Why Trump is becoming a VERY VERY Effective CEO for the United States!

Too long and drawn out for this time of the evening
nite mike another time
But Mike gotta tell you the worst 2 months of my life were in Missouri at Ft Leonard Wood
We'll get some sleep and tell me about it.
Ill make it short ,,,,Bought a building 35 years ago for 350K Turned down offers for up to 9 mill over the past 6,7 years

What is your pre-tax yearly net?
Sometimes 600k sometime 7k depends what I do in the market,,Rents + IRA distributions + stock market sales NBD
THE USSR would of been proud of their Putin as he won the damn COLD war for them.

And we thought we won? Lol,

Republicans handed it to them.
I'm glad you recognize the Obama economy. This months big job numbers brings Trumps 6 month job creation average, up to Obamas 2016 average.
That is the biggest bunch of :bs1:I've seen all year long. Obama just like all liberals want a poor and weak economy so the people will need them.
The economy is kicking ass and we are kicking Isis's ass the border crossings are way down real estate is doing awesome and all of this with a deep state and a lying media snipping at his heals. Trump was the right man for the job. He is making Obama look as feckless and useless as a bull with tits.

I'm glad you recognize the Obama economy. This months big job numbers brings Trumps 6 month job creation average, up to Obamas 2016 average.

So Trump matches Obama. According to what Trump thinks about Trump that should be a failure.

What about middle class worker pay? What are Trumps big plans for that?
Effective? Effective at fucking over the lower class, killing off science and watching China take over world leadership.

President Trump is doing an awesome job. I'm actually amazed at how well he's doing.
We couldn't have voted for a better person to fix the BS democrats created over the past several years.

It's great knowing I can start having pride in our country again. :)

I don't ever want to see another democrat elected!

How are them jobs for the working class and livable wages doin'?

I got an unexpected pay increase shortly after Trump was elected. :)
nite mike another time
But Mike gotta tell you the worst 2 months of my life were in Missouri at Ft Leonard Wood
We'll get some sleep and tell me about it.
Ill make it short ,,,,Bought a building 35 years ago for 350K Turned down offers for up to 9 mill over the past 6,7 years

What is your pre-tax yearly net?
Sometimes 600k sometime 7k depends what I do in the market,,Rents + IRA distributions + stock market sales NBD

Your pretax is 2.1 in three years and was offered 9 and you didn't sell?
I'm glad you recognize the Obama economy. This months big job numbers brings Trumps 6 month job creation average, up to Obamas 2016 average.
That is the biggest bunch of :bs1:I've seen all year long. Obama just like all liberals want a poor and weak economy so the people will need them.

Then explain why Obama's 2016 jobs numbers are ahead of Trumps, who because of big June numbers, just caught up to Obama.
Jeeze woodhead is ignoring me lol

Wonder why, As I see it every other word in Trumps speech is not DUHH, DUUHHH, DUHHHH the teleprompter is where I cant see it DUHHHH what does that say,, DUUUUHHHHH. The speeches he makes are so far over your liberal kindergarten threshold that you can't fill in the blanks and connect the dots. That is why we ignore those of you who are liberals your learning curve stopped about the time you learned to utter DUUUHHHH!!. As for job numbers, we are getting REAL NEW non service related jobs , not just projected lies of how many new after school jobs were created.
Something that has to be considered is Trump is the first President in our lifetime that had no political experience before taking office; not even a city councilman. All in all, he's not doing too bad of a job considering

I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

That's why it's hard to take your excuses seriously. The same thing you attack for you now tour as a good thing. Really basic things that the only reason you now support it is because of the person doing or saying it. The clearest example is Flynn saying lock her up for the mere possibility of hackers getting her emails and then being a foreign agent at the same time and gets defended...? Whut?

You guys can't think the next president that you don't like won't be able to use this same line of bullshit? Bullshit is bullshit and no one should stand for it just because someone else you're told not to like doesn't like it so it's cool now.
Why should anyone care about your bloviating? You just lied and think your smart.

The discussion was that Obama had NO EXECUTIVE experience.

Trump does. It just isn't political.

You whine like a child to deflect from adding no substance. Now Executive experience was the cry huh? Just stick to saying people lied without and complaining about bloviating without without saying how or why! You don't need to say how because using the word bloviating you think is enough to cover you line of bullshit.

