Why stop at free college?

I hear you but you're talking to the choir. I was raised at below poverty level myself. My Dad had no education and worked around in different sawmills. I vowed I would never be satisfied with his kind of life. Dad was often between jobs. I've never in my entire life drawn one minute of unemployment. I know guys that started working on cars and trucks in their back yard. Today they are very successful with big garages and employ several mechanics. I know a couple of barbers who did the same thing. If one wishes to rise up he will usually find a way to do so.

It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Yes. You should adopt my example.

Why would you assume that he hasn't?

You never did answer the question posed...do you know what the primary reason given by those dropping out of college?

To be perfectly frank Scarlet, I don't give a damn what the primary reason is. It matters not in the least. The fact is 1/3 drop out which means that 1/3 of the taxpayers' money will be wasted.

Well, thanks for falling right in to that one, Nancy.

The primary reason that people drop out of college is the cost.

And why is it that no one ever asks questions about the administrators salaries at these institutions?
Never! My wife is a housewife and proud of it. She doesn't pretend she's got a good paying job on a message board though.

Come on Kaz, you're a smart man...you can't come up with better than "dyke"? I prefer muff diver, bean flicker or carpet muncher, thanks.

So it's just straight housewives you hate then? Or just straights?

And if your wife stays home, that does make you the macho dyke doesn't it?

Nope, just Sassygunslinger.

I gave birth to five babies, Kaz. Is that something the "macho dyke" does? :lol: Look at Kaz, stereotypes are us! :lol:

The dyke who hates stay at home straight moms whines about being stereotyped, classic.

And the macho would be a lot clearer in the household role than the physicality of giving birth. like earning a living

Hate? There was hardly hate in my mocking of Sassyshitslinger. As stated, my wife is a stay at home mother, but she will be the first to tell you that she doesn't have a job. She likes her "early retirement" as she calls it.

So "earning a living" equals "macho" for you? I thought you were raised by a single mother. You saw her as "macho"? You have a really weird worldview.

In the quote you responded to Lass, she didn't say that staying at home was having a job

No shit, Sherlock. You obviously haven't been following the thread and I'm certainly not going to explain it to you.

So how does that go Kaz? Are single mother's all "macho" because they are the ones earning a living? How about in straight households where women are the primary breadwinners? Are those all "macho" women? What does that make their husbands?
If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

But...but...<sob> ....what about Abortion?
Just my response to those who insist on bringing abortion into every thread regardless of how irrelevant to the topic

LOL, showing again your dearth of intelligence. I'm pro-choice, Holmes. My point was directly logically related to yours. In all the intelligence you have to be a "millionaire," LOL, you can't follow simple sentences. You don't have to actually be that smart to save a million, but you gotta be smarter than you are
Saving a million over a lifetime is not hard
Just put money into a home and retirement fund over 40 years
It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Yes. You should adopt my example.

Why would you assume that he hasn't?

You never did answer the question posed...do you know what the primary reason given by those dropping out of college?

To be perfectly frank Scarlet, I don't give a damn what the primary reason is. It matters not in the least. The fact is 1/3 drop out which means that 1/3 of the taxpayers' money will be wasted.

Well, thanks for falling right in to that one, Nancy.

The primary reason that people drop out of college is the cost.
Bullshit. The primary reason people drop out is they lose the motivation to see it through. Both my daughters made it through on scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up.

No, that would be true shit. When did your daughters attend college?

According to a recent survey1 of students who did not complete their college studies:

  • 54% needed to work to support themselves or families and could not balance work and classes
  • 31% could not afford college [...]
  • 62% of all college students who drop out are responsible for paying for their own education
  • College costs have risen 400% in the last 25 years
  • Community college costs have risen 200% in the last 7 years and 7.3% since 2009
Why Students Drop Out
It's the American Dream! If only your fellow Americans were as hard working as you! You are awesome.

Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

Do you think anyone would disagree with you about an eventual goal of ending abortions?

that has nothing to do with the point I was responding to

Your post had nothing to do with the one you responded to.

I think we should use the "collective power of the government" to end abortions, that it would be "better" for everyone...I just don't believe that outlawing them is the way to do it.

