Why Trump is becoming a VERY VERY Effective CEO for the United States!

I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

DumBama was a US Senator and served in his state government. Like I said, Trump was never even on a school board in his life.

Right... Let's see...
Obama will have served four years in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois (of which the last two years was spent campaigning for the presidency!
Obama, during his four years as a senator, missed 24.2 percent of his votes. During his time in the Senate, the median for missed votes was 2.2 percent.
(Wow... Obama missed voting 12 times more then the median Senator for missing votes!)

Before that, he was a state senator in Illinois for eight years.
In 1999, Barack Obama was faced with a difficult vote in the Illinois legislature — to support a bill that would let some juveniles be tried as adults, a position that risked drawing fire from African-Americans, or to oppose it, possibly undermining his image as a tough-on-crime moderate.

In the end, Mr. Obama chose neither to vote for nor against the bill. He voted “present,” effectively sidestepping the issue, an option he invoked nearly 130 times as a state senator It’s Not Just ‘Ayes’ and ‘Nays’: Obama’s Votes in Illinois Echo

He was also a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School during that time.
Jim Hoft – First Things – March 31, 2010
The highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law spoke out on Barack Obama saying, “Professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings.”
Doug Ross reported this and more:

I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about “Barry.” Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn’t even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn’t have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.

The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).
The Truth About Obama’s Teaching At Chicago Law School
^^and yet still had more experience than Trump but we're supposed to believe that you would be OK if only Obama had more experience while also saying less experience is even better!

Which is better? Your answer: Yes!
^^and yet still had more experience than Trump but we're supposed to believe that you would be OK if only Obama had more experience while also saying less experience is even better!

Which is better? Your answer: Yes!
I have no answer if you are answering for me!
Also totally inane comment regarding "experience".
We've never had a billionaire who managed a business with nearly $10 billion in revenues and 22,450 employees as President.
We've never had as President a person seen by 2 billion people over 12 years as Trump with his tv show the Apprentice.
So I'm pretty sure his business acumen is far superior then any president in the past.
Let me have that experience over a lecturer in a law school any day!
Of course you would take Trump's experience overy Obamas. If Trump had experience swallowing swords you be cheering how great sword swallowing experience is over Obamas experience because anything Trump does or says is super awesome....somehow.
Of course you would take Trump's experience overy Obamas. If Trump had experience swallowing swords you be cheering how great sword swallowing experience is over Obamas experience because anything Trump does or says is super awesome....somehow.

Actually I disagree with Trump about GWB and the Liberation of Iraq. But it's not that I don't like Trump. People can disagree and still like
each other. I happen to believe that Trump doesn't have as much information about the 3.6 million children that would have starved
if the United States hadn't enacted on the authorization of Congress' 1998 Liberation of Iraq Act SIGNED by Bill Clinton. If Trump realized that 3.6 million kids would be dead by now by starvation because Saddam would NOT agree that there were NO WMDs he would change
his attitude. But the facts are there.
In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports
By not removing Saddam and he was still in power 3.6 million kids would have starved...all because SADDAM wouldn't agree...there were no WMDs!
So any compassionate person be they the President Trump would have done the same. Removed Saddam and save 3.6 million kids!
By not removing Saddam and he was still in power 3.6 million kids would have starved...all because SADDAM wouldn't agree...there were no WMDs!
So any compassionate person be they the President Trump would have done the same. Removed Saddam and save 3.6 million kids!

Total Bull Shit. Saddam was in almost total compliance with the UN resolutions, he had no WMD;'s no active programs, and gave a full and complete inventory of his conventional weapons. He was on the brink of having the sanctions dropped to save the children, when Bush made up the WMD's, and started a war on regime change, that killed even more children.
Also totally inane comment regarding "experience".
We've never had a billionaire who managed a business with nearly $10 billion in revenues and 22,450 employees as President.
We've never had as President a person seen by 2 billion people over 12 years as Trump with his tv show the Apprentice.

We've never had a president who lies 80% of the time
We've never had a president who trusts the russians over our intelligence agencies.
We've never had a president who surrounded himself with russian collusion
I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

DumBama was a US Senator and served in his state government. Like I said, Trump was never even on a school board in his life.

Exactly and either you're too young or old to remember that little to no experience was a bad thing...now it's a good thing.

I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's an experiment that needs to be monitored.

Obviously our founders didn't think it was such a bad thing. Trump fits all of their qualifications to be President of the United States. If he does a good or even great job, it may become a trend. Who knows? Maybe the problem we've all been making is hiring professional politicians for the job.
I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

DumBama was a US Senator and served in his state government. Like I said, Trump was never even on a school board in his life.

Exactly and either you're too young or old to remember that little to no experience was a bad thing...now it's a good thing.

I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's an experiment that needs to be monitored.

Obviously our founders didn't think it was such a bad thing. Trump fits all of their qualifications to be President of the United States. If he does a good or even great job, it may become a trend. Who knows? Maybe the problem we've all been making is hiring professional politicians for the job.

