Why the GOP is trying to defund obamacare.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Basically it this:

The GOP wants to defund obamacare because it is the right thing to do. They are correct when they say it will ruin healthcare. It already is even though it isn't yet fully instituted. They are also correct when they sat that it will harm the economy. It is already doing that as well.

They know that the attempt to defund it has zero chance of working. Even if it passed the senate, obama will veto it and they have no chance of getting 2/3 of Congress.

So what is the point? Because it's the right thing to do for the reasons stated above.

The difference between the GOP and the DNC is that the DNC doesn't care about the results of their policies other than its ability to garner them votes. Power is what they want. Control is what they want. They don't care what their policies do to the country or the people, as longas they stay in power. The GOP otoh, most of them anyway, tend to do what is right despite the fact that it could cost them an election.

The democrats are for control and power, the GOP is for doing what is right.
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If they keep this fight up, and show resiliency the momentum behind them will follow through the 2014 elections and we can see this Obortion repealed even if it takes overriding the moonbat messiah's veto. Democrooks are cowards, and if enough of them get thrown out of power, they'll do what they have to do to continue enriching themselves in their offices.

The moonbat messiah will be told to go fuck himself, and that horse faced Valerie Jarret he rode in on.
that's oversimplistic for a kindergartener. The dems think obamacare is the right thing, and there is logical support for at least parts of it by such places as Kaiser and Johns Hopkins.
It's simply the GOPs turn to play bad cop. To think that they actually have the people's business in mind over this is foolish at best, and down right ignorant at worst.
It's simply the GOPs turn to play bad cop. To think that they actually have the people's business in mind over this is foolish at best, and down right ignorant at worst.

That really makes no sense. Why play bad cop when it can get you voted out of power in the next election? The reason is that they know how bad Obamacare will be and they know it is the right thing to do.
Ok, saying as I did in the OP, that the "GOP is for doing what is right", is a little over the top, but it is right in the case of obamacare. They know it has no shot at passing but they are doing it because of the looming disaster that it is.
It's simply the GOPs turn to play bad cop. To think that they actually have the people's business in mind over this is foolish at best, and down right ignorant at worst.

That really makes no sense. Why play bad cop when it can get you voted out of power in the next election? The reason is that they know how bad Obamacare will be and they know it is the right thing to do.

Because they aren't going to get voted out of power. Last election cycle the congress had what? a 13% approval rating? How many of those members lost their seat?

People will forget about this come next week. Furthermore, there are constituents of these critters who want them to do this.

They are playing politics over an issue they cant win. If for any other reason, to garner more votes for being the bad cop heroes over Obamacare.

It's ignorant to believe otherwise.
There's a cottage industry of fundraising and various other moneymaking scams that has developed around the repeal/defund Obamacare nonsense.

The GOP and the rest of the conservative propaganda complex are going to milk that cow dry.
There's a cottage industry of fundraising and various other moneymaking scams that has developed around the repeal/defund Obamacare nonsense.

The GOP and the rest of the conservative propaganda complex are going to milk that cow dry.

Government has been and is the instrument of propaganda, and the left actually believe that now today suddenly to question government is propaganda. Talk about baa...
It's simply the GOPs turn to play bad cop. To think that they actually have the people's business in mind over this is foolish at best, and down right ignorant at worst.

That really makes no sense. Why play bad cop when it can get you voted out of power in the next election? The reason is that they know how bad Obamacare will be and they know it is the right thing to do.

Because they aren't going to get voted out of power. Last election cycle the congress had what? a 13% approval rating? How many of those members lost their seat?

People will forget about this come next week. Furthermore, there are constituents of these critters who want them to do this.

They are playing politics over an issue they cant win. If for any other reason, to garner more votes for being the bad cop heroes over Obamacare.

It's ignorant to believe otherwise.

I disagree. The GOP isn't concerned about keeping seats as much as they are concerned about winning the Senate and keeping the House.

Even if I agreed with you, then explain to me why they are doing this.
The insurance and hospitals are going to lose out on those pesky dollar bills if this thing is not funded. Remember, the GOP supports letting business to be free and prosperous enough to buy off our government.
Basically it this:

The GOP wants to defund obamacare because it is the right thing to do. They are correct when they say it will ruin healthcare. It already is even though it isn't yet fully instituted. They are also correct when they sat that it will harm the economy. It is already doing that as well.

They know that the attempt to defund it has zero chance of working. Even if it passed the senate, obama will veto it and they have no chance of getting 2/3 of Congress.

So what is the point? Because it's the right thing to do for the reasons stated above.

The difference between the GOP and the DNC is that the DNC doesn't care about the results of their policies other than its ability to garner them votes. Power is what they want. Control is what they want. They don't care what their policies do to the country or the people, as longas they stay in power. The GOP otoh, most of them anyway, tend to do what is right despite the fact that it could cost them an election.

The democrats are for control and power, the GOP is for doing what is right.

What a load of Marlarkey.

The Present health "crisis" basically began when HMOs were listed. That increased the profit motivation and they started doing things like booting people for "pre-existing" conditions and health care costs start skyrocketing. Even before that and for the last 100 years or so, this country has been trying to come to grips with our health care industry which is in pretty lousy shape.

The closest we came to addressing it was during the Clinton administration where they had something close to single payer. The republicans offered up an alternative, the "mandate" which they never did anything about after they killed "HillaryCare". Romney tried the mandate idea in his state, which worked pretty well. Nationally things were getting worse and Bush tried a bandaid/big gift to big pharma with his own Medicare bill.

Now that Obama has actually USED the Republican plan, the Republicans want to kill it. And do it with absolutely no alternative.

They aren't doing it because it's right. They are doing it because they hate Obama. Just like they hated Clinton, but moreso because of the color of his skin.

People like Rand Paul are really bonafide racists.

And that's the folks you voted into power.

They should be no where near the government.
It's simply the GOPs turn to play bad cop. To think that they actually have the people's business in mind over this is foolish at best, and down right ignorant at worst.

Bad Cop?

They aren't "faking" this.

41 times and a threat to close down government is not faking. Even rich folks are going to feel the pinch.
that's oversimplistic for a kindergartener. The dems think obamacare is the right thing, and there is logical support for at least parts of it by such places as Kaiser and Johns Hopkins.
The Dems think it will bring them power.

Any other excuse is just lies.
It's simply the GOPs turn to play bad cop. To think that they actually have the people's business in mind over this is foolish at best, and down right ignorant at worst.

Bad Cop?

They aren't "faking" this.

41 times and a threat to close down government is not faking. Even rich folks are going to feel the pinch.

Yes, they are faking this. A deal will be struck, Obama Tax will be funded and this political theater will come back around again once we've reached another "debt ceiling".

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