Why Trump is at a disadvantage in this election...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Let me put a stake in the ground.
I personally don't like Trump. I think is is loud, boisterous, braggart, narcissistic, all those personal characteristics people use to justify their support of Biden.
I use two statements by the two candidates to illustrate who I support.
I'm not going to identify but let you the reader determine who said this:
The New York times said: "....Plan To Deport 11 Million Undocumented ..."
The Time article says, would be a massive deportation operation that would target millions of people

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Who said what?

we are going to drill, baby, drill” once elected,
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

Now to help you potential voters further food for thought:
BidenVSTrumpillegals copy.png

Let me put a stake in the ground.
I personally don't like Trump. I think is is loud, boisterous, braggart, narcissistic, all those personal characteristics people use to justify their support of Biden.
I use two statements by the two candidates to illustrate who I support.
I'm not going to identify but let you the reader determine who said this:
The New York times said: "....Plan To Deport 11 Million Undocumented ..."
The Time article says, would be a massive deportation operation that would target millions of people

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Who said what?

we are going to drill, baby, drill” once elected,
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

Now to help you potential voters further food for thought:
View attachment 967852
View attachment 967854

Who killed 1 million people with covid and crashed the economy??????

Who tried to overthrow the Constitution.

Who is a convicted felon, fraud artist, rapist, and tax cheat?????
Because he did a shit job as POTUS his first chance and is now talking about spending 4 years of his next term getting revenge on anyone and everyone that ever crossed him?
Trump did a great job. He had to work hard on the Obama mess. And look at the border he protected. Biden nor Obama did a good job protecting our country.

It amazes me after the TDS Trump lived with in his 4 years and how much worse Biden made it that some worry Trump will get even. They attacked him first and for many years. I wish he would go after all of them.
The post will tell you everything in a nutshell. The poster doesn't really know if Trump is actually a narcissist boisterous braggart. It just seems that way because he relies on the media for that information. The reason Trump (and every republican) is at a disadvantage is simply the media that has become the propaganda arm of the Biden administration and defender of all things democrat.
Trump did a great job. He had to work hard on the Obama mess. And look at the border he protected. Biden nor Obama did a good job protecting our country.

It amazes me after the TDS Trump lived with in his 4 years and how much worse Biden made it that some worry Trump will get even. They attacked him first and for many years. I wish he would go after all of them.
The orange bag O' shit was a terrible *pResident.
Trump did a great job. He had to work hard on the Obama mess. And look at the border he protected. Biden nor Obama did a good job protecting our country.

Immigration increased well over Obama levels when Trump took over.

It amazes me after the TDS Trump lived with in his 4 years and how much worse Biden made it that some worry Trump will get even. They attacked him first and for many years. I wish he would go after all of them.
The post will tell you everything in a nutshell. The poster doesn't really know if Trump is actually a narcissist boisterous braggart. It just seems that way because he relies on the media for that information. The reason Trump (and every republican) is at a disadvantage is simply the media that has become the propaganda arm of the Biden administration and defender of all things democrat.
This ranks as a top ranked post. I have caught hell at times over pronouncing it was not Biden that beat Trump (assuming he did) it was the Major Media. They put a bulls eye on Trump and vowed to take him down. Look at Jake Tapper talking if you think they have quit that mission. Tapper and his clowns attack Trump daily.

I want this to be posted. If you really care about our country, defeat Democrats. If you do not, they will change America into the nation Russia wants us to become.

When Trump said the media is your enemy, he understood what was happening.
Why is a wall stupid?
1. Prohibitively expensive.

2. A plethora of legal issues with land owners and property rights.

3. Easily gone over, under or around.

4. About half of illegals in the US right now arrived legally but overstayed their visas.

What we need to do in my opinion is...

A. Fine employers of illegals so steeply that employing US citizens is cheaper then hiring illegals.

B. Overhaul our visa system.

C. Change amnesty laws.

***** A,B, and C need to be addressed by legislation from Congress, not a presidential EO.

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