Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:

who embraces terrorism except for people like you who tried to justify a terrorist Neo nazi driving a car into peaceful protestersmand killing a young woman.

LMAO! You mean the staged "Charlottesville Attack"?????

Riiiiight the "staged Charlottesville attack" from the same asswipe that tried to sell the "staged Newtown shooting", no doubt holding in his pocket the "staged Hurricane Katrina", the "staged moon landing", the "staged Kennedy assassination", the "staged death of Elvis" and the fucking "staged World Wars One and Two".

This is why you're on Ignore. Thank you for reminding me why clicking "show ignored content" is a bad idea.

Go find a mental health clinic.
This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:
I am a liberal and I do not approve of you radical muslims.

You are a militant fabian socialist, Buttecea.....nothing more, nothing less.
It's amusing to watch the paranoid backwards muslims and fellowtravelers post here with their falsehoods and middle east superstitions....like chemtrails.......
Those are democrats....Christians don't hate.....many democrats pretend to be Christians to get votes...but their hatred, jealousy and greed clearly show they are not Christians in any sense of the word....

Ah here's the post I was trying to click.

Those are not in any observable way "democrats" -- which means people who believe in democracy. Nor are they Democrats, which is the name of a political party. They're not up there to vote so we have no idea which of them, if any, are registered to vote at all. And we know they're not democrats because we know they are fascists.

What we also know is that they're Christians. We know that because it's a prerequisite for joining the Klan. That organization was founded with a burning cross, an unsheathed sword and a bible. It's mandatory.

Now the poster's point sailing blithely over your pointed head here is that we could take this group of Christians --- we know for a fact they're Christians --- and attribute every lynching, every whipping, every bombing or act of other destruction that they do and, via the exact same Composition Fallacy you brought in here like a load in your pants and proceeded to dump ---- to "Christianism".

And that would be the same fallacy you're already using. It's your own logic, looking back at you in the mirror, dumb shit. Expressed another way, "correlation is not causation". You probably don't have a clue in the world what that means but again --- that ignorance is on you.

As for your blanket generalization fallacy above, to wit "Christians don't hate", go ahead and explain Eric Rudolph. Or John Salvi. Or Tim McVeigh. Or Scott Roeder. Or Adolf Hitler.

Nothing's changed, Dumbass --- you trot fallacies in here, they WILL be shot down. Wid a quickness.

Eric Rudolph was a Zionist, John Salvi and Adolf Hitler belonged to the cult that is the catholic church and Timothy McVeigh was in black-ops and the patsy of the OKC bombing and saw nothing in his background that showed he was a Christian.
Scott Roeder? Don't support what he did but the fact that George "killer" Tiller was allowed to perform late term abortions is beyond disgusting but yet leftards supported his "practice".......

ALL irrelevant. Religion does not preclude politics; one can be (and many are) Christians while being Zionists, the IRA, Klanners (required), haters, masturbators, child daters, self-saters or bad check-writers.

The poster's claim was "Christians don't hate". I gave him (<< again that's HIM, not "you") myriad examples to refute.

And Catholics are fucking Christians Dumbass --- we were the first ones.
What does the doctrine say?

It says "boo". Next question please.

The religion you defend, Islam, and say you don't, says to kill, subdue, or convert with violent means or anything that is necessary. That is a fact. Christianity clearly says not to hate.
Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.
When 300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others, or beheading them, yeah, we got an issue.
And if that doesn't bother you, well...you're an asshole...or a Muslim.

Actually when we have an issue is when people start pulling numbers out of their ass and going "300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others" or "three million illegals voted".

Facts matter, and numbers are specific.
These are based on polls done in the Middle East.
But I forgot, you only watch/listen to Liberal bullshit news.
The tards think the refugees who are fleeing the terrorists are the bad guys. These tards are no different than the fuckwads who turned away the Jews fleeing Hitler.

So they clearly believe the terrorists are the real Muslims.

You know, like these guys are the true Christians:



Those are democrats....Christians don't hate.....many democrats pretend to be Christians to get votes...but their hatred, jealousy and greed clearly show they are not Christians in any sense of the word....

