Why the science doesnt matter!!!

And FlaCaltenn.......check this out. Huffington Post........speaks to exactly what the topic of my thread is here........the translation of this article is simple: nobody cares about the science.

Global Warming - From Science to Agitprop

Posted: 18/07/2013 11:22

'We seem to be losing the communications battle,' the Met Office's chief scientist complained six months ago.

With global warming, science morphs seamlessly into political campaigning, Bob Ward's article, 'The Corruption of the Public Debate on Climate Change,' being a fairly typical example of the genre.

There is the obsession with secret funding sources and with the ideological motivations of non-adherents, things the philosopher Karl Popper identified as telltale signs of a pseudoscience.

Amidst all the agitprop, there is a nugget of science: no 15-year period of global temperature yields a statistically significant trend. But then, to its embarrassment, neither could the Met Office demonstrate a statistically significant trend in global temperature for the last 130 years.

That doesn't mean observed temperatures did not rise - they did - or that global warming, whether man-made or not, did not happen. Rather it illustrates the sheer difficulty in demonstrating whether the rise is outside a range of random natural variation and of moving from the physics of the test tube to the immense complexity of the atmosphere.

Bert Bolin, the first chairman of the IPCC, acknowledged that global warming was not something 'which you can prove.' In one of his last lectures, the late Stephen Schneider - one of the most intellectually able of all climate scientists - asked his students whether the science of anthropogenic climate change was settled. Dumb question, he answered. 'Climate science is not like test tube science,' Schneider said. 'You don't falsify.'

Although codified by Popper in the 1920s, falsifiability was the standard set in the Scientific Revolution and used with devastating effect by Lavoisier in his demolition of the phlogiston theory of combustion. Instead of seeking evidence that would falsify, climate science follows a much older injunction, one from the Beatitudes: 'Seek and ye shall find.'

As Popper argued, evidence can be found for virtually any proposition, so when global temperatures don't rise as anticipated, evidence is sought in ocean temperatures, sea ice extent and glacier retreat.

The absence of a falsifiability test renders the science of global warming inherently weak. Instead acceptance of the central proposition of global warming - that the earth's atmosphere is rapidly warming thanks to man's activities - marks a reversion to pre-scientific standards, principally its reliance on consensus, peer review and appeals to authority.

Computer simulations of future temperature rises cannot be verified. In the words of the mid-20th century Nobel physicist PW Bridgman, to correctly predict only has a past tense.

The provisional findings of climate science cannot explain how global warming, which was little more than a scientific curiosity for much of the 20th century, became a political phenomenon that defines our age. Indeed, the first two scientists to have quantified the effect of the Industrial Revolution on global temperatures, Svante Arrhenius and Guy Stewart Callendar, both thought global warming would be beneficial.

The explanation for global warming's potency is the rise of environmentalism, following publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, arguably the single most important book since the Second World War. Environmentalists believe that in destroying fragile ecosystems, humans are imperilling their own survival.

Whilst scientists in the early 1970s signed manifestos predicting the imminent collapse of industrial civilization, the first environmental wave quickly collapsed in the economic stagnation of the 1970s. With the return of economic growth in the 1980s, global warming became environmentalism's killer app.

In 1957, the American scientists Roger Revelle and Hans Suess pointed out that mankind was carrying out a large-scale geophysical experiment. Prejudging the results of a scientific experiment is bad science, yet this one simultaneously generates powerful calls to halt the experiment before it is concluded by invoking the precautionary principle.

'What is called objectivity consists solely of the critical approach,' Popper wrote. But questioning climate science science undermines collective action to save the planet, so critics and sceptics must be marginalised and delegitmised. No one knows the outcome of the geophysical experiment. But the results of the politico-scientific experiment are now in, and include the demotion of the scientific standards established by the Scientific Revolution.

Global Warming - From Science to Agitprop | Rupert Darwall

In other words.......its all bullshit and nothing more than speculation. Hardly science.

The fools who buy into it hook, line and stinker.........well, lets just say they prefer to live in a fantasy bubble. Some people tend to this. The people in here are OCD about it.

Bottom line.......the whole climate change movement......is losing.:eusa_dance:

Which makes me..........very happy:funnyface::2up::funnyface:

Holy crap Batman --- you've turned the HuffPo into a objective news source.. You must be doing something right.. You should get a +1 for that.. I owe ya...
We are in the midst of the greatest mass extinction event since the age of dinosaurs.

In the midst of many, many other disasters, the ice sheets are melting, carbon dioxide and methane are gassing out of the melting permafrost and the Arctic is losing its ice cover and absorbing more and more radiation.

The heat retaining effects of carbon dioxide have been known since the 19th century, but the Pashas of Petroleum and their allies, in a desperate attempt to retain their weath and their power, have pulled out all the stops to mislead and confuse the mindless consumer-units, who will believe any nonsense to save themselves the pain of thinking.

The human race is SO doomed !!


It's always sad to see the annihilation of things. Even when they are built on hype and political beliefs.. I grieve FOR YOU --- not with you..

