Why the Republican party should give a big 'fuck you' to the voters

The modern incarnation of the Republican party? The last time I looked a radical left wing indecisive democrat was president. Do lefties really think "we hate brown people" or is it a political fantasy promoted by some safe house in the Mid East? God help us when American liberals think "we support free markets because we hope poor people are crushed and suffer". These are the words of tyrants and Stalinists, not the free people who enjoy the greatest freedom in the most tolerant Country in the world. Is the left becoming unhinged or is this some crazy jihad propaganda?
The modern incarnation of the Republican party? The last time I looked a radical left wing indecisive democrat was president. Do lefties really think "we hate brown people" or is it a political fantasy promoted by some safe house in the Mid East? God help us when American liberals think "we support free markets because we hope poor people are crushed and suffer". These are the words of tyrants and Stalinists, not the free people who enjoy the greatest freedom in the world. Is the left becoming unhinged?

The Koch brothers are a paper tiger, a myth.
BTW I am a libertarian

In reality people are smartening up to the sneaky money running Washington.

The internet has been a good tool for the Baby Boomers.

The Koch brothers are backing 5 of the candidates..trying really hard to get at least one in..it is hysterical watching the brothers fail again.
A Mexican
A Old fart Bush
A Woman
A crazy ass Canadian who turned his back on his country
and the worst of all Huckabee
I do like Lindsey Graham a bit. but he won't get anywhere.
Reality TV at its best...:beer: Libertarian <<<< cool!
He's a career politician... Lowest of life forms.

Who are you liking that is a Libertarian?

Do Libertarians have a person running?
I would need to check your voter id card.

Why? You can't comprehend a Republican being intelligent, or not voting for Trump?

What he said about immigration, what problem do you have with that?

For starters, there's no way to force Mexico to pay for a US construction project. Anyone who is so stupid as to think there is is unfit to be President.

Then there's the idea that Mexicans are mostly murderers and rapists. Absolutely ridiculous.

That is what you should be posting, not a screed pretending there is a Republican you will vote for.

I will post whatever I damn well please. Oh, and I plan to vote for Kasich. Which I've said about 1000 times on this board.
Stop playing games. I responded to your point, such as it was.

I'm not. I didn't say anything about free trade. For some reason you keep seeing there. It's not there.

Trump has taken a stand against the crappy "Free Trade" treaties we have now that are screwing us.

If that was not what you were referring to, then what relevance did that portion of your OP have at all?
I would need to check your voter id card.

Why? You can't comprehend a Republican being intelligent, or not voting for Trump?

What he said about immigration, what problem do you have with that?

For starters, there's no way to force Mexico to pay for a US construction project. Anyone who is so stupid as to think there is is unfit to be President.

Then there's the idea that Mexicans are mostly murderers and rapists. Absolutely ridiculous.

That is what you should be posting, not a screed pretending there is a Republican you will vote for.

I will post whatever I damn well please. Oh, and I plan to vote for Kasich. Which I've said about 1000 times on this board.

NO, I just don't see you or jake being Republican by any means.
Trump has taken a stand against the crappy "Free Trade" treaties we have now that are screwing us.

If that was not what you were referring to, then what relevance did that portion of your OP have at all?

I never said anything about free trade.
The modern incarnation of the Republican party? The last time I looked a radical left wing indecisive democrat was president. Do lefties really think "we hate brown people" or is it a political fantasy promoted by some safe house in the Mid East? God help us when American liberals think "we support free markets because we hope poor people are crushed and suffer". These are the words of tyrants and Stalinists, not the free people who enjoy the greatest freedom in the world. Is the left becoming unhinged?


No, his post made far more sense than your op.

You are the one saying the GOP is motivated by the desire to see "poor people crushed and suffer".

You are the crazy one here.
Trump has taken a stand against the crappy "Free Trade" treaties we have now that are screwing us.

If that was not what you were referring to, then what relevance did that portion of your OP have at all?

I never said anything about free trade.

Stop playing silly games.

If that was not what you were referring to that, WTF are you raving about?
Stop playing games. I responded to your point, such as it was.

I'm not. I didn't say anything about free trade. For some reason you keep seeing there. It's not there.

Trump has taken a stand against the crappy "Free Trade" treaties we have now that are screwing us.

If that was not what you were referring to, then what relevance did that portion of your OP have at all?
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning................I believe it has cost us Millions of jobs............

and it's not really Free........as tariffs still exist in the deals with the WTO.............It worked for over 200 years going into treaties on a Nation by nation basis.......give and take........and even quotas..............it worked until someone said it was broken.............Finally, it gives a foreign entity the ability to order us to CHANGE our Laws..........Like Country of Origin Labeling..........it's not that I agree or disagree with the law.....it's that we were ordered to remove it, and fined billions in Tariffs by Mexico and Canada...................And they changed the law...............

I've been bashed by Republicans many times over my stance against Free Trade.
Stop playing games. I responded to your point, such as it was.

I'm not. I didn't say anything about free trade. For some reason you keep seeing there. It's not there.

Trump has taken a stand against the crappy "Free Trade" treaties we have now that are screwing us.

