Why Trump Can't Build His Wall

The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:
Our wide open southern border...
The hypocrite left claims that a secure border is an example of hatred and bigotry while they threaten the President of the United States with everything from assault to arson and murder and kidnapping. Go figure.
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
The tyrants want National ID. Not a wall. The wall is just a smoke n mirrors game and the American electorate is just stupid and enderinformed enough to buy into it.

Without an illegal immigrant problem they can't easily get away with a federal national ID, and ultimately a federal national database of Americans, as well as whatever uinfo about Amwricans they want to add to the database.

Do yourselves a favor and read all of the past legislation regarding National ID.

It's not good. And purposely left open ended saying that federal intelloigence agencies can add whatever data they want in the future.

It's never been about a wall. They want a federal lD for every American.

Remember this. When the government fears the people, it's liberty. When the people fear the government it's tyranny.

And too many thoroughly indoctrinated, undereducated, underinformed fuckers on both sides of the fake two party system are all for it.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.
National ID linked to DNA would solve the problem
The hypocrite left claims that a secure border is an example of hatred and bigotry while they threaten the President of the United States with everything from assault to arson and murder and kidnapping. Go figure.

Per Trump....the border is already secure.
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it
Without discipline, organization or bargaining skills, the administration has never stood much of a chance.

“President Donald Trump’s border wall died yet another death on Tuesday, as the White House retreated from last week’s boasts about shutting down the government over it. Realistically, the wall has been dead for months, and perhaps since last year; Trump’s renewed bluster served only to demonstrate how weak he is, and to weaken him further for the next round of bargaining. Who’s going to believe him after so many empty threats?

The wall, in fact, offers a good example of why Trump just isn’t very good at presidenting.

To begin with, it demonstrates that choosing a political agenda based on whatever sound bite produces a strong audience response is a risky strategy at best. The wall was never a well-considered policy, and its very real defects had never been smoothed out during the campaign. Claiming that Mexico would pay for it created both entirely unrealistic expectations and a needless foreign-policy problem right off the bat.

It remained a possibility even so. But Trump’s chaotic transition meant that there was never a real legislative agenda for Republicans in Congress to follow, which left them to pursue their own priorities. The wall wasn’t at the top of their list. Trump’s embrace of extreme partisanship, meanwhile, meant that Democrats were in no mood to compromise. This combination of chaos and partisanship contributed to Trump’s very low approval ratings during what would normally be a honeymoon period, which meant that neither party was all that eager to do what he wanted.”


Predicating policy on ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry is never well-considered.

Good post.

I’m actually in favor of a wall. But I realize that the wall will do little to stop illegal immigration and that is the stated reason for building it.

When you can build a bomb in your nation and drive it into ours , we have a need to be able to stop that so I think both borders need one.
Trump's capitulation on the minimal funding request for The Wall ($5B out of a multi-trillion dollar budget) was as stupid as it was inexplicable.

Mueller had nothing to do with it. Like it or not, the Special Prosecutor has still come up with bupkis, despite the desperate attempts of a small army of never-Trump lawyers on this team.

Ironically, it is the asshole AG's (old and new) in NYS who are preventing Trump from resigning. Which would be a nice thing for him to do about now. If he isn't serious about border security - and he has shown that he is not - then there is no reason to vote for him or support him otherwise.
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it

Why don't you ask Comey and the FBI? They were the ones illegally spying on them. They could probably tell you more than I could.
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it

Oh, it gets even better than that.

Maria Butina just plead guilty to being a foreign agent. And she named Alexander Torshin as her Intelligence Handler.

The Spanish authorities turned over to the FBI wire taps where before the 2016 election, Don Jr and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin were trying to set up a secret meeting.
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it

Why don't you ask Comey and the FBI? They were the ones illegally spying on them. They could probably tell you more than I could.

Illegally spying on who? And illegal according to who?
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
Mueller has enough evidence to back up Cohen's testimony. Prosecutors have enough evidence that Trump committed felony. Enough evidence to charge Trump Jr.
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
Mueller has enough evidence to back up Cohen's testimony. Prosecutors have enough evidence that Trump committed felony. Enough evidence to charge Trump Jr.
Did he tell you that in his private meeting with you..............LOL
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
Mueller has enough evidence to back up Cohen's testimony. Prosecutors have enough evidence that Trump committed felony. Enough evidence to charge Trump Jr.

Charge away with whatever fabricated evidence he has. Trump will never be indicted, because you can't indict a sitting President.
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it

Why don't you ask Comey and the FBI? They were the ones illegally spying on them. They could probably tell you more than I could.

Illegally spying on who? And illegal according to who?

The four FISA warrants were based on false information.
The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
Mueller has enough evidence to back up Cohen's testimony. Prosecutors have enough evidence that Trump committed felony. Enough evidence to charge Trump Jr.

Charge away with whatever fabricated evidence he has. Trump will never be indicted, because you can't indict a sitting President.

Farbricated? You're going full Conspiracy Theorist? You never go Full Conspiracy Theorist.

And 'never' seems a long time....given that Trump won't always be a sitting President.
Trump is taking a beating as the Mueller investigation is heating up

Time to resurrect his wall demands to divert attention
Sorry,,,Do you mind?

Action ALERT!
Please, DOPers give to the Great DrumpF Border wire wall GO FUND ME project today!
$4800 each will raise the needed 25B..

The wall isn't dead yet. Trump will probably just reallocate the money from somewhere else, possibly the military budget. That could be why he's pulling the troops out of Syria.

He can do that without the approval of Congress.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it

Oh, it gets even better than that.

Maria Butina just plead guilty to being a foreign agent. And she named Alexander Torshin as her Intelligence Handler.

The Spanish authorities turned over to the FBI wire taps where before the 2016 election, Don Jr and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin were trying to set up a secret meeting.

Collateral indictments, nothing more. Mueller hasn't found a shred of evidence against Trump.
Estimates for materials is well over $10 billion.
The military must maintain reediness. Personnel and equipment requirements are enormous.
The legal means of instituting martial law in order to circumvent normal eminent domain procedures.
Funniest part is that republicans had full control for two years, but they already have this wall:

Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it

Why don't you ask Comey and the FBI? They were the ones illegally spying on them. They could probably tell you more than I could.

Illegally spying on who? And illegal according to who?

The four FISA warrants were based on false information.

False information....according to who? You're being uselessly vague for a reason.

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