Ah here's the post I was trying to click.

Those are not in any observable way "democrats" -- which means people who believe in democracy. Nor are they Democrats, which is the name of a political party. They're not up there to vote so we have no idea which of them, if any, are registered to vote at all. And we know they're not democrats because we know they are fascists.

What we also know is that they're Christians. We know that because it's a prerequisite for joining the Klan. That organization was founded with a burning cross, an unsheathed sword and a bible. It's mandatory.

Now the poster's point sailing blithely over your pointed head here is that we could take this group of Christians --- we know for a fact they're Christians --- and attribute every lynching, every whipping, every bombing or act of other destruction that they do and, via the exact same Composition Fallacy you brought in here like a load in your pants and proceeded to dump ---- to "Christianism".

And that would be the same fallacy you're already using. It's your own logic, looking back at you in the mirror, dumb shit. Expressed another way, "correlation is not causation". You probably don't have a clue in the world what that means but again --- that ignorance is on you.

As for your blanket generalization fallacy above, to wit "Christians don't hate", go ahead and explain Eric Rudolph. Or John Salvi. Or Tim McVeigh. Or Scott Roeder. Or Adolf Hitler.

Nothing's changed, Dumbass --- you trot fallacies in here, they WILL be shot down. Wid a quickness.

Eric Rudolph was a Zionist, John Salvi and Adolf Hitler belonged to the cult that is the catholic church and Timothy McVeigh was in black-ops and the patsy of the OKC bombing and saw nothing in his background that showed he was a Christian.
Scott Roeder? Don't support what he did but the fact that George "killer" Tiller was allowed to perform late term abortions is beyond disgusting but yet leftards supported his "practice".......

ALL irrelevant. Religion does not preclude politics; one can be (and many are) Christians while being Zionists, the IRA, Klanners (required), haters, masturbators, child daters, self-saters or bad check-writers.

The poster's claim was "Christians don't hate". I gave him (<< again that's HIM, not "you") myriad examples to refute.

And Catholics are fucking Christians Dumbass --- we were the first ones.

Catholicism is a cult that has been fighting Martin Luther's Reformation since the early 1500's. Look up the "Council of Trent" and how the Jesuits came to be. The Pope is the "vicar" of Jesus Christ and infallible? How is that Biblical? Purgatory? Paying for indulgences? Paganism mixed in with a few Biblical references for effect all used to milk their followers.....any questions? I would REALLY like to talk to you about the Jesuits.......

I don't give a flying fuck what you would "like" --- you're trying to shunt the topic off into "Jesuits". Won't work. You wanna talk Jesuits, go find the Religion forum and start your own thread. This one is failing nicely without your help.
The fabian socialists have hijacked the term "liberal" and have made it about collectivism instead of individual rights. They have taken away the comfort of free thinking to everyone has to march in lockstep.

The liberals of today are nothing but communists.

Exactly, thank you. The socialists have to keep changing the word they use because as soon as people realize what they are about, they change their name.......they used to call themselves progressives.....now they call themselves liberals....and they are reverting back to Progressive since "liberal" is now too closely associated with what the socialists actually are and do...

"Liberals" are way older than "socialists" --- the former wrote our Constitution. And "Progressives" came after both of them, roughly 1890 to 1920. Those are three different things that, in the latter's period, all existed concurrently. The fact that you can't be bothered to learn basic political science terminology, yet want to use them to fling like monkey turds, is entirely irrelevant to their actual definitions. That's on you.

Meanwhile you have yet to demonstrate what the fuck your OP title is yammering about. Mac has been standing in for you while you ran away, failing to demonstrate the same thing. Now that you're back you can take over. So please, do regale us all with still yet more concrete examples of that which you cannot explain.

EDIT - I didn't notice the dateline and mistakenly gave the OP credit for returning to the scene of his crime. Evidently he did not -- he simply ran away. Sorry Mac, you're still holding the bag.
Mac is just phoning it in today. He is holding a weak hand.

Looks to me like he's playing that old fun game called "52 pick up".