If that was not what you were referring to, then what relevance did that portion of your OP have at all?
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning................I believe it has cost us Millions of jobs............

and it's not really Free........as tariffs still exist in the deals with the WTO.............It worked for over 200 years going into treaties on a Nation by nation basis.......give and take........and even quotas..............it worked until someone said it was broken.............Finally, it gives a foreign entity the ability to order us to CHANGE our Laws..........Like Country of Origin Labeling..........it's not that I agree or disagree with the law.....it's that we were ordered to remove it, and fined billions in Tariffs by Mexico and Canada...................And they changed the law...............

I've been bashed by Republicans many times over my stance against Free Trade.

Swimexpert says he was not referring to Free Trade.

He won't say what he WAS referring to, of course.
I would need to check your voter id card.

Why? You can't comprehend a Republican being intelligent, or not voting for Trump?

What he said about immigration, what problem do you have with that?

For starters, there's no way to force Mexico to pay for a US construction project. Anyone who is so stupid as to think there is is unfit to be President.

Then there's the idea that Mexicans are mostly murderers and rapists. Absolutely ridiculous.

That is what you should be posting, not a screed pretending there is a Republican you will vote for.

I will post whatever I damn well please. Oh, and I plan to vote for Kasich. Which I've said about 1000 times on this board.

NO, I just don't see you or jake being Republican by any means.

Why? Maybe it's my stance on immigration. Does the fact that I want to criminalize illegal presence in the US while cracking down on employers who rely on illegal labor make me not a Republican? My advocacy for securing the southern border with a massive military presence and treating those who attempt to cross the border illegal as a foreign invader? Is that what makes me not Republican?

Perhaps you take objection to the fact that I oppose increases to the minimum wage. Maybe it's because I firmly oppose Obamacare. Or maybe my zealous defense of gun rights. Do those things cost me my Republican card? Are they too liberal for you?

Do you take objection to my insistence on fiscal responsibility and reducing spending? Is this about my view of Social Security? That greatest, most despicable of government welfare programs? Does the fact that I want to eliminate it, and eliminate it now, turn my elephant into a donkey?

Are any of those things the reason you have so much trouble understanding that I'm a Republican? No? None of those? Then what is it?

Oh, I get it now! You can't figure out that I'm a Republican because I'm not a birther, and because I think the government should be limited so as to stay out of people's sex lives.
Stop playing silly games.

If that was not what you were referring to that, WTF are you raving about?

Silly games? You keep talking about free trade. I never said anything about free trade. Nowhere in my post do I say anything about free trade. So WTF are you raving about?
Stop playing silly games.

If that was not what you were referring to that, WTF are you raving about?

Silly games? You keep talking about free trade. I never said anything about free trade. Nowhere in my post do I say anything about free trade. So WTF are you raving about?

I quoted you what I was referring to and asked you what you were referring to, if it was not what I thought.

I'm not sure what type of game you are playing by not telling me.
I quoted you what I was referring to and asked you what you were referring to, if it was not what I thought.

I'm not sure what type of game you are playing by not telling me.

You quoted me? Nothing in any quotes you've posted says anything about free trade. Nothing. Anywhere. Why do you keep talking about free trade?
I quoted you what I was referring to and asked you what you were referring to, if it was not what I thought.

I'm not sure what type of game you are playing by not telling me.

You quoted me? Nothing in any quotes you've posted says anything about free trade. Nothing. Anywhere. Why do you keep talking about free trade?

And still playing whatever silly game you are playing.
The modern day incarnation of the Republican party is a disgrace. A once proud tradition of American excellence has been hijacked and perverted. Once upon a time being conservative meant being intelligent and wise. It meant being thoughtful and decisive. It meant being strong enough to make difficult decisions, yet empathetic at the same time. It meant being true to principles, not ideologies. Being a moderate Republican meant that you were pragmatic and reasonable, and knew how to get things done. Such people were the heart and soul of the Republican party.

What we have today is a very different scenario. Our party has been overrun by idiot masses who want bread and circuses. We used to take a strong position on immigration because it was in the best interests of Americans. Now, we do it because we hate brown people. We used to support free markets because we believed that all Americans had the ability to achieve great things. Now we support them because we're hoping that poor people get crushed and suffer, so that we can cheer like bloodthirsty Romans in the stands of a gladiator pit.

If Trump wins the GOP primaries then the party should deploy nuclear options to prevent him from being the nominee. The Republican party needs to actively encourage the extremists among them to abandon them and go make good on their promise to form a new third party. Let these rabid, slobbering morons have the rope they wish so they can hang themselves.

The GOP needs to rise up and reclaim the greatness that was once ours. And even as we lose membership among the rabble of the racists, big government statist homophobes, we will have the opportunity to gain support from independents and centrist Democrats who themselves have grown weary of the fanatics on the left.

If you plan to vote for Trump, then I say this to you: Fuck you. Get out of my Republican party.
I quoted you what I was referring to and asked you what you were referring to, if it was not what I thought.

I'm not sure what type of game you are playing by not telling me.

You quoted me? Nothing in any quotes you've posted says anything about free trade. Nothing. Anywhere. Why do you keep talking about free trade?

And still playing whatever silly game you are playing.

I'm not playing any game. I'm just waiting for you to get it through your thick skull that I never said anything in my post about free trade. Not once. Nowhere. It does not exist. You keep claiming that I talked about free trade in my post, but your claim is patently false.

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