Why the Right loves Putin

As we see from here and on any left wing website, any and all lies will do as long as it's for THEIR PARTY

It's a sad testament of what the Democrat party has become

You created this crap when you threw out the age old tradition of leaving politics at the waters edge when US Troops were being deployed for battle. Republicans have done that a few times. But you conservatives came out in mass when our nation was deploying forces and preparing for war with Syria. There are traditional and accepted ways to protest in those circumstances. Praising the enemy is not one of them. You attacked the Commander in Chief and praised Putin. On this very thread are positive remarks about Putin and the claim that he has filled a vacuum made by out President. Some say deny, deny, deny to hide your lying but it doesn't always work. Sometimes no matter how much you deny, folks can tell you are a liar.
Pussy Riot is playing Putin just the way they want to

What a diplomatic nightmare for Putin as the whole world watches his overpriced Olympics
Conservatives don't "like" Putin.
We found unfortunate humor in the way he makes Obama look like an amateur.
In the way he is stepping into the vacuum of global influence that America once had.

It is the conservative "claim" that Obama's looks like an amature and Putin is stepping in to "fill the vacuum" that gives support to Putin. The USA is involved with global affairs on every continent and area of the globe. What part of the "globe" finds Putin and his antics so important? Syria? He made himself important to a murdering dictator and is helping to promote and prolong a brutal civil war. Ukraine? The guy can't hold an Olympics without helping to instigate a revolution and civil war thanks to his dictorial influence. But hey, lets keep telling folks that he is filling the vacuum left by the amaturish American President. Maybe it will help give Putin the confidence to support more Syria's and Ukraine's.

Obama sure looks like an amature...

Putin has the eyes of the world on him and uses whips on a bunch of women

Somebody like Truthmatters I would expect this low amount of thought...whipping women...Jesus.
Ukraine is under siege..the EU, US and UN are calling for the Ukrainian gov't to "use restraint" and now talking about sanctions against them if they don't...and then there is Putin...helping them with security, offering $billions...and if they take it...Ukraine basically becomes a Russian territory.
Obama/EU/UN - talk
Putin - acts.
Possible result...Ukraine moves from a western ally to a Russian province.
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The right loves Putin because Putin hates the 'free-press' also. Not to mention 'gays'
As we see from here and on any left wing website, any and all lies will do as long as it's for THEIR PARTY

It's a sad testament of what the Democrat party has become

You created this crap when you threw out the age old tradition of leaving politics at the waters edge when US Troops were being deployed for battle. Republicans have done that a few times. But you conservatives came out in mass when our nation was deploying forces and preparing for war with Syria. There are traditional and accepted ways to protest in those circumstances. Praising the enemy is not one of them. You attacked the Commander in Chief and praised Putin. On this very thread are positive remarks about Putin and the claim that he has filled a vacuum made by out President. Some say deny, deny, deny to hide your lying but it doesn't always work. Sometimes no matter how much you deny, folks can tell you are a liar.

Amen brother! Tell it like it is!

The conservatives threw American troops under the bus in their hatred for President Obama!
As we see from here and on any left wing website, any and all lies will do as long as it's for THEIR PARTY

It's a sad testament of what the Democrat party has become

You created this crap when you threw out the age old tradition of leaving politics at the waters edge when US Troops were being deployed for battle. Republicans have done that a few times. But you conservatives came out in mass when our nation was deploying forces and preparing for war with Syria. There are traditional and accepted ways to protest in those circumstances. Praising the enemy is not one of them. You attacked the Commander in Chief and praised Putin. On this very thread are positive remarks about Putin and the claim that he has filled a vacuum made by out President. Some say deny, deny, deny to hide your lying but it doesn't always work. Sometimes no matter how much you deny, folks can tell you are a liar.

Cry us a jungle river. You've obviously forgotten all about vietnam and the dems.
I can see why they want Obama to be more like Putin

Cossacks use whips on Pussy Riot members

According to The Associated Press, six group members — five women and one man — had put on their signature ski masks and were pulling out a guitar and microphone when at least 10 Cossacks and other security officials moved in. One Cossack appeared to use pepper spray, another whipped several group members while others ripped off their masks and threw the guitar in a garbage can, the news agency reported.

Gotta keep those women in line. Putin sure is a tough guy when it comes to women

Do you have any boundaries your self absorption?

You are not qualified to speak for conservatives,you make way to much shit up. Nobody loves Putin saying conservatives do is a lie.

Why did you skip my post on the first page with proof to the contrary? Lunatic conservatives love Putin.

What proof?
Yea, conservatives just love Putin. Conservatives like Bob Costas.

“Putin has been a fixture on the international stage for almost 15 years as either president or prime minister,” the sportscaster stated. “That's far longer than any other leader among the world's most influential nations. Just in the past year, Putin brokered a deal to allow Syria to avoid a U.S. military strike by giving up its chemical weapons,” Costas continued in a voiceover, “and helped bring Iran to the negotiating table over its nuclear intentions.”

