Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate

"Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Here hatred was a vanity, a braggadocio meant to signal her innocence of the sort of evil that, in her mind, the White House represented. (She later said the comment was “taken wildly out of context.”)

For many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory lifestyle. “America was never that great,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said. For radical groups like Black Lives Matter, hatred of America is a theme of identity, a display of racial pride.

For other leftists, hate is a license. Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left— Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind—are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to think of hatred as power itself."

Opinion | Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate

Where do you draw the line with your actions? Trump is Hitler? Trumps voters are Nazi's?
How far are you willing to go to stop this scourge? How far are you willing to allow ANTIFA to go in their actions?

The left is consumed with hate because they're tired of losing which is their lot in life due to their stupidity.
"Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Here hatred was a vanity, a braggadocio meant to signal her innocence of the sort of evil that, in her mind, the White House represented. (She later said the comment was “taken wildly out of context.”)

For many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory lifestyle. “America was never that great,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said. For radical groups like Black Lives Matter, hatred of America is a theme of identity, a display of racial pride.

For other leftists, hate is a license. Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left— Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind—are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to think of hatred as power itself."

Opinion | Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate

Where do you draw the line with your actions? Trump is Hitler? Trumps voters are Nazi's?
How far are you willing to go to stop this scourge? How far are you willing to allow ANTIFA to go in their actions?
What makes you think Black Lives Matter is anti-American? They are actually anti-brutal police tactics.

Meanwhile, let's talk about the love fest among the Trumpians.

Who hasTrump called out? Mexicans, Muslims, Black people, Gays, Women, the Disabled, Gold Star families, POWs,any and all Democrats, immigrant families and their children, Americans with LatinX heritage, and people from the nations he considers shitholes.

Yeah! Feel the love!

And he alone can fix it.

He said America is a state of carnage. He said our streets are awash in violent foreign gangs. He gins up fear and the fearful lap it up with a spoon.

You're STILL not addressing the subject. How far are YOU personally willing to go to keep these "Nazi's" from gaining control?
I reject the premise of your question. Nazis aren't aligned with the American Left Wing. They never were and politically never will.

Got it, context isn't you're string suit. Try reading it again.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed.

Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.
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"Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Here hatred was a vanity, a braggadocio meant to signal her innocence of the sort of evil that, in her mind, the White House represented. (She later said the comment was “taken wildly out of context.”)

For many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory lifestyle. “America was never that great,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said. For radical groups like Black Lives Matter, hatred of America is a theme of identity, a display of racial pride.

For other leftists, hate is a license. Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left— Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind—are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to think of hatred as power itself."

Opinion | Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate

Where do you draw the line with your actions? Trump is Hitler? Trumps voters are Nazi's?
How far are you willing to go to stop this scourge? How far are you willing to allow ANTIFA to go in their actions?
What makes you think Black Lives Matter is anti-American? They are actually anti-brutal police tactics.

Meanwhile, let's talk about the love fest among the Trumpians.

Who hasTrump called out? Mexicans, Muslims, Black people, Gays, Women, the Disabled, Gold Star families, POWs,any and all Democrats, immigrant families and their children, Americans with LatinX heritage, and people from the nations he considers shitholes.

Yeah! Feel the love!

And he alone can fix it.

He said America is a state of carnage. He said our streets are awash in violent foreign gangs. He gins up fear and the fearful lap it up with a spoon.

You're STILL not addressing the subject. How far are YOU personally willing to go to keep these "Nazi's" from gaining control?
I reject the premise of your question. Nazis aren't aligned with the American Left Wing. They never were and politically never will.

Got it, context isn't you're string suit. Try reading it again.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed.

Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

It is sad that you don’t see how insulting and belittling your post is. How dare you out down 60mil plus persons? You’re a broken little fool.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed. Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

I would just disagree with one thing. Ideology is an incredibly powerful thing, and I'm convinced that a good portion of his followers are -- on at least a conscious level -- not incredulous about him. Down deep they must know, but on a conscious level I think they're in a state of willful denial/delusion.

Look at how emotional they get when they defend him. It seems clear that any negative input they sense regarding him is quickly expelled from their thought processes (again, at least on a conscious level), and they respond as if the input is pure fabrication. I think their reactions are real.
"Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Here hatred was a vanity, a braggadocio meant to signal her innocence of the sort of evil that, in her mind, the White House represented. (She later said the comment was “taken wildly out of context.”)

