Why stop at free college?

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

But...but...<sob> ....what about Abortion?
Great! Kaz is here to bring integrity to the discussion.

Yo.....Kaz......can you play devil's advocate on this one for us? I'll bet you can.

Take the position that taxpayer funded....or subsidized....post secondary education is a net positive for the economy and represents a good investment of tax revenues.

I'd love to see that. And you can argue he point with integrity!



Awwwwww. You don't want to? Bummer.

I'd be glad to if you ask me a question based on what I said

I've asked you to try and play devil's advocate in favor of taxpayer funded post secondary education. I'd like to know if you understand the argument that I am making.

you also stated that your request was reasonably based on something I said. Don't expect serious responses to strawmen. Either be serious or not.

Speaking of which, SPLASH (seltzer water to your face), SPLAT (pie in the face), SQUISH (pressing and twisting pie).

We have a loser! Thanks for playing though. Don't go away mad, just go away!

Yes. There it is! Integrity.

Well done.
I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

But...but...<sob> ....what about Abortion?
It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

But...but...<sob> ....what about Abortion?
Just my response to those who insist on bringing abortion into every thread regardless of how irrelevant to the topic
It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

But...but...<sob> ....what about Abortion?
If all you Dims were aborted, we'd have freeist, most powerful country on earth.
Yeah, we get it...housewife is a job, blah, blah, blah.

Slamming housewives? Nice job there, dyke. Freedom is not for others to do as they wish, they are free to do as you wish

Never! My wife is a housewife and proud of it. She doesn't pretend she's got a good paying job on a message board though.

Come on Kaz, you're a smart man...you can't come up with better than "dyke"? I prefer muff diver, bean flicker or carpet muncher, thanks.

So it's just straight housewives you hate then? Or just straights?

And if your wife stays home, that does make you the macho dyke doesn't it?

Nope, just Sassygunslinger.

I gave birth to five babies, Kaz. Is that something the "macho dyke" does? :lol: Look at Kaz, stereotypes are us! :lol:

The dyke who hates stay at home straight moms whines about being stereotyped, classic.

And the macho would be a lot clearer in the household role than the physicality of giving birth. like earning a living

Hate? There was hardly hate in my mocking of Sassyshitslinger. As stated, my wife is a stay at home mother, but she will be the first to tell you that she doesn't have a job. She likes her "early retirement" as she calls it.

So "earning a living" equals "macho" for you? I thought you were raised by a single mother. You saw her as "macho"? You have a really weird worldview.
And if we had already started using our tax dollars for education instead of war,foreign aid etc he wouldn't have needed to join the military and possibly lose limbs etc to go to college....like I said its gotta start somewhere.
Wrong. We are owed a lot actually. Every one deserves Healthcare,Education,A home,A job,A livable wage unfortunately right now only the 1% can afford all of that.

I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Yes. You should adopt my example.

Why would you assume that he hasn't?

You never did answer the question posed...do you know what the primary reason given by those dropping out of college?
I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Yes. You should adopt my example.

You don't know anything about me. Why would you assume that I've not worked harder than you and achieved more? Is it a defense mechanism?

If you choose to take the low road and throw mud at me, be prepared to have it thrown back at you.
I'm not a 1%. I have a college education, Health insurance, a mortgage free home. I don't have a job, I'm retired from one. I don't receive a wage because I invested during my working years with my eye on my retirement years. The only assistance I had was the G.I. Bill.

I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Yes. You should adopt my example.

Why would you assume that he hasn't?

You never did answer the question posed...do you know what the primary reason given by those dropping out of college?

To be perfectly frank Scarlet, I don't give a damn what the primary reason is. It matters not in the least. The fact is 1/3 drop out which means that 1/3 of the taxpayers' money will be wasted.
I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

Do you think anyone would disagree with you about an eventual goal of ending abortions?
I am retired from two, myself. And I collect SSI. I don't owe a dime and if I don't have the money for it, I don't need it. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get here. But I also had breaks that most of the people here didn't get.There was a time that I was not working, or capable of working. I didn't apply for any assistance. I got hurt on a job and was thrown under the bus. I got a very good look at what it is to live on the edge. I don't live like that anymore but for 2 years it was one hell of a wakeup call. Again, I had choices the others didn't have. Education, experience, etc. that many don't have and will never have.

I know what it's like to live below poverty with no end in sight. Well, in my case, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. But to others, there is no light at the end of a tunnel unless it's an oncoming train. It's not their fault. No College was available to them, no long term jobs to retire from and more. They have to try and live on 650 bucks a month. There is no way in hell they could make it without assistance in things like heat, electrics, housing, food, etc.. On top of that 650 bucks a month, they also get X dollars for each children. It's just not enough. There is a lot of misery that just shouldn't be. We are the greatest country in history and should be doing much better. I am ashamed that we aren't.

When I hear someone carry on about the Welfare Cheats but forget those that really need it get cuts in their benefits each time It angers me to no end. I see these people trying to make it where they are 1/2 month away from homeless and can't get any better. I see the jobs continue to be exported, the living expense go up. Oh, and don't worry about that gas is cheaper now, they can't afford a car. Their idea of a splurge is to order 10 piece chicken McNugget instead of the normal 5 piece. Their idea of a night out is a visit to Taco Bell. The answer to everything is to cut the benefits even more.