Mac is holding his own and some of yours as well, Pogo........you are all over the place while not making any sense.
The Regressives get very upset with me, so they attack and make things personal. Always a good sign.

There are plenty of honest liberals who agree with me, I quote them often, and that REALLY pisses off the Regressives.

And by the way, you'll notice that I NEVER have to name names. They always self-identify for me.


This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:

who embraces terrorism except for people like you who tried to justify a terrorist Neo nazi driving a car into peaceful protestersmand killing a young woman.

LMAO! You mean the staged "Charlottesville Attack"?????

Riiiiight the "staged Charlottesville attack" from the same asswipe that tried to sell the "staged Newtown shooting", no doubt holding in his pocket the "staged Hurricane Katrina", the "staged moon landing", the "staged Kennedy assassination", the "staged death of Elvis" and the fucking "staged World Wars One and Two".

This is why you're on Ignore. Thank you for reminding me why clicking "show ignored content" is a bad idea.

Go find a mental health clinic.

Proof is in the pudding, Pogo. They bused in protesters, the counter-protesters and then staged this fraudulent attack. Hell, it wasn't even a convincing staged event. The alleged guy that did it? He drove the car right past the cops that had been standing down......utterly pathetic.
Those are democrats....Christians don't hate.....many democrats pretend to be Christians to get votes...but their hatred, jealousy and greed clearly show they are not Christians in any sense of the word....

Ah here's the post I was trying to click.

Those are not in any observable way "democrats" -- which means people who believe in democracy. Nor are they Democrats, which is the name of a political party. They're not up there to vote so we have no idea which of them, if any, are registered to vote at all. And we know they're not democrats because we know they are fascists.

What we also know is that they're Christians. We know that because it's a prerequisite for joining the Klan. That organization was founded with a burning cross, an unsheathed sword and a bible. It's mandatory.

Now the poster's point sailing blithely over your pointed head here is that we could take this group of Christians --- we know for a fact they're Christians --- and attribute every lynching, every whipping, every bombing or act of other destruction that they do and, via the exact same Composition Fallacy you brought in here like a load in your pants and proceeded to dump ---- to "Christianism".

And that would be the same fallacy you're already using. It's your own logic, looking back at you in the mirror, dumb shit. Expressed another way, "correlation is not causation". You probably don't have a clue in the world what that means but again --- that ignorance is on you.

As for your blanket generalization fallacy above, to wit "Christians don't hate", go ahead and explain Eric Rudolph. Or John Salvi. Or Tim McVeigh. Or Scott Roeder. Or Adolf Hitler.

Nothing's changed, Dumbass --- you trot fallacies in here, they WILL be shot down. Wid a quickness.

Eric Rudolph was a Zionist, John Salvi and Adolf Hitler belonged to the cult that is the catholic church and Timothy McVeigh was in black-ops and the patsy of the OKC bombing and saw nothing in his background that showed he was a Christian.
Scott Roeder? Don't support what he did but the fact that George "killer" Tiller was allowed to perform late term abortions is beyond disgusting but yet leftards supported his "practice".......

ALL irrelevant. Religion does not preclude politics; one can be (and many are) Christians while being Zionists, the IRA, Klanners (required), haters, masturbators, child daters, self-saters or bad check-writers.

The poster's claim was "Christians don't hate". I gave him (<< again that's HIM, not "you") myriad examples to refute.

And Catholics are fucking Christians Dumbass --- we were the first ones.

Catholicism is a cult that has been fighting Martin Luther's Reformation since the early 1500's. Look up the "Council of Trent" and how the Jesuits came to be. The Pope is the "vicar" of Jesus Christ and infallible? How is that Biblical? Purgatory? Paying for indulgences? Paganism mixed in with a few Biblical references for effect all used to milk their followers.....any questions? I would REALLY like to talk to you about the Jesuits.......

I don't give a flying fuck what you would "like" --- you're trying to shunt the topic off into "Jesuits". Won't work. You wanna talk Jesuits, go find the Religion forum and start your own thread. This one is failing nicely without your help.