Here's a simple answer to your question of who should care. You do and thats why you're responding to me. Now show me you don't care by shutting the fuck up lol
Lol!!! Righties are such meatheads ! "WORDS ARE BAAAAAAD!"
LOL! Lefties are such mindless minions. You have to explain every post to them. Words aren't bad snowflake - progressive inefficiencies are. It's about being efficient, effective, etc.
Something that has to be considered is Trump is the first President in our lifetime that had no political experience before taking office; not even a city councilman. All in all, he's not doing too bad of a job considering

I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

That's why it's hard to take your excuses seriously. The same thing you attack for you now tour as a good thing. Really basic things that the only reason you now support it is because of the person doing or saying it. The clearest example is Flynn saying lock her up for the mere possibility of hackers getting her emails and then being a foreign agent at the same time and gets defended...? Whut?

You guys can't think the next president that you don't like won't be able to use this same line of bullshit? Bullshit is bullshit and no one should stand for it just because someone else you're told not to like doesn't like it so it's cool now.
Why should anyone care about your bloviating? You just lied and think your smart.

The discussion was that Obama had NO EXECUTIVE experience.

Trump does. It just isn't political.

You whine like a child to deflect from adding no substance. Now Executive experience was the cry huh? Just stick to saying people lied without and complaining about bloviating without without saying how or why! You don't need to say how because using the word bloviating you think is enough to cover you line of bullshit.

Here's a simple answer to your question of who should care. You do and thats why you're responding to me. Now show me you don't care by shutting the fuck up lol
Again, you just lie. Probably more like Trump than you care to admit. Hmm...come to think of it, you are quite a bit like Trump.

I'm just working on your stroke. I have a few minutes to kill.
Then explain why Obama's 2016 jobs numbers are ahead of Trumps, who because of big June numbers, just caught up to Obama
That is not true so why would I try and explain it. You need to turn off the fake news it is scrambling your brain.
Unbelievable. Idiots who like the early post who wrote:" no legislation has been signed" How DUMB are those people!
Look at the below chart!
TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS: What the number of laws he signed really means compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton
Why I say is becoming a VERY VERY Effective CEO is look at the number of pages compared to the totally ignorant Obama who was so dumb he thought hey put more crap out they won't pay attention!
Look at Total number of page of Trump compared to Obama! Number of words: Obama took 14 times
the amount of words in passing 1,602 pages or it took Obama 12 times the number of pages!
Anyone who can't see the gross inefficiencies of Obama's administration compared to Trump who by the way is using fewer people to sign MORE LAWS then Obama did with more people and accomplished fewer laws!

View attachment 137332
Judging someone on the number of papers they have? That's pretty retarded. The guy with the thousand roll of toilet paper wins.

Maybe you should actually look at those so called laws.

White House Touts 'Historic' 28 Laws Signed By Trump, But What Are They?
Something that has to be considered is Trump is the first President in our lifetime that had no political experience before taking office; not even a city councilman. All in all, he's not doing too bad of a job considering

I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

That's why it's hard to take your excuses seriously. The same thing you attack for you now tour as a good thing. Really basic things that the only reason you now support it is because of the person doing or saying it. The clearest example is Flynn saying lock her up for the mere possibility of hackers getting her emails and then being a foreign agent at the same time and gets defended...? Whut?

You guys can't think the next president that you don't like won't be able to use this same line of bullshit? Bullshit is bullshit and no one should stand for it just because someone else you're told not to like doesn't like it so it's cool now.
Why should anyone care about your bloviating? You just lied and think your smart.

The discussion was that Obama had NO EXECUTIVE experience.

Trump does. It just isn't political.

You whine like a child to deflect from adding no substance. Now Executive experience was the cry huh? Just stick to saying people lied without and complaining about bloviating without without saying how or why! You don't need to say how because using the word bloviating you think is enough to cover you line of bullshit.

Here's a simple answer to your question of who should care. You do and thats why you're responding to me. Now show me you don't care by shutting the fuck up lol
Again, you just lie. Probably more like Trump than you care to admit. Hmm...come to think of it, you are quite a bit like Trump.

I'm just working on your stroke. I have a few minutes to kill.

Yes, I'm a liar like Trump except Trump doesn't lie but I do and other doubletalk.

You care, just admit it.
President Trump is doing an awesome job. I'm actually amazed at how well he's doing.
We couldn't have voted for a better person to fix the BS democrats created over the past several years.

It's great knowing I can start having pride in our country again. :)

I don't ever want to see another democrat elected!

How are them jobs for the working class and livable wages doin'?

I got an unexpected pay increase shortly after Trump was elected. :)


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