Why the covid-19 vaccine is a joke

There is wide agreement that you are full of shit...why are you arguing with me?...read the news release I posted for you....it will explain it all to you better than I can....
What do you expect the company to say, our vaccine sucks.

Buy the stock now sherlock, sell your comic books and dump it all on modema

You'll be a billionaire
You want aluminum foil?

The chinks crippled the biggest economy in the World with a bat virus

Can't happen right kid
Our economy is doing a shit load better than China's is. The entire world is pissed off at China right now, and they're going to hold them accountable. China will more than likely implode.

The United States will be fine. We'll recover, so long as we can keep the shit stain democraps out of power.
What do you expect the company to say, out vaccine sucks.

Buy the stock now sherlock, sell your comic books and dump it all on modema

You'll be a billionaire
They would not have moved to phase three human testing if they were not being honest....everything gets reviewed...just read the presser.....bonehead...
Viruses also mutate. A vaccine can only protect you against one strain of the virus, same as the flu. Meanwhile there's 5 other strains out there and one they don't even know about.
That depends on the type of vaccine it is. Some vaccienes block the key ports int he cell wall and thus stop the spread of the virus that uses that port.
They would not have moved to phase three human testing if they were not being honest....everything gets reviewed...just read the presser.....bonehead...
Buy the stock now kid

Or just keep blabbering

That depends on the type of vaccine it is. Some vaccienes block the key ports int he cell wall and thus stop the spread of the virus that uses that port.
Then why don't we have a vaccine for the Flu, or common Cold? They've had decades to come up with one for those.
Buy the stock now kid

Or just keep blabbering

Phase 3, the vaccine is given to thousands of people and tested for efficacy and again for safety.

Couldn't get me to risk my money in the stock market, no way in hell.

I'll keep buying gold. Something I can hold in my hand.
Just as a shot in the dark with expendable dollars I purchased Coke stock when it was down below $40 a share its now up to 46 and moving towards its high of 60.....if it does go back up to 60 a share I'll be going to HI......
Did that already....
I could sell my Google and Apple, or the Taiwan Semiconductor or the Raytheon or my shares in the Micex, but then I have to pay the capital gains tax so I'm sticking pat.

Ya think I should part with my 1515.60 dollar per share Google Alphabet shares?


I bought Coke once
I could sell my Google and Apple, or the Taiwan Semiconductor or the Raytheon or my shares in the Micex, but then I have to pay the capital gains tax so I'm sticking pat.

Ya think I should part with my 1515.60 dollar per share Google Alphabet shares?


I bought Coke once
I'm not a portfolio manager....but never gamble with non-expendable capital...if you can't afford to lose it don't put it at risk....
I'm not a portfolio manager....but never gamble with non-expendable capital...if you can't afford to lose it don't put it at risk....
My Apple was fun when every 100 shares turned into 700..................................

Enjoy your Coke

Seriously kid Buffet bought Coke but he is not trying to make money just keep it and Coke is a great stock for that because retards always want their sugar fix
My Apple was fun when every 100 shares turned into 700..................................

Enjoy your Coke

Seriously kid Buffet bought Coke but he is not trying to make money just keep it and Coke is a great stock for that because retards always want their sugar fix

Sounds like you missed chocolate as the Wuhanvirus stress fix!
Not to mention possible *ahem* side effects of the vaccine.
View attachment 364465
Here is the usual time it takes to get a vaccine approved...

Stages of vaccine development

Vaccines and drugs go through multiple stages of development, and with each stage, multiple vaccine candidates get filtered out.

An exploratory stage of two to four years is when the process typically begins, where antigens are identified and a potential roadmap for the vaccine is drawn out. They then enter a pre-clinical stage or Phase 0 where microbial material is tested in vitro (in cell and tissue cultures) as well as on animals to understand results that could be expected in humans. This stage typically lasts one to two years.

In the face of a pandemic like Covid, researchers are ethically in the clear to skip these phases and directly launch into Phase I. This is when the vaccine is introduced to humans first. The objective is to establish the safety of the vaccine and understand the extent of immune response. It typically involves less than 100 people, and could last between several months to a year or two.

If safety is established, Phase II commences where 100 to 300 people are enrolled to test efficacy and understand side effects. This lasts for about two to three years.

Often, to expedite testing, Phases I and II are combined.

Phase III trials are the most crucial. They last for about five to 10 years, and enrol around 3,000 participants for one vaccine. The successful conclusion of Phase III is when actual efficacy can be established.

Once statistically-significant efficacy is proven, a vaccine undergoes an approval process (typically two years), which also involves manufacturing, scaling up, and drawing a vaccination drive plan, after which it is rolled out or distributed. Once vaccination drives are underway, Phase IV commences, where long-term safety and efficacy is studied.

The average time of vaccine development is anywhere from 10 to 15 years in non-emergency situations.

So basically, by rushing to get the vaccine into widespread use, the government and manufacturers are planning to use millions of Americans as "lab rats", and then see if the vaccine is effective, or even safe.....
My Apple was fun when every 100 shares turned into 700..................................

Enjoy your Coke

Seriously kid Buffet bought Coke but he is not trying to make money just keep it and Coke is a great stock for that because retards always want their sugar fix
It was down so low...unreasonably low so I took a shot...not a lot of money but enough to make it fun....
One thing that will not change is that recovered covid patients who have antibodies are not protected, or they are lying to get everyone to take the vaccine
Recovered covid patients have been giving blood for 'convalescent plasma" that can be infused into folks already sick to help them recover. Read this:

"The virus causing COVID-19—an organism one thousand times smaller than a grain of sand has effectively brought our world to a grinding halt. With convalescent plasma we may be able to stop it in its tracks. That's a massive impact—one that you can make if you've recently recovered from COVID-19. "


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