The glowing tribute didn't mention the fact that “Putin is one of the chief backers of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s regime, and the deal he helped broker with the U.S. isn’t fully being implemented. Syria has repeatedly missed deadlines in turning over its chemical weapons stockpile.”

Read more: NBC's Bob Costas Describes Putin as Better Statesman Than Obama | NewsBusters

Libs in the media still can't but help carry water for their old Soviet counterparts.

Radical lefties have always had that sweet spot in their hearts for the motherland of communism. Like Barry's parents, who met in Russian class.
I can see why the right is enthralled by Putin

He is capable of striking terror into gays and defenseless women
Ohhh poor pussy riot, they were prevented from starting a violent incident. What a shame. Put them back in prison where they can't cause any more trouble.

Not that this was some action by President Putin, it was a Cossack militia.

Defending your Comrade Putin again I see. You commie-lover you.
As we see from here and on any left wing website, any and all lies will do as long as it's for THEIR PARTY

It's a sad testament of what the Democrat party has become

You created this crap when you threw out the age old tradition of leaving politics at the waters edge when US Troops were being deployed for battle. Republicans have done that a few times. But you conservatives came out in mass when our nation was deploying forces and preparing for war with Syria. There are traditional and accepted ways to protest in those circumstances. Praising the enemy is not one of them. You attacked the Commander in Chief and praised Putin. On this very thread are positive remarks about Putin and the claim that he has filled a vacuum made by out President. Some say deny, deny, deny to hide your lying but it doesn't always work. Sometimes no matter how much you deny, folks can tell you are a liar.

Cry us a jungle river. You've obviously forgotten all about vietnam and the dems.

So the Republicans rootin for Putin are analogous to the SDS and those thinking about a 2nd Civil War are like the WU?
I am a 3rd position person so neither right or left I am just correct. I love Putin. I would LOVE for him to run America. Oh and that band of trash pussy riot got what they deserved 100%.
another show thread brought to you by the dishonest liar, wrongwhiner

how lovely...yawn
Ohhh poor pussy riot, they were prevented from starting a violent incident. What a shame. Put them back in prison where they can't cause any more trouble.

Not that this was some action by President Putin, it was a Cossack militia.

Give a link to one violent incident those young peaceful female freedom fighters started. Name one.

Waiting for a response. Anyone care to help Katzndogz out? Just wondering why we see blatant pro Putin/Russian propaganda being disemminated about young girls who use street theater, music and free speech to promote freedom in their country. You know, like why would an American care about 20 something year old girls singing and dancing for freedom in Russia?
I am a 3rd position person so neither right or left I am just correct. I love Putin. I would LOVE for him to run America. Oh and that band of trash pussy riot got what they deserved 100%.

Pussy Riot OWNS Putin. They know just how to play him for the puppet dictator he is

First they get arrested on trumped up theft charges
Then Cossacks whip them in full view of the international press

Is there any better way to get their message about Putin out to the world? Can Putin be any more politically inept? Even Hitler behaved himself during the Olympics

I can see why Republicans worship the guy.....he follows their political strategy
I am a 3rd position person so neither right or left I am just correct. I love Putin. I would LOVE for him to run America. Oh and that band of trash pussy riot got what they deserved 100%.

Pussy Riot OWNS Putin. They know just how to play him for the puppet dictator he is

First they get arrested on trumped up theft charges
Then Cossacks whip them in full view of the international press

Is there any better way to get their message about Putin out to the world? Can Putin be any more politically inept? Even Hitler behaved himself during the Olympics

I can see why Republicans worship the guy.....he follows their political strategy

Well we know you democrats would allow every known degenerate to run rough shod over the country and its people but Russia still has standards and they expect them to be followed. Its pretty pathetic when Russia is more free than the USA...I thoroughly enjoyed that beat down...nothing but scum that should have been executed the first time around.
I am a 3rd position person so neither right or left I am just correct. I love Putin. I would LOVE for him to run America. Oh and that band of trash pussy riot got what they deserved 100%.

Pussy Riot OWNS Putin. They know just how to play him for the puppet dictator he is

First they get arrested on trumped up theft charges
Then Cossacks whip them in full view of the international press

Is there any better way to get their message about Putin out to the world? Can Putin be any more politically inept? Even Hitler behaved himself during the Olympics

I can see why Republicans worship the guy.....he follows their political strategy

Well we know you democrats would allow every known degenerate to run rough shod over the country and its people but Russia still has standards and they expect them to be followed. Its pretty pathetic when Russia is more free than the USA...I thoroughly enjoyed that beat down...nothing but scum that should have been executed the first time around.

Submitted for your approval... another fine commie-lover.

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