Why the Republican party should give a big 'fuck you' to the voters

The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.

Game, set, match. Thanks for proving my point.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.

Game, set, match. Thanks for proving my point.
Whatever...........Free Markets and Free Trade and splitting hairs.................

A lot of what you say I agree with............but since you are ranting I just haven't discussed it...................I think the current RINO's need to be mounted on the wall......................Perhaps you don't.......but believe in a lot of the principles you stated...............

I think your straw man argument is BS.............BTW...........I don't support Trump..........thanks for playing.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
There are no more Repub intelligentsia after the passing of Buckley. And don't say- D'Souza because he's :up: a felon
Stop playing games. I responded to your point, such as it was.

I'm not. I didn't say anything about free trade. For some reason you keep seeing there. It's not there.

Trump has taken a stand against the crappy "Free Trade" treaties we have now that are screwing us.

If that was not what you were referring to, then what relevance did that portion of your OP have at all?
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning................I believe it has cost us Millions of jobs............

and it's not really Free........as tariffs still exist in the deals with the WTO.............It worked for over 200 years going into treaties on a Nation by nation basis.......give and take........and even quotas..............it worked until someone said it was broken.............Finally, it gives a foreign entity the ability to order us to CHANGE our Laws..........Like Country of Origin Labeling..........it's not that I agree or disagree with the law.....it's that we were ordered to remove it, and fined billions in Tariffs by Mexico and Canada...................And they changed the law...............

I've been bashed by Republicans many times over my stance against Free Trade.

Swimexpert says he was not referring to Free Trade.

He won't say what he WAS referring to, of course.

Jake gets confused, too many board names.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
In essence, yes.

It started some 45 years ago, when the GOP made its Faustian bargain with the bane of the social right.

And over the decades the racism, bigotry, and hate that manifests among most on the social right slowly poisoned the republican party, culminating with the likes of Cruz, Trump, and Carson, all of whom practice the politics of fear, exhibiting the contempt for change, diversity, and individual liberty common to too many conservatives and republicans.
I'm sorry, are you seriously saying that since Obama is a bad President, we should respond by nominating a ridiculous idiot like Trump to replace him?

You may be right about Trump although I do not totally agree.

But on the other hand as far as many of us out here are concerned, there has never been a more "ridiculous idiot" (to use your words) in the presidency than Barack PHONY Obama! That is exactly why angry bombastic "nut cases" like Trump can emerge. He is expressing the anger of a nation over a worthless despicable congress and a total bastard in the oval office. Don't blame us.
If he wins, he wins. If the pubs want to screw around with a brokered convention or come up with some other way to pitch him because he's just not 'their kind' I can't agree with that, and I'm no fan of this guy.

With the oligarchical system we have, it's an illusion that we have a true representative government, but even these pricks normally like to let people think their vote actually matters.

Talk about the establishment not getting the message, although I'd imagine they see this as a blip. It's not like there is anyone else outside the system that I'm aware of that could make them pay for doing this in the next election cycle.

So, quell the uprising and put the chattel back in their place, pat em on the head and tell em uncle knows best.:puke:
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
Can you give me an example of when we took a strong position on immigration?
I quoted you what I was referring to and asked you what you were referring to, if it was not what I thought.

I'm not sure what type of game you are playing by not telling me.

You quoted me? Nothing in any quotes you've posted says anything about free trade. Nothing. Anywhere. Why do you keep talking about free trade?

And still playing whatever silly game you are playing.

I'm not playing any game. I'm just waiting for you to get it through your thick skull that I never said anything in my post about free trade. Not once. Nowhere. It does not exist. You keep claiming that I talked about free trade in my post, but your claim is patently false.

Anytime you want to explain what you were referring to, go right ahead.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
In essence, yes.

It started some 45 years ago, when the GOP made its Faustian bargain with the bane of the social right.

And over the decades the racism, bigotry, and hate that manifests among most on the social right slowly poisoned the republican party, culminating with the likes of Cruz, Trump, and Carson, all of whom practice the politics of fear, exhibiting the contempt for change, diversity, and individual liberty common to too many conservatives and republicans.

BLah, blah, blah, racism. Blah, blah, blah, diversity. Blah, blah, blah, fear.

The Social Right is a huge segment of this country who have just as much right to be part of the political process as the various "identities" the Left love to champion.

CHange is not all good.

DIversity has been an utter failure.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
Can you give me an example of when we took a strong position on immigration?

Can't tell if you are seriously asking this question. Or are you actually asking, when did we not become strong on immigration?

