Why the Republican party should give a big 'fuck you' to the voters

...If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
How's that pissant 'divide and conquer' strategy workin' for ya so far, Liberal? Your girl Shrillary and Old Uncle Bernie are in trouble.


Go ask liberals about liberals. Meanwhile, you need to get the fuck out of my party so that the real conservatives can talk like adults.

Many of the "real conservatives" in "your party" sound a lot like Democrats to me.
The problem with the GOP is that they have been making a concerted effort to look like democrats.

I see a very clear distinction which is very brave considering when they get really conservative they lose public opinion. Ted Cruz gets away with more because he's from Texas.
The problem with the GOP is that they have been making a concerted effort to look like democrats.

No they haven't. The problem is that the party has been held hostage by extremist nutjobs who think that American politics is supposed to be a perpetual civil war. When you grow up you'll eventually learn that part of being an adult is learning how to work with other people to achieve particular goals.
dear you are the liberal too much of an idiot to tell us what you have against Trump despite starting a thread on it!! isn't thinking fun??

I've always said everything I have against Trump. But in a nutshell: He's a fucking idiot.
I tend to support the policies advanced by the Democratic Party, but I voted for HW Bush. I also think the centrism of Eisenhower and Nixon (in very specific areas), represents some of the greatest political achievement's of our nation's history. Even Reagan - who used the extreme rhetoric of Movement Conservatism - governed as a moderate in many areas. He made deals with Tip, and he appealed to white working class Democrats who felt alienated by the Left's radical turn from working class to lifestyle issues in the sixties.

Point is: Reagan could have done what today's Tea Party does. He could have called every Democrat a Marxist, a Jihad-sympathizer or, simply, an enemy. But he didn't. He didn't declare war on all Democrats. He wanted to govern with them when possible. At his best, Reagan wanted to be the president of all Americans. As governor of California he worked with the Women's Movement to strengthen Planned Parenthood, and he never would have shut down government over funding to Planned Parenthood despite his conservatism. He was a pragmatist who wanted to get things done, rather than an extremist who declared war on half the country.

He didn't try to destroy the religious freedom at the heart of the Fist Amendment. And yes, he did exploit fear over terrorism and the Soviets, but he did so with a degree of moderation that is lacking from the current Republican Party. Trump makes McCarthy's black lists and loyalty oaths seem tame.

The current Republican Party has has become so extreme that they can't allow a Democratic President or Democratic Congress to pass any legislation, including legislation which originated on the Right or has overwhelming support on the Right. They are at war with the Left; they are at war with minorities and Muslims & Latinos in ways that an earlier generation of Conservatives simply were not.

There are over 1.3 billion Muslims, the overwhelming majority of whom simply want to exist peacefully with the West and make a better life for their children. There are over 5,000 Muslims in the US military. Dubai and Turkey are filled with Muslims who exist peacefully with the west.

The Republicans - who are using fear-of-Muslims to get elected - are isolating, excluding and rejecting moderate muslims, which has the unintended consequence of forcing them into the arms of ISIS. Reagan would never have done this. Even Bush 43 & Chaney were careful to separate the small group of radicals from Muslims in general. But Trump is blowing that up. He is a divisive know-nothing bomb-thrower who appeals to know-nothings. He is sinking the Republican Party. He is probably a Bill Clinton plant.

I know plenty of centrists who would vote for an HW Bush or Eisenhower style moderate over Hillary. There is a huge swath of patriotic, socially conservative "Reagan Democrats" in the midwest who would vote for a center-right Republican in a heartbeat, but they would never vote for a know-nothing demagogue like Trump.

(A part of me thinks that Tump is not as anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican as he sounds. I think he might be an opportunist who realizes that empty tough talk works with the crude nativist of the Republican base. I think he realizes that his path to power is through the uneducated white male - the angry, unschooled Republican whose rage has been so brilliantly channeled at all these extremely simplistic scapegoats "Muslims", "Mexicans", "Liberals", "Gays", "Washington" ... all swirling in the mongrel mind, filling a knowledge vacuum that should have been filled by careful research)
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The modern day incarnation of the Democrat party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being liberal meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Democrat meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Democrat party.
...If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
How's that pissant 'divide and conquer' strategy workin' for ya so far, Liberal? Your girl Shrillary and Old Uncle Bernie are in trouble.


Go ask liberals about liberals. Meanwhile, you need to get the fuck out of my party so that the real conservatives can talk like adults.
I was never in your party to begin with.

I am a Centrist.

Sometimes, I vote Republican.

Sometimes, I vote Democrat.

Usually, in either case, merely for the lesser of two evils.

Although every once in a blue moon, I'll vote Independent, so long as I'm not throwing my vote away.

As to you, Liberal, you're about as much a Republican as Elizabeth Warren.
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...If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
How's that pissant 'divide and conquer' strategy workin' for ya so far, Liberal? Your girl Shrillary and Old Uncle Bernie are in trouble.


Go ask liberals about liberals. Meanwhile, you need to get the fuck out of my party so that the real conservatives can talk like adults.

Many of the "real conservatives" in "your party" sound a lot like Democrats to me.
RINOs ??? Eeeeeeeuuuuuuuwwwww !!!
As to you, Liberal, you're about as much a Republican as Elizabeth Warren.

Then you can go ahead and tally up all the issues on which my position would align with Warren. And then contrast it against all the issues on which my position diverges from Warren.

I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:
View attachment 56811

The modern day incarnation of the Democrat party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being liberal meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Democrat meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Democrat party.

I disagree whole heartedly. Democrats never possessed a tradition of excellence. Nor did they ever count among their ranks the more intelligent or wiser of political minds.
...If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
How's that pissant 'divide and conquer' strategy workin' for ya so far, Liberal? Your girl Shrillary and Old Uncle Bernie are in trouble.


Go ask liberals about liberals. Meanwhile, you need to get the fuck out of my party so that the real conservatives can talk like adults.

The Swim Expert is the GOP................

...If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
How's that pissant 'divide and conquer' strategy workin' for ya so far, Liberal? Your girl Shrillary and Old Uncle Bernie are in trouble.


Go ask liberals about liberals. Meanwhile, you need to get the fuck out of my party so that the real conservatives can talk like adults.

The Swim Expert is the GOP................


Extremist whackjobs like you think you're moderates. And that's the problem.
...If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
How's that pissant 'divide and conquer' strategy workin' for ya so far, Liberal? Your girl Shrillary and Old Uncle Bernie are in trouble.


Go ask liberals about liberals. Meanwhile, you need to get the fuck out of my party so that the real conservatives can talk like adults.

The Swim Expert is the GOP................


Extremist whackjobs like you think you're moderates. And that's the problem.
That shit just pops into your head doesn't it..................Do you answer yourself when you talk to yourself?

This country is moving in the wrong direction. The Status Quo and Career politicians you support are the FUCKING PROBLEM.

Only an IDIOT would think the same asshats who got us into the mess would be the ONLY ones able to fix it...................They have no intentions of fixing it................

Do you have a picture of McCain in your computer room...............he's so the norm.......................

As far as Trump........he is a Trojan Horse to me................but you are so busy saying EVERYONE BUT YOU SUCKS...............YOU SOUND LIKE A LIBERAL when you do that.


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