Why Trump Can't Build His Wall

DANG Thanks I missed this one.

View attachment 235660

The actual tweet

"Despite the large Caravans that WERE forming and heading to our Country, people have not been able to get through our newly built Walls, ..Ice, Border Patrol and our Military have done a FANTASTIC job of securing our Southern Border. A Great Wall would be, however, a far easier & less expensive solution. We have already built large new sections & fully renovated others, making them like new. The Democrats,....makeshift Walls & Fences, or Border Patrol Officers & Military. They are now staying in Mexico or going back to their original countries......."

Essentially Trump is saying that military has secured the border with respect to recent migrant caravan, but its expensive to keep military there and wall will be cheaper. If you can't understand simple English that Trump tweets in...then you are dumb or just being an ass.

So the Southern Border is now secure is what you're telling me.
If by secure you mean having semblance of control at the border and not letting caravan of migrants in unimpeded, then yes.

So when Trump said "Our Souther Border is secure and will remain that way'....he didn't actually mean secure?

I mean, damn....even Trump's supporters are ignoring what the poor guy says now.

Nope, we look at it in the context he says it. Perhaps you are too dumb to realize the context, or more likely take it out of context.

Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.
Your cartoon is silly. Two years into the Mueller "investigation" and not one single shred of evidence has been found that there was any "collusion" between Trump and Russia. Nor has any "obstruction of justice" been found.
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it

Oh, it gets even better than that.

Maria Butina just plead guilty to being a foreign agent. And she named Alexander Torshin as her Intelligence Handler.

The Spanish authorities turned over to the FBI wire taps where before the 2016 election, Don Jr and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin were trying to set up a secret meeting.
Keeps getting curiouser and curiouser

If I want to help a DOPer in the future, is there a medicine I can give a victim?

If its Kool-aid, they've already had plenty.
It must damage their critical thinking skills
That is so good to hear

Maybe you can explain why key Trump people held a secret meeting at Trump Tower and what they discussed

Start with why they needed to lie about it

Oh, it gets even better than that.

Maria Butina just plead guilty to being a foreign agent. And she named Alexander Torshin as her Intelligence Handler.

The Spanish authorities turned over to the FBI wire taps where before the 2016 election, Don Jr and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin were trying to set up a secret meeting.
Keeps getting curiouser and curiouser

If I want to help a DOPer in the future, is there a medicine I can give a victim?

If its Kool-aid, they've already had plenty.
It must damage their critical thinking skills

They're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

What do you do with that? Its like the Black Knight scene in Monty Python.
The actual tweet

"Despite the large Caravans that WERE forming and heading to our Country, people have not been able to get through our newly built Walls, ..Ice, Border Patrol and our Military have done a FANTASTIC job of securing our Southern Border. A Great Wall would be, however, a far easier & less expensive solution. We have already built large new sections & fully renovated others, making them like new. The Democrats,....makeshift Walls & Fences, or Border Patrol Officers & Military. They are now staying in Mexico or going back to their original countries......."

Essentially Trump is saying that military has secured the border with respect to recent migrant caravan, but its expensive to keep military there and wall will be cheaper. If you can't understand simple English that Trump tweets in...then you are dumb or just being an ass.

So the Southern Border is now secure is what you're telling me.
If by secure you mean having semblance of control at the border and not letting caravan of migrants in unimpeded, then yes.

So when Trump said "Our Souther Border is secure and will remain that way'....he didn't actually mean secure?

I mean, damn....even Trump's supporters are ignoring what the poor guy says now.

Nope, we look at it in the context he says it. Perhaps you are too dumb to realize the context, or more likely take it out of context.

Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.

Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.
Oh, it gets even better than that.

Maria Butina just plead guilty to being a foreign agent. And she named Alexander Torshin as her Intelligence Handler.

The Spanish authorities turned over to the FBI wire taps where before the 2016 election, Don Jr and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin were trying to set up a secret meeting.
Keeps getting curiouser and curiouser

If I want to help a DOPer in the future, is there a medicine I can give a victim?

If its Kool-aid, they've already had plenty.
It must damage their critical thinking skills

They're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

What do you do with that? Its like the Black Knight scene in Monty Python.
What is the current rate of illegal border crossings now, Cap'n Knowledge?
So the Southern Border is now secure is what you're telling me.
If by secure you mean having semblance of control at the border and not letting caravan of migrants in unimpeded, then yes.

So when Trump said "Our Souther Border is secure and will remain that way'....he didn't actually mean secure?

I mean, damn....even Trump's supporters are ignoring what the poor guy says now.

Nope, we look at it in the context he says it. Perhaps you are too dumb to realize the context, or more likely take it out of context.

Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.

Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.

And at the end of Trump's 4 part tweet....he said our Southern Border is now secure.

