell me that we need an investigation of 9/11 Except in controlled demolition of a building, I can't think of anything that simply collapses symmetrically like the three World Trade Center buildings."

Bertie McKinney Bonner
Title: Architect, American Institute of Architects AIA
License #: RA009013X
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "As I watched the collapse occur on the morning of 9/11/01 I was shocked because I had been sure that the buildings would not collapse as I watched for the time between the impact and the collapse. The failure mode made no sense to me as I watched it."

Brandon M. Chouinard
Title: Architect
License #: A5550 OK
Degree: B. Arch, U. of Oklahoma
Statement: "It was always fairly obvious to me there was more to the attacks than what the government tells us. Just the fact that the buildings collapsed in a manner that I have only seen in controlled demolition seems to beg for a more in depth investigation."

Bryan Evan Westgate
Title: Architect
License #: arc.0914988
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I have 20 years experience of architecture in high rise buildings. The Architects should pursue a unified voice to the world that we wholey reject the official collapse hypothesis and unanimously embrace the reality of controlled demolition regardless of gov't response."

Bradley J. Marczuk
Title: Architect
License #: AR-1814
Degree: B.Architecture UofO, Masters Architecture UofW
Statement: "I have over 30 years experience in the architectural field and have designed a variety of large scale commercial projects. I watched on TV live the World Trade Towers falling and thought to myself during the collapse, this building doesn't fall this way. I had enough experience even at that time with steel moment frames to realize that they don't pancake from the top down, especially if the assumed failure (the planes heat) point in a 1/3 of the way down. If the heat was sufficient enough to melt the steel at the planes location, the frame would have buckled and the top part of the building would have toppled over. Of course causing damage to the lower part of the structure but not a pancake collapse. Plus both towers collapsing in the exact same symmetrical pattern - no way.! Also, what about building #7 collapsing the same way! These building were brought down by design."

Bruce B. Maxwell
Title: Architect
License #: C27715
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I think Gage's strength is that he strictly relies on physical evidence and he avoids the almost incomprehensible social psychological forces that may be forcing most people not to want really to know."

C Matthew Taylor
Title: Architect
License #: South Carolina Architect's AR .4827 I, ex
Degree: B.A. Architecture, U. of Cincinnati
Statement: "It's clear to me that there needs to be a serious independent study of the events and the collapse of buildings 1, 2 and 7. Now, there is no question in my mind that all three building were taken down by controlled demolitions."

C.J. Richards
Title: R.A., B. Architect
License #: 7505-5 WI
Degree: B.A., Architecture, U-Minnesota
Statement: " I've been in the field of architecture for approximately 25 years now. I did not realize that there was actually a formation of a group or organization that is stating the thoughts that I only have kept in my mind."

Crystal Danielle Nanney
Title: American Institute of Architects AIA
License #: FL AR93662
Degree: B. Arch, University of Detroit Mercy
Statement: "The fall never made sense to me. I know a lot about concrete and steel with respect to building failure, and though I have read the arguments for "natural" collapse and wanted to believe them, my own sense of logic denied me. I read up on the design of Minoru Yamasaki's building (I had once visited his office in Michigan) and I cannot understand how even the heat of jet fuel would have caused the floors to slide the way they did, or so perfectly vertically. Also, I have seen a lot of buildings demolished in Detroit, enough to raise suspicion.":eek::eek::eek::eek:

Did you bother to "take some notes" on countless people in very respectable positions saying 9/11 WASN'T an inside job?
Hi Iron:

I have taken some notes on what seems to be just a scratch on the surface of countless people in very respectable positions saying 9/11 was an inside job!:eek:

911 was definitely and inside-job attack instigated by the House of Rothschild (What Really Happened) culminating in a Cheney/Rumsfeld Black Operation (my manuscript) taking place at the Pentagon that was attacked three times (9:31:39, 9:36:27, 10:42-10:15 AM = Pentagon Topic) on September 11, 2001. Shanksville is nothing but an Empty Hole (topic) and WTC-7 Was Definitely A CD Implosion (topic).

The Govt Document Prove 9/11 Was An Inside Job (link) and nobody here can refute a single word from any of these posts. Go ahead and try and ...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quaQRYahPf8]... Make My Day ...[/ame]

I have taken some notes on what seems to be just a scratch on the surface of countless people in very respectable positions saying 9/11 was an inside job!:eek:

Here is just a small list of people I have taken some notes on.

