Why the fight against Birth Control?

No one is against them having birth control. but I see no reason society should be paying for it any more than we should be paying for Viagra

When I think of things society should pay for - it's things that effect the public and public health. Birth control, vaccinations, education for example.

There are forces who would like to work on that as well, but they have to begin somewhere, that's why the very notions of community and a national unity are always under attack with fomented wedge rivalries. The masses must be dispersed and be kept squabling amongst themselves.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
Are really this fucking delusional?
Are you really incapable of a coherent reply?

Try again. Why such opposition to free birth control?
Probably because it isn't free at all. There are no wild birth control berry bushes where anyone could run out and gather pills and condoms.

Free, in this case, means someone else has to pay. Pay for your own birth control like you pay for your own lube.

Yet I have to pay for your children's vaccinations and education.

Not ours....

Bullshit. If you ever spawned, society helped, we just didn't kick and squeal like you.
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Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
Are really this fucking delusional?
Are you really incapable of a coherent reply?

Try again. Why such opposition to free birth control?
Probably because it isn't free at all. There are no wild birth control berry bushes where anyone could run out and gather pills and condoms.

Free, in this case, means someone else has to pay. Pay for your own birth control like you pay for your own lube.

Yet I have to pay for your children's vaccinations and education.

Not ours....

Then you are in the minority.

And I don't object to paying for those things either because it is in the interest of the greater good to have an educated (as best we can) populace.
Looks like only a few states offers over the counter birth control - Oregon and California.

These countries offer birth control without a prescription – Metro
Over the counter does not mean free.

No, but it would still be cheaper - don't have to pay for a doctor's visit.

If you're low income you don't pay at a health clinic for visits or birth control

Fucking impoverished folk got it made don't they. The poor and disenfranchised took your shit.
Are really this fucking delusional?
Are you really incapable of a coherent reply?

Try again. Why such opposition to free birth control?
My jab was better then yours and more accurate. There aint no fight against birth control There is only a fight to stop the unneeded murder of unborn children by soulless liberals like you.

And if that were truly your fight, you ought to be promoting free birth control. Lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies in countries where that is offered.
I gave up promoting anything years ago, except clear thinking. Taking Birth control pharmaceuticals requires that you see a doctor. It's for the safety of the person taking it. You have to pay the doctor and for the pills because the people working to make them and working for the doctor, as well as the doctor have bills to pay, Bernie. You see, liberals always have simple minded and short sighted answers, which is why we have the mess we are in now, and skank hoes like Sandra Fluke.

So Sandra Fluke is a "skank" now because she spoke up in favor of birth control being offered for free?

The cost of having a baby is much higher then the cost of preventing a baby.
She's a skank libtard that wants to screw whoever without giving a thought to any consequences, just like all liberals.

But to answer your stupid, no she's not a skank now, she's always been one.
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No one is against them having birth control. but I see no reason society should be paying for it any more than we should be paying for Viagra

When I think of things society should pay for - it's things that effect the public and public health. Birth control, vaccinations, education for example.

There are forces who would like to work on that as well, but they have to begin somewhere, that's why the very notions of community and a national unity are always under attack with fomented wedge rivalries. The masses must be dispersed and be kept squabling amongst themselves.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.

Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
Are really this fucking delusional?
Are you really incapable of a coherent reply?

Try again. Why such opposition to free birth control?
My jab was better then yours and more accurate. There aint no fight against birth control There is only a fight to stop the unneeded murder of unborn children by soulless liberals like you.

And if that were truly your fight, you ought to be promoting free birth control. Lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies in countries where that is offered.
I gave up promoting anything years ago, except clear thinking. Taking Birth control pharmaceuticals requires that you see a doctor. It's for the safety of the person taking it. You have to pay the doctor and for the pills because the people working to make them and working for the doctor, as well as the doctor have bills to pay, Bernie. You see, liberals always have simple minded and short sighted answers, which is why we have the mess we are in now, and skank hoes like Sandra Fluke.

So Sandra Fluke is a "skank" now because she spoke up in favor of birth control being offered for free?

The cost of having a baby is much higher then the cost of preventing a baby.
So quit spreading your legs, learn to swallow, or buy your own damn birth control. Or maybe... Nanny state should cover the cost of call girls for the guys...?
No one is against them having birth control. but I see no reason society should be paying for it any more than we should be paying for Viagra

When I think of things society should pay for - it's things that effect the public and public health. Birth control, vaccinations, education for example.

There are forces who would like to work on that as well, but they have to begin somewhere, that's why the very notions of community and a national unity are always under attack with fomented wedge rivalries. The masses must be dispersed and be kept squabling amongst themselves.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.

Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
So they should go to the doctor and get birth control pills or use a rubber.
No one is against them having birth control. but I see no reason society should be paying for it any more than we should be paying for Viagra

When I think of things society should pay for - it's things that effect the public and public health. Birth control, vaccinations, education for example.