You better get that ignore button looked at.
Those are democrats....Christians don't hate.....many democrats pretend to be Christians to get votes...but their hatred, jealousy and greed clearly show they are not Christians in any sense of the word....

Ah here's the post I was trying to click.

Those are not in any observable way "democrats" -- which means people who believe in democracy. Nor are they Democrats, which is the name of a political party. They're not up there to vote so we have no idea which of them, if any, are registered to vote at all. And we know they're not democrats because we know they are fascists.

What we also know is that they're Christians. We know that because it's a prerequisite for joining the Klan. That organization was founded with a burning cross, an unsheathed sword and a bible. It's mandatory.

Now the poster's point sailing blithely over your pointed head here is that we could take this group of Christians --- we know for a fact they're Christians --- and attribute every lynching, every whipping, every bombing or act of other destruction that they do and, via the exact same Composition Fallacy you brought in here like a load in your pants and proceeded to dump ---- to "Christianism".

And that would be the same fallacy you're already using. It's your own logic, looking back at you in the mirror, dumb shit. Expressed another way, "correlation is not causation". You probably don't have a clue in the world what that means but again --- that ignorance is on you.

As for your blanket generalization fallacy above, to wit "Christians don't hate", go ahead and explain Eric Rudolph. Or John Salvi. Or Tim McVeigh. Or Scott Roeder. Or Adolf Hitler.

Nothing's changed, Dumbass --- you trot fallacies in here, they WILL be shot down. Wid a quickness.

Eric Rudolph was a Zionist, John Salvi and Adolf Hitler belonged to the cult that is the catholic church and Timothy McVeigh was in black-ops and the patsy of the OKC bombing and saw nothing in his background that showed he was a Christian.
Scott Roeder? Don't support what he did but the fact that George "killer" Tiller was allowed to perform late term abortions is beyond disgusting but yet leftards supported his "practice".......

ALL irrelevant. Religion does not preclude politics; one can be (and many are) Christians while being Zionists, the IRA, Klanners (required), haters, masturbators, child daters, self-saters or bad check-writers.

The poster's claim was "Christians don't hate". I gave him (<< again that's HIM, not "you") myriad examples to refute.

And Catholics are fucking Christians Dumbass --- we were the first ones.

Catholicism is a cult that has been fighting Martin Luther's Reformation since the early 1500's. Look up the "Council of Trent" and how the Jesuits came to be. The Pope is the "vicar" of Jesus Christ and infallible? How is that Biblical? Purgatory? Paying for indulgences? Paganism mixed in with a few Biblical references for effect all used to milk their followers.....any questions? I would REALLY like to talk to you about the Jesuits.......

I don't give a flying fuck what you would "like" --- you're trying to shunt the topic off into "Jesuits". Won't work. You wanna talk Jesuits, go find the Religion forum and start your own thread. This one is failing nicely without your help.

I am shutting down your "White Christians are full of hate and are violent" bullshit and doing so quite nicely.
I am a liberal and I do not approve of you radical muslims.

You are a militant fabian socialist, Buttecea.....nothing more, nothing less.
It's amusing to watch the paranoid backwards muslims and fellowtravelers post here with their falsehoods and middle east superstitions....like chemtrails.......
Ah here's the post I was trying to click.

Those are not in any observable way "democrats" -- which means people who believe in democracy. Nor are they Democrats, which is the name of a political party. They're not up there to vote so we have no idea which of them, if any, are registered to vote at all. And we know they're not democrats because we know they are fascists.

What we also know is that they're Christians. We know that because it's a prerequisite for joining the Klan. That organization was founded with a burning cross, an unsheathed sword and a bible. It's mandatory.

Now the poster's point sailing blithely over your pointed head here is that we could take this group of Christians --- we know for a fact they're Christians --- and attribute every lynching, every whipping, every bombing or act of other destruction that they do and, via the exact same Composition Fallacy you brought in here like a load in your pants and proceeded to dump ---- to "Christianism".

And that would be the same fallacy you're already using. It's your own logic, looking back at you in the mirror, dumb shit. Expressed another way, "correlation is not causation". You probably don't have a clue in the world what that means but again --- that ignorance is on you.

