Why the Republican party should give a big 'fuck you' to the voters

The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.

That is what the far left did to the Democrats with Obama, so the far left lowered the bar so low that it does not matter what the "progressive" Trump says or does..

I'm sorry, are you seriously saying that since Obama is a bad President, we should respond by nominating a ridiculous idiot like Trump to replace him?

Well only a far left drone wanna be would think that..

I am saying that after Obama the bar is so low that a gerbil could be nominated and look smarter than Obama and the far left..

So to criticize Trump after 8 years of Obama is more idiotic than making sure you get the right nominee..

However in far left land they do not get choices in their nominees.
I would guess that a gerbil has a larger vocabulary than just repeating "left wing drone" again and again.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.

That is what the far left did to the Democrats with Obama, so the far left lowered the bar so low that it does not matter what the "progressive" Trump says or does..

I'm sorry, are you seriously saying that since Obama is a bad President, we should respond by nominating a ridiculous idiot like Trump to replace him?

Well only a far left drone wanna be would think that..

I am saying that after Obama the bar is so low that a gerbil could be nominated and look smarter than Obama and the far left..

So to criticize Trump after 8 years of Obama is more idiotic than making sure you get the right nominee..

However in far left land they do not get choices in their nominees.
I would guess that a gerbil has a larger vocabulary than just repeating "left wing drone" again and again.

And the far left drones show once again that they are irony impaired.
As to you, Liberal, you're about as much a Republican as Elizabeth Warren.

Then you can go ahead and tally up all the issues on which my position would align with Warren. And then contrast it against all the issues on which my position diverges from Warren.

I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Are you operating under the delusion that I pay that much attention to you?
I'd still link to know the gops immigration policy.
Depends on which politician you are asking..........................

My view is ENFORCE the laws on the books............Should be EVERYONE's duty...................But obviously the current politicians believe they get to pick and choose which laws they enforce or obey.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.

Considering more than 65% of republicans seem to want a non-establishment candidate, maybe you should get out of their party.
If he wins the primaries, should the establishment shoot him, you think?

I'm not a Republican, and certainly no Trump fan, but if I were a Republican, Trump would not be on the list of those I would like to see go.

The only concern of Republicans at this point in time should be the Democrats without AND within, and the upcoming election. If they lose this one, the United States will vanish in all but name.

The United States as we know it will not vanish, but the right's chances of returning us to the bad old days of minorities being second class, and rich people calling all the shots will be greatly reduced.
If he wins the primaries, should the establishment shoot him, you think?

I'm not a Republican, and certainly no Trump fan, but if I were a Republican, Trump would not be on the list of those I would like to see go.

The only concern of Republicans at this point in time should be the Democrats without AND within, and the upcoming election. If they lose this one, the United States will vanish in all but name.

The United States as we know it will not vanish, but the right's chances of returning us to the bad old days of minorities being second class, and rich people calling all the shots will be greatly reduced.

Mmm, new to this planet I take it?

Here the old days are of minorities receiving quotas and bonus points and special treatment.
...If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
How's that pissant 'divide and conquer' strategy workin' for ya so far, Liberal? Your girl Shrillary and Old Uncle Bernie are in trouble.


Go ask liberals about liberals. Meanwhile, you need to get the fuck out of my party so that the real conservatives can talk like adults.

The Swim Expert is the GOP................


Extremist whackjobs like you think you're moderates. And that's the problem.
That shit just pops into your head doesn't it..................Do you answer yourself when you talk to yourself?

This country is moving in the wrong direction. The Status Quo and Career politicians you support are the FUCKING PROBLEM.

Only an IDIOT would think the same asshats who got us into the mess would be the ONLY ones able to fix it...................They have no intentions of fixing it................

Do you have a picture of McCain in your computer room...............he's so the norm.......................

As far as Trump........he is a Trojan Horse to me................but you are so busy saying EVERYONE BUT YOU SUCKS...............YOU SOUND LIKE A LIBERAL when you do that.


^^^This^^^ is what happens when siblings make babies.
As to you, Liberal, you're about as much a Republican as Elizabeth Warren.

Then you can go ahead and tally up all the issues on which my position would align with Warren. And then contrast it against all the issues on which my position diverges from Warren.

I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
Are you operating under the delusion that I pay that much attention to you?

No, I was merely operating on the premise that you are talking out of your ass, and when challenged to support your claims with evidence, you would prove incapable of doing so.

Looks like I was right.
If he wins the primaries, should the establishment shoot him, you think?

I'm not a Republican, and certainly no Trump fan, but if I were a Republican, Trump would not be on the list of those I would like to see go.

The only concern of Republicans at this point in time should be the Democrats without AND within, and the upcoming election. If they lose this one, the United States will vanish in all but name.