There are forces who would like to work on that as well, but they have to begin somewhere, that's why the very notions of community and a national unity are always under attack with fomented wedge rivalries. The masses must be dispersed and be kept squabling amongst themselves.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.

Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
Correction. Irresponsible entitlement pricks are a matter of public health. Education, and responsibility is the answer.
You want free birth control well I want free internet and gaming, Why is YOUR pleasure my responsibility but my pleasure is not your responsibility?
Are really this fucking delusional?
Are you really incapable of a coherent reply?

Try again. Why such opposition to free birth control?
Probably because it isn't free at all. There are no wild birth control berry bushes where anyone could run out and gather pills and condoms.

Free, in this case, means someone else has to pay. Pay for your own birth control like you pay for your own lube.

Yet I have to pay for your children's vaccinations and education.

Not ours....

Then you are in the minority.

And I don't object to paying for those things either because it is in the interest of the greater good to have an educated (as best we can) populace.

We work and have healthcare benefits and refuse to let our children be exposed to public education.

I grew up in a rural area and even back in he 1990's birth control was free if someone drove 20 miles to the nearest public health clinic. Planned Parenthood receives 500 million dollars a year...let them furnish birth control....and cease focusing on killing innocents
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Actually I think it should be taken a step further. It should not only be free for people who can't afford their own health insurance, it should be mandatory. It should also be mandatory for those receiving food stamps. Why should we encourage people to have children, or even allow it, if they can't even provide for themselves?
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  • #95
No one is against them having birth control. but I see no reason society should be paying for it any more than we should be paying for Viagra

When I think of things society should pay for - it's things that effect the public and public health. Birth control, vaccinations, education for example.

There are forces who would like to work on that as well, but they have to begin somewhere, that's why the very notions of community and a national unity are always under attack with fomented wedge rivalries. The masses must be dispersed and be kept squabling amongst themselves.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.

Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
Correction. Irresponsible entitlement prices are a matter of public health. Education, and responsibility is the answer.

Education and responsibility are part of the package but obviously they don't work well enough.

I think you don't realize what all public health involves, a large part of it is prevention. It's more expensive to wait until you have to deal with the consequences of not preventing something (short term thinking ie you guys vs. long term thinking).

What is Public Health?
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.

While a doctor treats people who are sick, those of us working in public health try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place. We also promote wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors.

From conducting scientific research to educating about health, people in the field of public health work to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy. That can mean vaccinating children and adults to prevent the spread of disease. Or educating people about the risks of alcohol and tobacco. Public health sets safety standards to protect workers and develops school nutrition programs to ensure kids have access to healthy food.

Public health works to track disease outbreaks, prevent injuries and shed light on why some of us are more likely to suffer from poor health than others. The many facets of public health include speaking out for laws that promote smoke-free indoor air and seatbelts, spreading the word about ways to stay healthy and giving science-based solutions to problems.
Are really this fucking delusional?
Are you really incapable of a coherent reply?

Try again. Why such opposition to free birth control?
Probably because it isn't free at all. There are no wild birth control berry bushes where anyone could run out and gather pills and condoms.

Free, in this case, means someone else has to pay. Pay for your own birth control like you pay for your own lube.

Yet I have to pay for your children's vaccinations and education.

Not ours....

Then your in the minority.

And I don't object to paying for those things either because it is in the interest of the greater good to have an educated (as best we can) populace.
Therein lays the bifurcation from reality. We expect to be globally competitive with other societies who invest in their societies while we don’t. We expect to compete with societies who invest in the health and education of their populations with our own ill indentured servants for a public. With the most expensive healthcare system on the planet and relatively shitty outcomes. While employers consistently remove this cost, employee health plans, off their books.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
Are really this fucking delusional?
Are you really incapable of a coherent reply?

Try again. Why such opposition to free birth control?
Probably because it isn't free at all. There are no wild birth control berry bushes where anyone could run out and gather pills and condoms.

Free, in this case, means someone else has to pay. Pay for your own birth control like you pay for your own lube.

Yet I have to pay for your children's vaccinations and education.
Because someone thought an educated populace was a general benefit. Stopping killer epidemics was a general benefit. Birth control is not a general benefit. If you don't want to pay for birth control interview your sex partners for sterility. Don't have heterosexual intercourse. There is simply no argument at all for public payment of birth control.

Get one of those little charity boxes and put them in stores like is done for MS and breast cancer. The public could put in spare change to support free birth control.
My jab was better then yours and more accurate. There aint no fight against birth control There is only a fight to stop the unneeded murder of unborn children by soulless liberals like you.

And if that were truly your fight, you ought to be promoting free birth control. Lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies in countries where that is offered.
I gave up promoting anything years ago, except clear thinking. Taking Birth control pharmaceuticals requires that you see a doctor. It's for the safety of the person taking it. You have to pay the doctor and for the pills because the people working to make them and working for the doctor, as well as the doctor have bills to pay, Bernie. You see, liberals always have simple minded and short sighted answers, which is why we have the mess we are in now, and skank hoes like Sandra Fluke.

So Sandra Fluke is a "skank" now because she spoke up in favor of birth control being offered for free?

