Why the silent majority will vote for Trump...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The MSM has totally created the "apparent" divisiveness..(I say apparent, because the vast majority of Americans are NOT falling for this "Black Supremacy" bit) for one simple reason... 96% of donations by so-called "journalists" went to Hillary in 2016. They've tried everything...i.e. Russia,Ukraine,impeachment, COVID and now totally inane veneration of a criminal who broke the law...i.e. Floyd. YET all these same White folks and a vast majority of black folks who have been so agitated by the deaths of convicts who resisted arrest say nothing of these facts:
---Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers.
This is according to a Department of Justice report in 2015 about the Philadelphia Police Department, and is further confirmed that by a study conducted University of Pennsylvania criminologist Greg Ridgeway.
in 2015 that determined black cops were 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops at a crime scene.
------Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.
This is according to FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black.
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks

BUT the biggest killings occur every day for nearly 47 years of 1,165 black babies...EVERY DAY!!
More than 20 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.
Black women have a significantly higher abortion rate than Whites and Hispanics.
38.0% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2016 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.4% of the total population is Black

Meanwhile the MSM and the totally ignorant followers get all agitated and upset when a black convicted criminal resists arrests (broke the law) and is dead!
Meanwhile... almost all of you ignorant followers total ignore this:
I totally DARE any of you so called "White Privilege" "WOKE" idiots to condone the vicious illustrations I've share above! Please convince me
that killing 1,165 black babies a DAY is far BETTER than being "WOKE"! Convince me that a black man with 100 arrests should be walking the streets
and able to do what he did to that defenseless 92 year old woman. Show me where "WHITE Privilege" caused that to happen.
... 96% of donations by so-called "journalists" went to Hillary in 2016. They've tried everything...i.e. Russia,Ukraine,impeachment, COVID and now totally inane veneration of a criminal who broke the law...i.e. Floyd.
There was a lot of egg on MSM faces on Nov 9, 2016 after they went all-in on Clinton and began the celebration well before the eggs were hatched. Humiliated and embarrassed they had two choices … admit the 14 pt poll lead she enjoyed just 12 days before election day was a mirage, or double down, blame everything and everyone but themselves, and try to discredit and undo Trump's victory.

More than 20 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.
Black women have a significantly higher abortion rate than Whites and Hispanics.
38.0% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2016 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.4% of the total population is Black

I love the fake outrage of Conservatives over Black women having abortions.

Do you know what Conservatives call Black women who choose to keep their babies?

Welfare Queens
The MSM has totally created the "apparent" divisiveness..(I say apparent, because the vast majority of Americans are NOT falling for this "Black Supremacy" bit) for one simple reason... 96% of donations by so-called "journalists" went to Hillary in 2016. They've tried everything...i.e. Russia,Ukraine,impeachment, COVID and now totally inane veneration of a criminal who broke the law...i.e. Floyd. YET all these same White folks and a vast majority of black folks who have been so agitated by the deaths of convicts who resisted arrest say nothing of these facts:
---Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers.
This is according to a Department of Justice report in 2015 about the Philadelphia Police Department, and is further confirmed that by a study conducted University of Pennsylvania criminologist Greg Ridgeway.
in 2015 that determined black cops were 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops at a crime scene.
------Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.
This is according to FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black.
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks

BUT the biggest killings occur every day for nearly 47 years of 1,165 black babies...EVERY DAY!!
More than 20 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.
Black women have a significantly higher abortion rate than Whites and Hispanics.
38.0% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2016 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.4% of the total population is Black

Meanwhile the MSM and the totally ignorant followers get all agitated and upset when a black convicted criminal resists arrests (broke the law) and is dead!
Meanwhile... almost all of you ignorant followers total ignore this:
There is no "silent majority". The tRumplings are slobbering fanbois who couldn't keep quiet if their lives depended on it and everyone else is pissed off and tired of it. Nobody's quiet right now.
There was a lot of egg on MSM faces on Nov 9, 2016 after they went all-in on Clinton and began the celebration well before the eggs were hatched. Humiliated and embarrassed they had two choices … admit the 14 pt poll lead she enjoyed just 12 days before election day was a mirage, or double down, blame everything and everyone but themselves, and try to discredit and undo Trump's victory.

People who are still cheering Trump won on a technicality are like the guys who get the prom queen falling down drunk before having sex with her.

Only they are impressed by their accomplishments.
There was a lot of egg on MSM faces on Nov 9, 2016 after they went all-in on Clinton and began the celebration well before the eggs were hatched. Humiliated and embarrassed they had two choices … admit the 14 pt poll lead she enjoyed just 12 days before election day was a mirage, or double down, blame everything and everyone but themselves, and try to discredit and undo Trump's victory.
People who are still cheering Trump won on a technicality are like the guys who get the prom queen falling down drunk before having sex with her.

Only they are impressed by their accomplishments.
Believe it or not there are still some whiny, sniveling idiots who believe Clinton won something in 2016.

