Why Trump is becoming a VERY VERY Effective CEO for the United States!

But Mike gotta tell you the worst 2 months of my life were in Missouri at Ft Leonard Wood
We'll get some sleep and tell me about it.
Ill make it short ,,,,Bought a building 35 years ago for 350K Turned down offers for up to 9 mill over the past 6,7 years

What is your pre-tax yearly net?
Sometimes 600k sometime 7k depends what I do in the market,,Rents + IRA distributions + stock market sales NBD

Your pretax is 2.1 in three years and was offered 9 and you didn't sell?
got a partner who doesn''t want to sell and won't buy me out ... rents are nice keeps me in steak
it was Irans own money we returned
Uh...no it wasn't. It was an illegal bribe.
And how much would it be worth to you if it was your son held prisoner?
I didn't know Barack Insane Obama had a son! And his (imaginary) son was taken hostage?!? How in the hell did the Secret Service allow that to happen? Also - I didn't realize it was ok to break the law simply because of irrational emotion.
Jeeze woodhead is ignoring me lol

Wonder why, As I see it every other word in Trumps speech is not DUHH, DUUHHH, DUHHHH the teleprompter is where I cant see it DUHHHH what does that say,, DUUUUHHHHH. The speeches he makes are so far over your liberal kindergarten threshold that you can't fill in the blanks and connect the dots. That is why we ignore those of you who are liberals your learning curve stopped about the time you learned to utter DUUUHHHH!!. As for job numbers, we are getting REAL NEW non service related jobs , not just projected lies of how many new after school jobs were created.
Job numbers are just a continuation of Obamas economy
Something that has to be considered is Trump is the first President in our lifetime that had no political experience before taking office; not even a city councilman. All in all, he's not doing too bad of a job considering

I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

That's why it's hard to take your excuses seriously. The same thing you attack for you now tour as a good thing. Really basic things that the only reason you now support it is because of the person doing or saying it. The clearest example is Flynn saying lock her up for the mere possibility of hackers getting her emails and then being a foreign agent at the same time and gets defended...? Whut?

You guys can't think the next president that you don't like won't be able to use this same line of bullshit? Bullshit is bullshit and no one should stand for it just because someone else you're told not to like doesn't like it so it's cool now.
Why should anyone care about your bloviating? You just lied and think your smart.

The discussion was that Obama had NO EXECUTIVE experience.

Trump does. It just isn't political.

You whine like a child to deflect from adding no substance. Now Executive experience was the cry huh? Just stick to saying people lied without and complaining about bloviating without without saying how or why! You don't need to say how because using the word bloviating you think is enough to cover you line of bullshit.

Here's a simple answer to your question of who should care. You do and thats why you're responding to me. Now show me you don't care by shutting the fuck up lol
Again, you just lie. Probably more like Trump than you care to admit. Hmm...come to think of it, you are quite a bit like Trump.

I'm just working on your stroke. I have a few minutes to kill.

Yes, I'm a liar like Trump except Trump doesn't lie but I do and other doubletalk.

You care, just admit it.
I care that people cruising by this forum don't get a single fucked up view of the world with false lies and accusations.

As for you? I don't even respect you, let alone care. So, how's the blood pressure? Pretty up there, right?
Jeeze woodhead is ignoring me lol

Wonder why, As I see it every other word in Trumps speech is not DUHH, DUUHHH, DUHHHH the teleprompter is where I cant see it DUHHHH what does that say,, DUUUUHHHHH. The speeches he makes are so far over your liberal kindergarten threshold that you can't fill in the blanks and connect the dots. That is why we ignore those of you who are liberals your learning curve stopped about the time you learned to utter DUUUHHHH!!. As for job numbers, we are getting REAL NEW non service related jobs , not just projected lies of how many new after school jobs were created.
Job numbers are just a continuation of Obamas economy
Republicans are too stupid to get any jobs open now All chicken plucker jobs are taken by smart repubs
I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

That's why it's hard to take your excuses seriously. The same thing you attack for you now tour as a good thing. Really basic things that the only reason you now support it is because of the person doing or saying it. The clearest example is Flynn saying lock her up for the mere possibility of hackers getting her emails and then being a foreign agent at the same time and gets defended...? Whut?