Harry G. Robinson III
Title: Architect, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects FAIA
License #: Architect 2667, Washington, DC
Degree: B Arch and MCP Hoawrd U. / MCPUD Harvard
Statement: "The collapse was too symmetrical to have been eccentrically generated. The destruction was symmetrically initiated to cause the buildings to implode as they did."

Alan D. Kato
Title: Architect
License #: 001-010128
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Statement: "I am an architect with over thirty years experience. I believe there is overwhelming evidence that the 3 World Trade Buildings collapsed due to forces beyond the burning of jet fuel and typical building contents. We do not design undamaged buildings to free fall as in the World Trade Buildings on 9/11. There needs to be a truthful and apolitical investigation into the mechanism in the collapse of these buildings."

Arpad A. Chabafy
Title: Architect
License #: California Licensed Architect C-9141
Degree: Masters Architecture / Post Earthquake Failure Assessment
Statement: "I have thirty-five years' experience as a sole proprietor practicing Architecture & Engineering, post earthquake inspection and analysis for damage and/or structural failure assessment. Straight vertical collapse is highly unlikely after the well publicized aircraft's side impact."

Andrew Wolff
Title: Architect, American Institute of Architects AIA, LEED
License #: 30395 CA
Degree: Masters Architecture, Yale University
Statement: "Worked on several large-scale high-rise projects both in China, and in the United States. The free-fall collapse of the fire protected steel-frame structure of World Trade Center #7 could not have been caused by the limited structural damage and office fires which were observed prior to collapse and points to a professionally controlled demolition by incendiary devices."

Bassam Altwal
Title: Vice President, Architecture
License #: 1576A2 (overseas)
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I have 20 years experience in architecture. The World Trade Centers must be controlled collapse."

Barry Koren
Title: Architect
License #: 3281-005 WI
Degree: B.Architecture, City College of NY.
Statement: "My intuition and 35 years of professional experience tell me that we need an investigation of 9/11 Except in controlled demolition of a building, I can't think of anything that simply collapses symmetrically like the three World Trade Center buildings."

Bertie McKinney Bonner
Title: Architect, American Institute of Architects AIA
License #: RA009013X
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "As I watched the collapse occur on the morning of 9/11/01 I was shocked because I had been sure that the buildings would not collapse as I watched for the time between the impact and the collapse. The failure mode made no sense to me as I watched it."

Brandon M. Chouinard
Title: Architect
License #: A5550 OK
Degree: B. Arch, U. of Oklahoma
Statement: "It was always fairly obvious to me there was more to the attacks than what the government tells us. Just the fact that the buildings collapsed in a manner that I have only seen in controlled demolition seems to beg for a more in depth investigation."

Bryan Evan Westgate
Title: Architect
License #: arc.0914988
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I have 20 years experience of architecture in high rise buildings. The Architects should pursue a unified voice to the world that we wholey reject the official collapse hypothesis and unanimously embrace the reality of controlled demolition regardless of gov't response."

Bradley J. Marczuk
Title: Architect
License #: AR-1814
Degree: B.Architecture UofO, Masters Architecture UofW
Statement: "I have over 30 years experience in the architectural field and have designed a variety of large scale commercial projects. I watched on TV live the World Trade Towers falling and thought to myself during the collapse, this building doesn't fall this way. I had enough experience even at that time with steel moment frames to realize that they don't pancake from the top down, especially if the assumed failure (the planes heat) point in a 1/3 of the way down. If the heat was sufficient enough to melt the steel at the planes location, the frame would have buckled and the top part of the building would have toppled over. Of course causing damage to the lower part of the structure but not a pancake collapse. Plus both towers collapsing in the exact same symmetrical pattern - no way.! Also, what about building #7 collapsing the same way! These building were brought down by design."

Bruce B. Maxwell
Title: Architect
License #: C27715
Degree: Masters Architecture
Statement: "I think Gage's strength is that he strictly relies on physical evidence and he avoids the almost incomprehensible social psychological forces that may be forcing most people not to want really to know."

C Matthew Taylor
Title: Architect
License #: South Carolina Architect's AR .4827 I, ex
Degree: B.A. Architecture, U. of Cincinnati
Statement: "It's clear to me that there needs to be a serious independent study of the events and the collapse of buildings 1, 2 and 7. Now, there is no question in my mind that all three building were taken down by controlled demolitions."