Now, keep sending those jobs overseas, allow the housing costs to keep skyrocketing and the food prices to keep spiraling the only solution; cut the beneifts. And then complain crime is rampant and all those people standing on street corners begging from money. Yes, I know, some are there because it's the easy way. But most are there because they don't have any other choices. It's one hell of a blow to an ego to have to resort to such things. I can't fathom it and neither can you. But it's a fact of their lives. Misery causes one to do options not normal to others.

If I had no options, I would make a really lousy Porn Star so I might be one of those with the sign begging for money. Look at my picture and it says it all.

We aren't going to be able to cure it all. But what can we do to release some of the misery. Especially the misery of the children. If you have any ideas, this is the place to present them.

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Yes. You should adopt my example.

Why would you assume that he hasn't?

You never did answer the question posed...do you know what the primary reason given by those dropping out of college?

To be perfectly frank Scarlet, I don't give a damn what the primary reason is. It matters not in the least. The fact is 1/3 drop out which means that 1/3 of the taxpayers' money will be wasted.

Well, thanks for falling right in to that one, Nancy.

The primary reason that people drop out of college is the cost.
Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?

Elementary and high school are a necessity to function in our society once you become an adult. College is not. Plenty of people never attended college and do quite fine just working a job or their own business.

Times have change . That's Bernie's argument .

Basically , a high school ed is the equivalent of jr. High head in today's world. Like educational inflation .

Then start saving or take out loans, nobody owes you free college

You owe it to the nation to educate the people as best you can, regardless of their ability to pay.
Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

But...but...<sob> ....what about Abortion?
Just my response to those who insist on bringing abortion into every thread regardless of how irrelevant to the topic

LOL, showing again your dearth of intelligence. I'm pro-choice, Holmes. My point was directly logically related to yours. In all the intelligence you have to be a "millionaire," LOL, you can't follow simple sentences. You don't have to actually be that smart to save a million, but you gotta be smarter than you are
Actually, most college courses enable one to become employable in one's chosen field. Most vocational technical schools not only enable one to become employable in one's chosen field but often affords the capability for one to start his/her own business and become extremely wealthy.
I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Yes. You should adopt my example.

Why would you assume that he hasn't?

You never did answer the question posed...do you know what the primary reason given by those dropping out of college?

To be perfectly frank Scarlet, I don't give a damn what the primary reason is. It matters not in the least. The fact is 1/3 drop out which means that 1/3 of the taxpayers' money will be wasted.

Well, thanks for falling right in to that one, Nancy.

The primary reason that people drop out of college is the cost.
Bullshit. The primary reason people drop out is they lose the motivation to see it through. Both my daughters made it through on scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up.
Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

But...but...<sob> ....what about Abortion?
If all you Dims were aborted, we'd have freeist, most powerful country on earth.

I'm a Democrat?
Slamming housewives? Nice job there, dyke. Freedom is not for others to do as they wish, they are free to do as you wish

Never! My wife is a housewife and proud of it. She doesn't pretend she's got a good paying job on a message board though.

Come on Kaz, you're a smart man...you can't come up with better than "dyke"? I prefer muff diver, bean flicker or carpet muncher, thanks.

So it's just straight housewives you hate then? Or just straights?

And if your wife stays home, that does make you the macho dyke doesn't it?

Nope, just Sassygunslinger.

I gave birth to five babies, Kaz. Is that something the "macho dyke" does? :lol: Look at Kaz, stereotypes are us! :lol:

The dyke who hates stay at home straight moms whines about being stereotyped, classic.

And the macho would be a lot clearer in the household role than the physicality of giving birth. like earning a living

Hate? There was hardly hate in my mocking of Sassyshitslinger. As stated, my wife is a stay at home mother, but she will be the first to tell you that she doesn't have a job. She likes her "early retirement" as she calls it.

So "earning a living" equals "macho" for you? I thought you were raised by a single mother. You saw her as "macho"? You have a really weird worldview.

In the quote you responded to Lass, she didn't say that staying at home was having a job
I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

Do you think anyone would disagree with you about an eventual goal of ending abortions?

that has nothing to do with the point I was responding to

Moreover, the skills gaps persisted among students who are least likely to be considered academically at risk. Those who performed in the top 10 percent of all Americans in their age group still performed worse than the top performers in 15 other countries, including Germany and the Republic of Korea."

So Germany is your model?


You Can Now Go to College in Germany for Free, No Matter Where You’re From

Last week, Lower Saxony made itself the final state in Germany to do away with any public university tuition whatsoever. You read that right. As of now, all state-run universities in the Federal Republic—legendary institutions that put the Bildung inBildungsroman, like the Universität Heidelberg, the Universität München, or theHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin—cost exactly nichts.

You Can Now Go to College in Germany for Free, No Matter Where You’re From. Should You?

I think you're onto something. lolol

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