As for your blanket generalization fallacy above, to wit "Christians don't hate", go ahead and explain Eric Rudolph. Or John Salvi. Or Tim McVeigh. Or Scott Roeder. Or Adolf Hitler.

Nothing's changed, Dumbass --- you trot fallacies in here, they WILL be shot down. Wid a quickness.

Eric Rudolph was a Zionist, John Salvi and Adolf Hitler belonged to the cult that is the catholic church and Timothy McVeigh was in black-ops and the patsy of the OKC bombing and saw nothing in his background that showed he was a Christian.
Scott Roeder? Don't support what he did but the fact that George "killer" Tiller was allowed to perform late term abortions is beyond disgusting but yet leftards supported his "practice".......

ALL irrelevant. Religion does not preclude politics; one can be (and many are) Christians while being Zionists, the IRA, Klanners (required), haters, masturbators, child daters, self-saters or bad check-writers.

The poster's claim was "Christians don't hate". I gave him (<< again that's HIM, not "you") myriad examples to refute.

And Catholics are fucking Christians Dumbass --- we were the first ones.
What does the doctrine say?

It says "boo". Next question please.

The religion you defend, Islam < snip >

And here we go AGAIN --- 265 posts on.....

*******WHERE******* do I "defend Islam"?

*******WHERE****** did I even post anything about "Islam"?

The OP failed to show any examples of his "left wing embraces radical muslim [sic] terrorism". Then he ran away. FAILED.

Mac too failed to show any examples of his "regressives". Couldn't do it. FAILED.

Now here you are pulling even more shit out of your ass. Quote it.

You can't do it. It doesn't exist.

This is exactly what I described about writing scripts to put in other people's mouths.

You just pulled the same boner the OP did --- started out with a false premise that you can't demonstrate.
Last edited:
Ah here's the post I was trying to click.

Those are not in any observable way "democrats" -- which means people who believe in democracy. Nor are they Democrats, which is the name of a political party. They're not up there to vote so we have no idea which of them, if any, are registered to vote at all. And we know they're not democrats because we know they are fascists.

What we also know is that they're Christians. We know that because it's a prerequisite for joining the Klan. That organization was founded with a burning cross, an unsheathed sword and a bible. It's mandatory.

Now the poster's point sailing blithely over your pointed head here is that we could take this group of Christians --- we know for a fact they're Christians --- and attribute every lynching, every whipping, every bombing or act of other destruction that they do and, via the exact same Composition Fallacy you brought in here like a load in your pants and proceeded to dump ---- to "Christianism".

And that would be the same fallacy you're already using. It's your own logic, looking back at you in the mirror, dumb shit. Expressed another way, "correlation is not causation". You probably don't have a clue in the world what that means but again --- that ignorance is on you.

As for your blanket generalization fallacy above, to wit "Christians don't hate", go ahead and explain Eric Rudolph. Or John Salvi. Or Tim McVeigh. Or Scott Roeder. Or Adolf Hitler.

Nothing's changed, Dumbass --- you trot fallacies in here, they WILL be shot down. Wid a quickness.

Eric Rudolph was a Zionist, John Salvi and Adolf Hitler belonged to the cult that is the catholic church and Timothy McVeigh was in black-ops and the patsy of the OKC bombing and saw nothing in his background that showed he was a Christian.
Scott Roeder? Don't support what he did but the fact that George "killer" Tiller was allowed to perform late term abortions is beyond disgusting but yet leftards supported his "practice".......

ALL irrelevant. Religion does not preclude politics; one can be (and many are) Christians while being Zionists, the IRA, Klanners (required), haters, masturbators, child daters, self-saters or bad check-writers.

The poster's claim was "Christians don't hate". I gave him (<< again that's HIM, not "you") myriad examples to refute.

And Catholics are fucking Christians Dumbass --- we were the first ones.

