Why the Republican party should give a big 'fuck you' to the voters


I love how all the people who are criticizing my post have nothing of any substance to say. It's all hoopla, stupidity, and spoiled brat style whining. Thank you all for proving my point.
huh? The post you made has zero substance so you get back what you post. You posted blah, blah, blah, blah, wipe nose, sniffle dry eyes, blah, blah, blah. That's nothing.

I think the problem is more that you lack the requisite intelligence and class.
you think you know what everyone thinks and that makes you the most dangerous jerkoff in the country. You have no idea what is what, but you wish to project like you're all high and mighty, and you got shit. You're the hate mongerer, you don't believe people should have free speech. It is your kind that infects this country.


Please...continue. :popcorn:

I love how all the people who are criticizing my post have nothing of any substance to say. It's all hoopla, stupidity, and spoiled brat style whining. Thank you all for proving my point.
huh? The post you made has zero substance so you get back what you post. You posted blah, blah, blah, blah, wipe nose, sniffle dry eyes, blah, blah, blah. That's nothing.

I think the problem is more that you lack the requisite intelligence and class.
you think you know what everyone thinks and that makes you the most dangerous jerkoff in the country. You have no idea what is what, but you wish to project like you're all high and mighty, and you got shit. You're the hate mongerer, you don't believe people should have free speech. It is your kind that infects this country.


Please...continue. :popcorn:
I will, post up more of your stupid.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.

Who in the heck is in favor of wanting the poor in this nation to get crushed and suffer?

Who says (besides you) that we want our borders secure because we hate brown people?

But as I read further, now I see why you resent the Republican party and its platforms --- because they oppose gay marriage. And because you think many are racists because they don’t agree too often with democrats’ positions on race, which to me is pure demagoguery and fake straw man accusations.

You do not put much care about the morality of this nation I surmise. Yes, what a pity. If this nation turns its back on God, turns its back on the innocence of the child and the adolescent, if this nation turns its back on family and a sense of discipline in its teachings and education --- then we will get the America you are campaigning for. A tragedy.

Maybe you need to quit assigning guilt to party lines or party politics, or corporate greed or xenophobia and take a more intense look upon human nature and spiritual natures? That is where the fault lies, where evil selfish designs develop. But if God is a myth to you, or if God is a non-participant in this struggle for you, then look no further, there lies your problem.

I was a Republican but disgusted like other republicans that I know. What has the GOP done to help this country? They think they are doing a good job by not doing anything. As far as I'm concern all the GOP can go to hell.

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