Why stop at free college?

Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?

Elementary and high school are a necessity to function in our society once you become an adult. College is not. Plenty of people never attended college and do quite fine just working a job or their own business.

Times have change . That's Bernie's argument .

Basically , a high school ed is the equivalent of jr. High head in today's world. Like educational inflation .

That's because schools are more worried about social issues than learning. I'm not sure why we give 12 years of mediocre schooling and follow it up with four more years of mediocre schooling. Why not improve the K -12 model and go from there?
Schools still teach Math, Science, Literature, History....where do you live?

We should get rid of those pesky computer courses ! Just reading , writing , and math! It was good enough for our grandparents !!
Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?

Elementary and high school are a necessity to function in our society once you become an adult. College is not. Plenty of people never attended college and do quite fine just working a job or their own business.

Times have change . That's Bernie's argument .

Basically , a high school ed is the equivalent of jr. High head in today's world. Like educational inflation .

That's because schools are more worried about social issues than learning. I'm not sure why we give 12 years of mediocre schooling and follow it up with four more years of mediocre schooling. Why not improve the K -12 model and go from there?
Schools still teach Math, Science, Literature, History....where do you live?

....just really bad science, math, history.
1/3 of folks entering college drop out of college before graduating and that number is on the rise. That means at minimum, 1/3 of the money will be wasted. That figure would probably climb drastically with so many enrolled with no skin in the game.

Why do they drop out?

I would have to say there are a number of reasons. Many kids coming out of high school simply do not know how to take notes and study. I purchased a little tape recorder back in my college days and recorded what was said. Another reason is that many kids have absolutely no idea as to career choice and sign up for the wrong courses for them. If a kid is weak in math skills, he should not attempt to get into engineering or some other field that requires a strong math background. Many kids get into fraternities and party too much. I'm sure there are many other reasons as well. Everyone is an individual.

You are making lots of assumptions and guesses. Why not do some research and know for a fact?

I know these are facts. My own son had a problem with career choice. He first chose computer science and wasted a semester on that before finally going into electrical engineering. He also had a problem taking notes and joined a fraternity that took up a lot of his time. I'm sure you know a lot more than anyone else though.

I know what is responsible for most college dropouts. It seems that you know what goes on in your family. That's cool....but it doesn't have anything to do with what we are discussing.

Do you want to know what is responsible for most college dropouts.....or are you content in your ignorance?
You can suspect all day long, Dumb Deer. Now unless you can prove your BS I suggest you just sit there like a good little progtard...maybe you will learn something, loser

Insults aren't much of an argument. You're a stay at home mom.

She is? You mean she doesn't have a job?

Dumb Deer doesn't know squat...as usual the pea brain is making assumptions. You two need to go private and do whatever progtards do in private, it's obvious you're out of your element here

So you do have a job. Great. What kind of job?

Don't you worry your little head about what I do. The thread is about free college, not my personal life

Yeah, we get it...housewife is a job, blah, blah, blah.
Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?

Elementary and high school are a necessity to function in our society once you become an adult. College is not. Plenty of people never attended college and do quite fine just working a job or their own business.

Times have change . That's Bernie's argument .

Basically , a high school ed is the equivalent of jr. High head in today's world. Like educational inflation .

That's because schools are more worried about social issues than learning. I'm not sure why we give 12 years of mediocre schooling and follow it up with four more years of mediocre schooling. Why not improve the K -12 model and go from there?
Schools still teach Math, Science, Literature, History....where do you live?

....just really bad science, math, history.

Not true . Sure we have some shitty districts . Mainly in red states . But our top kids kick ass .
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

Right, we need to focus on honest debates about why people should be given a free education through college, not silly ideas why like they should get a car too.

Thank you for bring the rationality that was missing in the discussion to the forefront
Elementary and high school are a necessity to function in our society once you become an adult. College is not. Plenty of people never attended college and do quite fine just working a job or their own business.

Times have change . That's Bernie's argument .

Basically , a high school ed is the equivalent of jr. High head in today's world. Like educational inflation .

That's because schools are more worried about social issues than learning. I'm not sure why we give 12 years of mediocre schooling and follow it up with four more years of mediocre schooling. Why not improve the K -12 model and go from there?
Schools still teach Math, Science, Literature, History....where do you live?

....just really bad science, math, history.

Not true . Sure we have some shitty districts . Mainly in red states . But our top kids kick ass .

Mainly in red states? Not familiar with inner city schools there, Skippy?

This retard message has been brought to you by ...



After government provided houses, let's go to government provided cars

Government puts out for bids large fleets of cars that would be provided to the public at cost

You would have a selection of a half dozen models and basic options

If you could get a $25,000 car for $20,000 would you go for it?

Socialism in action
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
Who the hell is giving away college degrees? You still have to WORK for the degree,attend class,pass tests etc. Our tax dollars pay for all of this instead of constant war and foreign aide...SOME generation has to start the ball rolling the sooner the better the longer we wait the worse its going to be. I can already see in 10 years my oldest being bogged down with student loan debt because WHINERS like you don't think our tax dollars belong being used for something actually HELPFUL.

