Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.

Yup. That was the central and key issue. South Carolina made that ridiculously clear that slavery and state's rights to own slaves were the reason for seceding.

Its only now, with our revisionists in their full glory that South Carolina's own rationale is ignored in favor of a slavery free explanation for secession.

Its simple idiocy.
You're a lying piece of shit moron.

And that in a nutshell is their nutty retort.
It's the truth. Skylar is a piece of shit. A liar. And a certified moron.

Then you should have no trouble pointing out where he lied.
No, but that still doesn't make their enslavement a "good" thing. It just so happens that their ancestors benefited in some ways. Obviously, slavery is still a quite painful issue for some (a lot) of black people.
Prof. Williams didn't say slavery is a good thing. What he essentially said is the end result of it is good for most descendants of Black African slaves in America.

Well then he is basically saying that it was a good thing for black people, correct? I can't agree. Although they might be doing better than some people who live in Africa, that is really quite a jump to make such a statement, IMO. Some of those people's descendants could have traveled and done things of their own free will. Some of those people may have made a difference in their own right in their own villages or whatever. Who knows what WOULD have been?
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.

Yup. That was the central and key issue. South Carolina made that ridiculously clear that slavery and state's rights to own slaves were the reason for seceding.

Its only now, with our revisionists in their full glory that South Carolina's own rationale is ignored in favor of a slavery free explanation for secession.

Its simple idiocy.
You're a lying piece of shit moron.

And that in a nutshell is their nutty retort.
It's the truth. Skylar is a piece of shit. A liar. And a certified moron.

Or....I've actually read the Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union. And specifically lays out its reasoning for its sovereignty. And then lays out it reason for seceding:

Slavery. Citing slaves and slavery 18 times in a document that's only 27 paragraphs long.
The Declaration cites article 4 of the Constitution and it provisions for fugitive slave clause. The Declaration talks about how most states were slave states when the constitution was written, cites the 3/5ths clause regarding slaves, cites its 'right of property in slaves' as a state's right issue, laments about how the northern states have helped slaves escape.

Virtually the entire document is either 1) Justification for State Sovereignty 2) Complaints about Slavery.

But don't take my word for it. Read it yourself:

Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union

Making the assertion that Secession wasn't about slavery to be the most hapless, revisionist bullshit imaginable. If the 'immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina' is to be believed, slavery is not just 'a' reason, but THE reason for secession.

Remember, Rk......in almost any topic we discuss, I've done my research. And you haven't. Consequently, I usually have far more information at my disposal, better sources, and a vastly superior command of the topic.

What you call 'lies' is merely me kicking your ass with those better sources, better reasoning and a deeper understanding of what is being discussed. Get used to the idea. As you starkly refuse to inform yourself before posting. And I starkly refuse not to.
I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.

Yup. That was the central and key issue. South Carolina made that ridiculously clear that slavery and state's rights to own slaves were the reason for seceding.

Its only now, with our revisionists in their full glory that South Carolina's own rationale is ignored in favor of a slavery free explanation for secession.

Its simple idiocy.
You're a lying piece of shit moron.

And that in a nutshell is their nutty retort.
It's the truth. Skylar is a piece of shit. A liar. And a certified moron.

Then you should have no trouble pointing out where he lied.

Your breath. I would not hold it.
Well some southerners were born in central GA from parents who were raised in KY and GA and were then raised in South FL, and currently live in Central TX. So yes, I'm aware of variances across the south. Still one thing is common... damn yankees are still blaming the south for slavery when ironically the yankees started it.


I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.

Holy shitballs. He went full batshit. You never go full batshit.
Well some southerners were born in central GA from parents who were raised in KY and GA and were then raised in South FL, and currently live in Central TX. So yes, I'm aware of variances across the south. Still one thing is common... damn yankees are still blaming the south for slavery when ironically the yankees started it.


I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south. Killed how many people to free how many people? And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.
I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.

Yup. That was the central and key issue. South Carolina made that ridiculously clear that slavery and state's rights to own slaves were the reason for seceding.

Its only now, with our revisionists in their full glory that South Carolina's own rationale is ignored in favor of a slavery free explanation for secession.

Its simple idiocy.
You're a lying piece of shit moron.

And that in a nutshell is their nutty retort.
It's the truth. Skylar is a piece of shit. A liar. And a certified moron.

Then you should have no trouble pointing out where he lied.
"slavery free explanation" that's an absolute fabrication... No one denies that slavery was a part of the rationale for most of the southern states.

I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south. Killed how many people to free how many people? And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.

The distinguished Civil War historian James McPherson has estimated that there were 50,000 civilian deaths during the war, and has concluded that the overall mortality rate for the South exceeded that of any country in World War I and all but the region between the Rhine and the Volga in World War II.

Death and Dying--Civil War Era National Cemeteries Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary


For 110 years, the numbers stood as gospel: 618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South — by far the greatest toll of any war in American history.

But new research shows that the numbers were far too low.

