Why the fuck aren't we stopping all passengers from IBOLA infected regions?

Using gun-banner logic all we need is an Executive Order requiring people register before contracting Ebola. Because Ebola kills.
Or the war on terror logic of it is better to fight it over there that fight it here at home. Simply revoke the visas of anyone from countries with ebola hot zones
So? Does that mean we want to introduce a deadly disease into the US? If we can prevent more people from getting sick here in the US, why wouldn't we take the appropriate precautions?

Why are people fighting against perhaps restricting travel from certain Ebola hot spots around the world? What exactly is the issue with that? If it would prevent even 1 United States citizen from dying from Ebola, it would be worth the effort, no?

I don't understand what all the fuss is about.

If you want to prevent deadly diseases from arriving here, there is only one solution: Stop it at the source. This minor issue here has taken attention from the real issue - fighting the disease where it can actually do good, in Africa.

Nothing prevents us from working to stop the disease at its source if we ban travel to the US from these countries. It is possible for us to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Importing Ebola carriers into this country is not a minor issue. For one thing, it costs $500,000 to treat each one. If Ebola became widespread it would devastate our economy. It's already having severe economic effects.

Okay, here is how your travel ban works. We send workers there to treat Ebola patients. Now our people can't get back. Who is going to agree to go there and not come back? To say nothing of the fact that travel bans are rather easily defeated. You simply buy a plane ticket to a country that doesn't have the travel ban and then buy a ticket in that country to the states. If you think the economic effects are bad now, wait until your travel ban takes effect.

It would be a temporary travel ban from hot spots. Not permanent. Good grief!!! :lol:

Right. So a guy got exposed, and cannot travel to the states. So what? He travels to Belgium or some country that doesn't impose the travel ban, and then catches a connecting flight to the states. His problem is solved. A travel ban is ridiculous, and will NEVER work. But hey, maybe if you wrapped yourself with cellophane, you won't catch any disease, and will save the rest of us a lot of money. :)

This has already been explained to you about a dozen times, but apparently you're too stupid to get it. No matter how he plans on getting to the U.S., he is still going to have a passport from a West African country. The minute he displays it, he's on a plan back to West africa.
It quite obviously would cost much more to vaccinate people in the countries of origin. It would cost next to nothing to prevent travel to the US from those countries. We don't yet have a vaccine, you know that right?

Actually, there are several vaccines being fast tracked, and several, medications that work on the virus that are being used. But hey, as far as restricting travel goes, don't just take my word for it:

Why closing borders won t stop Ebola s rampage - health - 21 October 2014 - New Scientist

...experts are unanimous that a ban on outward air travel would be disastrous. Privately, UN officials warn that such a move could lead to a panicked rush of people across land borders, where unlike air passengers their movements cannot be traced. It could also cause further economic damage to the countries, threatening the civil order essential to fighting the disease.

Meh, I'm not buying it. Just like I said, it's not different from your home. You wouldn't take the chance of having them over for dinner, sitting next to your children.

Non-sequitur. But then, you knew that.

Not at all. I don't buy it. End of story. I'm sure you know that it's just common sense to not invite people into your country who are diseased, but you're a dumb arse, and would probably just die. We call that "culling the herd." Perhaps you should go hug an Ebola victim today. :biggrin: Then you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like you're doing something grand.

Just because you are a coward doesn't mean that the rest of us have to be that way. Good grief.

So you think we should expose ourselves to a fatal disease to show how brave we are? You're serious?

Why should I be exposed to a fatal disease because you're a foolhardy moron?
Actually, there are several vaccines being fast tracked, and several, medications that work on the virus that are being used. But hey, as far as restricting travel goes, don't just take my word for it:

Why closing borders won t stop Ebola s rampage - health - 21 October 2014 - New Scientist

Meh, I'm not buying it. Just like I said, it's not different from your home. You wouldn't take the chance of having them over for dinner, sitting next to your children.

Non-sequitur. But then, you knew that.

Not at all. I don't buy it. End of story. I'm sure you know that it's just common sense to not invite people into your country who are diseased, but you're a dumb arse, and would probably just die. We call that "culling the herd." Perhaps you should go hug an Ebola victim today. :biggrin: Then you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like you're doing something grand.

Just because you are a coward doesn't mean that the rest of us have to be that way. Good grief.

So you think we should expose ourselves to a fatal disease to show how brave we are? You're serious?

Why should I be exposed to a fatal disease because you're a foolhardy moron?

Have you ben exposed to a fatal disease?
So . . . it seems that people are actually SO delusional as to believe that quarantining and isolation (which is the MAIN protocol for treating Ebola patients) does not help to prevent spread of the disease. Unreal and sadly pathetic how stupid and lacking common sense some Americans have become.
It must be a case of disgusting partisanship . . . "oh no, it would look bad for our leader, Obama." Shameful.
So . . . it seems that people are actually SO delusional as to believe that quarantining and isolation (which is the MAIN protocol for treating Ebola patients) does not help to prevent spread of the disease. Unreal and sadly pathetic how stupid and lacking common sense some Americans have become.

Quarantine and isolation is the protocol for treating Ebola patients.

Not entire countries, or multi-country regions.

The fact that you can't understand that difference is the root of the problem here.
So . . . it seems that people are actually SO delusional as to believe that quarantining and isolation (which is the MAIN protocol for treating Ebola patients) does not help to prevent spread of the disease. Unreal and sadly pathetic how stupid and lacking common sense some Americans have become.