Catholicism is a cult that has been fighting Martin Luther's Reformation since the early 1500's. Look up the "Council of Trent" and how the Jesuits came to be. The Pope is the "vicar" of Jesus Christ and infallible? How is that Biblical? Purgatory? Paying for indulgences? Paganism mixed in with a few Biblical references for effect all used to milk their followers.....any questions? I would REALLY like to talk to you about the Jesuits.......

I don't give a flying fuck what you would "like" --- you're trying to shunt the topic off into "Jesuits". Won't work. You wanna talk Jesuits, go find the Religion forum and start your own thread. This one is failing nicely without your help.

You better get that ignore button looked at.

You're not on my Ignore list. Are you lobbying to be?
Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.
When 300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others, or beheading them, yeah, we got an issue.
And if that doesn't bother you, well...you're an asshole...or a Muslim.

Actually when we have an issue is when people start pulling numbers out of their ass and going "300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others" or "three million illegals voted".

Facts matter, and numbers are specific.
These are based on polls done in the Middle East.
But I forgot, you only watch/listen to Liberal bullshit news.

"Polls" that conveniently have no links huh. "Polls" conducted by the Ipse Dixit company?

How many Muslims live in the middle east then? You know, that these 300 million would be a portion of? Because this is gonna be some fascinating math.
You are a militant fabian socialist, Buttecea.....nothing more, nothing less.
It's amusing to watch the paranoid backwards muslims and fellowtravelers post here with their falsehoods and middle east superstitions....like chemtrails.......
Eric Rudolph was a Zionist, John Salvi and Adolf Hitler belonged to the cult that is the catholic church and Timothy McVeigh was in black-ops and the patsy of the OKC bombing and saw nothing in his background that showed he was a Christian.
Scott Roeder? Don't support what he did but the fact that George "killer" Tiller was allowed to perform late term abortions is beyond disgusting but yet leftards supported his "practice".......

ALL irrelevant. Religion does not preclude politics; one can be (and many are) Christians while being Zionists, the IRA, Klanners (required), haters, masturbators, child daters, self-saters or bad check-writers.

The poster's claim was "Christians don't hate". I gave him (<< again that's HIM, not "you") myriad examples to refute.

And Catholics are fucking Christians Dumbass --- we were the first ones.
What does the doctrine say?

It says "boo". Next question please.

The religion you defend, Islam, and say you don't says to kill subdue or convert with violent means or anything that is necessary. That is a fact. Christianity clearly says not to hate.

And here we go AGAIN --- 265 posts on.....

*******WHERE******* do I "defend Islam"?

*******WHERE****** did I even post anything about "Islam"?

The OP failed to show any examples of his "left wing embraces radical muslim [sic] terrorism". Then he ran away. FAILED.

Mac too failed to show any examples of his "regressives". Couldn't do it. FAILED.

Now here you are pulling even more shit out of your ass. Quote it.

You can't do it. It doesn't exist.

This is exactly what I described about writing scripts to put in other people's mouths.

Your denial of the facts are a defense of Islam. What are you going to do about a proven hate machine disguised as a religion? Ignore it, bash Christianity? So, to quote you is not necessary.
Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.
When 300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others, or beheading them, yeah, we got an issue.
And if that doesn't bother you, well...you're an asshole...or a Muslim.

Actually when we have an issue is when people start pulling numbers out of their ass and going "300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others" or "three million illegals voted".

Facts matter, and numbers are specific.
These are based on polls done in the Middle East.
But I forgot, you only watch/listen to Liberal bullshit news.

"Polls" that conveniently have no links huh. "Polls" conducted by the Ipse Dixit company?

How many Muslims live in the middle east then? You know, that these 300 million would be a portion of? Because this is gonna be some fascinating math.
I just got home from work but after Shabbos I will look up the video of that Muslim girl who asked the panel a question and the Muslim woman who converted to Christianity, whose name off hand I can't remember, ripped her a good one.
You probably know the name but are too intellectually dishonest to find the video yourself and Link to it.
Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.
When 300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others, or beheading them, yeah, we got an issue.
And if that doesn't bother you, well...you're an asshole...or a Muslim.

Actually when we have an issue is when people start pulling numbers out of their ass and going "300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others" or "three million illegals voted".