The effect of doubling CO2 from 250 to 500ppm is accepted to be about 1.1degC.. That would roughly be over a 100 year to period from 1940 to 2040.. THAT would not make global frontpage news.. I accept that amount of warming probably will happen..

What I DON'T ACCEPT is the speculation that our earth and climate is so unstable and fragile that a 1degC change is gonna magically MULTIPLY into a 3 or 4 degC change because of positive feedbacks.

And that's the part of your beliefs that needs to be euthanized..

My saddest regrets...

We are in the midst of the greatest mass extinction event since the age of dinosaurs.

In the midst of many, many other disasters, the ice sheets are melting, carbon dioxide and methane are gassing out of the melting permafrost and the Arctic is losing its ice cover and absorbing more and more radiation.

The heat retaining effects of carbon dioxide have been known since the 19th century, but the Pashas of Petroleum and their allies, in a desperate attempt to retain their weath and their power, have pulled out all the stops to mislead and confuse the mindless consumer-units, who will believe any nonsense to save themselves the pain of thinking.

The human race is SO doomed !!



consumer units ftmfw
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What I DON'T ACCEPT is the speculation that our earth and climate is so unstable and fragile that a 1degC change is gonna magically MULTIPLY into a 3 or 4 degC change because of positive feedbacks.
Then I presume that it would not worry you unduly to be set on an arctic ice floe and pushed out into the circumpolar currents.

What I DON'T ACCEPT is the speculation that our earth and climate is so unstable and fragile that a 1degC change is gonna magically MULTIPLY into a 3 or 4 degC change because of positive feedbacks.
Then I presume that it would not worry you unduly to be set on an arctic ice floe and pushed out into the circumpolar currents.


Well thanx for the tents and supplies and all but hey --- I'm booked on a Carnival Cruise in a month or so --- and that will be all the survival I can handle for this summer..
What I DON'T ACCEPT is the speculation that our earth and climate is so unstable and fragile that a 1degC change is gonna magically MULTIPLY into a 3 or 4 degC change because of positive feedbacks.
Then I presume that it would not worry you unduly to be set on an arctic ice floe and pushed out into the circumpolar currents.



The environmental OCD's were all angst about this shit in 1922.......polar ice cap to be gone by 1930!!!

Liberal Doom and Gloom 90 Years Ago

you climate crusading assholes will buy dog poop for $1,000 a pop if its packaged up just right:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance:

Your link turns out to be a Neo-Con propaganda outlet citing unscientific, anecdotal reports from fishermen in Norway and printed in an article of worthless hype in the Washington Times in 1922.

Nice try.

Your link turns out to be a Neo-Con propaganda outlet citing unscientific, anecdotal reports from fishermen in Norway and printed in an article of worthless hype in the Washington Times in 1922.

Nice try.

Where do you think weather reports CAME FROM in the 1920s? The Weather Channel?
Satellites? NOAA?

Impeach the evidence --- leave your personal baggage about a 100 yr old vendetta with the "source" for the politics pages..
By the way.....if anybody is interested.........

"Climategate and the Corruption of Science"

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Hockey-Stick-Illusion-Climategate-Independent/dp/1906768358/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&tag=wattsupwithth-20&s=books&qid=1268345567&sr=8-1]The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science (Independent Minds): A.W MONTFORD: 9781906768355: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
Read what the environmental nutters were saying in 1922......all the doom and gloom catastrophy crap were hear now, none of which materialized.........

A Cure for the Common Idiot: Global Warming in 1922!

I cant stop laughing........

Look......people who get hysterical about everything = part of life. Go to an Italian wake in Brooklyn and you see shit you never thought you'd ever see. We've all seen them.........the hypocondriacs around us who can never stop talking about their current ailment. Same with the environmental crusaders........and this shit will be happening 100 years from now......some nuts will be angst about some doomsday scenario put forth by some other nut.

Really? You quote a blog as a reliable source?

Come back when you've got some actual proof for your point, rather than scouring the 'net for some idiot who believes as you do.
more gravy........

For people who want to know the truth about "Extreme Weather". Its one of the newest ruses we see coming from the climate crusaders.....a total line of bullshit.

But don't take my word for it.......check the weather for the last few hundred years. Extreme heat.......extreme drought.......major blizzards.........mega-cyclones...........been happening loooooooooooong before anybody ever heard of an SUV.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Chronology of Extreme Weather
Still........the most profound evidence that the science doesn't matter is where this country is going in terms of energy decades down the road = renewables continue to be but a sliver of the energy pie.

The climate crusaders can hem and hoar all they want about "deniers"!!!!!:up::up::fu:
more gravy........

For people who want to know the truth about "Extreme Weather". Its one of the newest ruses we see coming from the climate crusaders.....a total line of bullshit.

But don't take my word for it.......check the weather for the last few hundred years. Extreme heat.......extreme drought.......major blizzards.........mega-cyclones...........been happening loooooooooooong before anybody ever heard of an SUV.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Chronology of Extreme Weather

Really Skooter The Ass Gerbil? There's no such thing as extreme weather?