By combing through newly digitized census data from the 19th century, J. David Hacker, a demographic historian from Binghamton University in New York, has recalculated the death toll and increased it by more than 20 percent — to 750,000.


The proportions of deaths per the original numbers were 58.2% for Union and 41.8 for the Confederacy. If the 750,000 deaths follow a similar pattern (and there's no reason to believe otherwise), then we're looking at about 313,500 confederate soldier deaths from all causes.

313,500 plus 50,000 is not 'millions'. Or anything close to it.
Yup. That was the central and key issue. South Carolina made that ridiculously clear that slavery and state's rights to own slaves were the reason for seceding.

Its only now, with our revisionists in their full glory that South Carolina's own rationale is ignored in favor of a slavery free explanation for secession.

Its simple idiocy.
You're a lying piece of shit moron.

And that in a nutshell is their nutty retort.
It's the truth. Skylar is a piece of shit. A liar. And a certified moron.

Then you should have no trouble pointing out where he lied.
"slavery free explanation" that's an absolute fabrication... No one denies that slavery was a part of the rationale for most of the southern states.

Read the Secession declaration for South Carolina. Slavery wasn't merely a 'part'. It was the only specific beef that South Carolina mentioned. And they dedicate 10 of 27 paragraphs to the topic of slavery.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south. Killed how many people to free how many people? And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.

The distinguished Civil War historian James McPherson has estimated that there were 50,000 civilian deaths during the war, and has concluded that the overall mortality rate for the South exceeded that of any country in World War I and all but the region between the Rhine and the Volga in World War II.

Death and Dying--Civil War Era National Cemeteries Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary


For 110 years, the numbers stood as gospel: 618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South — by far the greatest toll of any war in American history.

But new research shows that the numbers were far too low.

By combing through newly digitized census data from the 19th century, J. David Hacker, a demographic historian from Binghamton University in New York, has recalculated the death toll and increased it by more than 20 percent — to 750,000.


The proportions of deaths per the original numbers were 58.2% for Union and 41.8 for the Confederacy. If the 750,000 deaths follow a similar pattern (and there's no reason to believe otherwise), then we're looking at about 313,500 confederate soldier deaths from all causes.

313,500 plus 50,000 is not 'millions'. Or anything close to it.
It wasn't just soldiers that died.
I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south. Killed how many people to free how many people? And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.

The distinguished Civil War historian James McPherson has estimated that there were 50,000 civilian deaths during the war, and has concluded that the overall mortality rate for the South exceeded that of any country in World War I and all but the region between the Rhine and the Volga in World War II.

Death and Dying--Civil War Era National Cemeteries Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary


For 110 years, the numbers stood as gospel: 618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South — by far the greatest toll of any war in American history.

But new research shows that the numbers were far too low.

By combing through newly digitized census data from the 19th century, J. David Hacker, a demographic historian from Binghamton University in New York, has recalculated the death toll and increased it by more than 20 percent — to 750,000.


The proportions of deaths per the original numbers were 58.2% for Union and 41.8 for the Confederacy. If the 750,000 deaths follow a similar pattern (and there's no reason to believe otherwise), then we're looking at about 313,500 confederate soldier deaths from all causes.

313,500 plus 50,000 is not 'millions'. Or anything close to it.
It wasn't just soldiers that died.

Check again. I included civilian deaths in the south.
You're a lying piece of shit moron.

And that in a nutshell is their nutty retort.
It's the truth. Skylar is a piece of shit. A liar. And a certified moron.

Then you should have no trouble pointing out where he lied.
"slavery free explanation" that's an absolute fabrication... No one denies that slavery was a part of the rationale for most of the southern states.

Read the Secession declaration for South Carolina. Slavery wasn't merely a 'part'. It was the only specific beef that South Carolina mentioned. And they dedicate 10 of 27 paragraphs to the topic of slavery.
Ok that's one state and 10 of 27 is not 27 of 27.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south. Killed how many people to free how many people? And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.

The distinguished Civil War historian James McPherson has estimated that there were 50,000 civilian deaths during the war, and has concluded that the overall mortality rate for the South exceeded that of any country in World War I and all but the region between the Rhine and the Volga in World War II.

Death and Dying--Civil War Era National Cemeteries Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary


For 110 years, the numbers stood as gospel: 618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South — by far the greatest toll of any war in American history.

But new research shows that the numbers were far too low.

By combing through newly digitized census data from the 19th century, J. David Hacker, a demographic historian from Binghamton University in New York, has recalculated the death toll and increased it by more than 20 percent — to 750,000.


The proportions of deaths per the original numbers were 58.2% for Union and 41.8 for the Confederacy. If the 750,000 deaths follow a similar pattern (and there's no reason to believe otherwise), then we're looking at about 313,500 confederate soldier deaths from all causes.

313,500 plus 50,000 is not 'millions'. Or anything close to it.
It wasn't just soldiers that died.

Check again. I included civilian deaths in the south.
The 750k estimate is a lower bound that keeps going up. We know better down south. We were the ones with the cities burned to the ground. We were the ones with the families women and children murdered. We were the ones that lived under the evil rule of carpet baggers from the north.