And you laughably insist that when Trump said "Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Like I said....what can I do with that? That's just naked denial. You're ignoring Trump and replacing his claim with whatever you'd like.
So the Southern Border is now secure is what you're telling me.
If by secure you mean having semblance of control at the border and not letting caravan of migrants in unimpeded, then yes.

So when Trump said "Our Souther Border is secure and will remain that way'....he didn't actually mean secure?

I mean, damn....even Trump's supporters are ignoring what the poor guy says now.

Nope, we look at it in the context he says it. Perhaps you are too dumb to realize the context, or more likely take it out of context.

Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.

Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.

So the Southern Border is now secure is what you're telling me.
If by secure you mean having semblance of control at the border and not letting caravan of migrants in unimpeded, then yes.

So when Trump said "Our Souther Border is secure and will remain that way'....he didn't actually mean secure?

I mean, damn....even Trump's supporters are ignoring what the poor guy says now.

Nope, we look at it in the context he says it. Perhaps you are too dumb to realize the context, or more likely take it out of context.

Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.

Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.
3rd world country soon? Its not going to be from illegal border crossings, because they're at 46 year low. Certainly under Trump, border patrolling is equal or greater now.
We'll become a 3rd world country due to Trump policies and actions.
If by secure you mean having semblance of control at the border and not letting caravan of migrants in unimpeded, then yes.

So when Trump said "Our Souther Border is secure and will remain that way'....he didn't actually mean secure?

I mean, damn....even Trump's supporters are ignoring what the poor guy says now.

Nope, we look at it in the context he says it. Perhaps you are too dumb to realize the context, or more likely take it out of context.

Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.

Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.

View attachment 235667

Laughing.....then why don't you tell us. When Trump said "Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

.....he didn't mean it?
The tyrants want National ID. Not a wall. The wall is just a smoke n mirrors game and the American electorate is just stupid and enderinformed enough to buy into it.

Without an illegal immigrant problem they can't easily get away with a federal national ID, and ultimately a federal national database of Americans, as well as whatever uinfo about Amwricans they want to add to the database.

Do yourselves a favor and read all of the past legislation regarding National ID.

It's not good. And purposely left open ended saying that federal intelloigence agencies can add whatever data they want in the future.

It's never been about a wall. They want a federal lD for every American.

Remember this. When the government fears the people, it's liberty. When the people fear the government it's tyranny.

And too many thoroughly indoctrinated, undereducated, underinformed fuckers on both sides of the fake two party system are all for it.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

This. Exactly.
So when Trump said "Our Souther Border is secure and will remain that way'....he didn't actually mean secure?

I mean, damn....even Trump's supporters are ignoring what the poor guy says now.

Nope, we look at it in the context he says it. Perhaps you are too dumb to realize the context, or more likely take it out of context.

Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.

Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.

View attachment 235667

Laughing.....then why don't you tell us. When Trump said "Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

.....he didn't mean it?

It is. He meant it.
Nope, we look at it in the context he says it. Perhaps you are too dumb to realize the context, or more likely take it out of context.

Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.

Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.

View attachment 235667

Laughing.....then why don't you tell us. When Trump said "Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

.....he didn't mean it?

It is. He meant it.

You and Tigg may want to talk.
Here's the entire tweet:

"however, for strictly political reasons and because they have been pulled so far left, do NOT want Border Security. They want Open Borders for anyone to come in. This brings large scale crime and disease. Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

Um, wow. I don't think 'simple english' means what you think it means.

Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.

View attachment 235667

Laughing.....then why don't you tell us. When Trump said "Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

.....he didn't mean it?

It is. He meant it.

You and Tigg may want to talk.
You may want to get a grownup to parse those tweets for you.
Keeps getting curiouser and curiouser

If I want to help a DOPer in the future, is there a medicine I can give a victim?

If its Kool-aid, they've already had plenty.
It must damage their critical thinking skills

They're literally arguing that when Trump said 'Our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way', he didn't mean that our Southern Borders are secure and will remain that way.

What do you do with that? Its like the Black Knight scene in Monty Python.
What is the current rate of illegal border crossings now, Cap'n Knowledge?
More than under Obama. Your weak point is? The Great Douche is working hard to show MORE! To Bait the Stupid DOPers. Which is still a net negative in coming people by land. People over land borders is not a problem. As more illegals come by legal airplane rides..
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Again you take a tweet out of a 4 part tweet....and out of context . Its clear that Trump was refering to Migrant Caravan if you read the entire four part tweet. Anyways, I couldnt be bothered what you think Trump said. The point is that Walls work, and if we don't have a check on immigration, we will be a third world country very soon.

View attachment 235667

Laughing.....then why don't you tell us. When Trump said "Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."

.....he didn't mean it?

It is. He meant it.

You and Tigg may want to talk.
You may want to get a grownup to parse those tweets for you.

I'm not the one arguing that when Trump said "Our Southern Border is now Secure and will remain that way......."...that Trump didn't mean our Southern Border is now secure.

Take it up with Tiff.

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