Quarantine and isolation is the protocol for treating Ebola patients.

Not entire countries, or multi-country regions.

The fact that you can't understand that difference is the root of the problem here.

The only two people to contract Ebola within our borders did so in isolation wards. Weird, huh?
So . . . it seems that people are actually SO delusional as to believe that quarantining and isolation (which is the MAIN protocol for treating Ebola patients) does not help to prevent spread of the disease. Unreal and sadly pathetic how stupid and lacking common sense some Americans have become.

Quarantine and isolation is the protocol for treating Ebola patients.

Not entire countries, or multi-country regions.

The fact that you can't understand that difference is the root of the problem here.

That is the same thing on a bigger scale, any moron knows that if you lessen exposure, you lessen risks. DUH!
So . . . it seems that people are actually SO delusional as to believe that quarantining and isolation (which is the MAIN protocol for treating Ebola patients) does not help to prevent spread of the disease. Unreal and sadly pathetic how stupid and lacking common sense some Americans have become.

Quarantine and isolation is the protocol for treating Ebola patients.

Not entire countries, or multi-country regions.

The fact that you can't understand that difference is the root of the problem here.

The only two people to contract Ebola within our borders did so in isolation wards. Weird, huh?

Not weird. They were directly exposed to Ebola patients, DUH!
It must be a case of disgusting partisanship . . . "oh no, it would look bad for our leader, Obama." Shameful.

Pathetically to make it political isn't going to change the fact that not a single expert in epidemiology thinks that trying to quarantine 20 million people spread out over 165,000 square miles is a good idea.
If you limit exposure, you limit the risks. You just can't argue with that. It is just the truth, whether you all like or if it inconveniences you and your agenda or not! EVERYBODY who is over the age of 10 must know this simple truth.
It must be a case of disgusting partisanship . . . "oh no, it would look bad for our leader, Obama." Shameful.

Pathetically to make it political isn't going to change the fact that not a single expert in epidemiology thinks that trying to quarantine 20 million people spread out over 165,000 square miles is a good idea.

It is disgusting partisans who make it political, putting dollars and political loyalty about common sense precautionary measures!
If you limit exposure, you limit the risks. You just can't argue with that. It is just the truth, whether you all like or if it inconveniences you and your agenda or not! EVERYBODY who is over the age of 10 must know this simple truth.

Wow! When you put it like that, it all seems so simple! Like....a simpleton could really understand it.
So . . . it seems that people are actually SO delusional as to believe that quarantining and isolation (which is the MAIN protocol for treating Ebola patients) does not help to prevent spread of the disease. Unreal and sadly pathetic how stupid and lacking common sense some Americans have become.

Quarantine and isolation is the protocol for treating Ebola patients.

Not entire countries, or multi-country regions.

The fact that you can't understand that difference is the root of the problem here.

That is the same thing on a bigger scale, any moron knows that if you lessen exposure, you lessen risks. DUH!

There's nothing funnier to me than people who think that changing the "scale" of something like this makes sense.

It's as silly as the morons who think balancing their checkbook makes them qualified to be "experts" in international macroeconomics.
If you limit exposure, you limit the risks. You just can't argue with that. It is just the truth, whether you all like or if it inconveniences you and your agenda or not! EVERYBODY who is over the age of 10 must know this simple truth.

Wow! When you put it like that, it all seems so simple! Like....a simpleton could really understand it.

Obviously not. Are you saying that quarantining for deadly viruses is NOT effective? If so, then you are an idiot. That is exactly how they handle Ebola patients.
It must be a case of disgusting partisanship . . . "oh no, it would look bad for our leader, Obama." Shameful.

Pathetically to make it political isn't going to change the fact that not a single expert in epidemiology thinks that trying to quarantine 20 million people spread out over 165,000 square miles is a good idea.

It is disgusting partisans who make it political, putting dollars and political loyalty about common sense precautionary measures!

Since you're the only one who's brought up Obama in this thread, that makes you the "disgusting partisan" in this thread, buddy.
So . . . it seems that people are actually SO delusional as to believe that quarantining and isolation (which is the MAIN protocol for treating Ebola patients) does not help to prevent spread of the disease. Unreal and sadly pathetic how stupid and lacking common sense some Americans have become.

Quarantine and isolation is the protocol for treating Ebola patients.

Not entire countries, or multi-country regions.

The fact that you can't understand that difference is the root of the problem here.

That is the same thing on a bigger scale, any moron knows that if you lessen exposure, you lessen risks. DUH!

There's nothing funnier to me than people who think that changing the "scale" of something like this makes sense.

It's as silly as the morons who think balancing their checkbook makes them qualified to be "experts" in international macroeconomics.

Sorry, but you MUST be a dummy, not worth the time arguing with someone SO ignorant that they cannot see the nose on their own face because they are SUCH partisan hacks.

Obviously quarantining is the STANDARD protocol, and it also works.
It must be a case of disgusting partisanship . . . "oh no, it would look bad for our leader, Obama." Shameful.

Pathetically to make it political isn't going to change the fact that not a single expert in epidemiology thinks that trying to quarantine 20 million people spread out over 165,000 square miles is a good idea.

It is disgusting partisans who make it political, putting dollars and political loyalty about common sense precautionary measures!

Since you're the only one who's brought up Obama in this thread, that makes you the "disgusting partisan" in this thread, buddy.

You are QUITE transparent, and I am not your buddy. Refrain from getting too friendly please.

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