You guys can't think the next president that you don't like won't be able to use this same line of bullshit? Bullshit is bullshit and no one should stand for it just because someone else you're told not to like doesn't like it so it's cool now.
Why should anyone care about your bloviating? You just lied and think your smart.

The discussion was that Obama had NO EXECUTIVE experience.

Trump does. It just isn't political.

You whine like a child to deflect from adding no substance. Now Executive experience was the cry huh? Just stick to saying people lied without and complaining about bloviating without without saying how or why! You don't need to say how because using the word bloviating you think is enough to cover you line of bullshit.

Here's a simple answer to your question of who should care. You do and thats why you're responding to me. Now show me you don't care by shutting the fuck up lol
Again, you just lie. Probably more like Trump than you care to admit. Hmm...come to think of it, you are quite a bit like Trump.

I'm just working on your stroke. I have a few minutes to kill.

Yes, I'm a liar like Trump except Trump doesn't lie but I do and other doubletalk.

You care, just admit it.
I care that people cruising by this forum don't get a single fucked up view of the world with false lies and accusations.

As for you? I don't even respect you, let alone care. So, how's the blood pressure? Pretty up there, right?

See? You do care! :badgrin: You just admitted I lie like Trump then said he doesn't lie. Hows that work?
The rightwing dementia around here is getting boring. I'm guessing that's a new strategy. Drive off the normal people with repetitive lunacy and then they can be retarded on this forum all to themselves.
The left-wing denial of reality is getting obnoxious. But that's an old strategy with these nut-jobs. Deny reality no matter what happens and insist that your alternate form of "reality" is what is true.
President Trump is doing an awesome job. I'm actually amazed at how well he's doing.
We couldn't have voted for a better person to fix the BS democrats created over the past several years.

It's great knowing I can start having pride in our country again. :)

I don't ever want to see another democrat elected!

How are them jobs for the working class and livable wages doin'?

I got an unexpected pay increase shortly after Trump was elected. :)


I work in healthcare. I saw how Obamacare devastated a hospitals ability to provide proper care. I also saw many good people lose their jobs because of it.

I can only guess I was given an increase because they know I deserve it, and can now afford to give me one.
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Number one on Trump's agenda - repeal and replace Obamacare. Number 2 on Trump's agenda - massive tariffs on imports. Get back to us when either happen.
Look at NY Crabby Queer doing what he does best - moving the goalposts and trying to convince himself that he decides for all of society what the criteria is for success.

Sorry NY Crabby Queer, we could honestly give a shit what your criteria for grading President Trump is. The fact is, he has cut the national debt, secured the borders, eliminated Barack Insane Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders, rolled back idiotic regulations, approved the Keystone Pipeline, created jobs, and caused you fragile little dimwitted progressives to lose your shit and literally cry.

Rational Americans (i.e. anyone who isn't a progressive) couldn't be more pleased with his first 7 months on the job.
Trump is definitely as effective as president as he was CEO.

Of course, as CEO, he bankrupted and ruined every company he touched.

Trumpflakes are so cute when they try to think. Trump has failed hard with every major policy, and made the USA a world laughingstock, and sold the USA out to the Kremlin. And the Trumpflakes love it. But Trump signed a bunch of laws naming new post offices, and they think it makes him effective.

Yes, I know this will trigger the Trumpflakes. I don't care. They need to be dragged out of their safe spaces and back into reality.
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Barack Insane Obama achieves nothing in 8 years and antontoo performs verbal fellatio on him 24x7. President Trump hasn't solved all healthcare problems in his first 7 months and antontoo wants to declare that "proof" of his ineptitude. :laugh:

Snowflake...come talk to me in 7 years. You sound like an astounding idiotic crying about healthcare legislation after a mere 7 months. Especially when the President is part of the Executive branch and only the Legislative branch can create legislation.
Wrong. CEO's provide direction. Subordinates eliminate waste and dead-weight.
Snowflake...you're a typical left-wing welfare queen. You have no idea what goes on in corporate America. CEO's eliminate waste and dead-weight by providing that as their "direction". They will decide product lines to completely eliminate, departments to cut, etc.

No go cash your welfare check and let the adults talk - ok?
Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth
Over two million jobs were created in 2016,
Snowflake...that was in spite of Barack Insane Obama....not because of him. After unemployment reached 10% under he and the Dumbocrats, the American people handed over the keys to the Republicans. They controlled the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states in 2016.