Facts matter, and numbers are specific.
These are based on polls done in the Middle East.
But I forgot, you only watch/listen to Liberal bullshit news.

"Polls" that conveniently have no links huh. "Polls" conducted by the Ipse Dixit company?

How many Muslims live in the middle east then? You know, that these 300 million would be a portion of? Because this is gonna be some fascinating math.

Thanks to my wife.
Now proceed to eat shit.
Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.
When 300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others, or beheading them, yeah, we got an issue.
And if that doesn't bother you, well...you're an asshole...or a Muslim.

Actually when we have an issue is when people start pulling numbers out of their ass and going "300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others" or "three million illegals voted".

Facts matter, and numbers are specific.
These are based on polls done in the Middle East.
But I forgot, you only watch/listen to Liberal bullshit news.

"Polls" that conveniently have no links huh. "Polls" conducted by the Ipse Dixit company?

How many Muslims live in the middle east then? You know, that these 300 million would be a portion of? Because this is gonna be some fascinating math.
I just got home from work but after Shabbos I will look up the video of that Muslim girl who asked the panel a question and the Muslim woman who converted to Christianity, whose name off hand I can't remember, ripped her a good one.
You probably know the name but are too intellectually dishonest to find the video yourself and Link to it.

IT AIN'T MY POINT DOOD. How the fuck is it *MY* job to look up *YOUR* bogus numbers that I already don't believe in the first place?

You lose, wimp.
Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.
When 300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others, or beheading them, yeah, we got an issue.
And if that doesn't bother you, well...you're an asshole...or a Muslim.

Actually when we have an issue is when people start pulling numbers out of their ass and going "300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others" or "three million illegals voted".

Facts matter, and numbers are specific.
These are based on polls done in the Middle East.
But I forgot, you only watch/listen to Liberal bullshit news.

"Polls" that conveniently have no links huh. "Polls" conducted by the Ipse Dixit company?

How many Muslims live in the middle east then? You know, that these 300 million would be a portion of? Because this is gonna be some fascinating math.

Thanks to my wife.
Now proceed to eat shit.

That's not a link dumbass. That's a video of people talking.

Holy SHIT the density in here.....
This has been great fun.
What we have on one side are a bunch of nuts who cant distinguish between Muslims and Terrorists.
And on the other side normal people.
It's amusing to watch the paranoid backwards muslims and fellowtravelers post here with their falsehoods and middle east superstitions....like chemtrails.......
ALL irrelevant. Religion does not preclude politics; one can be (and many are) Christians while being Zionists, the IRA, Klanners (required), haters, masturbators, child daters, self-saters or bad check-writers.

The poster's claim was "Christians don't hate". I gave him (<< again that's HIM, not "you") myriad examples to refute.

And Catholics are fucking Christians Dumbass --- we were the first ones.
What does the doctrine say?

It says "boo". Next question please.

The religion you defend, Islam, and say you don't says to kill subdue or convert with violent means or anything that is necessary. That is a fact. Christianity clearly says not to hate.

And here we go AGAIN --- 265 posts on.....

*******WHERE******* do I "defend Islam"?

*******WHERE****** did I even post anything about "Islam"?

The OP failed to show any examples of his "left wing embraces radical muslim [sic] terrorism". Then he ran away. FAILED.

Mac too failed to show any examples of his "regressives". Couldn't do it. FAILED.

Now here you are pulling even more shit out of your ass. Quote it.

You can't do it. It doesn't exist.

This is exactly what I described about writing scripts to put in other people's mouths.

Your denial of the facts are a defense of Islam. What are you going to do about a proven hate machine disguised as a religion? Ignore it, bash Christianity? So, to quote you is not necessary.

Oh but it is Goober. You made an ass-sertion, about me, and I demand you back it up.

You can neither do that nor, apparently admit that you can't. That makes you not only a liar but a wimp.
This has been great fun.
What we have on one side are a bunch of nuts who cant distinguish between Muslims and Terrorists.
And on the other side normal people.

The former group also apparently can't distinguish between their own echobubble fallacies and the world of reality. And that's a far broader concern.

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