C.J. Richards
Title: R.A., B. Architect
License #: 7505-5 WI
Degree: B.A., Architecture, U-Minnesota
Statement: " I've been in the field of architecture for approximately 25 years now. I did not realize that there was actually a formation of a group or organization that is stating the thoughts that I only have kept in my mind."

Crystal Danielle Nanney
Title: American Institute of Architects AIA
License #: FL AR93662
Degree: B. Arch, University of Detroit Mercy
Statement: "The fall never made sense to me. I know a lot about concrete and steel with respect to building failure, and though I have read the arguments for "natural" collapse and wanted to believe them, my own sense of logic denied me. I read up on the design of Minoru Yamasaki's building (I had once visited his office in Michigan) and I cannot understand how even the heat of jet fuel would have caused the floors to slide the way they did, or so perfectly vertically. Also, I have seen a lot of buildings demolished in Detroit, enough to raise suspicion.":eek::eek::eek::eek:

Did you bother to "take some notes" on countless people in very respectable positions saying 9/11 WASN'T an inside job?

I will look into it. Right now gotta go. Battlefield Los Angeles just started on TV and I was planning on watching it for awhile. Have to say though it already looks lame.
Soo.. Who was flying the planes ya think..?

I'm sure the terrorists did plan the attack but there is question if they were lured by Israeli Mossad who just happened to be watching their every step.

It is also interesting that only a couple months before 9/11 it was announced in the news that Boeing 727's were successfully remote piloted and landed in the event they happened to be hijacked.

Again, just stating some information. Not sure what to think.

This subject has been covered several times...you might check out the other threads.

Welcome to the Board... a rep for you...
Soo.. Who was flying the planes ya think..?

I'm sure the terrorists did plan the attack but there is question if they were lured by Israeli Mossad who just happened to be watching their every step.

It is also interesting that only a couple months before 9/11 it was announced in the news that Boeing 727's were successfully remote piloted and landed in the event they happened to be hijacked.

Again, just stating some information. Not sure what to think.

This subject has been covered several times...you might check out the other threads.

Welcome to the Board... a rep for you...

Just a pittance.. when you consider the world population...

Not sure if I agree. It is overwhelming the number of people in respected positions. It is now up to almost 40% of Americans polled that believe it was an inside job. I'm not sure what to think.

Other Nations have even a larger portion of their populations believing the American government contrived 9/11.

In any event this is a huge change in the perception of the World toward the U.S.

yes more and more people are waking up around the country and the world that 9/11 was an inside job.there are over a thousand architects and engineers who have stated that the towers fell from controlled demolition as well as demolition experts.we know they were a controlled demolition because of that and also to accept the governments version of events,you got to conclude that the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer applies anymore.:lol::lol: as you can see below,there are some people with very high respectable people in their fileds that dont accept the 9/11 coverup commissions findings as well.whats really funny about the OCTA'S logic they have is that it doesnt matter that aall these military experts,former government officials,architects and engineers,demolition experts,firemen experienced in the sounds of explosions,physists,or expert pilots say,ignore all these credible people and listen to what the CIA controlled media and corrupt government institutions tell us.great logic there.:lol::lol:

here again is a list of extinguised credible people who dont acccept the governments version either.

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Hi Iron:

I have taken some notes on what seems to be just a scratch on the surface of countless people in very respectable positions saying 9/11 was an inside job!:eek:

911 was definitely and inside-job attack instigated by the House of Rothschild (What Really Happened) culminating in a Cheney/Rumsfeld Black Operation (my manuscript) taking place at the Pentagon that was attacked three times (9:31:39, 9:36:27, 10:42-10:15 AM = Pentagon Topic) on September 11, 2001. Shanksville is nothing but an Empty Hole (topic) and WTC-7 Was Definitely A CD Implosion (topic).

The Govt Document Prove 9/11 Was An Inside Job (link) and nobody here can refute a single word from any of these posts. Go ahead and try and ...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quaQRYahPf8]... Make My Day ...[/ame]


Terral hit the nail right on the head.Nobody here or anywhere has ever been able to refute a single word of any of these posts of his.They also have never been able to refute the evidence here that explosives were planted in the towers.Like he said,go ahead make my day.:lol:

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