For many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory lifestyle. “America was never that great,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said. For radical groups like Black Lives Matter, hatred of America is a theme of identity, a display of racial pride.

For other leftists, hate is a license. Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left— Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind—are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to think of hatred as power itself."

Opinion | Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate

Where do you draw the line with your actions? Trump is Hitler? Trumps voters are Nazi's?
How far are you willing to go to stop this scourge? How far are you willing to allow ANTIFA to go in their actions?

The far left libs were bullies in the 60's and 70's and have turned into - it's only our ideology and no one else can be represented.
This is the result when the party shut up the conservatives in the 90's and then shut up the moderates under Obama.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed. Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

I would just disagree with one thing. Ideology is an incredibly powerful thing, and I'm convinced that a good portion of his followers are -- on at least a conscious level -- not incredulous about him. Down deep they must know, but on a conscious level I think they're in a state of willful denial/delusion.

Look at how emotional they get when they defend him. It seems clear that any negative input they sense regarding him is quickly expelled from their thought processes (again, at least on a conscious level), and they respond as if the input is pure fabrication. I think their reactions are real.

I am not defending “him”, I am defending myself. I may Vote for whomever I feel is worthy of my vote without input from others who are frankly less intelligent than me. That includes you, Mac.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed. Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

I would just disagree with one thing. Ideology is an incredibly powerful thing, and I'm convinced that a good portion of his followers are -- on at least a conscious level -- not incredulous about him. Down deep they must know, but on a conscious level I think they're in a state of willful denial/delusion.

Look at how emotional they get when they defend him. It seems clear that any negative input they sense regarding him is quickly expelled from their thought processes (again, at least on a conscious level), and they respond as if the input is pure fabrication. I think their reactions are real.

I am not defending “him”, I am defending myself. I may Vote for whomever I fee is worthy of my vote without input from others who are frankly less intelligent than me. That includes you, Mac.
Well, we all can't be as intelligent as you.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed. Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

I would just disagree with one thing. Ideology is an incredibly powerful thing, and I'm convinced that a good portion of his followers are -- on at least a conscious level -- not incredulous about him. Down deep they must know, but on a conscious level I think they're in a state of willful denial/delusion.

Look at how emotional they get when they defend him. It seems clear that any negative input they sense regarding him is quickly expelled from their thought processes (again, at least on a conscious level), and they respond as if the input is pure fabrication. I think their reactions are real.

I am not defending “him”, I am defending myself. I may Vote for whomever I fee is worthy of my vote without input from others who are frankly less intelligent than me. That includes you, Mac.
Well, we all can't be as intelligent as you.
Meanwhile back in reality…

Trump supporters are mailing bombs to people.
Madonna threatened to blow up the White House .. seriously? You were trying to shut down his speech in Minneapolis tomorrow .. I hit women children, you drag old women holding the American flag , you refuse to let elderly people cross the street ..you are alll nazis
You think people would not be emotional when this started right after the election in Dec. of 2016?
Each and every charge has been nothing yet they change the charges as the please and now won't allow the Republicans their right for defense.

He was elected because the left abandoned the heartland and their polices have done great harm to them over the last 50years.
What makes you think Black Lives Matter is anti-American? They are actually anti-brutal police tactics.

Meanwhile, let's talk about the love fest among the Trumpians.

Who hasTrump called out? Mexicans, Muslims, Black people, Gays, Women, the Disabled, Gold Star families, POWs,any and all Democrats, immigrant families and their children, Americans with LatinX heritage, and people from the nations he considers shitholes.

Yeah! Feel the love!

And he alone can fix it.

He said America is a state of carnage. He said our streets are awash in violent foreign gangs. He gins up fear and the fearful lap it up with a spoon.

You're STILL not addressing the subject. How far are YOU personally willing to go to keep these "Nazi's" from gaining control?
I reject the premise of your question. Nazis aren't aligned with the American Left Wing. They never were and politically never will.

Got it, context isn't you're string suit. Try reading it again.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed.

Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

It is sad that you don’t see how insulting and belittling your post is. How dare you out down 60mil plus persons? You’re a broken little fool.
In a series of posts my political ideology was called communist, racist, and socialist. I am a lifelong Democrat.

I made the most thoughtful and respectful response to those wildly disparate allegations.

It's sad that you didn't read the whole thread.
You're STILL not addressing the subject. How far are YOU personally willing to go to keep these "Nazi's" from gaining control?
I reject the premise of your question. Nazis aren't aligned with the American Left Wing. They never were and politically never will.