The United States as we know it will not vanish, but the right's chances of returning us to the bad old days of minorities being second class, and rich people calling all the shots will be greatly reduced.

See more proof how dangerous the far left truly is!

These far left drones continue to show they do not have a clue about history!
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.

That is what the far left did to the Democrats with Obama, so the far left lowered the bar so low that it does not matter what the "progressive" Trump says or does..

I'm sorry, are you seriously saying that since Obama is a bad President, we should respond by nominating a ridiculous idiot like Trump to replace him?

but you support a ridiculous idiot like Hillary Clinton? Are you insane?

She is not only a terrible human being, she is a criminal, a liar, and guilty of allowing americans to die for political gain.

Trump is a successful businessman and, for those who know him, a good person who cares for his family and employees.

Sure, he is arrogant. all successful people are arrogant and have big egos e.g. Tom Brady, Oprah, Beyoncé, Buffet, Gates, Geraldo, O'Reilly, Blitzer, Bush, Cheney, Kerry, Gore, A Rod, Federer.

The question for 2016 is who will take the necessary steps to fix the fiscal mess that the country is in today. A corrupt, old, angry, white woman, or a successful businessman who has made good deals all over the world?
Considering more than 65% of republicans seem to want a non-establishment candidate, maybe you should get out of their party.

That's the same argument liberals make about Mexicans invading our country. Congratulations, liberal.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
Both parties have been always the party of career politicians, in the case of Rinos to hell with them. Let the GOP burn.

There is no lower life form on the planet than a career politician.

But you support Hillary? WTF?
If he wins the primaries, should the establishment shoot him, you think?

I'm not a Republican, and certainly no Trump fan, but if I were a Republican, Trump would not be on the list of those I would like to see go.

The only concern of Republicans at this point in time should be the Democrats without AND within, and the upcoming election. If they lose this one, the United States will vanish in all but name.

The United States as we know it will not vanish, but the right's chances of returning us to the bad old days of minorities being second class, and rich people calling all the shots will be greatly reduced.

Who the fuck do you think is calling the shots today? Who is pulling Obama's strings? Not the poor and minorities you fool. Rich white people. the people who created him and funded his campaigns, they own him and will own Hillary as well.

the ignorance displayed by the libs on this board is amazing.
If he wins the primaries, should the establishment shoot him, you think?

I'm not a Republican, and certainly no Trump fan, but if I were a Republican, Trump would not be on the list of those I would like to see go.

The only concern of Republicans at this point in time should be the Democrats without AND within, and the upcoming election. If they lose this one, the United States will vanish in all but name.

The United States as we know it will not vanish, but the right's chances of returning us to the bad old days of minorities being second class, and rich people calling all the shots will be greatly reduced.

Who the fuck do you think is calling the shots today? Who is pulling Obama's strings? Not the poor and minorities you fool. Rich white people. the people who created him and funded his campaigns, they own him and will own Hillary as well.

the ignorance displayed by the libs on this board is amazing.

Yes their rich white far left masters are pulling the strings..
If he wins the primaries, should the establishment shoot him, you think?

I'm not a Republican, and certainly no Trump fan, but if I were a Republican, Trump would not be on the list of those I would like to see go.

The only concern of Republicans at this point in time should be the Democrats without AND within, and the upcoming election. If they lose this one, the United States will vanish in all but name.

The United States as we know it will not vanish, but the right's chances of returning us to the bad old days of minorities being second class, and rich people calling all the shots will be greatly reduced.

Who the fuck do you think is calling the shots today? Who is pulling Obama's strings? Not the poor and minorities you fool. Rich white people. the people who created him and funded his campaigns, they own him and will own Hillary as well.

the ignorance displayed by the libs on this board is amazing.

Yes their rich white far left masters are pulling the strings..

right, but they are too fricken stupid to realize that. Liberalism is truly a mental disease.
If he wins the primaries, should the establishment shoot him, you think?

I'm not a Republican, and certainly no Trump fan, but if I were a Republican, Trump would not be on the list of those I would like to see go.

The only concern of Republicans at this point in time should be the Democrats without AND within, and the upcoming election. If they lose this one, the United States will vanish in all but name.

The United States as we know it will not vanish, but the right's chances of returning us to the bad old days of minorities being second class, and rich people calling all the shots will be greatly reduced.

Who the fuck do you think is calling the shots today? Who is pulling Obama's strings? Not the poor and minorities you fool. Rich white people. the people who created him and funded his campaigns, they own him and will own Hillary as well.

the ignorance displayed by the libs on this board is amazing.

Yes their rich white far left masters are pulling the strings..

right, but they are too fricken stupid to realize that. Liberalism is truly a mental disease.

Actually far leftism is a horrid religion and more dangerous than ISIS..

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