The cost of having a baby is much higher then the cost of preventing a baby.
She's a skank libtard that wants to screw whoever without giving a thought to any consequences, just like all liberals.

But to answer your stupid, no she's not a skank now, she's always been one.

I see. So, a woman who wants to be able have sex when she feels like it, something men have always been able to do...is a skank.
When I think of things society should pay for - it's things that effect the public and public health. Birth control, vaccinations, education for example.

There are forces who would like to work on that as well, but they have to begin somewhere, that's why the very notions of community and a national unity are always under attack with fomented wedge rivalries. The masses must be dispersed and be kept squabling amongst themselves.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.

Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
Correction. Irresponsible entitlement prices are a matter of public health. Education, and responsibility is the answer.

Education and responsibility are part of the package but obviously they don't work well enough.

I think you don't realize what all public health involves, a large part of it is prevention. It's more expensive to wait until you have to deal with the consequences of not preventing something (short term thinking ie you guys vs. long term thinking).

What is Public Health?
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.

While a doctor treats people who are sick, those of us working in public health try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place. We also promote wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors.

From conducting scientific research to educating about health, people in the field of public health work to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy. That can mean vaccinating children and adults to prevent the spread of disease. Or educating people about the risks of alcohol and tobacco. Public health sets safety standards to protect workers and develops school nutrition programs to ensure kids have access to healthy food.

Public health works to track disease outbreaks, prevent injuries and shed light on why some of us are more likely to suffer from poor health than others. The many facets of public health include speaking out for laws that promote smoke-free indoor air and seatbelts, spreading the word about ways to stay healthy and giving science-based solutions to problems.
You want sex for pleasure? BUY your own birth control.
If a woman gets pregnant while using a condom, she should name the kid Houdini !!

Better yet, pill AND condom.

The Catholic Church is the main opponent of birth control.

The Protestants as well as Catholics are opposed to abortion.

They call it murder.

Murder is a statutory felony stipulated as enumerated with elements of proof in Federal, State, and Foreign law.

It pertains to the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.

A fetus is not a human being, at least not until about the 7th month when it is viable outside of the womb.

Until the 7th month a fetus is just a parasitic growth inside a female's womb.

Removing parasites is everyone's right, male or female, old or young. This notion is self evident and as such a-priori.

Birth control is the prevention of such a parasite from attaching.

Sort of like insect repellant.

They call it murder.

It is murder what else would anyone with a fucking brain call it?

But like I give a damn kill as much liberals in the womb as possible is my philosophy.. Have at it baby killers.
My jab was better then yours and more accurate. There aint no fight against birth control There is only a fight to stop the unneeded murder of unborn children by soulless liberals like you.

And if that were truly your fight, you ought to be promoting free birth control. Lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies in countries where that is offered.
I gave up promoting anything years ago, except clear thinking. Taking Birth control pharmaceuticals requires that you see a doctor. It's for the safety of the person taking it. You have to pay the doctor and for the pills because the people working to make them and working for the doctor, as well as the doctor have bills to pay, Bernie. You see, liberals always have simple minded and short sighted answers, which is why we have the mess we are in now, and skank hoes like Sandra Fluke.

So Sandra Fluke is a "skank" now because she spoke up in favor of birth control being offered for free?

The cost of having a baby is much higher then the cost of preventing a baby.
She's a skank libtard that wants to screw whoever without giving a thought to any consequences, just like all liberals.

But to answer your stupid, no she's not a skank now, she's always been one.

I see. So, a woman who wants to be able have sex when she feels like it, something men have always been able to do...is a skank.
When I think of things society should pay for - it's things that effect the public and public health. Birth control, vaccinations, education for example.

There are forces who would like to work on that as well, but they have to begin somewhere, that's why the very notions of community and a national unity are always under attack with fomented wedge rivalries. The masses must be dispersed and be kept squabling amongst themselves.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.

Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
Correction. Irresponsible entitlement prices are a matter of public health. Education, and responsibility is the answer.

Education and responsibility are part of the package but obviously they don't work well enough.

I think you don't realize what all public health involves, a large part of it is prevention. It's more expensive to wait until you have to deal with the consequences of not preventing something (short term thinking ie you guys vs. long term thinking).

What is Public Health?
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.

While a doctor treats people who are sick, those of us working in public health try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place. We also promote wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors.

From conducting scientific research to educating about health, people in the field of public health work to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy. That can mean vaccinating children and adults to prevent the spread of disease. Or educating people about the risks of alcohol and tobacco. Public health sets safety standards to protect workers and develops school nutrition programs to ensure kids have access to healthy food.

Public health works to track disease outbreaks, prevent injuries and shed light on why some of us are more likely to suffer from poor health than others. The many facets of public health include speaking out for laws that promote smoke-free indoor air and seatbelts, spreading the word about ways to stay healthy and giving science-based solutions to problems.
Actually a man that went around bellyaching that he wanted the public to pay for his viagra and condoms is a skank too.
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