So, if you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

Again I ask, if we can have the best "free" military in the world, why can't we have the best "free" college in the world?
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?

bitter much?
You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

But...but...<sob> ....what about Abortion?
Just my response to those who insist on bringing abortion into every thread regardless of how irrelevant to the topic

LOL, showing again your dearth of intelligence. I'm pro-choice, Holmes. My point was directly logically related to yours. In all the intelligence you have to be a "millionaire," LOL, you can't follow simple sentences. You don't have to actually be that smart to save a million, but you gotta be smarter than you are
Saving a million over a lifetime is not hard
Just put money into a home and retirement fund over 40 years

You know nothing about investing, anyone who did what you said would know more than you do. And I said it's easy to save a million. But you're not able to process a logical thought, you have to earn a living to have an income and you're not capable of that.

You can't even remember if you're retired or not, you were, then you weren't, now you are again.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

Unfortunately, no.

Had your elected leaders been putting your interests first for the last 40 years, you'd have paid pennies on the dollar to put your kids through college and your investment portfolio would be much larger by now.

Don't concern yourself with any of that, though. Your kids get to pay through the nose as well to afford schooling for the grandkids. It's awesome. A bonus.....if they can pull it off, they'll be among fewer and fewer highly paid Americans. Chances are, they'll live in a gated community and won't have to see all the losers very often. It's all good.

When do politicians ever put your interests first? All you did is highlight one of the numerous defects of democracy.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

Every fucking USMB nutbag is an regular American success story. Why the hell are they all so miserable?

Well, in fairness, it's not like they only pick on poor people when they're complaining about their taxes.

When's the last time you heard someone like Sassy say she'd be willing to have her taxes raised to pay for all the defense spending and warmongering that's adding to our national debt?

These RWnuts are bigger freeloaders than the poor.

If that's all my taxes had to pay for, the government could cut my taxes by 80%.
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

I know what you mean there. I paid for my three children's college. Why should we pay for someone else's kid's college?

When you make my taxes that go to our bloated military and useless foreign wars voluntary, I'll make your taxes that go to education voluntary.
If you include all the taxes that go to liberal social programs, that's a deal, but I doubt any of you leftwing turds are willing to give taxpayers a choice as to which programs their taxes fund. That's the last thing you want.
Never do for yourself what others can do for you, straight from the Kommunist Klown Kar's ass to your lips, LaughedAt

If you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

You mean like ending abortions? That's "better" for the one being aborted. Or is defining "better" trickier than that, comrade big guy?

Do you think anyone would disagree with you about an eventual goal of ending abortions?

that has nothing to do with the point I was responding to

Your post had nothing to do with the one you responded to.

I think we should use the "collective power of the government" to end abortions, that it would be "better" for everyone...I just don't believe that outlawing them is the way to do it.

So, if you can use the collective power of the government to do better, why shouldn't you?

Again I ask, if we can have the best "free" military in the world, why can't we have the best "free" college in the world?

Non-sequitur. If the military can defend everyone, then why can't government redistribute money? Ridiculous question.

I paid my own way through my first degree (BS, U of Maryland, double major in math & computer science) working nights as a network computer operator and weekends and summers doing odd jobs. I worked a full time job for GE while they paid for my second degree, an MS in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. And I spent my savings and borrowed money for the third, MBA at Michigan.

Once you're an adult, you get so much more out of it when you know the challenge of paying for it. Government paying for degrees just leads to stupid choices and degrees you can't get jobs in. And government choosing the degrees to pay for is even more ridiculous

Your post had nothing to do with the one you responded to

Now you saying that is actually funny...
I suppose I get paid back all the money I PAID to put my kids through college?

My husband and I paid our loans off, we started saving for our children's college before they were even born. I have no desire to pay for some deadbeat's

I know what you mean there. I paid for my three children's college. Why should we pay for someone else's kid's college?

When you make my taxes that go to our bloated military and useless foreign wars voluntary, I'll make your taxes that go to education voluntary.
If you include all the taxes that go to liberal social programs, that's a deal, but I doubt any of you leftwing turds are willing to give taxpayers a choice as to which programs their taxes fund. That's the last thing you want.

You can't have a government with voluntary taxes. You want chaos.
Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?

You just made it plain that if government didn't pay for their educations that "caring" leftwing turds such as you wouldn't lift a finger to help any poor kid get one.

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