Got it, context isn't you're string suit. Try reading it again.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed.

Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

It is sad that you don’t see how insulting and belittling your post is. How dare you out down 60mil plus persons? You’re a broken little fool.
In a series of posts my political ideology was called communist, racist, and socialist. I am a lifelong Democrat.

I made the most thoughtful and respectful response to those wildly disparate allegations.

It's sad that you didn't read the whole thread.

So does the Holocaust give you a calming feeling too? The current Democrat party is not the same as the party of JFK or so I am told. I am not as old as you.
I reject the premise of your question. Nazis aren't aligned with the American Left Wing. They never were and politically never will.

Got it, context isn't you're string suit. Try reading it again.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed.

Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

It is sad that you don’t see how insulting and belittling your post is. How dare you out down 60mil plus persons? You’re a broken little fool.
In a series of posts my political ideology was called communist, racist, and socialist. I am a lifelong Democrat.

I made the most thoughtful and respectful response to those wildly disparate allegations.

It's sad that you didn't read the whole thread.

So does the Holocaust give you a calming feeling too? The current Democrat party is not the same as the party of JFK or so I am told. I am not as old as you.
Apparently you're not.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Where does this stupidity come from? Watching The Apprentice? Wrestlemania? Home schooling?
Hate and envy is the foundation of regressive marxist policy. They're programmed to hate the people who are successful and own shit they want, but aren't willing to put an effort into acquiring beyond stealing it.

Envy motivates their demand government steals from others.

Got it, context isn't you're string suit. Try reading it again.
I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed.

Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

It is sad that you don’t see how insulting and belittling your post is. How dare you out down 60mil plus persons? You’re a broken little fool.
In a series of posts my political ideology was called communist, racist, and socialist. I am a lifelong Democrat.

I made the most thoughtful and respectful response to those wildly disparate allegations.

It's sad that you didn't read the whole thread.

So does the Holocaust give you a calming feeling too? The current Democrat party is not the same as the party of JFK or so I am told. I am not as old as you.
Apparently you're not.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Where does this stupidity come from? Watching The Apprentice? Wrestlemania? Home schooling?

Happy to compare resumes old man. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I have never belonged to a political party. My votes since I was able to vote:

I don't believe that Trump supporters are Nazis either. They are feeling disenfranchised, abandoned by the political class and largely ignored and forgotten. I think their hero, their solution is a fundamentally corrupt and morally bereft person who has never been held to account. They hitched their wagon to a reality TV star and now sit incredulous as his corruption and policies of deliberate cruelty have been exposed.

Sooner rather than later the hex Trump has cast over their political souls will be broken. At that point their reaction will dictate the state of our political discourse for a generation.

It is sad that you don’t see how insulting and belittling your post is. How dare you out down 60mil plus persons? You’re a broken little fool.
In a series of posts my political ideology was called communist, racist, and socialist. I am a lifelong Democrat.

I made the most thoughtful and respectful response to those wildly disparate allegations.

It's sad that you didn't read the whole thread.

So does the Holocaust give you a calming feeling too? The current Democrat party is not the same as the party of JFK or so I am told. I am not as old as you.
Apparently you're not.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Where does this stupidity come from? Watching The Apprentice? Wrestlemania? Home schooling?

Happy to compare resumes old man. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I have never belonged to a political party. My votes since I was able to vote:

How were you able to vote for Gore, then Bush, then Kerry?

It is sad that you don’t see how insulting and belittling your post is. How dare you out down 60mil plus persons? You’re a broken little fool.
In a series of posts my political ideology was called communist, racist, and socialist. I am a lifelong Democrat.

I made the most thoughtful and respectful response to those wildly disparate allegations.

It's sad that you didn't read the whole thread.

So does the Holocaust give you a calming feeling too? The current Democrat party is not the same as the party of JFK or so I am told. I am not as old as you.
Apparently you're not.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Where does this stupidity come from? Watching The Apprentice? Wrestlemania? Home schooling?

Happy to compare resumes old man. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I have never belonged to a political party. My votes since I was able to vote:

How were you able to vote for Gore, then Bush, then Kerry?


my bad never voted for Bush. LOL. Was going to but voted for Kerry. Actually as you see I had lost everything election or my candidates did until Trump.

And you’re old. Run Tulsi and I ll vote for her. Not voting for Sanders or Warren or Biden.

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