Wanna talk about the flooding? How about the heat waves in NE America? How about Britain recording some of the warmest temps they've ever had?

Care to talk about the last time that a hurricane like Sandy hit the New Jersey/New York area?

Stick your head in the sand and keep saying nothing is happening. I hope that your progeny has a planet that they can live on after people like you crapped it up by saying nothing was happening.
more gravy........

For people who want to know the truth about "Extreme Weather". Its one of the newest ruses we see coming from the climate crusaders.....a total line of bullshit.

But don't take my word for it.......check the weather for the last few hundred years. Extreme heat.......extreme drought.......major blizzards.........mega-cyclones...........been happening loooooooooooong before anybody ever heard of an SUV.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Chronology of Extreme Weather

Really Skooter The Ass Gerbil? There's no such thing as extreme weather?

Wanna talk about the flooding? How about the heat waves in NE America? How about Britain recording some of the warmest temps they've ever had?

Care to talk about the last time that a hurricane like Sandy hit the New Jersey/New York area?

Stick your head in the sand and keep saying nothing is happening. I hope that your progeny has a planet that they can live on after people like you crapped it up by saying nothing was happening.

Click on the link s0n.......of course there is extreme weather. And as the link shows, shits been happening for a long.......long.......long.......long time!!! Only the k00ks think it just started a few years ago!!!:eusa_dance::fu::eusa_dance:

But lets just take a look at a 4 year period in the early 1900's..........

January 23 ◦Temperature falls from 44 degrees F (7 degrees C) to -56 degrees F (49 degrees C) night of January 23-24, in Browning, Montana, USA. [1]
July 15 ◦22.22 inches of rain falls in Altapass, North Carolina, USA. [1]

March 23 ◦Four-day series of tornadoes kills 211 in Midwest USA. [1]

July 22 ◦Lightning kills 504 sheep in Utah's Wasatch National Park. [1]

September 18 ◦Hurricane tides 16 feet above normal drown 280 along Gulf Coast. [1]

April 20 ◦Tornadoes kill 219 in Alabama and Mississippi, USA. [1]

Chronology of Extreme Weather (1900-1950)

O o o o o o o p s

Lets face it.....there is a segment of the population that gets hysterical over most anything......those who view the world from a tragic view 24/7.

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Read what the environmental nutters were saying in 1922......all the doom and gloom catastrophy crap were hear now, none of which materialized.........

A Cure for the Common Idiot: Global Warming in 1922!

I cant stop laughing........

Look......people who get hysterical about everything = part of life. Go to an Italian wake in Brooklyn and you see shit you never thought you'd ever see. We've all seen them.........the hypocondriacs around us who can never stop talking about their current ailment. Same with the environmental crusaders........and this shit will be happening 100 years from now......some nuts will be angst about some doomsday scenario put forth by some other nut.

Really? You quote a blog as a reliable source?

Come back when you've got some actual proof for your point, rather than scouring the 'net for some idiot who believes as you do.

30 second search would have confirmed the blog story... It's from Wash Post in 1922..

For those of you that still need a hall monitor to go poddy...

snopes.com: Global Warming -- 1922

Where do you think Arctic weather reports came from in the 1940s?? weather.com ????
It's healthy to be a skeptic.. It's a shame if you reject the unknown because of a source.. See the quote in my footer.
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more gravy........

For people who want to know the truth about "Extreme Weather". Its one of the newest ruses we see coming from the climate crusaders.....a total line of bullshit.

But don't take my word for it.......check the weather for the last few hundred years. Extreme heat.......extreme drought.......major blizzards.........mega-cyclones...........been happening loooooooooooong before anybody ever heard of an SUV.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Chronology of Extreme Weather

Really Skooter The Ass Gerbil? There's no such thing as extreme weather?

Wanna talk about the flooding? How about the heat waves in NE America? How about Britain recording some of the warmest temps they've ever had?

Care to talk about the last time that a hurricane like Sandy hit the New Jersey/New York area?

Stick your head in the sand and keep saying nothing is happening. I hope that your progeny has a planet that they can live on after people like you crapped it up by saying nothing was happening.

All of which happened before, and will happen again...

The dust bowl... We caused it.. No real doubt about it, if we hadn't plowed up the prairie grass that held the top soil together for massive industrial farming, it wouldn't have happened so quickly and wouldn't have been so severe. The drought would have still happened, but the soil would have taken longer to dry out due to the grasses and the roots would have held the soil together.

Now is the place still uninhabitable? No not really,people still live there. Is it still able to sustain agriculture? Certainly and does so, only now it's much scaled back due to the known dangers using past methods.

So what happened? The planet went on like it has and will do.. No life-ending catastrophe..If that bit of extreme weather aided by man, did not kill that eco-system, it's not going to kill any other. it may wound it or even temporarily cripple it, but life will go on...

Flooding, drought, and changing weather are part of this planets natural balance. We haven't had more extreme weather. We haven't had more tornadoes, more flooding, or more anything when seen in the big picture. And we certainly cannot attribute weather to evidence of climate change..

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