It was conservative policies (such as Scott Walker's in Wisconsin) which created jobs.
President Trump hasn't solved all healthcare problems in his first 7 months and antontoo wants to declare that "proof" of his ineptitude. :laugh:

Because Trump hasn't done in 6 months, what he promised to do in 100 days.
He's done everything he promised and more. If only you LWNJ's could accept reality, uh snowflake?

– Trump is already beginning to fulfil his promise of being the best jobs president ever.

U.S. employers added jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and wages growing 2.8%. According to Bloomberg, America’s labor market is getting better “by any measure”.

– Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.

Since the day of his inauguration, Trump has wiped $68 billion off the national debt, which had ballooned to $19,947,000,000,000 under Obama.

– Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.

The Philly Fed Index, a survey of how well manufacturers are doing, hit its highest level since 1984.

– Small and medium businesses are confident about the future.

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is at its highest level since 2004. Economic confidence is surging.

– The stock market keeps topping record highs.

The Dow closed above 20,000 for the first time ever days after Trump’s inauguration and hasn’t stopped rising since. The Dow has surged more than 2500 points since Trump was elected – a 12% spike.

– Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

The technology giant will invest $300 million in expanding U.S. production facilities, creating around 500 jobs.

– Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

Exxon will spend $20 billion over 10 years on 11 plants along the Gulf Coast, creating a whopping 45,000 jobs for American workers.

– Trump saved the Carrier plant in Indiana.

Trump stopped the Indianapolis air conditioning plant from relocating to Mexico, saving hundreds of jobs.

– Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories

Fiat Chrysler is set to invest $1 billion in two factories in Toledo and Detroit, an expansion that will create 2,000 jobs.

– Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.

U.S. Hasbro, Inc. is returning to the U.S. and will make the beloved children’s modeling clay in a Massachusetts factory rather than in China or Turkey.

– Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.

Obama tried to bankrupt the coal industry, Trump is revitalizing it.

– Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.

This would have handed yet more power over to unelected globalists, creating a global regulatory structure detrimental to all Americans.

– Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40% in Trump’s first month.

Border crossings have already dropped by 40%, according to the DHS as Trump moves forward with his campaign promise to build a wall.

– Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”.

Trump has ordered the DOJ and Homeland Security to withhold federal funds from cities that harbor criminal illegal aliens.

– Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

Although Speaker Ryan’s Obamacare replacement is being rightly condemned, Trump has at least set in motion the repeal of this disastrous policy which has seen premiums skyrocket and choice diminished.

– Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

Gorsuch is a strict constitutionalist and will defend fundamental freedoms, protecting Americans from the scourge of judicial activism.

– Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.

The long awaited approval of these projects will create jobs and reduce gas prices for all Americans.

– Trump cut funding for international abortions.

American taxpayers are no longer paying for babies to be aborted by international non-governmental agencies.

– Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states

The president ordered the DOJ to “withdraw a motion filed by former President Barack Obama seeking to allow transgender students in public schools to use the restroom with which they identify.”

Trump and his team have accomplished all of this in just under 50 days, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the deep state to sabotage his administration at every stage.

Trump’s Accomplishments: The First 50 Days
We'll get some sleep and tell me about it.
Ill make it short ,,,,Bought a building 35 years ago for 350K Turned down offers for up to 9 mill over the past 6,7 years

What is your pre-tax yearly net?
Sometimes 600k sometime 7k depends what I do in the market,,Rents + IRA distributions + stock market sales NBD

Your pretax is 2.1 in three years and was offered 9 and you didn't sell?
got a partner who doesn''t want to sell and won't buy me out ... rents are nice keeps me in steak

Thus the reason why I don't have partners.
Barack Insane Obama achieves nothing in 8 years and antontoo performs verbal fellatio on him 24x7. President Trump hasn't solved all healthcare problems in his first 7 months and antontoo wants to declare that "proof" of his ineptitude. :laugh:

Snowflake...come talk to me in 7 years. You sound like an astounding idiotic crying about healthcare legislation after a mere 7 months. Especially when the President is part of the Executive branch and only the Legislative branch can create legislation.

he got your economy back on track and the world began to see America as a great nation again. it took the Orange Buffoon about a week for you to become the laughing stock again...I wonder when the deplorable conservative side of America is gonna realise just how out of step they are with the rest of the world...and not in a good way....

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