Why they want to replace us

Couldn't we just lock all the IM2 and Odiums of the world into an auditorium for 24 hours and provide them bats?

Whoever's left in the AM, it is what it is. :dunno:

At least the racist herd might would be thinned some.

You’d have to provide them with condoms too.
I've lived 57 years. I know plenty about what whites are. Now show me an example of what you call black racism.

Ok, but first let me ask you......
You don't believe there's such a thing?

I get it bro. There's so many fucked up white racist in this country.
MFers who threaten you only because because you're not white. or you have black friends.
I've had to hear white MFers talk about how they want to do violent things to blacks.

But I've heard blacks say the same about whites.

Try to remember that racism is due to stupidism. As long as there are men in the world, there's gonna be racists. people gonna hate.

There's plenty good people black AND white. You cannot say all whites are racist, but you definitely can say some whites are racist.
Too many. Fuck the racists. Just don't be one of them.

An example of black racism?..........

“I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate it. We didn’t come out here to play today. There’s too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore bitches on our arms, and we call ourselves black men. … What the hell is wrong with you black man? You at a doomsday with a white girl on your damn arm. We keep begging white people for freedom! No wonder we not free! Your enemy cannot make you free, fool! You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers! You going to have to kill some of their babies!”

— King Samir Shabazz, former head of the party’s Philadelphia chapter, in a National Geographic documentary, January 2009.

Why is that whites like you refuse to see that blacks are talking about whites as they do because of how we have been treated while whites believe a load of made up stuff about us? It appears that it is very difficult for whites like you to realize you cannot bully people for over 250 years and there will not be some who don't like those doing it.

The “not all whites” argument
Sat Dec 17th 2011 by abagond

The “not all whites” argument is a common straw man argument on this blog. I will make some statement about whites and then be informed that “not all whites” are like that, that they are Individuals. Like there is some special rule of English that “whites” always means “all whites”. Even when I say “some whites” or “most whites” it can still be taken to mean “all whites” – since clearly I only put in those words as a cheap trick to fool people.

In America, according to the government numbers, whites are supposedly better at reading than blacks. I would never know that from this blog: Only rarely do black commenters seriously misunderstand me while it is quite common for whites. And this imagined “all” before “whites” – which is not in any grammar book I know of – is one of the main causes.

Example: When I say, “Whites owned slaves” it hardly means they all owned slaves. As far as I know no more than 2% of White Americans ever did. Yet that does not make the statement untrue or meaningless. Because quantity is not the issue – it was never stated. To make quantity the issue is a derailment. To assume it means “All whites owned slaves” is putting words in my mouth and creating a straw man argument.

Side note: On this blog, unless it is otherwise clear, “white” mostly means just White Americans, though most of what I say seems to apply to English-speaking whites in general.

Since the “all whites” thing is not in any grammar book I wonder where it comes from. The best reason I have heard so far is that many White Americans use dichotomous thinking, seeing things as either-or. That means it is easy for them to think of whites as either being all the same or all Unique Individuals Unaffected by Race or Culture, leaving little middle ground between the two extremes.

So if I say “whites are racist” it is taken to mean that all whites are racist and racist in the same way. As if I said, “All whites are skinhead racists.” But what is in my head is a range:

– and much more besides.

I know whites are individuals. I live in a country that is mostly white. I have to deal with whites at work. I watch American film and television where whites are given whole story lines complete with a love life, where they are almost never reduced to stereotypes as whites.

So I expect them to be individuals. Which makes it all the more surprising and interesting to me when they do seem to act from a hive mind.

The “not all whites” argument

I grew up in a town that was 90 percent white, lived in Portland Oregon, the whitest city In America, Wrestled in college and all my teammates were white. I played rugby on mostly white teams. I dated a fair number of white women, lived with one for years, so I think I have plenty of exposure to whites. Spare me the lecture, especially about something I never said. Every black person is affected by white racism, it is not pleasant. So create a group dedicated to end white racism.
Slow clap bro.

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I've lived 57 years. I know plenty about what whites are. Now show me an example of what you call black racism.

Every. Post. You make. With Proof:


Only to an uneducated racist suffering from white fragility.

Yeah boy, you are kookoo for Cocoa Puffs. Chattahoochee material, nomsayin'? Your cheese done went and slid off'n your cracker. :rolleyes:


Your self-awareness score is way under -9000. :eek:

You are an oblivious idiot that most likely should be institutionalized.
“Again we have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that Capitalism grew and prospered out of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifice. The fact is that capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor – both black and white, both here and abroad.”

Martin Luther King, “The three evils of society,” 1967
“Again we have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that Capitalism grew and prospered out of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifice. The fact is that capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor – both black and white, both here and abroad.”

Martin Luther King, “The three evils of society,” 1967

martin luther king oprah winfrey dr nadine burke harris_02.jpg
King was working to erase the cause of such trauma.
I've lived 57 years. I know plenty about what whites are. Now show me an example of what you call black racism.

Every. Post. You make. With Proof:


Only to an uneducated racist suffering from white fragility.

Yeah boy, you are kookoo for Cocoa Puffs. Chattahoochee material, nomsayin'? Your cheese done went and slid off'n your cracker. :rolleyes:


Your self-awareness score is way under -9000. :eek:

You are an oblivious idiot that most likely should be institutionalized.

Your white fragility is showing again.
Couldn't we just lock all the IM2 and Odiums of the world into an auditorium for 24 hours and provide them bats?

Whoever's left in the AM, it is what it is. :dunno:

At least the racist herd might would be thinned some.

Yes if we rid ourselves of you and Odium we'd be minus 2 racists here.
Couldn't we just lock all the IM2 and Odiums of the world into an auditorium for 24 hours and provide them bats?

Whoever's left in the AM, it is what it is. :dunno:

At least the racist herd might would be thinned some.

Yes if we rid ourselves of you and Odium we'd be minus 2 racists here.
You are the racist. You hate white people,you hate we exist,you hate that we will fight to insure our existence.
Couldn't we just lock all the IM2 and Odiums of the world into an auditorium for 24 hours and provide them bats?

Whoever's left in the AM, it is what it is. :dunno:

At least the racist herd might would be thinned some.

Yes if we rid ourselves of you and Odium we'd be minus 2 racists here.
You are the racist. You hate white people,you hate we exist,you hate that we will fight to insure our existence.
You wont do shit but turn pink and white unless you have superior weapons and 10 to 1 odds. Gimme a break lice head. I know about your type. :rolleyes:
  • Thanks
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Couldn't we just lock all the IM2 and Odiums of the world into an auditorium for 24 hours and provide them bats?

Whoever's left in the AM, it is what it is. :dunno:

At least the racist herd might would be thinned some.

Yes if we rid ourselves of you and Odium we'd be minus 2 racists here.
You are the racist. You hate white people,you hate we exist,you hate that we will fight to insure our existence.
You wont do shit but turn pink and white unless you have superior weapons and 10 to 1 odds. Gimme a break lice head. I know about your type. :rolleyes:

What do you know about my type, asslips?

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