View attachment 64084
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

View attachment 64085

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.
Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?

Elementary and high school are a necessity to function in our society once you become an adult. College is not. Plenty of people never attended college and do quite fine just working a job or their own business.

Times have change . That's Bernie's argument .

Basically , a high school ed is the equivalent of jr. High head in today's world. Like educational inflation .

That's because schools are more worried about social issues than learning. I'm not sure why we give 12 years of mediocre schooling and follow it up with four more years of mediocre schooling. Why not improve the K -12 model and go from there?

I disagree .

If our schools are as shitty as everyone likes to say, how do we graduate so many stellar students who make the us a world leader in just about everything .

Really? Because we aren't tearing anything up. Our govt schools aren't exactly pumping out the gifted.

U.S. Millennials Come Up Short in Global Skills Study

"Across the board, young Americans fared poorly compared to those in the other countries studied. They tied for last, with Italy and Spain, in math skills. In problem-solving, they again performed at the bottom of the pack, with Ireland, Poland, and the Slovak Republic. U.S. millennials also had lower literacy scores than peers in 15 out of 22 countries, tied with a few, and outperformed only peers in Italy and Spain. Younger members of the cohort, who presumably grew up under the last decade of high-stakes accountability initiatives, were no more competitive globally than older millennials.

Moreover, the skills gaps persisted among students who are least likely to be considered academically at risk. Those who performed in the top 10 percent of all Americans in their age group still performed worse than the top performers in 15 other countries, including Germany and the Republic of Korea."
Insults aren't much of an argument. You're a stay at home mom.

She is? You mean she doesn't have a job?

Dumb Deer doesn't know squat...as usual the pea brain is making assumptions. You two need to go private and do whatever progtards do in private, it's obvious you're out of your element here

So you do have a job. Great. What kind of job?

Don't you worry your little head about what I do. The thread is about free college, not my personal life

Yeah, we get it...housewife is a job, blah, blah, blah.

Slamming housewives? Nice job there, dyke. Freedom is not for others to do as they wish, they are free to do as you wish
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

Right, we need to focus on honest debates about why people should be given a free education through college, not silly ideas why like they should get a car too.

Thank you for bring the rationality that was missing in the discussion to the forefront

Great! Kaz is here to bring integrity to the discussion.

Yo.....Kaz......can you play devil's advocate on this one for us? I'll bet you can.

Take the position that taxpayer funded....or subsidized....post secondary education is a net positive for the economy and represents a good investment of tax revenues.

I'd love to see that. And you can argue he point with integrity!

Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?

Elementary and high school are a necessity to function in our society once you become an adult. College is not. Plenty of people never attended college and do quite fine just working a job or their own business.

Times have change . That's Bernie's argument .

Basically , a high school ed is the equivalent of jr. High head in today's world. Like educational inflation .

That's because schools are more worried about social issues than learning. I'm not sure why we give 12 years of mediocre schooling and follow it up with four more years of mediocre schooling. Why not improve the K -12 model and go from there?

They are? That's funny...I've got two teenagers in Public High School and their mounds of homework is never on "social issues". Lots of math, history and English though.
Who the hell is giving away college degrees? You still have to WORK for the degree,attend class,pass tests etc. Our tax dollars pay for all of this instead of constant war and foreign aide...SOME generation has to start the ball rolling the sooner the better the longer we wait the worse its going to be. I can already see in 10 years my oldest being bogged down with student loan debt because WHINERS like you don't think our tax dollars belong being used for something actually HELPFUL.

View attachment 64084
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

View attachment 64085

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.
Threads like this are why the country doesn't take traditional republicans seriously.

Right, we need to focus on honest debates about why people should be given a free education through college, not silly ideas why like they should get a car too.

Thank you for bring the rationality that was missing in the discussion to the forefront

Great! Kaz is here to bring integrity to the discussion.

Yo.....Kaz......can you play devil's advocate on this one for us? I'll bet you can.

Take the position that taxpayer funded....or subsidized....post secondary education is a net positive for the economy and represents a good investment of tax revenues.

I'd love to see that. And you can argue he point with integrity!


How about everything for free. Talk about a damn retard.

How about this: If you don't like what liberals are proposing, don't counter it with arguments that are equal or greater than in terms of stupidity, mkay?

Mkay.......No. Their proposal isnt even worthy of a response its so absurd and ludicrous. Mkay?

And yet you did respond to them. But you're just as much of a flying idiot as any liberal out there. This is why our country is rotting to hell. Because of sloppy minded trailer trash like you who actually want to have a competition to see who can hit the rock bottom dumbest idea ever in the history of humanity.

Look, just do everyone a favor and kill yourself already. The world doesn't need any more of your filth.

Lol, you always hurl insults and names when you're getting spanked and thumped. Your little tizzy is funny.

I wish I was hurling insults. Sadly, I am simply being honest. As to "getting spanked" seeing as I entered this thread to specifically call out out as being a damned idiot, it's pretty clear that you are the one trying to hurl insults because you've been spanked.
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.

Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

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