Why the silent majority will vote for Trump...
Because they are hateful racists! Whites are scared shitless of becoming a minority.
Ah-ha!! The lame Lakhota race card!! All white people are racists!! Of course, far more white Americans than black voted for Obama (twice) but never allow the truth to interfere with your mindless racist hatred.
The MSM has totally created the "apparent" divisiveness..(I say apparent, because the vast majority of Americans are NOT falling for this "Black Supremacy" bit) for one simple reason... 96% of donations by so-called "journalists" went to Hillary in 2016. They've tried everything...i.e. Russia,Ukraine,impeachment, COVID and now totally inane veneration of a criminal who broke the law...i.e. Floyd. YET all these same White folks and a vast majority of black folks who have been so agitated by the deaths of convicts who resisted arrest say nothing of these facts:
---Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers.
This is according to a Department of Justice report in 2015 about the Philadelphia Police Department, and is further confirmed that by a study conducted University of Pennsylvania criminologist Greg Ridgeway.
in 2015 that determined black cops were 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops at a crime scene.
------Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.
This is according to FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black.
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks

BUT the biggest killings occur every day for nearly 47 years of 1,165 black babies...EVERY DAY!!
More than 20 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.
Black women have a significantly higher abortion rate than Whites and Hispanics.
38.0% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2016 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.4% of the total population is Black

Meanwhile the MSM and the totally ignorant followers get all agitated and upset when a black convicted criminal resists arrests (broke the law) and is dead!
Meanwhile... almost all of you ignorant followers total ignore this:

Donald Trump is the one dividing America. Voters agree that Trump has bungled the coronavirus response and ignores something that is still killing people. He has mishandled the Floyd situation as well. That is why he has big trouble. Floyd should not have been killed. The police used excessive force.

There is no silent majority. That is your way of ignoring reality.
Trump stole Richard Nixon’s slogan “Silent Majority” which Nixon coined in 1969. Look at the history of the last president who used “Silent Majority”, it didn’t end good for Nixon and more importantly, the United States.
Anyways, Trump’s recent interview with The Wall Street Journal was again, another clown show by Dotard. And just think, does anyone who isn’t easily manipulated actually want this bizarre bullshitter to continue to degrade the US to a Third World Banana Republic?
OK Little Trumpsters, read his interview with WSJ. Enjoy!
The MSM has totally created the "apparent" divisiveness..(I say apparent, because the vast majority of Americans are NOT falling for this "Black Supremacy" bit) for one simple reason... 96% of donations by so-called "journalists" went to Hillary in 2016. They've tried everything...i.e. Russia,Ukraine,impeachment, COVID and now totally inane veneration of a criminal who broke the law...i.e. Floyd. YET all these same White folks and a vast majority of black folks who have been so agitated by the deaths of convicts who resisted arrest say nothing of these facts:
---Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers.
This is according to a Department of Justice report in 2015 about the Philadelphia Police Department, and is further confirmed that by a study conducted University of Pennsylvania criminologist Greg Ridgeway.
in 2015 that determined black cops were 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops at a crime scene.
------Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.
This is according to FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black.
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks

BUT the biggest killings occur every day for nearly 47 years of 1,165 black babies...EVERY DAY!!
More than 20 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.
Black women have a significantly higher abortion rate than Whites and Hispanics.
38.0% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2016 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.4% of the total population is Black

Meanwhile the MSM and the totally ignorant followers get all agitated and upset when a black convicted criminal resists arrests (broke the law) and is dead!
Meanwhile... almost all of you ignorant followers total ignore this:

Donald Trump is the one dividing America. Voters agree that Trump has bungled the coronavirus response and ignores something that is still killing people. He has mishandled the Floyd situation as well. That is why he has big trouble. Floyd should not have been killed. The police used excessive force.

There is no silent majority. That is your way of ignoring reality.
George Floyd was a career criminal who liked to rob and threaten pregnant women. The world is a better place without him in it.

Democrats are lying to themselves if they don't see the simmering fury. There will certainly be a revenge vote. A payback for the virus, the lockdown, the riots, arson, the punishment of the innocent. It is up to the public to fight for the safety of the police. Fight we will.
I totally DARE any of you so called "White Privilege" "WOKE" idiots to condone the vicious illustrations I've share above! Please convince me
that killing 1,165 black babies a DAY is far BETTER than being "WOKE"! Convince me that a black man with 100 arrests should be walking the streets
and able to do what he did to that defenseless 92 year old woman. Show me where "WHITE Privilege" caused that to happen.
But why will the silent majority vote for the IMPOTUS? You said everything but that.
The MSM has totally created the "apparent" divisiveness..(I say apparent, because the vast majority of Americans are NOT falling for this "Black Supremacy" bit) for one simple reason... 96% of donations by so-called "journalists" went to Hillary in 2016. They've tried everything...i.e. Russia,Ukraine,impeachment, COVID and now totally inane veneration of a criminal who broke the law...i.e. Floyd. YET all these same White folks and a vast majority of black folks who have been so agitated by the deaths of convicts who resisted arrest say nothing of these facts:
---Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers.
This is according to a Department of Justice report in 2015 about the Philadelphia Police Department, and is further confirmed that by a study conducted University of Pennsylvania criminologist Greg Ridgeway.
in 2015 that determined black cops were 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops at a crime scene.
------Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.
This is according to FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black.
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks

BUT the biggest killings occur every day for nearly 47 years of 1,165 black babies...EVERY DAY!!
More than 20 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.
Black women have a significantly higher abortion rate than Whites and Hispanics.
38.0% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2016 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.4% of the total population is Black

Meanwhile the MSM and the totally ignorant followers get all agitated and upset when a black convicted criminal resists arrests (broke the law) and is dead!
Meanwhile... almost all of you ignorant followers total ignore this:
And dont forget the last guy that was in the white house. Yep, obama hated america and americans . But he sure loved the Muslim Brotherhood, didnt he?


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