Way to sit the fence. Is it a good thing or bad thing? Who knows! If he does good then it's good..of he does great then that's great.

Let's ignore the current record and look into the future with only two possibilities. Good or great!

But Obama having a little experience is all bad. No experience is...well, maybe good or bad. Also some mention of the founders and what they believed because hey, theyreally dead so we can say they believed whatever we want!
Something that has to be considered is Trump is the first President in our lifetime that had no political experience before taking office; not even a city councilman. All in all, he's not doing too bad of a job considering.

Perfect? No, and no President ever has been. What Trump has been is the most attacked President by MSM; particularly CNN. Will he be able to keep all his promises? No, but what President has? Our federal government is a complicated system.

"When you see your adversary making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is not get in the way."
Rush Limbaugh

This is what we Republicans did with DumBama. Sure.....we complained like hell, we criticized, we only had one news outlet on our side--Fox, but we didn't use activist judges to stop his agenda. We allowed the country to get a taste of socialism, and that's what won us leadership in the House, the Senate, Governorships across the country, and now the White House.

So why doesn't the left do the same? Because of fear. They don't want people to experience a less-government system. They are fearful that tax cuts, replacing Commie Care, showing our adversaries across the globe that we won't take any more shit will benefit our country as a whole. That Communism/ Socialism is a failed concept and always will be.

You voted for a guy with no experience for the job? Are you a board member of K-mart?
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President Trump is doing an awesome job. I'm actually amazed at how well he's doing.
We couldn't have voted for a better person to fix the BS democrats created over the past several years.

It's great knowing I can start having pride in our country again. :)

I don't ever want to see another democrat elected!
The economy is kicking ass and we are kicking Isis's ass the border crossings are way down real estate is doing awesome and all of this with a deep state and a lying media snipping at his heals. Trump was the right man for the job. He is making Obama look as feckless and useless as a bull with tits.
False equivalency strikes again.

Trump could take a dump in the middle of the street and you would still be saying "Meh, no president was perfect"

Correct, because that's something you leftists never did under DumBama.

stop it, you are killing me - we JUST WENT OVER FALSE EQUIVALENCY and you are right back to it.

Obama is a model of an educated, dignified grown up compared to Trump.

It's like I've always said, showing leftists the truth is like holding a cross in front of Dracula.
A deplorable talking about TRUTH is a hoot when you're joined at the hip to a pathological liar.

Better than being joined at the hip by a commie.

Trump called Putin "A Good Guy"....who's the commie? Where is McCarthy when you need him!
Actually I don't know any of it. Trying to think if I care but go ahead and tell me the story. Should be fun.
Too long and drawn out for this time of the evening
nite mike another time
But Mike gotta tell you the worst 2 months of my life were in Missouri at Ft Leonard Wood
We'll get some sleep and tell me about it.
Ill make it short ,,,,Bought a building 35 years ago for 350K Turned down offers for up to 9 mill over the past 6,7 years

What is your pre-tax yearly net?
President Trump is doing an awesome job. I'm actually amazed at how well he's doing.
We couldn't have voted for a better person to fix the BS democrats created over the past several years.

It's great knowing I can start having pride in our country again. :)

I don't ever want to see another democrat elected!

How are them jobs for the working class and livable wages doin'?
Something that has to be considered is Trump is the first President in our lifetime that had no political experience before taking office; not even a city councilman. All in all, he's not doing too bad of a job considering

I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

That's why it's hard to take your excuses seriously. The same thing you attack for you now tour as a good thing. Really basic things that the only reason you now support it is because of the person doing or saying it. The clearest example is Flynn saying lock her up for the mere possibility of hackers getting her emails and then being a foreign agent at the same time and gets defended...? Whut?

You guys can't think the next president that you don't like won't be able to use this same line of bullshit? Bullshit is bullshit and no one should stand for it just because someone else you're told not to like doesn't like it so it's cool now.
Why should anyone care about your bloviating? You just lied and think your smart.

The discussion was that Obama had NO EXECUTIVE experience.

Trump does. It just isn't political.
The economy is kicking ass and we are kicking Isis's ass the border crossings are way down real estate is doing awesome and all of this with a deep state and a lying media snipping at his heals. Trump was the right man for the job. He is making Obama look as feckless and useless as a bull with tits.

I'm glad you recognize the Obama economy. This months big job numbers brings Trumps 6 month job creation average, up to Obamas 2016 average.
Trump called Putin "A Good Guy"....who's the commie? Where is McCarthy when you need him!
And what would you suggest he call him? Maybe he should call him Masta like Obama did.

WOW! Right off the pagers of RT!

Putin wants to annihilate western culture. He's an enemy of the United States.

Maybe McCarthy et al needs to investigate you........
Trump is becoming PUTIN like.
Hates human rights
Hates freedom
Hates our press

The guy won't be happy until we're a model of Russia...

Liberty is fucking dead if he is successful.

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