Ellis Island - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

After an arduous sea voyage, many passengers described their first glimpse of New Jersey, while third-class or steerage passengers lugged their possessions onto barges that would take them to Ellis Island. Immigrants were tagged with information from the ship’s registry and passed through long lines for medical and legal inspections to determine if they were fit for entry into the United States. From 1900 to 1914–the peak years of Ellis Island’s operation–some 5,000 to 10,000 people passed through the immigration station every day. Approximately 80 percent successfully passed through in a matter of hours, but others could be detained for days or weeks. Many immigrants remained in New York, while others traveled by barge to railroad stations in Hoboken or Jersey City, New Jersey, on their way to destinations across the country.

Passage of the Immigrant Quota Act of 1921 and the National Origins Act of 1924, which limited the number and nationality of immigrants allowed into the United States, effectively ended the era of mass immigration into New York. From 1925 to its closing in 1954, only 2.3 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island–which was still more than half of all those entering the United States.
I quoted you what I was referring to and asked you what you were referring to, if it was not what I thought.

I'm not sure what type of game you are playing by not telling me.

You quoted me? Nothing in any quotes you've posted says anything about free trade. Nothing. Anywhere. Why do you keep talking about free trade?

And still playing whatever silly game you are playing.

I'm not playing any game. I'm just waiting for you to get it through your thick skull that I never said anything in my post about free trade. Not once. Nowhere. It does not exist. You keep claiming that I talked about free trade in my post, but your claim is patently false.

Anytime you want to explain what you were referring to, go right ahead.

Everything that I was referring to is right there in the post. What's not in the post is any mention of free trade.
I'm sorry, are you seriously saying that since Obama is a bad President, we should respond by nominating a ridiculous idiot like Trump to replace him?

You may be right about Trump although I do not totally agree.

But on the other hand as far as many of us out here are concerned, there has never been a more "ridiculous idiot" (to use your words) in the presidency than Barack PHONY Obama! That is exactly why angry bombastic "nut cases" like Trump can emerge. He is expressing the anger of a nation over a worthless despicable congress and a total bastard in the oval office. Don't blame us.

You're right, I shouldn't blame you. Obama Derangement Syndrome is a terrible disease. Blaming you for being so sick is unfair and unproductive. It's not your fault. It's just an illness. You just need medical help, that's all. You can do this. You can become well again. You just need help, and that's okay.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
Can you give me an example of when we took a strong position on immigration?

I don't believe you're a Republican, so there would be no 'we' about it.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
Can you give me an example of when we took a strong position on immigration?

I don't believe you're a Republican, so there would be no 'we' about it.
I was using we in a general sense. I am interested in hearing an answer.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
Can you give me an example of when we took a strong position on immigration?

I don't believe you're a Republican, so there would be no 'we' about it.
I was using we in a general sense. I am interested in hearing an answer.

I'm really not sure what kind of answer is possible. The Republican party has long advocated for stronger immigration policies and enforcement. If you're unaware of this, then you might want to take a civics class.
I quoted you what I was referring to and asked you what you were referring to, if it was not what I thought.

I'm not sure what type of game you are playing by not telling me.

You quoted me? Nothing in any quotes you've posted says anything about free trade. Nothing. Anywhere. Why do you keep talking about free trade?

And still playing whatever silly game you are playing.

I'm not playing any game. I'm just waiting for you to get it through your thick skull that I never said anything in my post about free trade. Not once. Nowhere. It does not exist. You keep claiming that I talked about free trade in my post, but your claim is patently false.

Anytime you want to explain what you were referring to, go right ahead.

Everything that I was referring to is right there in the post. What's not in the post is any mention of free trade.

Fine. So anytime you get tired of playing silly games you can explain what you were referring to, go right ahead.
Fine. So anytime you get tired of playing silly games you can explain what you were referring to, go right ahead.

I've already explained everything. It's all right there in my post. At this point, I'm taking this personally. You're blatantly lying, insisting that I said something that I never said. Not even once. I never said anything about free trade. Why you insist on being a liar about it, I don't know.
If he wins the primaries, should the establishment shoot him, you think?

I'm not a Republican, and certainly no Trump fan, but if I were a Republican, Trump would not be on the list of those I would like to see go.

The only concern of Republicans at this point in time should be the Democrats without AND within, and the upcoming election. If they lose this one, the United States will vanish in all but name.
Why will the sky fall if Republicans don't win? Reminds me of drama queen Ted Nugent who said if Obama was re elected he'd either be dead or in jail. What a joke.

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