Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:
I am a liberal and I do not approve of you radical muslims.

You are a militant fabian socialist, Buttecea.....nothing more, nothing less.
It's amusing to watch the paranoid backwards muslims and fellowtravelers post here with their falsehoods and middle east superstitions....like chemtrails.......

Needless to say, Buttecea, I am STILL waiting on your first thoughtful and insightful piece of prose that isn't full of vitriol and anger..........
The paranoid anger of our RW muslims and their fellow patriarchal travellers......see what happens when old world superstition takes hold of the feeble minded.
This has been great fun.
What we have on one side are a bunch of nuts who cant distinguish between Muslims and Terrorists.
And on the other side normal people.
That would be you, that cannot distinguish what the subject even is. The facts about Islam and any defense of those facts by you and others only conflate all Muslims with the doctrine and the Muslims that follow it literally.

Islam is a hateful ideology/religion and whatever fun your having won't change that.
This has been great fun.
What we have on one side are a bunch of nuts who cant distinguish between Muslims and Terrorists.
And on the other side normal people.

The former group also apparently can't distinguish between their own echobubble fallacies and the world of reality. And that's a far broader concern.
2018.01.11 (Cameroon)
Three civilians are slaughtered by Jihadists. 2018.01.09 (Pakistan)
A suicide bomber sends seven other souls to Allah. 2018.01.09 (Israel)
A 35-year-old rabbi and father of six is shot to death by terrorists. 2018.01.07 (Syria)
Eleven children are among thirty-four people disassembled by a Sunni car bomb blast. 2018.01.06 (India)
Four policemen are laid out by a Jaish-e-Mohammed bomb blast along a city street. 2018.01.04 (Afghanistan)
A suicide bomber detonates at a protest rally, sending twenty demonstrators and police to Allah.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:
I am a liberal and I do not approve of you radical muslims.

You are a militant fabian socialist, Buttecea.....nothing more, nothing less.
It's amusing to watch the paranoid backwards muslims and fellowtravelers post here with their falsehoods and middle east superstitions....like chemtrails.......

Needless to say, Buttecea, I am STILL waiting on your first thoughtful and insightful piece of prose that isn't full of vitriol and anger..........
The paranoid anger of our RW muslims and their fellow patriarchal travellers......see what happens when old world superstition takes hold of the feeble minded.

There goes Buttecea posting STUPID shit.......must be be a day that ends in "y".
This has been great fun.
What we have on one side are a bunch of nuts who cant distinguish between Muslims and Terrorists.
And on the other side normal people.

The former group also apparently can't distinguish between their own echobubble fallacies and the world of reality. And that's a far broader concern.


Three hundred fucking posts and nobody can rehabilitate that false premise. THE END.
This has been great fun.
What we have on one side are a bunch of nuts who cant distinguish between Muslims and Terrorists.
And on the other side normal people.

The former group also apparently can't distinguish between their own echobubble fallacies and the world of reality. And that's a far broader concern.


Three hundred fucking posts and nobody can rehabilitate that false premise. THE END.

CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood having people in the state department and the ear of the Barrypuppet? Huma Abedin and her family's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood is a "false premise"? HOLY shit.........talk about denial.......
This has been great fun.
What we have on one side are a bunch of nuts who cant distinguish between Muslims and Terrorists.
And on the other side normal people.

The former group also apparently can't distinguish between their own echobubble fallacies and the world of reality. And that's a far broader concern.


Three hundred fucking posts and nobody can rehabilitate that false premise. THE END.
No it is not. The Womens March with Linda Sasour happened. Feminists(Leftists) clearly embraced Islam. Wake up.
This has been great fun.
What we have on one side are a bunch of nuts who cant distinguish between Muslims and Terrorists.
And on the other side normal people.

The former group also apparently can't distinguish between their own echobubble fallacies and the world of reality. And that's a far broader concern.


Three hundred fucking posts and nobody can rehabilitate that false premise. THE END.
No it is not. The Womens March with Linda Sasour happened. Feminists(Leftists) clearly embraced Islam. Wake up.

Liberal women marching against Trump while donning Burkas...........you can't make this shit up.....SMH.
Just to refocus...............
Title of thread,.............

Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

And yet you wankers cant point to any individual who "embraces radical muslim terrorists".

Collectively you are an embarrassment. Go and play with your Lego sets you sad fucks.

Just to refocus...............
Title of thread,.............

Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

And yet you wankers cant point to any individual who "embraces radical muslim terrorists".

Collectively you are an embarrassment. Go and play with your Lego sets you sad fucks.
If you had the ability to wade through the fat between your ears you would realize the Left deals with known terrorists and organizations with proven terror connections. Then they have the balls to say they don't. That kind of hypocrisy and trying to silence people with insults or labels who see it only enables Islam..

Last edited:
Just to refocus...............
Title of thread,.............

Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

And yet you wankers cant point to any individual who "embraces radical muslim terrorists".

Collectively you are an embarrassment. Go and play with your Lego sets you sad fucks.

CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are radical muslims.........
Just to refocus...............
Title of thread,.............

Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

And yet you wankers cant point to any individual who "embraces radical muslim terrorists".

Collectively you are an embarrassment. Go and play with your Lego sets you sad fucks.
If you had the ability to wade through the fat between your ears you would realize the Left deals with known terrorists and organizations with proven terror connections. Then they have the balls to say they don't. That kind of hypocrisy and trying to silence people with insults or labels who see it only enables Islam..

Who ?
Give us some names ?
Just to refocus...............
Title of thread,.............

Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

And yet you wankers cant point to any individual who "embraces radical muslim terrorists".

Collectively you are an embarrassment. Go and play with your Lego sets you sad fucks.

CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are radical muslims.........
You think Sandy Hook was a hoax. That excuses you from adult debate.
Just to refocus...............
Title of thread,.............

Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

And yet you wankers cant point to any individual who "embraces radical muslim terrorists".

Collectively you are an embarrassment. Go and play with your Lego sets you sad fucks.
If you had the ability to wade through the fat between your ears you would realize the Left deals with known terrorists and organizations with proven terror connections. Then they have the balls to say they don't. That kind of hypocrisy and trying to silence people with insults or labels who see it only enables Islam..

Who ?
Give us some names ?
Theresa May, Emil Macron, Pierre Trudeau.
Just to refocus...............
Title of thread,.............

Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

And yet you wankers cant point to any individual who "embraces radical muslim terrorists".

Collectively you are an embarrassment. Go and play with your Lego sets you sad fucks.

CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are radical muslims.........
You think Sandy Hook was a hoax. That excuses you from adult debate.

I don't think Sandy Hoax was a staged event.....I KNOW it was.

So, to get back to the topic? Why not do a little research about CAIR, their goals, the radicals that they funded and their ties to the muslim brotherhood along with their chumminess with the DNC?
Just to refocus...............
Title of thread,.............

Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

And yet you wankers cant point to any individual who "embraces radical muslim terrorists".

Collectively you are an embarrassment. Go and play with your Lego sets you sad fucks.

obama......rashid khalidy....

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