I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south. Killed how many people to free how many people? And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.
What in the absolute fuck???
And that in a nutshell is their nutty retort.
It's the truth. Skylar is a piece of shit. A liar. And a certified moron.

Then you should have no trouble pointing out where he lied.
"slavery free explanation" that's an absolute fabrication... No one denies that slavery was a part of the rationale for most of the southern states.

Read the Secession declaration for South Carolina. Slavery wasn't merely a 'part'. It was the only specific beef that South Carolina mentioned. And they dedicate 10 of 27 paragraphs to the topic of slavery.
Ok that's one state and 10 of 27 is not 27 of 27.

Again, slavery is the only specific beef they mention. The rest of the document is a legal argument for state sovereignty. An argument for HOW they are seceding.

The only argument given for WHY they are seceding....is slavery. There is no other reason given for secession but slavery related complaints.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

I am pretty sure that they didn't seceded- which is why there is no Confederate States of America still around defending their right to own human property.

If you want to know the reason for the attempted secession- read up on the Presidential campaign that ended with Lincoln being elected- the primary reason was 'states rights'- to own human property.
No, they did secede and formed their own Country. The reason there is no Confederate States of America is the murderous north bought hundreds of thousands of soldiers for hire from Europe to kill millions of women and children in the southern states for the promise of money, land, and booty. Ironically slavery was about to end across the world anyway.

Wow.....is this what they teach you in Cloud Coo Coo Land?

The Confederate states attempted to secede. There is no Confederate States because they did not succeed.
The Confederate States attempted to secede in order to protect the property rights over human property.
The North enlisted millions of immigrants- didn't hire any mercenaries from Europe.
There were not millions of women and children killed in the Southern states.

And slavery was ending in much of the world- but the Confederate States seceded in order to ensure it did not happen in the South.
Enlisted with the promise of blood, money, property, booty all taken by force from the south. Killed how many people to free how many people? And you know for a fact that we would have slaves today in the south if the north had not sent armies into the south to MURDER MILLIONS OF People? The estimates for the number of dead Americans due to the murderous attack on the south by Lincoln is still going up.
What in the absolute fuck???

I know, right.

Once again- the areas in red were the areas where slaves were immediately freed by the Emancipation Proclamation- despite the revisionist history that some are trying to create-

I'm going to attempt to ask you again and then I am giving up... HOW do you free something that you don't have in your possession to free?
It's the truth. Skylar is a piece of shit. A liar. And a certified moron.

Then you should have no trouble pointing out where he lied.
"slavery free explanation" that's an absolute fabrication... No one denies that slavery was a part of the rationale for most of the southern states.

Read the Secession declaration for South Carolina. Slavery wasn't merely a 'part'. It was the only specific beef that South Carolina mentioned. And they dedicate 10 of 27 paragraphs to the topic of slavery.
Ok that's one state and 10 of 27 is not 27 of 27.

Again, slavery is the only specific beef they mention. The rest of the document is a legal argument for state sovereignty. An argument for HOW they are seceding.

The only argument given for WHY they are seceding....is slavery. There is no other reason given for secession but slavery related complaints.
Again for one state. And I'm hearing you say sovereignty is not a reason?
There were four UNION STATES, KY MD MO DE, that had legal slavery during the civil war. Those 4 states had a combined total of 400,000 slaves.!! Yes, the south had 3.6 million slaves but the point remains that both sides had slave states .

For the 8 millionth time, the CW was not about slavery. The idea is absurd. The media is telling another of it's whopper lies.
Southerners have a unique culture, accents, and don't agree with Northerners on a great many topics. As such, you'll consistently see Northerners talking down on Southerners out of had. This brings out a great deal of mutual dislike.

LOL....Southerners have different cultures than the North- but even Southerners can't agree on their 'unique culture'. The Southerner from coastal Charleston and Savannah is not the same as the Southerner in central Alabama is not the same as the 'Southerner' in east Texas.
Well some southerners were born in central GA from parents who were raised in KY and GA and were then raised in South FL, and currently live in Central TX. So yes, I'm aware of variances across the south. Still one thing is common... damn yankees are still blaming the south for slavery when ironically the yankees started it.


I don't blame the 'South' just because slavery existed in the South. I don't really blame the 'South' for anything. I blame the Confederacy, and Confederate leaders for attempting to secede to protect their slave property, and for starting a war that killed so many Americans.

But i don't blame the South- or Southerners for that.
I'm not convinced it was an attempt to secede. I'm pretty sure they did secede. As for why they did there were multiple reasons and yes property rights was one of them. Sure the victors claim it was the only reason but we all know better.

No. In order to secede....you have to succeed.

They didn't.
Once again- the areas in red were the areas where slaves were immediately freed by the Emancipation Proclamation- despite the revisionist history that some are trying to create-

I'm going to attempt to ask you again and then I am giving up... HOW do you free something that you don't have in your possession to free?
Guess you'll have to ask the tens of thousands of slaves freed immediately by the Emancipation Proclamation.

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